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Do people hate or love Galactic Starfighter?


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Davracahan said "If there was an option to play just solo for practice or something, I'd be all over that. Even if it didn't give any req, xp or creds."


I strongly recommend if your new to Starfighter, go into tutorial mode and dont do what your supposed to do. you'll have to deal with popup instructions that explain things you've probably already read elsewhere. Close them and just focus on flying around on a map with no one shooting at you get comfortable with what the ship can do and how your controls work. If it times out, just click on it again and start over. This will give you a bit of stress free time to get used to the controls and your HUD.


Yeah. The tutorial is good for basics, even practicing lock-ons on turrets and just flying. I wish maybe they had an adv tutorial option that disabled the objectives and pop-ups, and didn't time out.

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Mixed feelings. On one hand, I like the fact that it's more content, more things to do, with some tie in to the actual game.


On the other ... it could be more polished. Evasion chance is all kinds of annoying. Afterburners ... if it just me or do the ships all have the same (or at least very similar) afterburner top speed? That just seems wrong. Even besides the fact that 'burner acceleration seems way too steep.


But the thing I find most annoying is that I've noticed weapons appear to be hitscan. I see enemies registering damage from an attack that's barely cleared my guns' barrels.


Oh yeah, and the occasional stutter. What the hell. I mean, okay, this is TOR. It has a history of being horribly optimized. I was hoping it wouldn't extend to this part, but it does.


In short, in my extremely biased opinion, it tries to be Star Conflict. And fails.


Remove/tone down the afterburner, get some physics in ... or at least shots that look more like they're tracking rather than visual representations of hitscan ... in short, make something more like X-Wing vs TIE Fighter instead of what you have now. The power distribution system is a nice nostalgic touch, but come on, you could do more/better than just this.

Edited by Rieverre
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Overall I like it.


I was really hoping for "X-Wing vs Tie Fighter the MMO" and while its not really that I'd say its overall an enjoyable package.


Piloting ability/player skill matter, I have out flown people and gotten out flown myself.


There is a real learning curve to it. I didn't even realize how to adjust power levels until a few games in.


There is actual ship customization such as weapon loadouts and such.


I was hoping for more of a flight sim, but its an enjoyable game. To me it could be sold as a stand alone game on consoles download markets.

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The resources and time spent on this should have been spent on the real PVP game or Kashyyyk expansion. Such a waste.


Dritzfury/Drunkfury POT5


People have been lamenting the lack of space PvP since day one of launch. It was literally the first thing I read in General when I logged in for the first time at launch: "there's no space pvp ***"


It was a massive gulf and it needed to be addressed. I love the way they chose to fill it.

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It is certainly a step in the right direction but it is very poorly implemented imo.


For somebody that has not played any space sims maybe it could be acceptable but for me having played all Xwing/Tie series and SWG JTL it is just terrible... For the love of god add option for joystick and an inside cockpit view!! It was done in SWG 9 years ago...


Generally the ships have no responsiveness... It feels exactly the opposite from ground PvP. In SWG JTL the ship really felt responsive to your commands.


Finally for me Bioware once again let me down regarding their approach to this. I do not mind the PvP only, but I hate the fact that they involved abilities in space. Space should have been solely about navigating and aiming correctly, player skill in other words, NOT character/ship abilities!


I imagine the main gripe you have with this is the fact that pulling off an immelmann loop is an ability instead of a cool maneuver experienced pilots can pull off. I actually don't mind that at all... it reminds me of Starfox 64's open range combat. Having abilities in space actually makes a lot more sense than not having abilities in space would, especially in a science fantasy universe like Star Wars. Hacking, boosting sensors, etc. would be integral parts of mechanized space warfare and they add a cool individualized touch which is important in a game like SWTOR.

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I think people who haven't played many "Ace Combat", Xwing, Tie Fighter, Wing Commander, Privateer, type games will have a tough time adjusting. Since I've played and loved all those, I was basically at ease with the interface. Now to unlock all the ships and weapons.


Played all those games, loved 'em, finished 'em... with a JOYSTICK.

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Well, 90% people here on forums rage with hate, because they don't have their joystick, their cockpit view, their awesome space combat simulator, but some poor ugly space action combat with "bad controls".

These are the ones you know about and who make impression that lots of people hate GS.


Then there are these who love it, and guess where they are? 90% of them are killing each other in the space combat with huge grins on their faces. Some of them sometimes wander here, like me now, to laugh on the ragers and get back to shooting each other and having tons of fun!


I really hope devs will not listen to the haters and change the GSf a lot. There is one (1) thing I don't love on GSf, and that would be the sensitivity. Seems kinda overshot to me, I'd be glad to be able to lower it a bit, but I got used to it in a day.


Now, I will go back to shooting Imperials :)

Edited by Slivovidze
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I've heard many people say good things about Galactic Starfighter and a lot of bad things about it. What's your view on it?


It truly is unbelieveably good, the balance, the maps, the entertainment the excitement the upgrades its really really good.

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Terrible target controls with mouse with fire and choosing direction both.

No support keyboard and/or joystick for choosing direction of flight and fire.

No target cursor in centre of screen.

No feelings of space battle inside from spaceship.

No good (maybe 3D holo) minimap and navigation distance until nearest environment (asteroids, stations etc).

Any newbie get roflstomped by these who playing weeks on beta and on PTS, and soon these who get geared - i.e. high entrance threshold.


Dont play GSF, good luck you in playing.

Lets see how fast GSF will die :D

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Terrible target controls with mouse with fire and choosing direction both.

No support keyboard and/or joystick for choosing direction of flight and fire.

No target cursor in centre of screen.

No feelings of space battle inside from spaceship.

No good (maybe 3D holo) minimap and navigation distance until nearest environment (asteroids, stations etc).

Any newbie get roflstomped by these who playing weeks on beta and on PTS, and soon these who get geared - i.e. high entrance threshold.


Dont play GSF, good luck you in playing.

Lets see how fast GSF will die :D

You actually pay to post this stuff? Or are you sponsored?
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Terrible target controls with mouse with fire and choosing direction both.

No support keyboard and/or joystick for choosing direction of flight and fire.

No target cursor in centre of screen.

No feelings of space battle inside from spaceship.

No good (maybe 3D holo) minimap and navigation distance until nearest environment (asteroids, stations etc).

Any newbie get roflstomped by these who playing weeks on beta and on PTS, and soon these who get geared - i.e. high entrance threshold.


Dont play GSF, good luck you in playing.

Lets see how fast GSF will die :D

Your efforts are best spent complaining about Vigilance on the PvP forums. Leave the GSF forums for those who are interested in it.

Edited by Helig
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Love it. It's incredibly balanced despite what whiners might say. The game can swing from rousing victoryt o crushing defeat in an instant based entirely upon coordination and player skill, not vast differences in gear or upgrades. Upgrading is tight and focused and nothing is so ridiculously overpowered that it stomps all enemies. Everything is countered by multiple builds, so player ability to adapt and read the flow of battle makes all the difference.
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Love it. It's incredibly balanced despite what whiners might say. The game can swing from rousing victoryt o crushing defeat in an instant based entirely upon coordination and player skill, not vast differences in gear or upgrades. Upgrading is tight and focused and nothing is so ridiculously overpowered that it stomps all enemies. Everything is countered by multiple builds, so player ability to adapt and read the flow of battle makes all the difference.

It's a lot - a *lot* more balanced than ground PvP. And there's a lot more room for individual player skill to make a difference.

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I found it interesting, though I was doing horribly at first. I'm not sure I hit anything in my first real match. I've been getting slightly better, though.


I'm mildly saddened we can't make Macross Missile Massacres or Deploy Holiday at enemy units, but this isn't Macross.




I'm amused at the "This unit is OP" complaints. Yep, that never changes.



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I hated it with a passion at first because of the controls, yeah I wanted Xwing vs Tiefighter style fixed centered crosshair


I gave myself controlpad support easily enough with xpadder but mouse/keyboard is far better with the current control style


I have to say though, after 20 or so matches that im warming to it


It is very similar to XvT (bar the controls) & atm my main gripe is the minimap, it totally needs the XvT dual circles

Edited by LucasEighty
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Well, 90% people here on forums rage with hate, because they don't have their joystick, their cockpit view, their awesome space combat simulator, but some poor ugly space action combat with "bad controls".

These are the ones you know about and who make impression that lots of people hate GS.


Then there are these who love it, and guess where they are? 90% of them are killing each other in the space combat with huge grins on their faces. Some of them sometimes wander here, like me now, to laugh on the ragers and get back to shooting each other and having tons of fun!


I really hope devs will not listen to the haters and change the GSf a lot. There is one (1) thing I don't love on GSf, and that would be the sensitivity. Seems kinda overshot to me, I'd be glad to be able to lower it a bit, but I got used to it in a day.


Now, I will go back to shooting Imperials :)


You do realize that you would have lots more fun with a Joyestick?

I can live without Cockpit view, even if that would be better.


I'm having trouble thinking it's fun when I'm going Head-to-head with someone else and my shots all miss b/c my weapons do have crappy precision. Or simply outfly almost everyone on the map, and getting beaten by someone stationary that plays sniper mode in a space combat simulator? Feels like fliyng an X-Wing and being shoot by the Death Star...


Right now you're thinking it's fun, but it xcould be 100 times funnier.


Devs had everything in bank at LucasArts to start from XWA and just make it better. Still they prefered to start from scratch...

Edited by NalRethak
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Considering the control scheme had to be compatible with mmo control inputs (I'd guess less than 10% of the player base owns a joystick), I find the system the devs devised incredibly elegant and intuitive. I don't understand the complaints of "clunky" at all. It's the opposite of clunky. The ships (especially scouts) feel responsive and I get a sense of both speed and inertia. Skimming a scout over the surface of an asteroid or satellite while dodging blaster fire is the most StarWars-like experience I've had with this game in 2 years of being subbed.


Yeah turn fights tend to be meh and I think the satellite capture mechanics need some work but overall it's a great product.

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Hated it at first (since I didn't understand anything) but since I loved space in SWG I endured and gave it a fair chance and now I have to say I enjoy it.


I feel the controls need to be looked at, atleast give us the option to use joystick and throttle.


The area for defending a node needs to be larger. Very rarely (unless you're a scout) do the dog fights take place so close to the node and I feel you should be getting defender points even if you're not licking the node.


Getting requisitions is hard, unless it's daily I rarely get more than 600 in a game, it should be more like warzone where if you get 4 medals you get max requisitions. I've yet to see anyone with a gold medal at the end or a match.


Other than that I feel the ships are balanced in a paper (scout) scissor (strike fighter) rock (gunship) way and I'm enjoying it.

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Im leaning towards love right now. There are a few minor issues, but theyre to be expected from a brand new feature to a game.


If they clear them up and expand as they say they will, then it will be one of the best features of pretty much any MMO i've played since 1998. If they Add in PvE and make it similar to JTL, theyve got me sold until the game shuts down.

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Galactic Starfighter is not the space expansion I was hoping for, and definitely pales in comparison to Jump to Lightspeed-- greatly pales in comparison. But it's okay. Noting I could see many people sticking with for very long, though. But it's pretty much what I expected it to be after it was announced, just a lazy, half-assed attempt at adding space content. It's World of Tanks in space. Meh.


But GS is the reason I canceled my subscription... again. I have Windows XP so I don't have any sound when I play GS, and it's no fun to play a game that's completely silent. This bug never should have went live-- and from what I've read the bug was on the test center for at least two weeks. I haven't really got to play much of GS since it launched because of this bug, so I canceled my subscription. The bug will get fixed sooner or later, sure, but I don't enjoy the rest of the game anymore-- I've been bored to tears with the ground game for many months-- so there's really no reason for me to stick around if I can't even play GS (with sound).


The lack of PVE missions was another negative for me, and having only two combat zones is pretty pathetic. But I had never planned to stick with this game for more than a month, anyway, unless I was completely blown away by GS. I wasn't blown away, not even close.

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