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2.5 patch notes?


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While he did sort of spit in your eye about it.. the fact remains that they have an established pattern of releasing patch notes the AFTERNOON (Austin Time) the day before the patch.


In other words.. you are ignoring historical trends and creating a discussion topic where there is really nothing to discuss.. other then to remind you of their established routine.


What Andryah said... what, haven't you been slavishly jotting down the time-stamp for all the Patch notes ever? Well, that's your own fault for skipping a widely noticable bit of info!

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  • Obroan Relics of Devastating Vengeance, Serendipitous Assault, and Focused Retaliation have had their triggered stat effect increased to 740.
  • Dread Forged Relics of Devastating Vengeance, Serendipitous Assault, and Focused Retaliation have had their triggered stat effect increased to 625.


I have a feeling these two notes are a mistake. PvP > PvE?

Edited by Ovion
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A new Reputation has been added to the Galactic Reputation tab. T.H.O.R.N. (The Hyland Organization for Rakghoul Neutralization) is a GSI-affiliate dedicated to studying and eradicating all traces of the Rakghoul plague from the galaxy. T.H.O.R.N. should be unnecessary as the Rakghoul outbreak was clearly eliminated from the Galaxy...





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  • Obroan Relics of Devastating Vengeance, Serendipitous Assault, and Focused Retaliation have had their triggered stat effect increased to 740.
  • Dread Forged Relics of Devastating Vengeance, Serendipitous Assault, and Focused Retaliation have had their triggered stat effect increased to 625.


I have a feeling these two notes are a mistake. PvP > PvE?


Yea it's most likely a typo, unless Bioware wants to require all PvEers to PvP in order to get BiS relics :D

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  • Dev Post
  • Obroan Relics of Devastating Vengeance, Serendipitous Assault, and Focused Retaliation have had their triggered stat effect increased to 740.
  • Dread Forged Relics of Devastating Vengeance, Serendipitous Assault, and Focused Retaliation have had their triggered stat effect increased to 625.


I have a feeling these two notes are a mistake. PvP > PvE?


I will double check these in the morning with the devs. I will let ya know what I find out.



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Do you know what time it is? It is patch note o'clock :rak_03:


Enjoy the notes!




that kinda sucks, looks like yall decided to pretty much just make assassins and shadows cosmetically different juggs/knights in the tanking department. What is there theme supposed to be now exactly? Im kinda disappointed yall couldn't think of a better fix than gutting rotational healing as a means of staying alive and replacing it with armor buffs. We already had the brick wall tank, now we have 2 tanks playing the same way essentially, I dislike that you took an axe to the diversity of their play-styles.


All in all though, pretty good patch.

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Yea it's most likely a typo, unless Bioware wants to require all PvEers to PvP in order to get BiS relics :D

Wouldn't put it past them. They did that before. Remember the (Elite) War Hero relics with the static power?


I dislike that you took an axe to the diversity of their play-styles.

Haven't you heard? Diversity is the nemesis of balance. Instead of just fixing the problem most people would rather just gut the diversity, because it's easier and takes less effort.



Upon reading the final notes it's now been confirmed that EA is once again turning its nose up at melee and lavishing ranged like a new born. I expected this, so I can't be surprised, but I'm still disappointed. Though I feel 'disappointed' is putting it way too lightly.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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I will double check these in the morning with the devs. I will let ya know what I find out.




I believe PvE is intended to be 740, and PvP untouched. That's what dulfy's post showed, but naturally things change between PTS and live. You never know, maybe the devs used their 'brain surge' cooldown and buffed Boundless Ages along with the rest of the relics?

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Anyone else got excited by this?


A new Reputation has been added to the Galactic Reputation tab. T.H.O.R.N. (The Hyland Organization for Rakghoul Neutralization) is a GSI-affiliate dedicated to studying and eradicating all traces of the Rakghoul plague from the galaxy. T.H.O.R.N. should be unnecessary as the Rakghoul outbreak was clearly eliminated from the Galaxy...


This is what I am looking forward to the most. Hope they won't wait months now to activate the event. And I hope the Event will be similar to the original one. Loved it to run around on Tatooine.

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And...DPS Scoundrel/operative nerf still going through with no comment/update by the developers about how they thought using cover wasn't part of the original design despite their boss publicly saying that it was *20 months ago*, and despite BW asking for feedback and receiving overwhelmingly negative replies.


GG devs.

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And...DPS Scoundrel/operative nerf still going through with no comment/update by the developers about how they thought using cover wasn't part of the original design despite their boss publicly saying that it was *20 months ago*, and despite BW asking for feedback and receiving overwhelmingly negative replies.


GG devs.


Yeah it's ridiculous. My only way to escape a warrior in pvp is to roll once(or twice), crouch. So much for that.

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Anyone know what this is about?


Capital ships from the Republic and Imperial fleets have arrived in the skies of Coruscant and Dromund Kaas to provide logistical support for Galactic Starfighter pilots. Starfighter Hangar Consoles can be found on Corsucant and Dromund Kaas.

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I will double check these in the morning with the devs. I will let ya know what I find out.




In the morning? Eric this is a multi-million dollar game and it takes a whole damn night for you guys to fix a typo? What the heck kind of company is this that, first of all can't even catch typos on their way out, and second can't fix them until the next day? I really find this incredibly unacceptable.

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In the morning? Eric this is a multi-million dollar game and it takes a whole damn night for you guys to fix a typo? What the heck kind of company is this that, first of all can't even catch typos on their way out, and second can't fix them until the next day? I really find this incredibly unacceptable.


Because it's like 9pm at night and they most likely get off at 4-5pm? I'd say Eric is the only one at the office at this time. What, do you want them to call up the specific developer who wrote the note and ask him to explain what it means? Disturb him/her at home with their families and interrupt their private life so you can know what two sentences meant?


You instant gratification generation types are ridiculous.

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Yes, those are backwards, its the PVE ones to 740 and the PVP to 625


But 625 was already the number of those type of relics, right? I suppose only the Serendipitous was... I'm hoping...


I just hope they didn't change something again, or make some stupid decision.

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In the morning? Eric this is a multi-million dollar game and it takes a whole damn night for you guys to fix a typo? What the heck kind of company is this that, first of all can't even catch typos on their way out, and second can't fix them until the next day? I really find this incredibly unacceptable.


This post reeks of entitlement.


Relax, you'll get your answer in the morning. It's neither an emergency, nor relevant to any content that you currently have access to at the moment.


And if you expect perfection from ANY company in this world, you're bound for a lifetime of perpetual disappointment.

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What those above said. I understand that it's annoying to not know the specifics of a patch note until after the patch itself releases, but realize that the patch notes were not always even available pre-patch. The fact that you can read anything and it be accurate, PRE-patch, is better than what we've had previously. So the fact that you're not getting a certain note until the day of is not a big deal.
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In the morning? Eric this is a multi-million dollar game and it takes a whole damn night for you guys to fix a typo? What the heck kind of company is this that, first of all can't even catch typos on their way out, and second can't fix them until the next day? I really find this incredibly unacceptable.


Come on, the developers aren't at the office right now and they sure as hell don't get multi-millions to work out of hours.


This patch note relates to something which won't even be implemented for, what, like 12 hours from now until the servers come back up? And the devs will be back at work, bright eyed and bushy tailed, a few hours after that.


Plus of course if you can't wait a couple of hours for the official word, then log in after the patch and the tooltip for each relic will TELL you the answer!


So what exactly is your problem? If you are gonna log straight in, you can find the answer, and if you aren't going to, then it doesn't affect you.


I get called out of hours sometimes for non-urgent things and it sucks. Everyone has working hours and they are entitled to go home in between them! There are actually laws that require that in most countries!


Lighten up, this is a minor issue that is not going to affect your gameplay. If this tiny difference in one of your relics is the difference between you winning a fight or not (in the next few hours!), then you should rethink your whole gear, build and rotation.

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Come on, the developers aren't at the office right now and they sure as hell don't get multi-millions to work out of hours.


This patch note relates to something which won't even be implemented for, what, like 12 hours from now until the servers come back up? And the devs will be back at work, bright eyed and bushy tailed, a few hours after that.


Plus of course if you can't wait a couple of hours for the official word, then log in after the patch and the tooltip for each relic will TELL you the answer!


So what exactly is your problem? If you are gonna log straight in, you can find the answer, and if you aren't going to, then it doesn't affect you.


I get called out of hours sometimes for non-urgent things and it sucks. Everyone has working hours and they are entitled to go home in between them! There are actually laws that require that in most countries!


Lighten up, this is a minor issue that is not going to affect your gameplay. If this tiny difference in one of your relics is the difference between you winning a fight or not (in the next few hours!), then you should rethink your whole gear, build and rotation.


It has nothing to do with the actual numbers or what it is supposed to be, its that a multi million dollar game cant put things out correctly the first time on multiple occasions. It isn't just typos in the patch notes, its every damn thing they release. Every patch contains new problems with old things and what they release usually doesn't work properly when it's initially released.

Edited by theSCARAYone
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