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Who (and why) is your favorite SW Character


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1. Darth Vader.(not prequel Anakin Skywalker) When I think Star wars I immediately conjure up Darth Vader. Vader is an icon of the star wars universe. He is also a very complex and tragic character. It is interesting seeing his evolution. He starts off so evil and twisted, he is absolutely ruthless and the embodiment of the darkside. His presence alone is just terrifying. In Return of the Jedi you get to see another side of him. He throws the emperor down the reactor and is redeemed. The feelings for his son brought him back to the light. Overall I think he is a very cool character and well developed. Edited by DARTHOSIRUS
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How could one not select Hego Demask? Even his apprentice Palpatine was afraid of him which was evidenced when Palpatine said something like, "you need not be more powerful, only more cunning".


Demask might have been the most powerful sith lord ever...why? When talking about the dark side you must consider swordsmanship and sith sorcery. Damask easily cut down every foe he faced. He admitted to disliking saber dueling, felt it tedious and nearly unnecessary. Perhaps not the best duelist out there but certainly no slacker. His real shine was in his intense research and experimentation with midi-cholorian manipulation. This being learned through his own work how to bring a being back to life and how to end a being's life by instructing the beings midi-chlorians 'to return to their source'.


My question is how much further could he have taken this sorcery had palpatine not killed Damask while he was drunk and asleep? Palpatine was scared of him and knew Damask was more powerful, and that should tell you something.


I could go on and on about how brilliant Demask was which was evidenced by basically imposing his will on the galaxy which was his own design from the start, not palpatines. Palpatine merely finished what damask planned and executed. Again I could go on but I've already typed more than I wanted to.

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How could one not select Hego Demask? Even his apprentice Palpatine was afraid of him which was evidenced when Palpatine said something like, "you need not be more powerful, only more cunning".


Demask might have been the most powerful sith lord ever...why? When talking about the dark side you must consider swordsmanship and sith sorcery. Damask easily cut down every foe he faced. He admitted to disliking saber dueling, felt it tedious and nearly unnecessary. Perhaps not the best duelist out there but certainly no slacker. His real shine was in his intense research and experimentation with midi-cholorian manipulation. This being learned through his own work how to bring a being back to life and how to end a being's life by instructing the beings midi-chlorians 'to return to their source'.


My question is how much further could he have taken this sorcery had palpatine not killed Damask while he was drunk and asleep? Palpatine was scared of him and knew Damask was more powerful, and that should tell you something.


I could go on and on about how brilliant Demask was which was evidenced by basically imposing his will on the galaxy which was his own design from the start, not palpatines. Palpatine merely finished what damask planned and executed. Again I could go on but I've already typed more than I wanted to.


I think Embo would throw his hat at Damask's tall head and give him brain damage and internal bleeding.

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I could go on and on about how brilliant Demask was which was evidenced by basically imposing his will on the galaxy which was his own design from the start, not palpatines. Palpatine merely finished what damask planned and executed. Again I could go on but I've already typed more than I wanted to.


Don't get me wrong, I like Plagueis but the last twenty years of his life it was all Palpatine that was executing the Grand Plan. Plagueis was a researching hermit after the assassination attempt in 52 BBY and the novel states directly that he only mingled with one or two clients while Palpatine did everything else. Plagueis laid A LOT of groundwork but it seems that a lot of people forget that Palpatine was lead dog for 20 years before he was elected.

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Don't get me wrong, I like Plagueis but the last twenty years of his life it was all Palpatine that was executing the Grand Plan. Plagueis was a researching hermit after the assassination attempt in 52 BBY and the novel states directly that he only mingled with one or two clients while Palpatine did everything else. Plagueis laid A LOT of groundwork but it seems that a lot of people forget that Palpatine was lead dog for 20 years before he was elected.

Which is something that Palpatine, himself, went out of his way to emphasize on the night he killed Plagueis. He'd been manipulating his master into doing what he wanted for years, in addition to being the person who actually carried out most of the Grand Plan.

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I would have to say that one of my favorite characters in the SW Universe is : Darth Krayt :D


The man started out as a Jedi Master with huge amount of combat experiance , was the dark apprentice of XoXaan , one of the founding Dark Lords of the Sith( of course saying that he would not be corrupted by the dark side ) , all in the hopes of wanting to kill Palpi and then becames a stronger Sith that Palpatine.

Remember - this guy actually rules the galaxy for more than a century ( yeah some of that time in stasis and stuff but still :p ) and manages to find the secret of coming back from death , in his own body , stronger then before ( kinda like a super sayan in SW :cool: )


A close second would be Exar Kun for his unique weapon ( customized saber staff ) along with his mastery of the Niman stile , which he proved that if properly practiced opposite of what what the style was designed for , Niman can be as deadly as the others and not fall behind.

Oh and lets not forget his great afinity for Sith Alchemy :D


The 3rd spot would have to be Darth Vectivus , not sure if alot of people know who this guy is , but i like him for the simple fact that he developed the Dark Side empowered phantoms ability , and... most important of all , although he was a Dark Sider , he remained balanced and did not succomb to the stereotypical Sith mind set ( u know the one im taking about : Me Sith ... me SMASH!! kinda thing :p)


I know it was suposed to be 1 , but i had to list all of 'em , hope you won't mind OP :)

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Thrawn, definitely. Mostly because even though he's a villain, he's utterly practical and not given to being evil just for the sake of being evil (basically being a master of the Evil Overlord's List):


"I have no qualms about accepting a useful idea merely because it wasn't my own."


"I want them alive if possible. If not — If not, I'll understand."


"Oh, and Commander, if I ever find out that your bigotry is affecting your performance, I'll have your carcass ejected with the next garbage load."


Killing an incompetent crewman who failed to capture the heroes and then refused to accept responsibility and correct his mistake, but later promoting another crewman who failed to capture the heroes but was taking initiative and thinking outside the box, trying to adapt to the heroes' moves - even though it didn't work (that time).


Coming up with multiple brilliant uses for cloaking devices that work around their inherent flaws.


HK-47 is a runner for just being a relentlessly entertaining character.

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I would say that my two favorites would be Kyle Katarn and Revan. I know that they're both video-game characters, so I'll have to explain why I like them beyond getting to play as them.


To me Kyle seems like a character many could relate to, and his story is one that would make great movies. Like a lot of people, including myself, he had serious issues with fear and doubt. As a stormtrooper, a rebel agent, and as a Jedi he covered this up with a dash of arrogance and humor. He could be quite emotional, swinging from fear to anger and then to compassion in a short amount of time even as a Jedi, which put even more doubt in his mind of whether he could truly be a Jedi or not.


He would always try and take responsibility for his failures, shown in the darkside ending of Jedi Academy where Jaden goes bad and Kyle decides to leave the order in order to find and bring back his former apprentice. After training with Mara Jade, fighting Desann, and teaching Jaden Korr he grew as a person and became more calm, more confident, and more like the Jedi on the High Council he would eventually become.


I think he's quite underrated, mostly because of his loss to Caedus, but when you lose to the second most powerful person in the galaxy (besides all-mighty Luke of course) and the guy still thinks you're talented...it's something.


Check out his page and I know you'll come to like him too :)http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kyle_Katarn


As for Revan, it was fun to be him in Kotor 1, but it was Kotor 2 and the other related material that made Revan into a character I could really latch on to. His determination to save the Republic from the Mandalorians, his brilliant, but ruthless and calculating style of leadership that even his enemies respected, the resolve he had (an example being his vow when he found the infamous mask), and the insight into his thoughts by Kreia and other sources molded him into a character beyond the "cool armor" that would even commit genocide in order to do what he saw as the right thing for the republic and the galaxy.


He was definitely going a little bit nuts by the end of it, but it only drew me to his faults and the conflicting perspectives of one who was both Jedi and Sith. I admit it is hard for many to appreciate a character like Revan (especially with so many ridiculous fanboys), but characters like Thrawn, Revan, and Pellaeon have attracted me with their military genius and each of their personalities only made me love them more.

Edited by Scutum
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To me Kyle seems like a character many could relate to, and his story is one that would make great movies. Like a lot of people, including myself, he had serious issues with fear and doubt. As a stormtrooper, a rebel agent, and as a Jedi he covered this up with a dash of arrogance and humor. He could be quite emotional, swinging from fear to anger and then to compassion in a short amount of time even as a Jedi, which put even more doubt in his mind of whether he could truly be a Jedi or not.


He would always try and take responsibility for his failures, shown in the darkside ending of Jedi Academy where Jaden goes bad and Kyle decides to leave the order in order to find and bring back his former apprentice. After training with Mara Jade, fighting Desann, and teaching Jaden Korr he grew as a person and became more calm, more confident, and more like the Jedi on the High Council he would eventually become.


I think he's quite underrated, mostly because of his loss to Caedus, but when you lose to the second most powerful person in the galaxy (besides all-mighty Luke of course) and the guy still thinks you're talented...it's something.


I've heard Kyle Katarn is pretty much treated as the Chuck Norris of Jedi by the fandom - I mean the guy took a lightsaber straight through the chest and walked it off. Plus at least one source (I think it was the second Essential Guide to Characters) treats the video game convention of carrying around all those First Person Shooter weapons at the same time as canon (albeit pretty tongue-in-cheek).

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I've heard Kyle Katarn is pretty much treated as the Chuck Norris of Jedi by the fandom - I mean the guy took a lightsaber straight through the chest and walked it off. Plus at least one source (I think it was the second Essential Guide to Characters) treats the video game convention of carrying around all those First Person Shooter weapons at the same time as canon (albeit pretty tongue-in-cheek).


The Chuck Norris stuff seems to mostly come from the fact that they both share a mighty beard (and have slain scores of enemies!). It is true that he has survived some pretty tough situations, but that moment (when he got stabbed by Caedus and the wound got infected) was probably a pretty close call for him. And yeah, on his wookiepedia page there is a picture of him carrying a boatload of weapons, so that isn't surprising either.


Here are a few cool scenes of the main man Kyle!


(LS and DS endings to Dark Forces II)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ybjtwlW_z8 (His final confrontation with Desann)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CfYOOpSsAM (Him taking responsibility for his fallen student)

Edited by Scutum
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I have quite the list because I can't just pick one. So in no order:


1. Revan - KoTOR is what really got me interested in Star Wars in the EU aspect outside of the movies. After playing that first one and realizing *Spoiler* I WAS Revan, mind was blown from that point forward. Revan was a character I rooted for and I hate how the messed his story up for the sake of giving him closure.


2. Mace Windu - I mean come on! Dude was a bad *** Jedi. Were there others who were badder than him? Maybe. Cooler? No way! Only one who comes close is the only other black guy in a galaxy far far away...Lando Calrissian. But after reading about Mace in the EU comics and books, it solidified my man-love for the guy!


3. Lando Calrissian - Smooth. Cool. Sweet talker. Drinks Colt 45 (maybe not in the movies buuutt). Nuff Said!


4. R2D2 - R2 is the real hero of the movies. He saves everyones butts time and time again. And he has the coolest lines in the movies "Boop bop dee boop dwooooo" - R2


5. Obi-Wan - Quintessential Jedi Knight. To me he embodies what a Jedi Knight should strive to be. Calm. Peaceful. And yet he was a powerful Jedi Knight in his own right who could lay a smack down on those who underestimated him. (Anakin Skywalker, General Grievous, Asajj Ventress) And despite the Jedi Code you could feel the love he had for Anakin despite Anakin being ungrateful.


6. Zayne Carrick - I love this guy! Can hardly use the force but still goes well out of his way to save and protect others and those he loves. Horrible with a lightsaber but a master strategist in my mind.


7. My last one although there are plenty more Darth Bane - Rule of Two anyone? Dude was the first truly evil Sith I rooted for and at the same time couldn't wait for more confrontations with Jedi. He was probably my favorite Sith.


Anyway, I could go on and on. Darth Vader, Nomi Sunrider, Yoda, Ulic Qel-Droma, and others all get honorable mentions.

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I really like Obi-Wan. It's not just that he's the ultimate good guy and the one who does actually care - I think in that way the strongest scene was his conversation with Padme (I don't recall literally - "He's the father, isn't he? ... I am so very sorry.") and also the conversation where he asks Anakin to spy on Palpatine ("The council is asking it.")... it's that dry humor and the little tricks he plays. You know, the mind tricks which often turn out funny ("You don't wanna sell me death sticks" or "Where are going?" - "For a drink."). And comments like "Did you notice the shields are still up?" or "Besides, your senses aren't that attuned." - "And yours are?" - "Possibly." or the way, despite all the consideration and holding back he later in the same throws himself out of the window without a moment of hesitation and holds on to the droid. Or the way he throws his gun away after he kills General Grievous "So uncivilized".


It's often not so much what he says but really, really good play-acting by Ewan McGregor. Nothing against Sir Alec Guiness, but I do think there were a few scenes that could have been stronger, he seemed too passive back then. In the conversation where he asks Luke to join him to go to Alderaan (I hear your uncle talking) particularly. Of course that's in part the role, the solitary hermite who has lived in isolation for many years is just not as interesting as the young Jedi Knight. I think the strongest scene of Alec Guiness was as a Force Spirit on Dagobah - "You're going to find that many truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view."


Of the female characters; well, there is little choice but I'd have to say Padme. If she had been a Jedi as well, Obi-Wan and Padme might have indeed worked together to save the galaxy. "She seems to be on top of things."

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Mara Jade Skywalker.


*basks in the screaming butt hurt*


On a physical level she draws me in:


red hair, dancer's figure, acrobatic, skintight leather outfits, and typically associated with a deep resonating yet extremely sexy voice a la Eliza Dhusku or a Jennifer Hale. Mind you when I read Mara I get Stana Katic in my head, but I digress.


Character-wise, she is as Tim Zahn created her: the female Han Solo. I always thought the loveable rogue was a role better suited for a woman than a man because that's the kind of woman who provides you a challenge and when you earn their trust, it is very real and ever-lasting. And the proof is in the paper: loyal to the Emperor to the bitter end, then eventually loyal to Luke. She has a very snarky sense of humor and would likely punch you as she would hug you.


Despite Legacy of the Force killing her and giving her emotional gymnastics to not tell Luke aside, a lot of people call her a Mary Sue, but I honestly don't see it: By the time we got to New Jedi Order, her character arc was basically done: she was a fully developed character. Any future development was going to be superficial, same thing goes for all the main characters like Luke, Han, and Leia. They, I would argue, got more "Mary Sue" than Mara did. If any thing, Mara was more realistic than the "Big Three" even over Han, who for a guy with no Force powers can sure get out of tight spots like nobody's business. And while I cringe at the wording that was used to explain Mara's actions during her time as the Hand ("doing a Jedi's work..." yeah, pretty poor choice of words, I agree,) the phrasing did lead her to realize what she was holding back and why it was unnecessary to do so, thus developing her character.


Mara was the real EU character we went on a journey with in the early days of the EU and we got mad when she fully developed but people forget this isn't DC or Marvel where the characters must always be in a constant state of development and thus must always have issues. A fully developed character is a fully developed character. Just because the writer's couldn't expand on the character very much, didn't suddenly mean she was a "Mary Sue."


Then again, you can never win. People want characters to develop? They complain when they are fully developed and call them "Mary Sues." even though they, like every major character, go through a problem and have to get out of it. And when they are in this constant state of flux, people want them to develop and see some change.


But ah well, like I disagree with the majority of people on Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith, I will disagree with them on Mara Jade Skywalker. She is, and always will be, my favourite character and would love to see her reprised in the up-coming Rebels, and at least mentioned in Episode VII (depending on where they decide the cut-off.)

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Well this thread is about your opinion, so everything counts. What would be interesting to know is, why you like Darth Imperius? What's about their story that intrigued you?


As for HK-47 he is definitely a cool one. Do I like him more than R2? I don't know, with R2 I find it amazing how much emotion is transported with him having no speech and no mimics or gestures at all. But with his little jumping and beeping he can tell a lot. It's interesting to see that such a "handicapped" character is still one of the most liked and iconic figures of Star Wars.


Good point, who DOESN'T love astrodroids? They're just funny, loyal, lovable little dudes.


I've never read any of the books. My favorite characters can come only from their portrayals in the movies and the KOTOR franchise.


I would have to go with Obi Wan and primarily due to the 3 newer movies. I think part of this is obviously due to Ewan MacGregor's superior acting but to me he is everything a Jedi should be: Heroic, funny, smart, no slouch in a fight. I love when he smacks down whiny little darkside Anakin in RotS, though that does make his death in the "next" movie kind of strange.


I see lots of hate for Revan here--I guess you guys could call me a fanboy too. I almost put him at #1 but who is he really? I know mostly from the way that I played as him in KOTOR and he is a bit different from what I saw from him in SWTOR so far. That being said his showing up in SWTOR was an epic moment for me, totally unexpected. From talking to other members of the crew (notably Canderous) you just got a feeling that Revan was power incarnate and a brilliant tactician, someone who singlehandedly held the fate of the galaxy in their hands.

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Meetra Surik aka the Exile.


Completely unheralded. very unique as a character as in her ability to form bonds with people.single handedly saved and rebuilt the jedi order. And also gave her life for her friends. All that and no one hardly mentions her later on. So , basically a shadow hero

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