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Curious about GSF but wary about PvP? Don't be! Give it a shot :)


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Ive seen the word sim thrown around a lot in this thread. Theres a few things that make a game a sim, or even sim like. GSF has none of them. Not saying its bad, just saying there is nothing sim about it. If you are good at call of duty or shooters in general youll be good at GSF.
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I will agree that everyone should give it a try. It doesnt cost you anything! :)


Ive had alot of fun with it during the past two weekends. One advice i have is to try out different weapons.


While i was doing decent with my StarGuard i was absolutely terrible with a Scout at start, i couldn't get any kills and was basically getting shot down all the time. Its default weapons did not suit me. I switched them out and all of a sudden, i could score a few kills, was doing better at surviving and actually starting to see that Scouts are quite nice t o fly!


It takes practice and abit of time to get used to the controlls aswell as the enviroment, but once you do, you will start having much more fun! :)

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You can't be more wrong unfortunately. The controls are absolutely horrible.


While the controls are terrible, functionality wise the comment is correct. I almost had fun with it on PTR, but with no mouse sensitivity controls, my fighters was dang near impossible to control.

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its not the pvp that makes me wary, personally. its the off the rails flight. I have enough trouble shooting and dodging at the same time, with current on rails missions.


off the rails? i don't really fancy being easy pickings for the enemy team, while I fumble with controls and try to figure out where the hell am I in relation to everything else.


I guess if you do decide to give it a shot, the Gunship would be better suited to you. Mostly stationary pew pew from afar from what I've understood :D And you could always join with a friend or guildie and have them watch your back.

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It is not as skill based as it should have been IMO. It is still equipment based like regular MMO PVP, where equipment makes a big difference in how you play and the kind of challenge you present.


If they nerfed the upgrades about 60 percent across the board the playing field would be reasonably level IMO. Geared players should pose a slightly higher challenge, not dominate as they do.


Add that to the difficult controls and you have a recipe for the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot.


Simply put, new players will be floored by well geared players, skilled or not. It is a design flaw IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I know a lot of people are not normally PvPers--I haven't historically been a big fan of it myself.


But I just want to point out that, after having tested GSF in closed and open beta for about two months now, it really isn't like other forms of PvP. There's no trash talking (everyone is too busy flying to type, and most people minimize the chat window), there's no stuns, and even if your team is losing, you can still be having a lot of fun dogfighting--and your character and ships will be rewarded for that effort and fun.


Really, there's nothing stopping you from just pretending all the enemy fighters are controlled by computer AI--albeit AI's that are very unpredictable with a widely varying level of skill. Some you'll beat easily. Others may beat you easily. But even if you do get shot down, you just respawn right away again and you can go to a different objective. Most of all, the more you play, the more you'll learn and the better you'll become. I started out terrible, but now I'm one of the better pilots in the test server. But I'm sure new folks will come along and humble me :)


That unpredictability is what makes GSF so fun to play, match after match, even though there's only two maps right now (more are coming I'm sure). No two matches are the same. Compare that to the PvE space missions, where the same fighters fly on the same paths every time, without fail, until you can eventually do it with your eyes closed.


I advise everyone to try it out--and not just a match or two, but a couple dozen matches. There is a learning curve, but it's not a tough one, and you may find you do better than you expect.


And if you ever played and enjoyed X-wing, TIE Fighter, or Rogue Squadron, you absolutely need to play GSF. It's the closet thing to a true successor/sequel to those games that has ever come out. Right down to managing laser/shield/engine power.


So yeah... whether you're a casual solo player, an RPer, a raider, or a warzone veteran, give GSF a fair shot ... play a few hours for a couple of nights. Try out the different ships. What have you got to lose?


These are some true words right here. Nemarus is absolutely 100% right that EVERYONE should give Starfighter a chance. It is unbelievably fun, and new. It gives SWTOR a big breath of fresh air and can break up monotonous Daily Grinds.


GSF Is really a good time for anyone. PvPer/PvEr doesn't matter. You give it a shot and I think most of you will enjoy it to some extent :).

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