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People saying "this isnt a failed launch because launch is on the 20th"


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You people don't get it lol I'm not complaining about not being in today, I'm saying the launch was failed. The only person to address that in this thread made a post saying the same thing. I don't mind 3 more pages of phaggots hitting me with the "bwaaahhh QQ preorder earlier" but if you REALLY can't argue any of the points in the OP just don't bother, ty.


In what way has the launch failed?


Have the servers gone down? No


Have they had to take the servers down and say no more access today? No


Are the servers flooded with lag and disconnects? No


Are they following their pre-launch schedule as advertised? Yes, except they gave us all 2 EXTRA days


So, please, mister Whiner-Baby (gotta love Bruce Campbell), show me where they have failed

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meh staggered launch is leaps and bounds better than an everyone in approach. i probably will only get 1 day of pre-launch but i dont really care. a few days is meaningless over the course of an mmo

i for one would definatly not want to relive the launches of other mmo's i have played... for instance wow day 1: 10minutes game time, server crash down for 3 days, next few weeks multiple server crashes and downtime.


every single mmo that launched with full access has had nothing but stability issues for the first month.


and you all would be on these forums crying about those crashes and lag too.

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The Trolls are not happy they are not in it today is all it is 2 days ahead of what was planed so that mean 2 days for more play. there is not lag ther eis no crash's and people can find there quest mobs. so it a successful EA Launch is on the 20th


"Trolls, these are not the fourms you are looking for"




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Ya they stole your preorder fee so you could sit their and watch your email till the 19th.

Only reason for a Preorder is Automatic beta access or early start in game. You don't get beta or early access for SWTOR preorder. So please explain what was the point or taking more of my money for Preorder? Oh thats right so I would sit here reading your forums and listening to my guild mates play in vent. Will never preorder another EA or BW game EVER. Their is no point I would rather of waiting till the 20th and not spent the extra money to sit here waiting on a fraking email.

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This is still not a valid explanation of what this so called "advantage" is by getting in a few days earlier. PvP is NOT a substantial part of this game, and if you're here just for PvP, you will probably be disappointed anyhow


If you're a hardcore gamer, caring about world firsts and stuff, it is quite a big advantage.

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Thanks for your contribution random "Mature-adult-who-doesnt-mind-waiting" people like you make me laugh. Much easier to make your ******** statement than trying to bring something to the discussion isn't it



Those of us not complaining can only say it so many tmes to those who do nothing but complain before we realize we have a better chance at convincing a brick wall to spontaneously catch fire. I would explain further, but let's face it, you would not understand.

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You know what? My kids have had "early" Christmas celebrations a couple times over the last ten years. It's happened, that their daddy has deployed over to Iraq, you guess it, on the 24th of December. That, or he's been on road patrol Christmas Eve or Day, so we celebrated a few days early. Heh, that's the life of Army Brats, we say.


Thing is, if the neighbor kids run up whining it's not fair our kids get a visit from Santa a little bit early, I remind them that Santa is magic like that. He'll visit the houses that need visiting when it's needed, but everyone will get a visit eventually. They should be grateful Santa came to their house, rather than complain what other little kids are getting, after all.


so since you like tangents....


do you also tell that to the kids who have unemployed parents or live in poverty? you tell them they should be grateful for santa too? Yea...didn't think so.


Your santa claus TANGENT has no bearing here. Early Access was a marketing ploy to get pre-orders and absolutely no one should consider themselves lucky over the actions of a game developer who is working for our money. not his love of charity..he isn't granting you wishes....he isn't coming down your *********** chimney and placing presents under the tree....he's creating a game to get you to pay for it.

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I hope people are trolling when they bring up that argument to justify this completely unprofessional way of handling EGA.


1. The people who pre-order are by far the most important customers for EA, as they are obviously the most excited about the game, the most active players but also probably the most loyal and the most dedicated.


2. A substantial percentage of the total customers have pre-ordered


3. Unless you're a carebear, having the game a whole week before other people (or not) makes a HUGE difference in gameplay.


These factors make the early access, december 13th, the REAL Swtor launch.


Now with that being said, there is no doubt that this was a failed launch. I'm not even mad (believe or not) about this because I had **** loads of exams to revise anyway but I'll say I was extremely excited about today's launch and now I'm just dissapointed and I know that when I get access in 2-3 days I'll just be bitter and won't enjoy it nearly as much.


I'll still probably play this game for a loooonnng time and contribute to make bioware alot richer but at the end of the day, this is a poorly planned & executed launch and they shot themselves in the foot big time.


And with that, gl everyone with your spamming f5 goals of 2011.


I'd feel bad for you but I'm literally playing as we speak.

Your tears - they strengthn me.

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I've been playing MMOs since Everquest and I have participated in more MMO launches than I care to admit. SWTOR's Wave-athon 2011 has got to be the most absurd launch event that I have ever seen implemented. Now I know that some of you just got your panties in a bunch about me calling it a launch event. But honestly, what else can it be? The servers have opened for the first time, and players are making permanent characters in the game world. I know it might not seem like a launch to a lot of us (cause we aren't in the damn game yet), but it is, so get over it. This launch system that BW has created (Wave-athon 2011) will be judged starting today, not the 20th. The massive uproar on the forums is proof that there are serious issues with allowing players to enter the game world based on when the preordered the game. The amount of criticism that has been unloaded on the forums is a testament to the mistake that is this launch event. The amount of criticism will only naturally get worse as time goes on.


BW has effectively created a situation where people are upset with the launch event before they have even had a chance to play the game! It just seems obvious to me that this isn't a good idea.


What is the purpose of wave-athon? Well, to monitor the server performance and to allow players access to the game in waves based on server performance. So let me get this straight, the people in the early waves, theoretically, get better server performance on top of getting in early, while the people in the later waves, theoretically, could be subject to poorer server performance due to the amount of players in game. Oh and they naturally get in later to boot.


There are of course many other reasons why this launch event is a mistake. To name a few, wanting to level up with friends/family/guildies at the same time, fair competition, the excitement of everyone playing the game at once, and all the interesting things that happen when everyone has access to the game. Feel free to post more!


I mostly hope that BW does not implement this release structure for any further content that they might release. "We at Bioware have decided to allow access to our new raid zone based on the wave-athon structure. The earlier you get 50 the earlier your access is to our exciting new raid zone!" Don't do it, just say no!

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Are you really that naive? What does the word "launch" mean to you? The game has launched by every definition of the word. They're not playing the beta right now.


The 20th is the RELEASE date for the people that didn't pre-order. The game has launched already no matter how you try to rationalize otherwise.


This is the launch of EARLY GAME ACCESS, not the Launch of the game. If it were the launch of the game I could go to Gamestop and buy a copy, go home, install it, and play. The LAUNCH is on the 20th

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Yeah except thats not how its going work at all. The servers will close on the 19th then re-open on the 20th when everyone can log in, no matter when they pre-ordered.



Except that is not how it will work at all either. The servers are live, period. There will be no downtime between early access and official launch. There -WILL- be queues and downtime, lag and horror stories on launch.

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