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True Darkside Character: Warrior or Inquisitor


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id go warrior because over inquisitor because


in the inquisitor story its just a bunch of power playing and goes more into the "politics" of the dark council. in the warrior story you can go around killing poeple that helped you for no apparent reason. that and you become basically the second most powerful sith right behind the emperor (imo that is. i know other people would say otherwise).


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It's a question of style. Darkside Inquisitor is really just batsh*t insane, like Joker level (although, not nearly as cool). The Warrior presents a much more sophisticated form of evil, and, which completely baffled me after having played both stories, is much less brutish in his actions.
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Warrior. Being a complete monster just seems to work better with a merciless enforcer like the Warrior. I think Inquisitor plays out best if you're Neutral or only slightly Dark instead of full-on Dark V.


Also, while Dark options with the Inquisitor give the great *Shock Him* running gag, the Warrior gets some truly hilarious options for being a crazy monster:



<Facing down a dozen enemies or so>

SW: "I'm going to kill you, and eat you all raw!"


Enemy: "So you really mean to eat us if you kill us?"

SW: "Sure. Don't you eat what you kill?"


<If you take the neutral choice and let them run scared>


Ally: "Can't believe they bought a bluff like that"

SW: "That was no bluff."


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Morality choices in the Inquisitor's story feel weird regardless of what you actually choose. Dark side Inquisitors seem stupid, while light side Inquisitors act hypocritically. The Warrior's storyline fits both DS and LS better, in my opinion.


Every class, IMO, feels a little stupid if you pick nothing but one side's choices or the other.

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Every class, IMO, feels a little stupid if you pick nothing but one side's choices or the other.


Yeah, I don't plan to blindly pick choices simply because they give darkside points...though I also won't pick options out of character to simply change it up. I will pick the options that fall within the character.


However, I want this character to feel like he is the "big bad" of my swtor universe...the offset of my heroic Jedi, if you will.


He will be evil...but I want there to be methods to his madness as well. Not just some maniac with a lightsaber.

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Yeah, I don't plan to blindly pick choices simply because they give darkside points...though I also won't pick options out of character to simply change it up. I will pick the options that fall within the character.


However, I want this character to feel like he is the "big bad" of my swtor universe...the offset of my heroic Jedi, if you will.


He will be evil...but I want there to be methods to his madness as well. Not just some maniac with a lightsaber.


In that case pick the Warrior. That class has the most plotting, you come across more as a powerful Sith. The darkside choices give you a Darth Vader feel, at times, but it's not over the top. You also have the most interactions with Jedi (this gives him or her the experience to offset your Jedi) and the first two acts definitely give you the feeling of being the "big bad," if you choose dark. Especially the first.


On the other hand, the Inquisitor who's story is more personal and you kind of stumble into power. The story does have its good moments, but you don't come across as a cunning Sith. This isn't the class to offset your Jedi. I do think the Inquisitor is more likely to rule the Empire (probably won't happen though), but that doesn't necessarily make him fit to offset your Jedi. Having played both on dark side I can say that the warrior will fill this role the best.

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In that case pick the Warrior. That class has the most plotting, you come across more as a powerful Sith. The darkside choices give you a Darth Vader feel, at times, but it's not over the top. You also have the most interactions with Jedi (this gives him or her the experience to offset your Jedi) and the first two acts definitely give you the feeling of being the "big bad," if you choose dark. Especially the first.


On the other hand, the Inquisitor who's story is more personal and you kind of stumble into power. The story does have its good moments, but you don't come across as a cunning Sith. This isn't the class to offset your Jedi. I do think the Inquisitor is more likely to rule the Empire (probably won't happen though), but that doesn't necessarily make him fit to offset your Jedi. Having played both on dark side I can say that the warrior will fill this role the best.


Well, this post and doing a little more research has made me go a different route.


I'm going with the Inquisitor because it's more of a backstory/origin story.


The Guardian is my main, and really only character to this point. I'm attached to the character so much that I created a short backstory for him.


While I like the idea of the Warrior's story...it's too straight and to the point, if you will...you have power, you're bad***, and everyone knows it...much like the Knight story, but being so attached to the JK character makes the story great. I want my Knight to be arguably the most powerful Jedi in my swtor universe, and the story makes it so.


With the Inquisitor, however, you basically play through the origin. A rise to power. A more personal story, as you mentioned. I really think this will allow for more open choices throughout the story because now I can look at it as him eventually becoming the "big bad"...not actually the "big bad" throughout the story.


I really like this idea because the fact is, the two characters will never face each other in the game...but it sets the stage for the future.


While the Knight is going around the galaxy trying to stop the current "big bad", the emperor, the Inquisitor is going through his origin story and rising to power, eventually becoming pure darkside evil.


So at the end of the day/story/game...(as you say) the Inquisitor could (and will, in my mind) eventually take the place of the fallen(weakened) emperor...and the future is set where the Knight will eventually have to come face to face with the Inquisitor.



Anyways...this long post was just me saying that i'm going to go a different route than I originally intended and go with the Inquisitor.

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Well, this post and doing a little more research has made me go a different route.


I'm going with the Inquisitor because it's more of a backstory/origin story.


The Guardian is my main, and really only character to this point. I'm attached to the character so much that I created a short backstory for him.


While I like the idea of the Warrior's story...it's too straight and to the point, if you will...you have power, you're bad***, and everyone knows it...much like the Knight story, but being so attached to the JK character makes the story great. I want my Knight to be arguably the most powerful Jedi in my swtor universe, and the story makes it so.


With the Inquisitor, however, you basically play through the origin. A rise to power. A more personal story, as you mentioned. I really think this will allow for more open choices throughout the story because now I can look at it as him eventually becoming the "big bad"...not actually the "big bad" throughout the story.


I really like this idea because the fact is, the two characters will never face each other in the game...but it sets the stage for the future.


While the Knight is going around the galaxy trying to stop the current "big bad", the emperor, the Inquisitor is going through his origin story and rising to power, eventually becoming pure darkside evil.


So at the end of the day/story/game...(as you say) the Inquisitor could (and will, in my mind) eventually take the place of the fallen(weakened) emperor...and the future is set where the Knight will eventually have to come face to face with the Inquisitor.



Anyways...this long post was just me saying that i'm going to go a different route than I originally intended and go with the Inquisitor.


From this post I agree that the inquisitor would be the class you're looking for. Still I want to clear up somethings about the warrior. While the beginning throws in your face that your powerful, it falls to the background once you leave Korriban. Then you just become an apprentice helping your master further his plans. While you do know you are the favored apprentice it's not in your face; at least far less than with the Knight. And my comment about the warrior feeling like the big bad: I meant that as from the point of view of your antagonists; definitely not on a galactic scale. Still if you want a rise to power you should go with the Inquisitor. It does give you that experience and isn't a bad story (I know many people hate it and I did too but as I'm replaying it my opinion is changing).

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The Warrior's storyline fits both DS and LS better, in my opinion.
How can Warrior's story fit LS better? You're working for the benefit of space Hitler, meanwhile in Inquisitor's story you're just trying to not let a crazy Sith kill you. The latter is a morally neutral premise, the former is not, no matter how you dress it up.
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How can Warrior's story fit LS better? You're working for the benefit of space Hitler, meanwhile in Inquisitor's story you're just trying to not let a crazy Sith kill you. The latter is a morally neutral premise, the former is not, no matter how you dress it up.


Actually o find problems with both on light side. For the Inquisitior, your primary attack is lightning. This force power naturally draws on the dark side and corrupts its user. Force lightning is also addictive, being a purely dark side ability. So while the story could be done by a light side Sith, it doesn't work with the class design.


You pointed out the main problem with the warrior. Also, we must consider that the warrior was raised by a prominent Sith family and was brought to Korriban early to preserve the purity parity of the Sith. Such a family would likely view a light side Sith as an embarrassment and the warrior would have been raised in a dark side culture. These are the reasons that light Sith are so rare. Their environment is extremely hostile to them. In addition, there is no way an academy oversear would view a lightsoder as powerful and the best choice to preserve the purity of the order. So while a light side warrior may be interesting, it doesn't work with the background information. And like you said: a light side Sith wouldn't put up with the missions the warrior has.

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Actually o find problems with both on light side. For the Inquisitior, your primary attack is lightning. This force power naturally draws on the dark side and corrupts its user. Force lightning is also addictive, being a purely dark side ability. So while the story could be done by a light side Sith, it doesn't work with the class design.


You pointed out the main problem with the warrior. Also, we must consider that the warrior was raised by a prominent Sith family and was brought to Korriban early to preserve the purity parity of the Sith. Such a family would likely view a light side Sith as an embarrassment and the warrior would have been raised in a dark side culture. These are the reasons that light Sith are so rare. Their environment is extremely hostile to them. In addition, there is no way an academy oversear would view a lightsoder as powerful and the best choice to preserve the purity of the order. So while a light side warrior may be interesting, it doesn't work with the background information. And like you said: a light side Sith wouldn't put up with the missions the warrior has.


I find that the Inquisitor's background makes LS rather plausible IMO. The Inquisitor was born a slave, and treated like crap, molding this mentality that in the event you ever reach their status, you'd never become like them.


Warrior, I agree. Especially if the warrior is a Pureblood.

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Every class, IMO, feels a little stupid if you pick nothing but one side's choices or the other.

I didn't say anything about only picking one side or another.

How can Warrior's story fit LS better? You're working for the benefit of space Hitler, meanwhile in Inquisitor's story you're just trying to not let a crazy Sith kill you. The latter is a morally neutral premise, the former is not, no matter how you dress it up.

Where does the Warrior do anything "for the benefit of space Hitler" that doesn't also benefit the Warrior? All the Hand ever has the Warrior do is wage war against Darth Baras and his organization, and that's something that both an LS and a DS Warrior ought to want to do.

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DS inquisitor choices are summarized like that:


LS: Let them live and they serve.

DS: kill them cuz its so much fun!


DS choices for inquisitor feel mostly silly, also do not fit the inquisitor back ground story.


DS choices for SW made more sense, even though I played LS.

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Even if you plan to go darkside warrior, there are still some options that are lightside that will fit better with that type of character.


For example, swindling, bribery and acting like a mercenary in general just don't fit at all, even though they are often darkside choices.


I played mine as a bit of a Darth Malgus and it felt really good. Think lawful evil instead of chaotic stupid.

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For example, swindling, bribery and acting like a mercenary in general just don't fit at all, even though they are often darkside choices..


I can name a few of those. On Balmorra there is this imperial captain who hurt the Empire's effort and taking his bribery is a dark side choice. Also on Balmorra, an incompetent lieutenant got his men killed with dumb tactics and a dark side option is allowing him to continue to run the platoon. Then there is crow of Alderaan where a dark side option is selling a crown.


Those kind of dark side choice just pisses me off. I mean why the hell would a Sith take a bribe from a worm who hurt Empire's effort? A real Sith would just kill him and take all his money anyway. That would be a true dark side option. Taking a bribe and letting him live seems like a light side option to me.

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I love my Inquisitor. Please don't get me wrong. His stats were weak. He was reliant on good armor and his companions. He just died so much before I completed him and Khem Val. Now that they are complete and well geared, I feel more secure and in charge.


With my Warrior, when well geared and a geared healing companion, I am just a non-stop killing machine. I certainly died, but not nearly as often and I kept up his gear. I learned from my Inquisitor's mistakes, you see.


The Warrior wins by brute force not just Force.

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From this post I agree that the inquisitor would be the class you're looking for. Still I want to clear up somethings about the warrior. While the beginning throws in your face that your powerful, it falls to the background once you leave Korriban. Then you just become an apprentice helping your master further his plans. While you do know you are the favored apprentice it's not in your face; at least far less than with the Knight. And my comment about the warrior feeling like the big bad: I meant that as from the point of view of your antagonists; definitely not on a galactic scale. Still if you want a rise to power you should go with the Inquisitor. It does give you that experience and isn't a bad story (I know many people hate it and I did too but as I'm replaying it my opinion is changing).


Well I took advantage of the double xp...and leveled both up a bit...and changed my mind again.


While I do like the idea of the Inquisitor being a more personal/rise to power story...the Warrior storyline is just bad*** so far. (for a darkside character)


You were definitely right about it being the perfect offset to my Jedi.


I might get around to fully running through the Inquisitor story someday...but right now, the Warrior storyline was definitely the right choice for a character that I can view as my Guardians potential "ultimate" nemesis.


I love double XP.

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Where does the Warrior do anything "for the benefit of space Hitler" that doesn't also benefit the Warrior? All the Hand ever has the Warrior do is wage war against Darth Baras and his organization, and that's something that both an LS and a DS Warrior ought to want to do.
Forgot Voss? Or Plan Zero? Baras trying to kill Warrior is small part of the class story, mainly you're directly working to damage Jedi/Republic + help the Emperor. It's really incompatible with LS, making the stuff you can say to LS Jaesa rather nonsense compared to what Inquisitor can say to Ashara. Inquisitor's story allows so much moral freedom precisely because it has almost nothing to do with the Jedi-Sith/Republic-Empire conflict. Edited by Pietrastor
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