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Imperial Agent and Ord Mantell civil war


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I always felt it would be great to have an IA involved in the civil war on Ord Mantell. Sort of a prequel to trooper and smuggler storyline. I feel this was a wasted potential. For me it would be really awesome to be able to play agent who sparked a rebellion, manipulated separatists, supplied them with arms, assassinated government officials etc. It might not be "epic" for a general/casual player but I think that is one of the aspects of the operative/agent that SWTOR haven't properly exploited. Well Hutta is somewhat close to that but still the setting isn't anywhere near as good as that of a Mantellian civil war. Edited by Path-x
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I think the Republic wins the civil war and the separtists flee the planet, but I think they could still do something like that. They could easily say that some are still on Ord Mantell and send the agent to re-instigate the conflict and give the rebels the upper hand. It could be part of a post-Makeb counter attack.


I think they need to open up the starter worlds to the other factions. But they need to be separate from the other faction. Kind of like Republic Dromund Kass.

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I think the Republic wins the civil war and the separtists flee the planet, but I think they could still do something like that. They could easily say that some are still on Ord Mantell and send the agent to re-instigate the conflict and give the rebels the upper hand. It could be part of a post-Makeb counter attack.


I think they need to open up the starter worlds to the other factions. But they need to be separate from the other faction. Kind of like Republic Dromund Kass.


Well that is not a bad idea. Generally I would not be up for opening up starter worlds but since they kind of let us know that Empire begun losing the war, I wouldn't mind a Republic attack on Dromund Kaas or a covert Imperial operation on Coruscant.

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Those are some good ideas. I'd kind of like to see this included as a major event in turning the tide of the war towards the Empire. There has been speculation that we are entering an Empire strikes back phase.


What if the Republic attacked Dromuund Kass, and Korriban and the Empire repelled them. Simultaneously the Empire is making plans to reinvade the core worlds. Hearing that there are still separatists on Ord Mantell, they send the Imperial players there to restart the revolt and help give them the advantage. Once they begin beating the Republic on this planet, they launch a quick raid on Tython that devestates the Jedi order. Although it's nothing close to one of the purges and many Jedi are off planet at the time. This way we could explain how Tython looks the same for the Republic. The Empire then sends a small strike team to Coruscant to attack the Senate Chamber while it's in session. They kill many senators and then flea the planet. This throws the Republic Into dissaray and in a cut scene we here that the Imperial fleet seized many worlds in the mid rim and core (non of which the player can visit)


Okay that may not sound as good as it did in my head.

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