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Mercs/Commando DPS spec useless in PVP these days?


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Gunnery is extremely dependent upon grav round/tracer missle. These abilities create a damage reduction on you, put an armor debuff on your target, and increase the damage of HIB/RS. Furthermore, these effects only occur after grav round has been casted. So yes, getting interrupted in gunnery is hugely detrimental.


In comparison, Assault casted abilities only give you a free HIB/RS. While one of your biggest hitting abilities, casting full auto/unload immediately procs a free HIB/RS. So even if you get pushed back or interrupted during Full Auto/Unload, you can immediately follow up with a free HIB. Whereas in the gunnery tree you need to finish a grav round/charged bolts to proc full auto. All of the other assault abilities do the same amount of dmg.


In addition, diversion on assault increases ranged defense by 30% for 6 seconds whereas diversion in gunnery stops 1 tech/force attack. The assault increase has a "potential" to mitigate more dmg over that span of time if you are being focused whereas the gunnery tree version needs to be timed perfectly to avoid that 10k smash as opposed to some other low hitting force/tech attack.


I see a lot of commandos get globaled in the first 10 seconds of an arena and I don't understand how in assault tree with diversion, reactive shield, warzone adrenal, hold the line, cryo grenade, etc. I love it when I have 4 smashers leap to me because I know I can survive through that dmg whereas a scoundrel or sage could not.


With all of that said, assault is supremely awful against Scoundrel Healers because their dodge (which removes all DOTS) since it is basically on a 30 sec CD.


In all DPS fights, assault can put out more DMG and allows you to be more viable for your team because it is essentially a race to do the most DPS. Simply keeping your dots on all targets and a lot of CC can assure a win.


Well, I disagree. Assault is pretty bad for arena, as almost all of the healers are scoundrels. And the smart one nist cleanses your dots, thus your major (over time) damage is gone.


And the gunnery diversion doesn't stop a smash. It only stops single target attacks, like Thundering Blast and Heatseeker Missles

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Well, I disagree. Assault is pretty bad for arena, as almost all of the healers are scoundrels. And the smart one nist cleanses your dots, thus your major (over time) damage is gone.


And the gunnery diversion doesn't stop a smash. It only stops single target attacks, like Thundering Blast and Heatseeker Missles


Smash is force and i have most definitely lol'd at a smasher who just saw ABSORBED pop up when he lined me up for one :)

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Smash is force and i have most definitely lol'd at a smasher who just saw ABSORBED pop up when he lined me up for one :)


I know, but it doesn't absorb AoE attacks. Try standing in an Orbital Strike with diversion online. It won't pop. Trust me.

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Well, I disagree. Assault is pretty bad for arena, as almost all of the healers are scoundrels. And the smart one nist cleanses your dots, thus your major (over time) damage is gone.


That is why I said this...


With all of that said, assault is supremely awful against Scoundrel Healers because their dodge (which removes all DOTS) since it is basically on a 30 sec CD.


But, assault is very good against PT's (especially the hybrid FOTM). While the weak dps PT is guarding the healer, you dots can be ticking away and it forces the healer to choose healing himself or the tank. Over time, one of the two will die assuming your team is on the healer.

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That is why I said this...




But, assault is very good against PT's (especially the hybrid FOTM). While the weak dps PT is guarding the healer, you dots can be ticking away and it forces the healer to choose healing himself or the tank. Over time, one of the two will die assuming your team is on the healer.


But the with the current situation on ToFN, assault is not viable, at least not on rep side. There are NO sorc healers, but a bunch of sage healers... And if you look at the scoreboard, you'll see that the majority of the good players are imp... This is probably worse faction imbalance than at launch (which in itself says a whole lot).

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My merc just hit 55(actually hit 55 awhile ago but havent played it since then) and tops damage in regs WZs in a mix of low lvl orange blue and green gear. War hero main hand and offhand and helmet.


FIRST wz at 55 I top damage in an ARENA. 240k total.

Second WZ huttball I get 480k Damage, 90k heals.


Id say they are fine. I put electro net on this one shadow and wow, effective. he was mad bro


I get attacked a lot cuz people still think of merc mando as free kill, but its not anymore.


Arsenal ftw.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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But the with the current situation on ToFN, assault is not viable, at least not on rep side. There are NO sorc healers, but a bunch of sage healers... And if you look at the scoreboard, you'll see that the majority of the good players are imp... This is probably worse faction imbalance than at launch (which in itself says a whole lot).


Faction imbalance is completely different from class balance. My server is exactly the same way, imps tend to lead in the leaderboards. It just means you need to put your try hard carry pants on or go make a merc. I have both and assault is way better in my opinion overall then gunnery.

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But the with the current situation on ToFN, assault is not viable, at least not on rep side. There are NO sorc healers, but a bunch of sage healers... And if you look at the scoreboard, you'll see that the majority of the good players are imp... This is probably worse faction imbalance than at launch (which in itself says a whole lot).


That statement is simply not true.

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Arsenal mercs can be very very good for pvp, as long as your tank knows to shield you when you get focused and your healer doesn't suck. I really want to try pt hybrid op healer mm sniper and arsenal merc out for a ranked team.


Remember to hit kolto overload as soon as you step off the ledge. You're gonna get focused first and it'll do a lot to help keep you alive while your healer spams you. If you can survive the focus, you are in a good spot to cause some real problems for the opposing team.

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My merc just hit 55(actually hit 55 awhile ago but havent played it since then) and tops damage in regs WZs in a mix of low lvl orange blue and green gear. War hero main hand and offhand and helmet.


FIRST wz at 55 I top damage in an ARENA. 240k total.

Second WZ huttball I get 480k Damage, 90k heals.


Id say they are fine. I put electro net on this one shadow and wow, effective. he was mad bro


I get attacked a lot cuz people still think of merc mando as free kill, but its not anymore.


Arsenal ftw.


hrmm. that was one bad shadow. shadows are one of the two classes that can shrug off EN if they know what they are doing. EN is only good against inexperienced folks for the most part.

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For solo ranked:


"Merc is a free kill"

Merc / Mando are frequently the initial focus target, but not because they are a "free kill." Its simply because other classes can delay death in some way (for a few seconds), which really screw up the other team in a dps race. You don't want to be forced to kill someone who is going to Undieing Rage, Force Barrier, Combat Stealth, etc. You'd rather go for the one who lacks a get-out-of-jail-free card. Mercs only have Hydraulic Override to escape (which is very good, but doesn't directly prevent damage).


"Our DPS gets reduced when focused"

All classes have their DPS reduced when significantly focused. Ours is no different but we have an alternative. We can go into heal/escape mode when focused, and so our DPS is irrelevant. Multiple heals and semi-decent cooldowns can go a long way in stalling before you die. - The reason why I say "stall before you die" is because it is sometimes the only valid strat when your team isn't going to help you. If they 3v1 you, sometimes you need to just accept your death and run faaaaar away, and kite them away from your team and stall. You need your team to 3v1 and kill their target before you die. Which actually isn't all that hard either.


In solo ranked, Merc off-heals can be huge especially in 4dps vs 4dps. Kolto Missile can be used frequently when your team is bunched up, and will heal 2-3k per target on 3 targets for 5-8k total healing as insta cast.


But basically, it all boils down to your random team. If they are equally geared and skilled as you are, they should be able to support you in the way you need. (A little defensive help, or a guard, etc). But if they are generally new to PvP then you will be left alone to deal with 3 DPS in your grille.


A Merc is like a battleship. If the destroyers and aircraft don't protect you on a basic level, you go down fast and it seems like its your fault. But if the destroyers and aircraft can slow down the subs and bombers, you can provide your proper support role of Heavy Hitter.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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