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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best player of each class!


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Setting petty accusations aside, there is one erroneous assertion that I keep seeing thrown around - the notion that good pvp'ers wouldn't be as successful at pve as good pve'ers. In my opinion that's patently false as the skills required to raid competently in this game are a subset of the skills required to pvp competently in this game. If the best pvp players had the inclination to do so, most of them would quickly become some of the best pve'ers. You can take people like Ily, Tae, Bamm, Krastin, and Lokio as just a few examples of superb pvp'ers who excel in pve. The converse, however, is much less likely to be the case. This is illustrated by numerous players from the better progression guilds (what few are left) who may perform well, but not at an elite level in pvp. There's no shame in this, but asserting otherwise more likely reflects an insecurity about one's own ability rather than any hard and fast rule about the relative pve skill of this community's top pvp'ers


tl:dr - The best pvp players would likely excel at pve and the best pve players would possibly excel at pvp

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Setting petty accusations aside, there is one erroneous assertion that I keep seeing thrown around - the notion that good pvp'ers wouldn't be as successful at pve as good pve'ers. In my opinion that's patently false as the skills required to raid competently in this game are a subset of the skills required to pvp competently in this game. If the best pvp players had the inclination to do so, most of them would quickly become some of the best pve'ers. You can take people like Ily, Tae, Bamm, Krastin, and Lokio as just a few examples of superb pvp'ers who excel in pve. The converse, however, is much less likely to be the case. This is illustrated by numerous players from the better progression guilds (what few are left) who may perform well, but not at an elite level in pvp. There's no shame in this, but asserting otherwise more likely reflects an insecurity about one's own ability rather than any hard and fast rule about the relative pve skill of this community's top pvp'ers


tl:dr - The best pvp players would likely excel at pve and the best pve players would possibly excel at pvp



You do know Kristin was pve first right?

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You do know Kristin was pve first right?


Common knowledge, you'll notice that he only said pvpers going into pve have a higher chance of being the top tier then the opposite, but he never said it was a 100% rule.


Le sigh.

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Common knowledge, you'll notice that he only said pvpers going into pve have a higher chance of being the top tier then the opposite, but he never said it was a 100% rule.


Le sigh.


I know but why provide an example to his statement if it's incorrect?

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A word of advice, the less you struggle the less it'll hurt, and that's not just for pvp.

Git gud kydd.


Keep your "word of advice" to yourself. its funny how a group of people who couldn't down 1 year old content talk **** and say pve is easy and such. if i was ever to put anytime in to this game, let alone pvp i'm sure this would be a little bit different. but you know what, i've tried your "top tier level" lets see you guys try ours. challenging all your self proclaimed "elite" pvpers to try your hand at NiM DF/DP (8 month old content) and we'll see if you atleast reach midway. then we can talk ;)

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Wow, ok people. When I left the internets for the afternoon, Techniques and I were about to kiss. Now you guys are at each others throats for a silly argument. ALSO 6 FREAKING PAGES?! Y U DO DIS!?!


Let's get a few things straight:


  • Galen's views do not represent that of Redemption's.
  • People that say PVE'ers are more skilled than PVP'ers are wrong.
  • People that say PVP'ers are more skilled than PVE'ers are wrong.
  • Both are NOT exclusive. I consider myself a PVP AND PVE'er.
  • PVP'er is not a denomition for being a group ranked master and PVE'er is not a denomination for having cleared all content.
  • With that in mind, both Zenod and Galen, while I'm sure they won't admit it out of pride are also both PVP and PVE'ers.
  • If you chose to ignore one of these aspect in SWTOR, you are wasting half of your money not playing half of the game you're paying for. (Well maybe 65% PVE~35%PVP, still you get my point).


The truth is that, and I have observed this COUNTLESS times, players that dabble in both aspects of the game usually come out of the experience better off than by sticking to either PVP or PVE.


PVP trains one to:

  • keybind his sh*t;
  • stop keyboard turning;
  • learn to adapt to multiple scenarios and situations.


PVE, on the other hand, trains one to:

  • consistently reach the maximum potential dps/ehps his class can offer;
  • get a grasp and sharpen his spacial and raid awareness;
  • consistently multi task various mechanics, CDs, movement, timers, and dps/ehps output.


Finally, if you tend to dabble more in one or the other, know that it is plain stupid trying to compare the skill of players between the two. You see how hard it is to determine simply in PVP alone. The top progression team on our server would get destroyed by the top PVP guild. Vice-versa, while the top progression team can clear all content, I doubt the top PVP guild can event clear any NiM content past TFB.


TL;DR: You guys are all silly and vain, PVE is awesome and PVP is awesome.

TL;DR 2: I like lists.

EDIT: I get off on being a white knight in shining armor. :rak_01: Still, this was all #popcorn worthy, albeit stupid #popcorn worthy.

Edited by Dage
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It really doesn't. I make fun of people all the time for still doing it, claiming it's better.

You're right, I guess I should clarify that these only apply to high-end pvp'er and pve'er, not to your average new player.

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Setting petty accusations aside, there is one erroneous assertion that I keep seeing thrown around - the notion that good pvp'ers wouldn't be as successful at pve as good pve'ers. In my opinion that's patently false as the skills required to raid competently in this game are a subset of the skills required to pvp competently in this game. If the best pvp players had the inclination to do so, most of them would quickly become some of the best pve'ers. You can take people like Ily, Tae, Bamm, Krastin, and Lokio as just a few examples of superb pvp'ers who excel in pve. The converse, however, is much less likely to be the case. This is illustrated by numerous players from the better progression guilds (what few are left) who may perform well, but not at an elite level in pvp. There's no shame in this, but asserting otherwise more likely reflects an insecurity about one's own ability rather than any hard and fast rule about the relative pve skill of this community's top pvp'ers


tl:dr - The best pvp players would likely excel at pve and the best pve players would possibly excel at pvp


^This guy gets it :D

Edited by Dage
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Let's he honest, both sides of this argument are wrong and pathetic, both PvP and pve are for the intellectually challenged simpletons of swtor.


Only roleplaying hosts the best players of any game.

Edited by RPsus
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I don't understand why PvE'ers or your content are even relevant to this thread... One second you are talking about how you'll see someone in solo ranked and the next how you don't get why anyone would do ranked with FOTM mediocre players in queue.


Here is a hint: PVP'ers don't like win-traders! "Why?", you might ask. Let me explain since you think its salt. PvPers don't get to exploit to get your NiM raids for mounts and other fancy loots (whatever that may be). However, you and 7 of your buddies decide that one night you are going to spend a hour or two swapping ranking to get "Rewards" you didn't deserve. You feel entitled to them, while the rest of the PvP community has to either farm bads for hours on the off chance a decent team decides to queue and make it interesting; or better yet wait for you and your 7 baddie friends to queue and farm you at 3 AM. That is until you stop queuing because you get pooped on. The rest of the server gets to deal with trolls and queue syncing in solo ranked because they know if they try to queue grouped they will get farmed. #struggleisreal I hope I explained that well enough that you understand why not one PvPer respects you or really gives two sh*ts about your opinion on PvP.



With that being said, both PvE and PvP have struggles, being good at one will only improve your chances of being good at the other.


Lastly, Frequencyz is banned from the forums and wanted me to tell you that ALL of you are "Bad" <3 (I threw in the heart).

Edited by rachole
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Here is a hint: PVP'ers don't like win-traders! "Why?", you might ask. Let me explain since you think its salt. PvPers don't get to exploit to get your NiM raids for mounts and other fancy loots (whatever that may be), However, you and 7 of your buddies decide that one night you are going to spend a hour or two swapping ranking to get "Rewards" you didn't deserve. You feel entitled to them, while the rest of the PvP community has to either farm bads for hours on the off chance a decent team decides to queue and make it interesting; or better yet wait for you and your 7 baddie friends to queue and farm you at 3 AM. That is until you stop queuing because you get pooped on. The rest of the server gets to deal with trolls and queue syncing in solo ranked. I hope I explained that well enough that you understand why not one PvPer respects you or really gives two sh*ts about your opinion on PvP.


not going to name names, but i have atleast seen 3 players from different major pvp guilds who have had done the Ravagers exploit and gotten 198 BiS gear. that is an Exploits that gives out gear which till this day only 5 guilds in the world have cleared content to get. where as win-trading happens all the time in pvp. dont try to take the moral high ground for me. i can walk up to anyone and check to see if they have exploited ravagers or not and oh what will i find ? that they have. I dont much care for hypocrites.

second of all, i dont care if you respect me or not. you are all bunch of nameplates on the internet, my issue is some MEDIOCRE person trying to look tough downgrading pve. and the same attitude towards others who did that to i responded. you butthurt or salty ? i couldn't give lesser F*** about it.

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not going to name names, but i have atleast seen 3 players from different major pvp guilds who have had done the Ravagers exploit and gotten 198 BiS gear. that is an Exploits that gives out gear which till this day only 5 guilds in the world have cleared content to get. where as win-trading happens all the time in pvp. dont try to take the moral high ground for me. i can walk up to anyone and check to see if they have exploited ravagers or not and oh what will i find ? that they have. I dont much care for hypocrites.

second of all, i dont care if you respect me or not. you are all bunch of nameplates on the internet, my issue is some MEDIOCRE person trying to look tough downgrading pve. and the same attitude towards others who did that to i responded. you butthurt or salty ? i couldn't give lesser F*** about it.


People don't have to downgrade pve, it does that itself because its for peasants.


Learn your place you peon.

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"So galen what are you going to be taking to fight bwaps with in team ranked?" -me

"well we're really close to killing hardmode revan and the class balance is so broken right now..." -galen


whats a suck up, you've always been a good joke among us grillex. you always will be

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i don't understand why pve'ers or your content are even relevant to this thread... One second you are talking about how you'll see someone in solo ranked and the next how you don't get why anyone would do ranked with fotm mediocre players in queue.


Here is a hint: Pvp'ers don't like win-traders! "why?", you might ask. Let me explain since you think its salt. Pvpers don't get to exploit to get your nim raids for mounts and other fancy loots (whatever that may be). However, you and 7 of your buddies decide that one night you are going to spend a hour or two swapping ranking to get "rewards" you didn't deserve. You feel entitled to them, while the rest of the pvp community has to either farm bads for hours on the off chance a decent team decides to queue and make it interesting; or better yet wait for you and your 7 baddie friends to queue and farm you at 3 am. That is until you stop queuing because you get pooped on. The rest of the server gets to deal with trolls and queue syncing in solo ranked because they know if they try to queue grouped they will get farmed. #struggleisreal i hope i explained that well enough that you understand why not one pvper respects you or really gives two sh*ts about your opinion on pvp.



With that being said, both pve and pvp have struggles, being good at one will only improve your chances of being good at the other.


Lastly, frequencyz is banned from the forums and wanted me to tell you that all of you are "bad" <3 (i threw in the heart).



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I'm not trying to start anything but galen you dont pvp anywhere near as much or as serious as actual pvpers, you did a rigged group ranked to get your rating and all of a sudden you think you're amazing. If you're as good as you say you are, make a group and go into grp ranked with bwaps, you know without the "its my turn to win" mentality. You also exploited the crap out of a bug in pve, lol you dont even play this game legit and you're saying for them to legit try and do nim content that they have never seen? You need to look at how you play this game and re-access your statement. Maybe if they cheated with you and caught up on gear it would be different, but thats not the case.
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I'm not trying to start anything but galen you dont pvp anywhere near as much or as serious as actual pvpers, you did a rigged group ranked to get your rating and all of a sudden you think you're amazing. If you're as good as you say you are, make a group and go into grp ranked with bwaps, you know without the "its my turn to win" mentality. You also exploited the crap out of a bug in pve, lol you dont even play this game legit and you're saying for them to legit try and do nim content that they have never seen? You need to look at how you play this game and re-access your statement. Maybe if they cheated with you and caught up on gear it would be different, but thats not the case.



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