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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best player of each class!


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Except for the fact that Jalgo/Techniques are nowhere on this list.


Jalgo and Clyde's damage are of the same caliber. I just see faster target swapping to counter taunts, faster defensive reaction times, and less tunnel / more objective focus coming from Clyde.


Just like I've seen Zenod stop being an annoying tank and tunnel down DPS lane while using dark charge. It's why I rank Endurance higher. He's always there. Beyond annoying when you're on the other team.

*Edit* Using Zenod as an example since it's my 3-man BWAPS circle jerk of a list.

Edited by Nerd_Life
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Sorry, 4 - miss counted. Tonic x2 in healer spots


Edit: in general I think these list are really just to stroke each others epeen... maybe not BWAPS ( I take that back since obviously it bothered people) but as a whole. I don't think this is very accurate, however...


Jalgo and Clyde's damage are of the same caliber. I just see faster target swapping to counter taunts, faster defensive reaction times, and less tunnel / more objective focus coming from Clyde. .


pretty sure this is completely inaccurate

Edited by rachole
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Well yeah, Tonic should not be in any healer spot. If Jalgo or Vax were to go on this list they would need a seperate category, much like Xav/Poison. Thus:

Dps period: Jalgo/Techniques


This is not me being a fanboy, but I see them top leaderboards on essentially every class they play (all). Alex is definitely a great player/Dps though. Shrugs.

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I only pvp imp side so this list will only include people whom I see on a regular basis. This is going to go against what this thread is about "listing the best" and instead reflect my opinion on the idea of someone being "the best." IMO, the best of one class is impossible to determine unless we have 1v1 duels between everyone on the server for each class. Maybe one day this will happen and we will see who the best really is but even some would argue that being good at dueling doesn’t make you the best; I would disagree when it comes to dueling someone who is the same class and spec as you. Well here it goes;


Tanks (There's not a lot of tanks out there so I'm just going to lump all the tanks who could be the best into 1 category) - Pvesucks, Interference, Becky, Resent, Endurance, Karp. (If there is a definitive best tank on this server, it will most certainly be one of these 6)


Marauders -This category is one where I am 100% confident that everyone agrees who is the best (FREQUENTD*CK)


Sin DPS-Techniques, Zenod, Mcnoob, Baddie, Reaper, Endurance, Iscariot (I feel that one of these guys is the best, right now I'd say techniques but we shall leave that up for debate).


Jugg DPS- Too'stronk, Onemanarmy (I don’t have a big list but I’m pretty sure one of these 2 is the best)


PT DPS - yeah I’m going to make a separate section for this below lol


Operative DPS- as with marauders, imo there’s only 1 player on the server who I'm 100% confident is the best at this (Armory)


Merc DPS - Dedication aka regstar, Xaney, Krastin, Zach, Bamm (one of these guys should be the best, idk who though)


Sorc DPS - Hoppin, Solidz, Xvy, Aba, Becky, Techniques (again one of these should be the best.)


Snipers - Trade, Breznin, Reaper, Thug-nasty, Mccray (I'm pretty sure all of these guys can play MM in pvp very well which imo is required to be considered one of the best snipers so again, one of these guys will end up being the best if we tried to figure it out somehow.)


Merc Heals - Mister'mister, Calico, Vinitar, Supgirl, Krastin (I'm not going to put myself on the list, but I would be willing to compete against any of these healers as a merc healer myself.)


Sorc Heals - Squirtle, Xvy (one of these 2 is the best)


Operative Heals - Xavuy is hands down the best because of his track record but I would pit poison against him with the right team supporting.


lol here it goes:

Pt dps.(AP) As most of yall know, this is arguably the easiest class to play atm and has pretty opd upfront burst (sorcs might be a little easier but w/e) but that doesn’t mean it doesn't have weaknesses that some players can avoid better than others. Also, there's a lot of people playing this class and since I, like everyone else has been global'd by at least one of these guys I'm not going to keep many people off of this list. One of these guys will be the best. (Linium, Jalgo, Elimination, Clyde, Onemanarmy, Etats, A'vyn)


TL;DR? I'm bad


Edit: Magickarp should be listed among the tanks, sorry for leaving you out bro. :(

Also, someone just reminded me about Iscariot. Even though he isnt on this server anymore, his past presence makes him able to be on the list. Again, sorry bro. :(

Edited by Rambeezy
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Chasso/Aballem don't play on this server anymore.


I'm gonna end up leaving a lot of people out who are good players, and for that I'm sorry :( Also doesn't include players I don't see much anymore.



Guardian DPS: Eavn

Guardian tank: Talionis

Sentinel: Aluvian, Thalimir

Shadow DPS: Effort, Clefty

Shadow tank: Effort

Sage DPS: Tailsneverfails, Ily, Cielo

Sage Healer: Troublemaker, Tae, Zama

Scoundrel DPS: Notfaddycakes, Extremecouponer

Scoundrel healer: Notfaddycakes, Bunny

Gunslinger: Calem, Ily

Commando DPS: Bammbamm

Commando healer: Donna, Ntity

Vanguard DPS: Cleavette, Finish, Rejinlief

Vanguard tank: Guardswap



Juggernaut DPS: One'man'army, Goo'boo

Juggernaut tank: Pvesucks, Revivification, Interference, Resent

Marauder: Frequencyz, Zani

Assassin DPS: Zenod, Techniques, Mcswaggerton

Assassin tank: Endurance, Zenod, Teleport, Mcswaggerton

Sorcerer DPS: Xani, Liquidz, Trea, Lickmahcrit

Sorcerer healer: Poison, Xa'vuy

Operative DPS: Armory, Calico, Swurve, Sicari

Operative healer: Poison, Xa'vuy, Laet

Sniper: Macray, Lumi, Breznin, Trade

Mercenary DPS: Xaney, Naten, Solidz

Mercenary healer: Rambeezy, Calic'o, Poison, Xa'vuy, Bunny

Powertech DPS: Clyde, Jalgo, Linium, Elimination

Powertech tank: Magikarp, Diavola

Edited by Deckiller
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Some most improved/up-and-coming players to note:


Juggernaut DPS: Killstryke

Juggernaut tank: Resent

Assassin DPS: Badness, Emperors'voice

Sorcerer healer: Voltorb

Operative DPS: L'yssa

Operative healer: Six

Sorc DPS: Tazmynn

Mercenary DPS: Vaxora

PT DPS: Ol'squishy

Sniper DPS: Jad-Bond

Edited by Deckiller
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This is not me being a fanboy, but I see them top leaderboards on essentially every class they play (all). Alex is definitely a great player/Dps though. Shrugs.


I think it's just the way you explain it that makes it sound like fanboying. But basically you're saying they're not just good at one class, but an exceptional player overall.


I only pvp imp side so this list will only include people whom I see on a regular basis.

I'm gonna end up leaving a lot of people out who are good players, and for that I'm sorry :( Also doesn't include players I don't see much anymore.


Was basically how I based my perspective while trying to compile a list. Current, opposed to who was top one month ago, six months ago , etc.


Maybe one day this will happen and we will see who the best really is but even some would argue that being good at dueling doesn’t make you the best; I would disagree when it comes to dueling someone who is the same class and spec as you.


TBH, the most accurate way would be to have multiple sources for ranking and go with the mode choice. UFC actually does this for their pound-for-pound rankings. Even though I disagree with a few of their results, it's compiled from 46 different media panelists (plus Dana White's input) to make determinations. Unfortunately, PVP in SWTOR isn't just Team Deathmatch, or it would be a lot simpler to point at one person and say without a doubt "Soandso is the best ______. It's a fact. Your opinion doesn't matter."

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Rare Ily sighting on the forums!


My picks are based on who I have seen lately in pvp. There are players who in my mind have dominated their respective classes pre-3.0 that are not on the list (Telos as Vanguard, Zach as mando, Freq as mara) mainly because they are either altogether MIA or I simply have not seen them yet. I am also taking myself out of the running for any of these. This is only a list of players I have played with/against. I currently don't do ranked, so this is based on happyfuntime unranked matches. If you don't get mentioned, it doesn't mean I don't think you are great at a given class - there was just someone that sticks out more. I made an effort to narrow these down as close to 1 per as I could.





Sent - Thalamir

Guard DPS - Eavn

Guard Tank - Talionis

Slinger - Calem

Sage Heals - Tablecloth/Pleather

Sage DPS - Freakinpebbles

Commando DPS - Bammbamm

Commando Heals - The Sable Legacy

Shadow DPS - Terethyn/Effort

Shadow Tank - Visas

Van DPS - Cleavette

Van Tank - Guardswap

Scoundrel DPS - Ent

Scoundrel Heals - The Sable Legacy





Mara - Xani

Jugg DPS - Onemanarmy

Jugg Tank - Pvesucks

Sniper - Lumi/Trade

Sorc Heals - Klotho

Sorc DPS - Liquids

Merc DPS - Dedication

Merc Heals - Calico

Sin Tank - Endurance

Sin DPS - Baddie

PT DPS - Etats

PT Tank - Magikarp

Op DPS - Armory

Op Heals - Krastin aka Xavuy

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Rare Ily sighting on the forums!


My picks are based on who I have seen lately in pvp. There are players who in my mind have dominated their respective classes pre-3.0 that are not on the list (Telos as Vanguard, Zach as mando, Freq as mara) mainly because they are either altogether MIA or I simply have not seen them yet. I am also taking myself out of the running for any of these. This is only a list of players I have played with/against. I currently don't do ranked, so this is based on happyfuntime unranked matches. If you don't get mentioned, it doesn't mean I don't think you are great at a given class - there was just someone that sticks out more. I made an effort to narrow these down as close to 1 per as I could.





Sent - Thalamir

Guard DPS - Eavn

Guard Tank - Talionis

Slinger - Calem

Sage Heals - Tablecloth/Pleather

Sage DPS - Freakinpebbles

Commando DPS - Bammbamm

Commando Heals - The Sable Legacy

Shadow DPS - Terethyn/Effort

Shadow Tank - Visas

Van DPS - Cleavette

Van Tank - Guardswap

Scoundrel DPS - Ent

Scoundrel Heals - The Sable Legacy





Mara - Xani

Jugg DPS - Onemanarmy

Jugg Tank - Pvesucks

Sniper - Lumi/Trade

Sorc Heals - Klotho

Sorc DPS - Liquids

Merc DPS - Dedication

Merc Heals - Calico

Sin Tank - Endurance

Sin DPS - Baddie

PT DPS - Etats

PT Tank - Magikarp

Op DPS - Armory

Op Heals - Krastin aka Xavuy


Calem and Ily too stronk! Despite nerd rage I love you guys :D

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Rare Ily sighting on the forums!


My picks are based on who I have seen lately in pvp. There are players who in my mind have dominated their respective classes pre-3.0 that are not on the list (Telos as Vanguard, Zach as mando, Freq as mara) mainly because they are either altogether MIA or I simply have not seen them yet. I am also taking myself out of the running for any of these. This is only a list of players I have played with/against. I currently don't do ranked, so this is based on happyfuntime unranked matches. If you don't get mentioned, it doesn't mean I don't think you are great at a given class - there was just someone that sticks out more. I made an effort to narrow these down as close to 1 per as I could.





Sent - Thalamir

Guard DPS - Eavn

Guard Tank - Talionis

Slinger - Calem

Sage Heals - Tablecloth/Pleather

Sage DPS - Freakinpebbles

Commando DPS - Bammbamm

Commando Heals - The Sable Legacy

Shadow DPS - Terethyn/Effort

Shadow Tank - Visas

Van DPS - Cleavette

Van Tank - Guardswap

Scoundrel DPS - Ent

Scoundrel Heals - The Sable Legacy





Mara - Xani

Jugg DPS - Onemanarmy

Jugg Tank - Pvesucks

Sniper - Lumi/Trade

Sorc Heals - Klotho

Sorc DPS - Liquids

Merc DPS - Dedication

Merc Heals - Calico

Sin Tank - Endurance

Sin DPS - Baddie

PT DPS - Etats

PT Tank - Magikarp

Op DPS - Armory

Op Heals - Krastin aka Xavuy


I've never seen any of these healers run without a guard #shotsfired

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TBH, the most accurate way would be to have multiple sources for ranking and go with the mode choice. UFC actually does this for their pound-for-pound rankings. Even though I disagree with a few of their results, it's compiled from 46 different media panelists (plus Dana White's input) to make determinations. Unfortunately, PVP in SWTOR isn't just Team Deathmatch, or it would be a lot simpler to point at one person and say without a doubt "Soandso is the best ______. It's a fact. Your opinion doesn't matter."



A P4P ranking would be interesting and hotly debated I suspect. The pool would only be like 5 players right

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"you're all bad" - Frequencyz


"Moonpy is a *******" - Sicari


They don't have forum accounts so I thought I'd pass the message on. K bai


I don't have talent and the experience like some of the best players on this game but I really wouldn't go that far.

Edited by kissingaiur
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When servers merge does that mean we'll be doing lots more roleplaying and flashpoint content?


On topic: freq's list would be the most accurate.

When BW brings megaservers it will be bad for roleplayers because you'll see things like


RPsus@The Shadowlands

<Eavn's Hardcore Roleplayers> @ The Shadowlands


Not good for RP in anyway.

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