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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best player of each class!


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not enough pillar humping with unload if u died 15 times



So Kirito I don't know what you mean. (and that was a fresh UI that I didn't have anything bound yet to, I doubt everything is bound right now, but #lowbies)

Edited by DuEldrvarya
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Did you seriously just mention a Kill/Death ratio in relation to swtor pvp?


For starters, BW has no idea what an assist is and awards a "kill" for doing just about anything to someone before they are killed by other players. Autoattack someone in a mob, and bam its a kill. Sneeze in the general direction of an enemy player and bam another kill. Even just healing teammates gets you kills on the scoreboard. And that "killing blows" thing is another terrible idea, because that's also just an assist with the same colorful coating of pandering all over it. If the scoreboard were up to me, I would show solo kills under "kills" and make a separate column for assists. To be completely honest about it, the scoreboard is an inaccurate and flawed representation of what actually happened in a match. I can only assume BW did that to make the pvp in this game even more friendly towards mediocre players, or players not accustomed to multiplayer gaming. Players who would feel discouraged and stop playing if they saw what actually happened on the scoreboard - the reality of 0 kills and 27 deaths slapping them in the face simply too much to handle.



Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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Did you seriously just mention a Kill/Death ratio in relation to swtor pvp?


For starters, BW has no idea what an assist is and awards a "kill" for doing just about anything to someone before they are killed by other players. Autoattack someone in a mob, and bam its a kill. Sneeze in the general direction of an enemy player and bam another kill. Even just healing teammates gets you kills on the scoreboard. And that "killing blows" thing is another terrible idea, because that's also just an assist with the same colorful coating of pandering all over it. If the scoreboard were up to me, I would show solo kills under "kills" and make a separate column for assists. To be completely honest about it, the scoreboard is an inaccurate and flawed representation of what actually happened in a match. I can only assume BW did that to make the pvp in this game even more friendly towards mediocre players, or players not accustomed to multiplayer gaming. Players who would feel discouraged and stop playing if they saw what actually happened on the scoreboard - the reality of 0 kills and 27 deaths slapping them in the face simply too much to handle.



lol this kid

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Did you seriously just mention a Kill/Death ratio in relation to swtor pvp?


For starters, BW has no idea what an assist is and awards a "kill" for doing just about anything to someone before they are killed by other players. Autoattack someone in a mob, and bam its a kill. Sneeze in the general direction of an enemy player and bam another kill. Even just healing teammates gets you kills on the scoreboard. And that "killing blows" thing is another terrible idea, because that's also just an assist with the same colorful coating of pandering all over it. If the scoreboard were up to me, I would show solo kills under "kills" and make a separate column for assists. To be completely honest about it, the scoreboard is an inaccurate and flawed representation of what actually happened in a match. I can only assume BW did that to make the pvp in this game even more friendly towards mediocre players, or players not accustomed to multiplayer gaming. Players who would feel discouraged and stop playing if they saw what actually happened on the scoreboard - the reality of 0 kills and 27 deaths slapping them in the face simply too much to handle.




You forgot to mention how relevant lvl 13 pvp is to indication of a players skill with a class...

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You forgot to mention how relevant lvl 13 pvp is to indication of a players skill with a class...


It's more of an indication of overall skill. Those who do well in lowbies with weak classes are more likely to be exceptional at a variety of classes because they've mastered PVP fundamentals.

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It's more of an indication of overall skill. Those who do well in lowbies with weak classes are more likely to be exceptional at a variety of classes because they've mastered PVP fundamentals.


... people are no fun... Can't even post a troll wz without people going all sentimental on it.

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KB is an important stat


No, no it's not. If one person is attacking an enemy and they kill them, awesome - if more than one player is attacking the same person inevitably one of them will get the killing blow but that has absolutely nothing to do with skill of any kind. It's essentially random at that point. Even the idea of finishing off a player that would otherwise have escaped, or something abstract like that, is flawed. First, not all classes have an ability like takedown/dispatch etc and second, the amount of HP from a given attack has nothing to do with skill, either. Landing a huge finisher is so heavily based on variables like gear, RNG, so forth and so on that it's just ridiculous. I mean, maybe you could argue for something like a carnage marauder using gore before viscous throw being more challenging as it requires another key press (impressive) but at the end of the day, big deal.


What I'm basically saying is that I don't think i could disagree with you more than I already do. Tbh, i could probably write a post long enough to fill the cap detailing every little thing I find wrong about swtor pvp - how BioWare has done everything they possibly could to make it as easy as possible, and as welcoming to mediocore players as possible.

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As for healing, well the numbers do mean something in that case, and I easily outperform other healers when I feel like respeccing into god mode. Which is why I don't waste my time in ranked


i think we should all give a special shout out to ziara a mediocre player who got super salty and insisted she was better than me and got globalled every time i saw her :rak_03: you should totally come back so i can dunk on you more and tell us how youre also the best op healer in the game


e: note her not wasting time in ranked was due to ctrl alt elite getting rekt by the most randy of teams every time

Edited by smuldro
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i think we should all give a special shout out to ziara a mediocre player who got super salty and insisted she was better than me and got globalled every time i saw her :rak_03: you should totally come back so i can dunk on you more and tell us how youre also the best op healer in the game


e: note her not wasting time in ranked was due to ctrl alt elite getting rekt by the most randy of teams every time


Could you flex any harder bro?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Holy crap balls this post is old. I thought it was new and was about to trip out on Zenod. And we already combined four of the best players one time. The Horsemen, it was awesome for about five min then nobody would play us. Edited by Soulcrow
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