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What graphics setting do you guys use?


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I notice that the grass and trees set to all 100 if you don't have a great system lags things a little. Also shadows on low or off helps quite a bit also.


I use Grass at 45, Trees at 92, Shadows on High and everything else on High including enabling bloom but I have a high end machine. If your computer can't handle it, I suggest turning bloom off, shadows to low, so they are only blob shadows, and the grass and trees down. Another thing you could do is limit the character on screen amount. Hope I helped some :)

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I have them all on the highest settings and it doesn't lag for me. Your case will depend on your hardware, so just try it out. Lowering shader complexity should help if you have an older graphics card with not too many shader units, lowering texture quality should help if you are limited by video RAM. Shadows are generally expensive so getting rid of those should provide some good results, too.
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If you have an nvidia card, turning off the in game AA and forcing FXAA through the driver can improve FPS while still removing jaggies. It does blur the interface slightly however.


Turn off nameplate scaling, or even turning plates off completely (turn on the next target indicator) can also boost fps.


Same. All on ultra settings and I'm looking for a way to customize the settings to go higher.


Apart from increasing view distance on objects, grass ect, I'm not sure there is much more you can do from the config file. You can try using some more advanced anti-aliasing techniques forced through your driver.

Edited by Marb
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If you have an nvidia card, turning off the in game AA and forcing FXAA through the driver can improve FPS while still removing jaggies. It does blur the interface slightly however.


I got better framerates and quality on my nVidia card by turning off in-game AA, and then forcing 4xMSAA (now 8x with a newer video card) via nvidiainspector. You'll need to change some other values, too, in particular the Antialiasing behavior (set it to None) and Anti-aliasing compatibility flags (I'm using the flags for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.). To get even smoother rendering, at some framerate cost, bump up the transparency antialiasing. Also a LOD bias of -1 adds some better shine to reflective surfaces. Some people find it a bit much, though.

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I have everything set on high or better and I pretty much never lag. Really my only complaint is that sometimes I have to wait for mailboxes and mission terminals to appear.


My computer is over two years old.

Edited by Icebergy
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I got better framerates and quality on my nVidia card by turning off in-game AA, and then forcing 4xMSAA (now 8x with a newer video card) via nvidiainspector. You'll need to change some other values, too, in particular the Antialiasing behavior (set it to None) and Anti-aliasing compatibility flags (I'm using the flags for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.). To get even smoother rendering, at some framerate cost, bump up the transparency antialiasing. Also a LOD bias of -1 adds some better shine to reflective surfaces. Some people find it a bit much, though.


Yea the driver fxaa uses a brute force method which probably isn't as optimized as it would be if the client supported it officially.


Adding some old fashion MSAA into the mix (FXAA+MSAA) and you can get a really clean image without using transparency msaa or supersampling. The interface blur remains an issue though.

Edited by Marb
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Adding some old fashion MSAA into the mix (FXAA+MSAA) and you can get a really clean image without using transparency msaa or supersampling. The interface blur remains an issue though.


That's why I avoid FXAA altogether. It just added too much blur. I found that moderate levels of AA and transparency AA produced better results and the same-or-better framerates. YMMV, of course. It's going to depend a lot on the card you're using. I had a GTX 660 Ti, so I was able to push the AA/AF even higher than the game supported, but in testing out options, I found that the game's AA was about as stressful as 4x MSAA and 4x SGSAA (transparency), but the MSAA/SGSAA produced higher quality results.

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I'm looking for something a little higher than default that doesn't cause mad lag. Has anything worked for you guys? All feedback is appreciated!


GeForce 460 GTX 1MB card with a 6-core processor on max settings. I think I have shaders and AA turned off. Not one issue with video, ever, even in raids full of lightning Sorcs.


If you have nasty lag get a CPU monitor tool. Sometimes it's your video card, but sometimes it's the CPU. If the usage goes above 80% in raids with no background programs running (aside form normal ones) then it's the CPU

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