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Kaggath Tournament - Felonious Empire vs Ascending Empire


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“No game of dejarik can be won without pawns...”


Round 1: The Felonious Empire vs The Ascending Empire


Welcome to the first round of the Semi-Finals. The winner of which will claim a prized position amongst the finalists, of whom there will be only one champion.




For all those of you aren’t aware, the Kaggath is an ancient rite of the Sith, ‘one part duel, one part large-scale dejarik-match’. The two combatants have full use of their power bases, be it armies, strongholds or fleets, in order to outwit and outmanoeuvre their opponent. The Kaggath is no simple lightsaber duel, although it can come down to one, and the arena can be anywhere: a planet, star system or the entire galaxy.


Before we begin, let’s set out the ground rules of the Semi-Finals.




  • The arena: the known galaxy.
  • Only those incorporated in the listed in the faction compilations below can take part in the Kaggath.
  • No outside help of any kind, the combatants cannot call upon assets outside their power base or influence.
  • No outside involvement, other powers will not and cannot interrupt or affect the battle, for the purpose of argument they are non-existent.
  • No surrender, fight to the death!
  • Technology level is universal (unless considered archaic or advanced at the time): blaster fire, armouring, lightsabers etc. are all the same regardless of period, all that matters is size, quantity and power.
  • Factions are autonomous – players have no control over their factions decisions, this is determined by the nature of their leadership.



So, the combatants: Canino is returning with cabal of felons and imperials, and Aurbere with his righteous army of might. Behold the factions!


The Felonious Empire




Head of State: Darth Vader

Second-in-Command: Aruk the Great

Allies: Kir Kanos & Aurra Sing

Supplier: InterGalactic Banking Clan




Minor Ground Force: Sun Guard Legion & Emperor’s Royal Guard

Navy: Zann Consortium Navy




Capital: Bastion

Supply Base: Muunilinst

Stronghold/Military Base: Yinchorr

Stronghold/Military Base: Mygeeto

Shipyards: Yaga Minor




The Ascending Empire




Head of State: Mon Mothma

Second-in-Command: Garm Bel Iblis

Allies: Plo Koon & Obi-Wan Kenobi

Supplier: Techno Union




212th Clone Legion & Imperial Knights

Death Squadron & Thrawn’s Fleet




Capital: Coruscant

Supply Base: Balmorra

Stronghold/Military Base: Anaxes

Shipyards: Kuat

Shipyards: Coreilla


Both empires have elite armies, powerful Force Users and expansive influence at their disposal – but who is greater, who will win? The battle lines have been drawn...



Let the Kaggath begin!


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So... I hope I didn't miss anything. *waves sheepishly*


Looks like good guy vs. bad guys so at least defections will be extremely unlikely. It'll be interesting to see if Vader can punch into the core, Aurbere always did have a strangle hold on that...


So I think Obi-wan or Koon will be guarding Mon Mothma at all times... I haven't seen much clone wars cartoon, how does Sing's assassin skills stack up? Also, Vader vs. Obi-wan, admit it, we all want to see how that matchup goes...


Edit: more thoughts, so Vader won't die unless its Obi-wan (or orbital bombardment) imo... as for strategy I thing Aurbere has the skies locked up. Wedge and Garm have fought guerrilla wars and that's what they'll be facing imo. Will mass driver cannons and stealth be enough?

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Plo Koon and Obi-Wan probably won't be guarding Mon Mothma unless she aids in the military planning (which she has been known to do). Most likely she will be protected by Imperial Knight Masters.


I'm going to have to think on this one. Silly me, I had been preparing for Star and Warren, not Canino. :o

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Tell that to Ahsoka Tano.


So you mean we she drew her pistol and fired it before Ahsoka could draw her lightsaber? Or when even though her ship was destroyed, she survived, and continued to hunt down bounties? And, that entire mission was a failure for one reason- Boba. The FE doesn't have a Boba. It's Sing, and all around her people that would love to die for a success. And, remember, Sing only gets better after her IA training under Vader.


I'll be on my phone for a littler, so only little posts from me.

Edited by Canino
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Indeed, poor girl got shot in the arm and had to be saved by a Senator... how embarrassing.


Oh come on, a Padawan, no-where near her prime, barely even a Jedi, and she came close (Yes, she was cm's away from Sing) to killing her...


Oh, and also, still completely caught off guard manages to block all of Sing's volleys on Florrum.


I mean come on, if Ahsoka had her dual sabers there's no way she'd have even come close to losing their fight :p

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Oh come on, a Padawan, no-where near her prime, barely even a Jedi, and she came close (Yes, she was cm's away from Sing) to killing her...


Oh, and also, still completely caught off guard manages to block all of Sing's volleys on Florrum.


I mean come on, if Ahsoka had her dual sabers there's no way she'd have even come close to losing their fight :p


We can't even begin to say Ahsoka wasn't in her prime. Neither was Sing. She was a fully trained IA, personally trained by Vader. She grew in power, and skill. Before her prime she would also duel and kill A'Sharad Hett, and kill him. She has skill.

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Oh come on, a Padawan, no-where near her prime, barely even a Jedi, and she came close (Yes, she was cm's away from Sing) to killing her...


Oh, and also, still completely caught off guard manages to block all of Sing's volleys on Florrum.


I mean come on, if Ahsoka had her dual sabers there's no way she'd have even come close to losing their fight :p

Are we referring to the same incident? This is what I'm referring to.


She wasn't close at all, she was subdued almost instantly and would have died if not for Padme. Invoking the name Ashoka therefore does nothing to diminish Aurra Sing's capabilities.

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We can't even begin to say Ahsoka wasn't in her prime. Neither was Sing. She was a fully trained IA, personally trained by Vader. She grew in power, and skill. Before her prime she would also duel and kill A'Sharad Hett, and kill him. She has skill.


A'Sharad Hett became Darth Krayt. Sing killed Sharad Hett.

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I doubt Sing could take on Kenobi or Plo Koon. Maybe an Imperial Knight, but I highly doubt she could take on a fully trained Jedi Master.


Going to have to elaborate on that one, Canino.

While I doubt Kenobi or Koon in single combat, she has the skills necessary to kill them with a squad or Kanos. And Jedi Master? Sharad Hett was assassinated by her after a lightsaber duel, and Aayla Secura only survived because she had in depth knowledge of slavery first hand. She also was capable of capture two other Jedi in a trap, including the teleport capable Dark Lady.


Add to that the fact that she was trained further and will have first hand knowledge of her enemies (Vader) she will be quite deadly.


EDIT: I know it was Sharad Hett. I simply forgot which Hett was which. The A is the only thing the differentiates their names.

Edited by Canino
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While I doubt Kenobi or Koon in single combat, she has the skills necessary to kill them with a squad or Kanos. And Jedi Master? Sharad Hett was assassinated by her after a lightsaber duel, and Aayla Secura only survived because she had in depth knowledge of slavery first hand. She also was capable of capture two other Jedi in a trap, including the teleport capable Dark Lady.


I was referring to a Master of Koon's or Kenobi's caliber.


Also, you seem to be thinking that Kenobi or Koon would be alone. I would think that Imperial Knights would be wanting to defend their leaders :p


As to the underlined bit, a squad of what?

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I was referring to a Master of Koon's or Kenobi's caliber.


Also, you seem to be thinking that Kenobi or Koon would be alone. I would think that Imperial Knights would be wanting to defend their leaders :p


As to the underlined bit, a squad of what?


I agree that alone, no, Sing would fail to defeat an enemy of their caliber. You simply said master. I had to :p.


But by squad, I would say of Sun Guard, but EG would also work. The EG is simply less likely. Oh, and I'm amassing a relatively big post, so stay tuned.

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I agree that alone, no, Sing would fail to defeat an enemy of their caliber. You simply said master. I had to :p.


But by squad, I would say of Sun Guard, but EG would also work. The EG is simply less likely. Oh, and I'm amassing a relatively big post, so stay tuned.


Do you just imply that SG > EG?

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Do you just imply that SG > EG?


No. That will never happen. Simply that the FE has more SG, and there for it more likely that the SG would be used, as opposed to the EG, which is less numerous. However, the EG will always, and I mean always, beat the SG.


Glad we cleared that up :p

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