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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We need to make cross server queues a reality


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A not to insignificant portion of the player base is highly arrogant, impatient and downright offensive. I used to queue for PUG HMFPs on my tanks. This is what I was met with constantly -


- sent/mara jumping ahead of the tank and initiating a fight, then using threat drop mechanic to run, forcing the Tank to pick up the mob currently pounding the healer while tanking the elite as well. Healers will often join in.

- Healers are so confident of their healing, they start to DPS but then completely lose track of the fact that they need to heal first, DPS after everyone is topped off.

- RDPS classes (MM snipers, SS gunslingers etc.) will run ahead of the group and initiate a fight with the healer still regenerating force or tanks are in out of combat regen healed after a nasty fight.

- Geared members of the group will ignore the bonus boss and force the group to ignore the bonus boss despite knowing full well there are members in the group who has a chance of getting gear drops.

- impatient DPS constantly spamming "SPCBR PLZ!!! OMG SPCBR U NOOBZ!!!" in group chat....despite the fact they're too pre occupied to notice they're the ones holding up the group.

- This one is my personal favourite - "I do not need you to tank, stay in the back with the healer like a good boy and when I need you, I'll whistle and you'll come to me" was the reply I got one time for asking a DPS guardian not to pull before me.


The reason why I made the above bullet points - we Tanks are not in short supply, we refuse to join the GF queue because of these people. instead of getting angry of frustrated, we just removed ourselves from the GF queue. Cross server queues is only one part of the solution. this whole issue requires a multi pronged approach -


> provide tanks and healers with an incentive to queue up. Better itemised gear, loot roll guarantee (Need rolls are to be prioritized based on current group member gear lvl. E.g. a Tank in 72 gear can't roll for a 69 DPS piece when there's a DPS in 66 gear).

> If the tank is doing something wrong (not holding aggro, or not using aggro generation skills, wrong gear, attempt too help them develop rather than going on a "OMG U CAN"T TANK!!! YOU FAIL" rant - people who are serious about their tanking will take your advice.

> Let the tanks do their jobs. It will ensure a smooth run. Once word of mouth gets around, more and more tanks will bother queuing.

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This shows the lack of attention most people have.


This post was created because GS will have a heavy impact on standard PvP and Arena queues because GS is a PvP based game. This is why I wanted to see more support for cross server queues.


Now that we will be splitting the PvP based queues further, wait times during off peak hours will get worse and the complete lack of PvP games will happen sooner rather than later in the night.


The primary goal of this thread was to get support for cross server queues mainly for PvP. If they add it for PvP they can then use that same tech to work in PvE later.


GS is a PvP based game, I do not know why everyone is fixated on arguing about PvE.


Your OP said:

PvE queues are long especially for DPS players

PvE queues are impossible during off peak hours for anyone

PvP queues can be long during off peak hours

PvP queues will be even longer once GS is released


Once GS is released the wait time for games will become longer due to splitting the population even more.


You say PvE AND PvP queues are long. GS will make queues longer. Therefore cross-server technology should be implemented to help queue times. Consequently people will talk about cross-server tech's ability to reduce both PvE and PvP queues since you were the one to bring both up.

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IMO from playing lots of mmorpgs over they years are. Cross server anything ruins the community of THAT server. I hope they don't add cross server for that reason. But I can understand why you would want it.


I really hope they do not add something like WoW crz. My goodness. That is a headache. "Hey ...want to be my friend or trade or something?" "I'm not on your server..." "oh...well that's dumb" "i know..sigh :( sorry "


I don't want SWTOR to turn into cross server planets or missions and the queves for warzones or flashpoints will ruin the community built or trying to be built on THAT server.


What I think anyway :)

Edited by Sarfux
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Cross server technology does make sense, if only to increase the total available pool of players. This sort of tech does have some social drawbacks. It encourages anti-social behavior, and doesn't allow you to make ties to people you may meet in group finder if they are from another server.


Also I don't think the group finder should be encouraged as a replacement for joining a guild or making friends. The group finder should function as a last ditch effort to get a flashpoint done, it shouldn't be pushed as a primary way of doing group content.


The game needs an intuitive guild finder/advertisement interface. Adding new flashpoints more often than every 12 months would be great too. Where's my hardmode red reaper?

Edited by Marb
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You are welcome, but only with account wide friend/ignore system and following change in GF:

- If needed spot is filled, first put in group are not first in queue by role but first friend of player filing spot by role, then random per role.

- Ignoring a character means no grouping with player behind it anymore no matter of characters used.

Then maybe community will start to behave somehow better...


Any other way, even more tanks and healers will stop PuGing ... and lowers of big numbers will have more spare time :D


First reason for not PuGging with tanks & healers are jerk (mostly DPS) players after all.

Punishing needed players is second one.... rewards, tanking sets from commendations with accuracy and alacrity (why DPS sets has no shield/absorb on them if we are equal as customers), commendation caps and simple fact that to be good tank or healer you need to learn and most DPS know only to pew pew and think they are so good are only to add more annoyance in PuGing :)


PvP - if you want more afkers and jerks in your teams, do it simple ... if not - solution above.

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This directly implies that the distribution of the roles is more or less the same on all servers. But for several reasons it doesn't have to be that way. Be it purely random or because maybe on RP-servers certain classes/roles aren't played that often due to some RPing reasons.

While I agree that probably the deviations aren't that big that there would be a noticeable change for the whole of the playerbase, there might be clearly noticeable improvements for the players on certain servers.


Not that I really believe in this making a big difference, but before (jokingly) accusing other people of making up numbers... get your statistics 101 knowledge straight ;-D


Well see here is the deal.. The fact that it doesn't have to be that way is an irrelevant fact.. In a perfect world nothing has to be the way that it is...


I am discussing the way that it is.. Care to participate??


As for my statistics.. That was actually a pointless remark since there isn't anyone that has actual data and numbers.. Nobody needs statistics to know that.. I will accuse anyone of making up numbers when I know for a fact that they are.. And I wasn't joking.. We as a community have no specific data and actual ratios on this topic.. So any one that give actual specific numbers is pulling them from somewhere other than reality..


We are simply dealing with the fact that people from many different servers are dealing with the same reality.. Not only that, but this issue exists in more games than just this one.. WOW has the same problem with their DPS having long wait times.. This issue effects all of their servers as well.. I have never stated to know any kind of actual ratio.. Just that DPS far out way Healer and tanks..


So please don't tall anyone to take a class unless you are ready to discuss reality.. ;)

Edited by MajikMyst
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Well see here is the deal.. The fact that it doesn't have to be that way is an irrelevant fact.. In a perfect world nothing has to be the way that it is...


I am discussing the way that it is.. Care to participate??


As for my statistics.. Rule number 1 is deal with what is and not what you want them to be.. I knowledge is more than straight.. I will accuse anyone of making up numbers when I know for a fact that they are.. And I wasn't joking.. We as a community have no specific data and actual ratios on this topic.. So any one that give actual specific numbers is pulling them from somewhere other than reality..


I am not the one that needs to take a statistics class.. There are no statistics in this discussion.. We are simply dealing with the fact that people from many different servers are dealing with the same reality.. I have never stated to know any kind of actual ratio.. Just that DPS far out way Healer and tanks..


So please don't tall anyone to take a class unless you are ready to discuss reality.. ;)


He didn't mean "it doesn't have to be this way! - I have a dream". He meant "it doesn't have to be this way - it isn't necessarily the case that tank<healer<DPS at all times across servers". And this is true, at off-hours there aren't many people in GF. This is even truer if you take leveling flashpoints; how many people are within the level range for Cademimu that are also in queue at off-hours? With a considerably lower sample space at off-hours there is a higher statistical randomness. This means tank<healer<dps ratio may very well not be true at off-hours and cross-servers would help level out statistical randomness by increasing the sample space -> faster queues.


This is only, of course, during off-hours.

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Here you assume that the ratio is always the same (or almost the same) for every server.


So?? Your point is.. It isn't an assumption.. It is a well known fact supported by a lot of evidence.. I made no claim to knowing the exact ratio, but it is a for gone conclusion that there are more DPS than tanks and healers on all the servers.. Do you really want to dispute something so obvious??


Here you assume that the ratio on a single server and the ratio with the cross-server tech would be the same.


That is incorrect.. The statement you quoted was an example and not a statement of fact.. I was merely pointing out that cross server isn't the be all end all when it comes to queue wait times.. It will have no impact on the over all issue, which is far more DPS than their are tanks or healers.. You on the other hand are assuming that cross server will change things in our favor.. There is no evidence to support that assumption.. It could in fact make the issue worse.. Could it not??


Would you care to explain exactly how cross server would change any ratio?? Cross server doesn't create tanks and healers.. Does it??


Here you assume that the ratio is static on every server and never changes.


I made no such claim that the ratio of DPS Vs. Tanks and healers was static.. Just that adding cross server would not change it by any appreciable amount.. I am not sure what you issue is here.. My statements are pretty clear and pretty simple.. Not to mention completely accurate..


Here you assume 2 things:

First, that implementing cross-server to WoW didn't affect the queues, and second, that it didn't change the ratio.


I am not assuming anything.. I was there.. And without any actual data, you can't say I am wrong.. Seriously dude.. You have absolutely no facts.. I am at least basing my statements on observable information.. The queues for my Warlock didn't change.. I was on a server called Cenarius that had over 20,000 people on it.. Both games has players complaining about the same issue.. Long queue times for DPS.. Tanks and healers have almost no queue to speak of.. What does that tell you??


Here you assume that ninja looting has become a real problem just after the cross-server was implemented.


Again.. That isn't an assumption.. It is called past experience.. It did in WOW.. Ninja looting became a huge issue because there were no repercussions.. It didn't matter if you ninja looted in a group.. None of the people were on your server so it didn't matter.. I am also not the only person that saw a rise in ninja looting when cross server was added.. I am not the only one mentioning this.. I am sorry if it goes against your view of things..


Here you assume that cross-server doesn't impact the ratio and is useless in general.


All of these assumptions do not have (and can't have) anny solid backing up behind them, since you don't have the real data on how things are going.

Yet you say that you make no assumptions. All of us in this thread do.


The only statements that don't have any solid backing are your own.. You have made repeated attempts to accuse me of assuming and all you are doing assuming yourself.. My statements are sound and backed by observable evidence from 2 separate games.. One of those games has millions of players with a larger number servers.. WOW is a much larger sample than this one and still supports and reflects every point and statement that I have made..


I don't make any assumption.. I have been dealing with this very issue for a while now.. I changed servers in WOW a couple of times, before I realized that every server had the same issue.. Going through their forums also supported that every server has the same issue.. World wide.. Now this game has the same issue.. And it is every server.. That is not assumption.. That is fact..


The issue you need to come to terms with is the idea that all servers have more DPS than tanks for healers.. That is just a fact.. Disputing that is pointless.. Cross server isn't going to change that.. Another fact that is indisputable..


If you are going to accuse someone of assuming anything.. You better make sure you aren't assuming yourself.. I am not assuming anything.. I am making no claims to have any specific data..


How can I say that there will be no change in the ratios?? Simple.. What do you consider change?? 1% or 2% is not change to me.. Heck anything under 5% is not change to me, because anything less than 5% won't have much of an impact on queue times for DPS.. Also, you are assuming that any change would be in our favor.. That may not be the case.. It may go the other way and make the issue worse.. Having taken all that into consideration, the ratio will not change and if it does it will be very little.. Because I have to assume that there are servers that are both better and worse than the norm.. Why am I making that assumption?? Because it is statistically impossible for all the servers to be better and therefore have an impact on queue times.. Some have to be worse.. I have thought this issue through and played the averages.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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cross servers wont help pve, ratios barely change so dps is gonna wait no matter what.

on top of that like mentioned before theres nothing intressting to gain from a fp the only thing that intrests me is the weekly hms ( 3 ) for ultimate comms my guildies need those aswell.


So now i got choice A. do those 3 with guildies wich results in a fast smooth run or B. pug it and hope for the best cause in all fairness tons of ppl have tunnelvision and just do something inside the fp ( pulling infront of tank, undergeared players, not following kill order etc etc )


I like most tanks go for option A and no cross server will change that.

Edited by NrDLeipe
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He didn't mean "it doesn't have to be this way! - I have a dream". He meant "it doesn't have to be this way - it isn't necessarily the case that tank<healer<DPS at all times across servers". And this is true, at off-hours there aren't many people in GF. This is even truer if you take leveling flashpoints; how many people are within the level range for Cademimu that are also in queue at off-hours? With a considerably lower sample space at off-hours there is a higher statistical randomness. This means tank<healer<dps ratio may very well not be true at off-hours and cross-servers would help level out statistical randomness by increasing the sample space -> faster queues.


This is only, of course, during off-hours.


The problem with statements like this is that you assume that Tanks and Healers are on in larger numbers during off hours.. I can't make that assumption.. There is no evidence that supports any such assertion..


Ok.. For the sake of simplicity.. Lets just say that there are 100 DPS on a server, 20 tanks, and 20 healers..


Every server is going to have about that amount as well.. Assuming that over all population is the same.. Some servers could have less and others could have a little more.. So while you claim that their are more tanks and healers.. Which is true.. The ratio hasn't changed and you are forgetting the fact that there are more people looking for a group.. Hence more competition for the few tanks and healers than are on.. Off peak time doesn't have a guarantee of any kind of impact on queues..


You need to understand, there is nothing that says the ratios change during off peak hours.. It is nice to dream about that.. But there is noting that supports the notion that the ratios change.. If 80% of the people go to bed in our imaginary server, there is are now 20 DPS and only 4 tanks and 4 healers.. Sure.. The ratios may change a little bit.. But as I stated before.. There is nothing that says it will change in our favor..


<To everyone.> There seems to be a lot of people that are considering this issue with a single narrow view.. The fact that it can only get better.. Bottom line here is that there is no such fact.. It will either get worse or better.. There is an equal chance for either to happen.. It could get better and it could get worse.. The average being no change.. Which is what happened in WOW.. Cross server did pretty much nothing except create more problems.. Problems that many of you have ignored.. Which is fine, you all want to discuss the numbers..


Cross server also means that ignore will have to work cross server.. Names will have to work cross server.. Blizzard simply attached the server the person was from to their name when they were playing with a group from another server.. Ninja looting.. At least with people that ninja loot here, I can ignore them and not get in a group with that.. In WOW you could talk to their guild leader and hope they did something.. Or you could just vote to kick them which is what mostly happened because people developed a rep for ninja looting.. Cross server changed all that because someone with the same name no longer meant same person..


In the end, cross server created more problems than it solved.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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I'm a strong proponent of legacy (account) ignore option since day one. Stuff like that has to be in the game from the start.


Well.. We have ignore now.. It is per character though..


I agree that ignore should be legacy or Account.. And agree that is should have been added to the game a long time ago..


With the talk of cross server, it also needs to be cross server.. :)

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I have been tanking for the past 14 years. I know what I'm talking about. Don't even get into this argument with me. Tanks DO have to know mechanics DPS don't have to even think about.


So have I, and what you said now and before are 2 different things.


Do tanks have to know more mechanics than other classes? Yes.


Do they have to know the job of all the other classes? No.


Do Tanks like to act like they have to know everything so they can feel extra special important? Signs point to yes.

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The problem with statements like this is that you assume that Tanks and Healers are on in larger numbers during off hours.. I can't make that assumption.. There is no evidence that supports any such assertion..


Ok.. For the sake of simplicity.. Lets just say that there are 100 DPS on a server, 20 tanks, and 20 healers..


Every server is going to have about that amount as well.. Assuming that over all population is the same.. Some servers could have less and others could have a little more.. So while you claim that their are more tanks and healers.. Which is true.. The ratio hasn't changed and you are forgetting the fact that there are more people looking for a group.. Hence more competition for the few tanks and healers than are on.. Off peak time doesn't have a guarantee of any kind of impact on queues..


You need to understand, there is nothing that says the ratios change during off peak hours.. It is nice to dream about that.. But there is noting that supports the notion that the ratios change.. If 80% of the people go to bed in our imaginary server, there is are now 20 DPS and only 4 tanks and 4 healers.. Sure.. The ratios may change a little bit.. But as I stated before.. There is nothing that says it will change in our favor..


<To everyone.> There seems to be a lot of people that are considering this issue with a single narrow view.. The fact that it can only get better.. Bottom line here is that there is no such fact.. It will either get worse or better.. There is an equal chance for either to happen.. It could get better and it could get worse.. The average being no change.. Which is what happened in WOW.. Cross server did pretty much nothing except create more problems.. Problems that many of you have ignored.. Which is fine, you all want to discuss the numbers..


Cross server also means that ignore will have to work cross server.. Names will have to work cross server.. Blizzard simply attached the server the person was from to their name when they were playing with a group from another server.. Ninja looting.. At least with people that ninja loot here, I can ignore them and not get in a group with that.. In WOW you could talk to their guild leader and hope they did something.. Or you could just vote to kick them which is what mostly happened because people developed a rep for ninja looting.. Cross server changed all that because someone with the same name no longer meant same person..


In the end, cross server created more problems than it solved.. :)


The point is that with a considerably smaller sample space there is greater statistical randomness.


Let's say the ratio is 7:2:1 on averagebetween DPS, Healer and Tank. Lets say there are 100 players queuing in group finder at peak hour; therefore 70 DPS, 20 Healers and 10 Tanks. Statistical randomness still operates - example Bob the tank decides not to queue because he is enthralled in his class story; or his girlfriend is there; or he doesn't feel like PUGing today. That's fine, now we have 9 Tanks, not too much of a big deal to queue times, only pool of tanks has only been reduced by 10%.


Let's say there are 20 players queuing in group finder at peak hour; therefore 14 DPS, 4 Healers and 2 Tank. Bob the tank decides not to queue for random reasons. Now we have only 1 Tank in queue, pool of tanks has been reduced by 50% - much larger affect on queue times.


The above analogy is not trying to accurately represent queues in SWTOR but to show how statistical randomness has a far larger impact on smaller sample sizes which can lead to much longer queue times. Cross-server would help reduce the effect of statistical randomness by increasing the sample size.

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Well.. We have ignore now.. It is per character though..


I agree that ignore should be legacy or Account.. And agree that is should have been added to the game a long time ago..


With the talk of cross server, it also needs to be cross server.. :)


Character names are only unique per server. How do you ignore a character cross server that shares the same name of a character on your server?


Legacy names are not unique and often not displayed. How would you ignore a legacy withou ignoring multiple ones and how would you ignore it if you can't see the name?

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Character names are only unique per server. How do you ignore a character cross server that shares the same name of a character on your server?


Legacy names are not unique and often not displayed. How would you ignore a legacy withou ignoring multiple ones and how would you ignore it if you can't see the name?


Tie it with non visible by player account name in DB, then simply show in ignore interface name ignored - you don't need to see account name or all character names behind that account ... player is all that matter.


Player Soho want to ignore Player SuperJerk = in ignore DB of Soho is put something like SuperJerk@rudekiddie ignored (and therefor all names with @rudekiddie will be ignored) but in interface Soho still see only SuperJerk.

Server don't matter as all characters of @rudekiddie will have same suffix and could simply be selected from DB.


Not so hard as it seems... without exploiting security via showing account names.

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From the dev quotes they make it seem like a monumental task. Like nothing new for 18 months type thing. That's a hard pill to swallow for some possible gain.


I do know, from experience, that the further removed people are the more likely they are to indulge in anti-social behavior. I never truly believed people on the forums complaining on terrible people can be until cross server came in. I mean, just the worst.


The difference between WoW and this game is that in wow you could premake a group and you would do a random heroic. In this game, in order to get the commendations, you have to use the group finder. i.e. PUG. Once I level up and get to a point where the commendations don't matter, I doubt I'll use the random finder anymore and if cross server queue is implemented (and I can't switch it off) then I *definitely* won't.


You can make a premade - full 4-man group - and use groupfinder to pick the instance for you. You'll get the GF rewards.



Some, perhaps even many, tanks and healers will likely tell you there is not enough reward to put up with /random_dps_in-PUGs. Not when they can play with guild mates and build a friends list of dps they actually respect and enjoy playing with.


Pretty much. I most frequently play my tanks. I'll pop a GF group a few times a week. If it turns into a mess, I'll just leave. I have plenty of other stuff to do and absolutely no reason to tolerate bad behavior during my entertainment time.



I'm a strong proponent of legacy (account) ignore option since day one. Stuff like that has to be in the game from the start.



Ignore should have always been account-wide. We don't ignore because of what characters do, but what players do. Friends lists too, similar reason.

Edited by DarthTHC
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You can make a premade - full 4-man group - and use groupfinder to pick the instance for you. You'll get the GF rewards.


exactly. that's how I've been flashpointing on my tanks.



Ignore should have always been account-wide. We don't ignore because of what characters do, but what players do. Friends lists too, similar reason.




edited to add. right now I'm still pugging on my healers. considering possibly pugging on tanks again, just for practice.


cross server happens? NONE of my characters are going into random queue ever again.


yes cross server will help during off hours. no it will not help during prime hours. overall, it will reduce the number of players in crucial roles (tanks/healers) willing to pug. with exception of primadonas and/or jerks, that we all love to hate so very much. that's going to be the bulk of your experience with cross server.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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The point is that with a considerably smaller sample space there is greater statistical randomness..


Based on what?? There is no such fact.. You are pulling that one out of thin air.. :rolleyes:


Let's say the ratio is 7:2:1 on averagebetween DPS, Healer and Tank. Lets say there are 100 players queuing in group finder at peak hour; therefore 70 DPS, 20 Healers and 10 Tanks. Statistical randomness still operates - example Bob the tank decides not to queue because he is enthralled in his class story; or his girlfriend is there; or he doesn't feel like PUGing today. That's fine, now we have 9 Tanks, not too much of a big deal to queue times, only pool of tanks has only been reduced by 10%.


Let's say there are 20 players queuing in group finder at peak hour; therefore 14 DPS, 4 Healers and 2 Tank. Bob the tank decides not to queue for random reasons. Now we have only 1 Tank in queue, pool of tanks has been reduced by 50% - much larger affect on queue times.


The above analogy is not trying to accurately represent queues in SWTOR but to show how statistical randomness has a far larger impact on smaller sample sizes which can lead to much longer queue times. Cross-server would help reduce the effect of statistical randomness by increasing the sample size.


No offense?? But the point there was?? We are talking about cross server and the effects there of.. Not what happens if one tank uses the LFG or doesn't use the LFG.. We are dealing with all players and all servers.. Which is far more than your example.. So your point about statistical randomness is kind of pointless.. I am talking about averages across all servers accounting for all players..


I'm sorry.. I just don't get the relevance of what you trying to say and the point you are attempting to make..


I will say this.. You need to understand that with percentages.. 50% is 50%.. The impact of 2 tanks being in the queue and one leaving is exactly the same as 100 being in the queue and 50 leaving.. The impact is the same.. So sample size is irrelevant.. If your claim is what I think it is.. You are saying that percentages have more value in smaller sample sizes.. That is simply mathematically impossible.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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Character names are only unique per server. How do you ignore a character cross server that shares the same name of a character on your server?


Legacy names are not unique and often not displayed. How would you ignore a legacy withou ignoring multiple ones and how would you ignore it if you can't see the name?


See.. Those are some of the issue that need to be addressed.. As I said in another post.. Blizzard attached their home server to their name when they were present in cross server activities.. So in the instance being played, 2 people could exist with the same name.. Technically their names were different.. One was Buford(Server A) and the other was Buford(Server B).. Ignoring people cross server is another issue.. Unless that is the solution.. Attach server name for the ignore as well.. :)


I said legacy or account.. And why are you asking me?? I don't get paid enough to come up with all the answers.. Just some of them.. :p

Edited by MajikMyst
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A lot of people in this thread are making the claim that cross severs will not lower que times.


The thing you are forgetting is the que times for Dps are not the same on each server. If server A has a 30 min que and server b is 1 hour then with cross server the que will be better for server b and worse for server a. It would balance the que's for everyone and might be good for the lower population servers.


I know from experience with wow the cross server que times have changed greatly within each expansion. The harder the content usually the longer the Dps que's.


I agree that it hurts the server community though.

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A lot of people in this thread are making the claim that cross severs will not lower que times.


The thing you are forgetting is the que times for Dps are not the same on each server. If server A has a 30 min que and server b is 1 hour then with cross server the que will be better for server b and worse for server a. It would balance the que's for everyone and might be good for the lower population servers.


I know from experience with wow the cross server que times have changed greatly within each expansion. The harder the content usually the longer the Dps que's.


I agree that it hurts the server community though.



It doesn't help, it may appear to help for one server (reduces the time) but will ultimately make it worse for another (increase the time) it is basically a giant shell game of find the tank. It will help lower population servers, at the cost of higher population servers having to wait longer (but not as long as the low population server).

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A lot of people in this thread are making the claim that cross severs will not lower que times.


The thing you are forgetting is the que times for Dps are not the same on each server. If server A has a 30 min que and server b is 1 hour then with cross server the que will be better for server b and worse for server a. It would balance the que's for everyone and might be good for the lower population servers.


I know from experience with wow the cross server que times have changed greatly within each expansion. The harder the content usually the longer the Dps que's.


I agree that it hurts the server community though.


None of this will work unless someone incentivizes PuG tanking. The one carrot we have is the weekly. After that, the blue drops and small credit reward at the end of the instance don't outweigh the list of cons for having to deal with those people in a PuG.

Edited by gorstram
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It doesn't help, it may appear to help for one server (reduces the time) but will ultimately make it worse for another (increase the time) it is basically a giant shell game of find the tank. It will help lower population servers, at the cost of higher population servers having to wait longer (but not as long as the low population


It would help tons of players while hurting others. At least it would be balanced.


Trying to balance que times amongst the servers would be a good idea since players are noy given the numbers by bio ware on server statistics so why punish some players for being on servers with long que times.


They should just increase rewards for tanks and healers that que in the random finder.


How long are some of the que's that players are experiencing?

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