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Darth Malgus vs Darth Sideous


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If you actually serious about this, I don't think you can really compare an out of combat situation with an in-combat one. Sidious was, as well all know, caught of guard because:


1. He never suspected that his apprentice, whom he had manipulating into a willing pawn, would ever betray him.


2. He was occupied by the task of killing Luke Skywalker, which the novelisation reveals kept him quite occupied indeed as Luke was actually beginning to fight back (absorbing his lightning) and Sidious was afraid of his power.


In battle he isn't going to be fooled into thinking Malgus won't kill him, nor will his guard ever drop to the point in which Malgus could physically pick him up and throw him down a shaft. He'd blast him away or cut him in half before he ever got the chance. And then of course we have the fact that Malgus is a brute force, incredibly direct, (and as a result, somewhat lacking in situational awareness himself) bullrusher. We does not and never has favoured sneaky and underhanded tactics (which he in fact had a measure of distaste for.)


So yeah, Sidious is going to let Malgus sneak up and 'pwn' him - and Malgus ain't going to try. Unless of course you have a thought out and logical scenario that suggests otherwise. If not I'm afraid its a moot point.


While true, it doesn't matter. Sidious' Achilles Heel is pits. In any vs. match he will be overcome by his opponent and tossed down a pit, because pits make him weak.



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I'd put my money on Malgus, cause the whole era was full of wars and battles between Jedi/Sith and Sith/Sith, so Malgus would have been a duelist veteran. There were hardly any Sith in the Sidious era, and Jedi did'n fight any force users on daily basis (unlike swtor era). Experience goes a long way.

Sidious was magnificent in subtle politics, and he surprised his oponents (both Windu and his crew and Yoda) with his skills. I mean Windu did'nt expect a fight at all (but has won non the less) and Yoda was rusty and unexperienced in force user fight.

But against somene like Malgus, who beat lots of Jedi and Sith Sidious would be on a lost position. Might have stronger force with him, but less combat experience.

But -Sidious was wise enough (until ROTJ) to always have the clones or imperial gurd at his side -like the most powerful of mafia bosses -old and blind but always with an army of henchmen.

It needs to, because Sidious is a vastly superior Force User and could (possibly) simply choke Malgus out with the Force. Simply being an experienced duelist, does not mean you can defeat someone vastly superior to you.


Because the fact is Sidious doesn't need experience, he can augment his abilities with the Force - that makes him incredibly fast and incredibly strong which made him capable of utterly devastating seasoned warriors such as Agen Kolar, Saesee Tinn, Kit Fisto and Darth Maul - all of whom were master lightsaber duelists.


He was at an impasse with Windu, but only because through the power of Vaapad Windu was able to keep up with Sidious' blinding speed and strength. Without the ability to siphon Sidious' own energies he would have lost.




You can pass Yoda off as 'rusty' but it remains a fact that he was the greatest lightsaber duelist of his era and perhaps the most talented lightsaber duelist of all time. And then we have Sidious who was a master of all seven lightsaber forms and then some. However one thing we should analyse in Sidious duels is how he always finishes his opponents with the Force. Against Maul he grew tired of the lightsaber duel and batted Maul away, against Windu he resorted to Force lightning (which according to the novel would have killed him) and against Yoda, who constantly attempts to close the gap and engage him in lightsaber combat (a field he was superior in) he blew his lightsaber out of his very grasp.


My point here is that Sidious can end a lightsaber engagement when ever he wants, I really do not think it will be necessary here as Sidious would be able to move faster than Malgus could see, but if he grew tired, he could just blast Malgus away or blow his lightsaber out of his hand with lightning. And then its game over.


However in the end I think Sidious would just choke him to death and be done with it.

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1. He never suspected that his apprentice, whom he had manipulating into a willing pawn, would ever betray him.


Well, that would make him look mighty foolish. Is that an actual canon statement? Someone should have a chat with the writers, then.


And since we all know Sidious wins this fight, and I can't actually take the pit comment for a serious idea, why are we here again?

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Well, that would make him look mighty foolish. Is that an actual canon statement? Someone should have a chat with the writers, then.


And since we all know Sidious wins this fight, and I can't actually take the pit comment for a serious idea, why are we here again?

Its not a canon statement but multiple sources demonstrate how Sidious carefully manipulated his apprentice in obedience and effectively mentally crushed his will and bent it to his command. He was pretty confident Vader would always be loyal.


I mean he did try to kill his son right in front of him, you'd have to be pretty confident to do that.


Does that make Sidious arrogant? By all means yes it was his greatest weakness. But his opponent is no dark horse, he is the very insignificant speck that Sidious will regard him to be.


Why are we here? To spread the TRUTH. :D

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malgus has heavy armor that can stand up to sideous's lightening. Sideous has lightening so hes better at a distance and as long as he can keep malgus there, he has an edge. Malgus needs only find a way to get up close then he will have an advantage. Edited by BacaWicket
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malgus has heavy armor that can stand up to sideous's lightening. Sideous has lightening so hes better at a distance and as long as he can keep malgus there, he has an edge. Malgus needs only find a way to get up close then he will have an advantage.


Sidious' Force lightning has destroyed a legion of stormtroopers and can bend lightsabers. Malgus' armor is not going to help.


Sidious' lightsaber skill is far superior to Malgus' skill. Sidious killed three highly respected swordsmen in mere seconds, stalemated and defeated two of the most skilled duelists of all time (one of whom was the most powerful Jedi in the Order's history), defeated Maul and Savage (both of whom were capable of besting Jedi High Council members), and defeated Luke Skywalker (the most powerful Jedi ever).


I could write a big long BattleZone-style post, but the answer is just too, too obvious. Sidious easily bests Malgus.

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Because the fact is Sidious doesn't need experience, he can augment his abilities with the Force - that makes him incredibly fast and incredibly strong which made him capable of utterly devastating seasoned warriors such as Agen Kolar, Saesee Tinn, Kit Fisto and Darth Maul - all of whom were master lightsaber duelists


Except for all this strength he couldn't get out of a half dead 1 handed vaders grip. Sense... that makes none.


Also if Sideous could blow up entire star fleets with the power of the force... why didn't he ever use that ability against the rebels during the final battle with the DS2? Heck if you have a guy that can do that, why even build the Death Star.. TWICE... the guy on the throne has more power... oh yeah because for all of Lucus's faults he realized that Darth Sideous Super Saiyan fleet killer with the use of the force was a stupid idea.


He was occupied by the task of killing Luke Skywalker, which the novelisation reveals kept him quite occupied indeed as Luke was actually beginning to fight back (absorbing his lightning) and Sidious was afraid of his power.


A half trained Jedi with about 1-2 years of training at best. This is all it takes to fully occupy him and to fight back and resist his best attack? Ouch.



He can destroy an entire fleet with force lightning, bend light sabers, kill legions of troops.. but... can't generate enough power to kill a half trained jedi, or a half dead vader that luke had already beaten down and cut of his hand and had trouble standing. Hmmm.....


So I guess we now have it.. a half trained Jedi is tougher than an entire fleet of star ships. :rak_02:

Edited by StarMagus
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Except for all this strength he couldn't get out of a half dead 1 handed vaders grip. Sense... that makes none.


Also if Sideous could blow up entire star fleets with the power of the force... why didn't he ever use that ability against the rebels during the final battle with the DS2? Heck if you have a guy that can do that, why even build the Death Star.. TWICE... the guy on the throne has more power... oh yeah because for all of Lucus's faults he realized that Darth Sideous Super Saiyan fleet killer with the use of the force was a stupid idea.




A half trained Jedi with about 1-2 years of training at best. This is all it takes to fully occupy him and to fight back and resist his best attack? Ouch.



He can destroy an entire fleet with force lightning, bend light sabers, kill legions of troops.. but... can't generate enough power to kill a half trained jedi, or a half dead vader that luke had already beaten down and cut of his hand and had trouble standing. Hmmm.....


So I guess we now have it.. a half trained Jedi is tougher than an entire fleet of star ships. :rak_02:


The height of ignorance... OK, that's a lie. I've seen worse. You want this one, Beni?

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Oh it's clear you guys can't think of an argument to use, so that's cool. The backslapping of each other was pretty funny!


Again: If Palps has all of these massive powers, why doesn't he ever use them in the movies when it would have made complete sense to do so?


If Palps has perfect clone tech, to the point where he clones himself over and over why does he even care about Luke? He could just clone himself and cut off one of the kids legs if he didn't ever want him growing up to be as powerful as he was.


Answer: The Fan Fic err... sorry.. EU.. didn't ever bother to consider what powers they were heaping on characters and what it would have meant if they had had the powers when the movies came out how different the movies would have been, or completely stupid the characters would have had to have been to not use basic powers.


Vader with one hand picks up Palp and tosses him down the pit.. yet we are to believe palps has speed, strength, combat skill, and the like better than any other being ever... and he can't free himself from the grip of his 1/2 dead student in the 5 or so seconds it takes for Vader to carry him over to the edge of the pit and toss him in? Not only that but he doesn't use any of his force powers as he falling to stop it. The EU claims later that not just 1 or 2 but several Jedi and Sith lower level people can use the force to fly... but the greatest sith of all times... can't. Hmmm....


The only way any of this makes sense if Movie Palps and EU Palps have vastly different abilities. In the scope of the EU super saiyan Palps fleet killer with the force, has 1000 clone bodies like some comic book super villain works.. I guess. In the scope of the movie, he clearly doesn't have those abilities or is too stupid to use them even remotely correctly. Of course not, because Lucus didn't write him in the movies as having those powers they were invented later by EU writers to keep making Palps cooler and cooler and because they couldn't figure out a way to make a new villain just as cool.


EU Book Palps returns is going to sell more copies than EU Book yet another force user nobody knows about shows up with super powers.


All said my first post didn't say Malgus would win.. just that he would have a punchers chance... we see lots of cases in Star Wars where weaker less skilled people defeat those who are "better" than they are. The Force Cheats. :rak_03:

Edited by StarMagus
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Of course not, because Lucus didn't write him in the movies as having those powers they were invented later by EU writers to keep making Palps cooler and cooler and because they couldn't figure out a way to make a new villain just as cool.


Movie palps is actually still very OP, he will kill Malgus exactly like he killed the other council members in the chamber. Lucas said in the making of ROTS DVD that the scene in which Windu/Sidious are fighting was slown down considerably. They are actually moving so fast they are blurs.


I mean, if we are going to take Ian Mcdiarmids words(which we arent) he says he was told they are fighting at the speed of light lol


Sidious stomps here. It will even be worse then Sidious smiting the jedi council members.

Edited by Girdeux
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Oh it's clear you guys can't think of an argument to use, so that's cool. The backslapping of each other was pretty funny!


Again: If Palps has all of these massive powers, why doesn't he ever use them in the movies when it would have made complete sense to do so?


If Palps has perfect clone tech, to the point where he clones himself over and over why does he even care about Luke? He could just clone himself and cut off one of the kids legs if he didn't ever want him growing up to be as powerful as he was.


Answer: The Fan Fic err... sorry.. EU.. didn't ever bother to consider what powers they were heaping on characters and what it would have meant if they had had the powers when the movies came out how different the movies would have been, or completely stupid the characters would have had to have been to not use basic powers.


Vader with one hand picks up Palp and tosses him down the pit.. yet we are to believe palps has speed, strength, combat skill, and the like better than any other being ever... and he can't free himself from the grip of his 1/2 dead student in the 5 or so seconds it takes for Vader to carry him over to the edge of the pit and toss him in? Not only that but he doesn't use any of his force powers as he falling to stop it. The EU claims later that not just 1 or 2 but several Jedi and Sith lower level people can use the force to fly... but the greatest sith of all times... can't. Hmmm....


The only way any of this makes sense if Movie Palps and EU Palps have vastly different abilities. In the scope of the EU super saiyan Palps fleet killer with the force, has 1000 clone bodies like some comic book super villain works.. I guess. In the scope of the movie, he clearly doesn't have those abilities or is too stupid to use them even remotely correctly. Of course not, because Lucus didn't write him in the movies as having those powers they were invented later by EU writers to keep making Palps cooler and cooler and because they couldn't figure out a way to make a new villain just as cool.


EU Book Palps returns is going to sell more copies than EU Book yet another force user nobody knows about shows up with super powers.


All said my first post didn't say Malgus would win.. just that he would have a punchers chance... we see lots of cases in Star Wars where weaker less skilled people defeat those who are "better" than they are. The Force Cheats. :rak_03:

You may not be aware, but Sidious the considerably more powerful post-ritual, so these arguments are moot. But anyway are you going to reply to my all my arguments or not? Because I'm still waiting.


Or are you just going to keep bashing the EU and throwing insults?

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Oh it's clear you guys can't think of an argument to use, so that's cool. The backslapping of each other was pretty funny!


Again: If Palps has all of these massive powers, why doesn't he ever use them in the movies when it would have made complete sense to do so?


If Palps has perfect clone tech, to the point where he clones himself over and over why does he even care about Luke? He could just clone himself and cut off one of the kids legs if he didn't ever want him growing up to be as powerful as he was.


Answer: The Fan Fic err... sorry.. EU.. didn't ever bother to consider what powers they were heaping on characters and what it would have meant if they had had the powers when the movies came out how different the movies would have been, or completely stupid the characters would have had to have been to not use basic powers.


Vader with one hand picks up Palp and tosses him down the pit.. yet we are to believe palps has speed, strength, combat skill, and the like better than any other being ever... and he can't free himself from the grip of his 1/2 dead student in the 5 or so seconds it takes for Vader to carry him over to the edge of the pit and toss him in? Not only that but he doesn't use any of his force powers as he falling to stop it. The EU claims later that not just 1 or 2 but several Jedi and Sith lower level people can use the force to fly... but the greatest sith of all times... can't. Hmmm....


The only way any of this makes sense if Movie Palps and EU Palps have vastly different abilities. In the scope of the EU super saiyan Palps fleet killer with the force, has 1000 clone bodies like some comic book super villain works.. I guess. In the scope of the movie, he clearly doesn't have those abilities or is too stupid to use them even remotely correctly. Of course not, because Lucus didn't write him in the movies as having those powers they were invented later by EU writers to keep making Palps cooler and cooler and because they couldn't figure out a way to make a new villain just as cool.


EU Book Palps returns is going to sell more copies than EU Book yet another force user nobody knows about shows up with super powers.


All said my first post didn't say Malgus would win.. just that he would have a punchers chance... we see lots of cases in Star Wars where weaker less skilled people defeat those who are "better" than they are. The Force Cheats. :rak_03:


Ahhh, the raging insults of a rampaging fanboy.


Gotta love em.

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Movie palps is actually still very OP, he will kill Malgus exactly like he killed the other council members in the chamber. Lucas said in the making of ROTS DVD that the scene in which Windu/Sidious are fighting was slown down considerably. They are actually moving so fast they are blurs.


I mean, if we are going to take Ian Mcdiarmids words(which we arent) he says he was told they are fighting at the speed of light lol


Sidious stomps here. It will even be worse then Sidious smiting the jedi council members.


Really? That's... odd because nothing about the scene in question has any of the visual tricks that movie makers use to show people who are fighting at super speed. Examples I can think of is when you use water drops fall and the people are shown tossing tons of punches while the drop falls in super slow motion. The Matrix used this, heck even in Smallville they used lots of scenes that showed superman moving fast by making everything else freeze frame around, even bullets and cars and the like. It's a simple effect and I'm sort of surprised with locus's love of cgi and the like he wouldn't take advantage of it.

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Really? That's... odd because nothing about the scene in question has any of the visual tricks that movie makers use to show people who are fighting at super speed. Examples I can think of is when you use water drops fall and the people are shown tossing tons of punches while the drop falls in super slow motion. The Matrix used this, heck even in Smallville they used lots of scenes that showed superman moving fast by making everything else freeze frame around, even bullets and cars and the like. It's a simple effect and I'm sort of surprised with locus's love of cgi and the like he wouldn't take advantage of it.


Not sure why he didnt. The ROTS novel also says the same thing with Anakin not being able to see them because they are too fast

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Sidious' Force lightning has destroyed a legion of stormtroopers and can bend lightsabers. Malgus' armor is not going to help.


Sidious' lightsaber skill is far superior to Malgus' skill. Sidious killed three highly respected swordsmen in mere seconds, stalemated and defeated two of the most skilled duelists of all time (one of whom was the most powerful Jedi in the Order's history), defeated Maul and Savage (both of whom were capable of besting Jedi High Council members), and defeated Luke Skywalker (the most powerful Jedi ever).


I could write a big long BattleZone-style post, but the answer is just too, too obvious. Sidious easily bests Malgus.


To be fair, Luke doesn't go all God mode until the books, during the movie he's still kind of meh in my eyes.

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By ROTJ, Luke is roughly(from what I have dug into) equal to Obi-Wan= ROTS(with little to no real gap between the two), so I wouldn't say he is 'meh' by the end of the movies.


Compared to Palpatine, what Vader would have been had he not gone lava swimming, and what Luke ends up becoming. I stand by my "meh" rating.

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Not sure why he didnt. The ROTS novel also says the same thing with Anakin not being able to see them because they are too fast


I wonder if Lucus as a film maker just doesn't like or feel comfortable with that sort of Tech. If you watch all of the fights with the Jedi, they are stronger, and more agile than normal people but they aren't that much faster. You see Obi-Wan for example fighting along side of storm troopers and while he's fast, he's still human looking in speed, when it would have been a good chance to show that Jedi are ZOMG faster than normal people, even people who are clones of the greatest bounty hunter around.

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I thought I'd wait for him to stop nitpicking and actually address my argument in full, or else take it as an admission of defeat. I think we all know he has no leg to stand on.


I concur. It's as if he hasn't read any EU material (between movies), movie novelizations, or the Dark Empire sourcebook (pretty much answers why Sidious couldn't do his crazy shenanigans).


But it's basically just going to be the same argument. Watch:


That said if Malgus plays his cards right and has the fight near a bottomless pit, he's got a punchers chance.


Come on Vader was able to toss the "greatest sith of all time" down a shaft and he wasn't able to stop him, and Vader was almost dead from being beaten up by Luke.


Heck, even Han Solo reacts to see Vader in a room faster than Palps reactions to be picked up.... carried over to the edge of the shaft... and then dropped in like yesterday's garbage.


Except for all this strength he couldn't get out of a half dead 1 handed vaders grip. Sense... that makes none.


He can destroy an entire fleet with force lightning, bend light sabers, kill legions of troops.. but... can't generate enough power to kill a half trained jedi, or a half dead vader that luke had already beaten down and cut of his hand and had trouble standing. Hmmm.....


Vader with one hand picks up Palp and tosses him down the pit.. yet we are to believe palps has speed, strength, combat skill, and the like better than any other being ever... and he can't free himself from the grip of his 1/2 dead student in the 5 or so seconds it takes for Vader to carry him over to the edge of the pit and toss him in? Not only that but he doesn't use any of his force powers as he falling to stop it.


Or maybe I do, but I can see that arguing with you won't go anywhere because any attempt by me to counter your whining (or get the debate moving past it) will be met with 'LOLZ! Tossed down teh pit!'


I'm not saying I

, but I called it.
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people seems to forget that sideous and vader were powerfull in their time because their WERE THE ONLY STIH LORDS AROUND, that said if they were in the swtor era they were just 2 sith among thousands of sith and jedi in a era of war and conflict, so these characters from this time were highly experienced and veterans in wars between each others, if vader were put in front of malgus or sideous in front of a dark counsil member as per example darth nox, they were put to shreds by them, and the prequel jedi were playing the roles of PEACEKEPPERS not warriors AND THE TRAIN REGIMENS WERE NOT as in the past, one reason can be he fact that in the future they were more more carefull in teaching advaced tekniks and the ordenary jedi knight do not need that for their roles since was a era of relative galactic peace for 1000years ,and was better to safeguard and only teach the more advances technikes to older masters because they had the wisdow tocontrol themselfs and more prepare to resist the lure of the dark side, the jedi of old had more liberty to pursue powers and deep knowledge of the force but that too bring too many fallen jedi because of that, and really guys trying to argue that vader and sideous are the more powerfull sith in history? lol for the love of god. one was a crippled man in a suit that cant swing his lightsaber correctly and restringed in terms of force power, was betten by luke that was not even a fully jedi at the time, the other just shoot lightning from his hands, wich dark lord cant do that and more in old era, even nox slapped the lightning thanaton sends with his BARE HANDS and malgus will of dark side was so pure that he can choke like 4 oponents and keep the fightning like was nothing, imagine the emperor that crush jedi masters just with their will, lol these 2 were children compared with the old sith, like kreya once said, but i can say that sideous did what all the others cant, what we did by creating the empire was the ultimate master plan all sith dream to do, but was by manipulating events, as his biggest talent was the manipulation, deception and treachery, thus is name is INSIDEOUS RIGHT? NOT BY RAW FORCE, and vader was a powerfull cyborg and kill many jedi but the jedy of prequel era were not as powerfull as the old era, if he was against a jedi like jeric keadan or revan for example, he gonna be defeated in no time, and i know after this the sideous and vader fans gonna say this is sacriledge sideous and vader were so powerfull ohhh my god i gonna jerk one off lol grow up guys see the logic and reality instead of being stuborns just becuase you guys like x one more than y other one,
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people seems to forget that sideous and vader were powerfull in their time because their WERE THE ONLY STIH LORDS AROUND, that said if they were in the swtor era they were just 2 sith among thousands of sith and jedi in a era of war and conflict, so these characters from this time were highly experienced and veterans in wars between each others, if vader were put in front of malgus or sideous in front of a dark counsil member as per example darth nox, they were put to shreds by them, and the prequel jedi were playing the roles of PEACEKEPPERS not warriors AND THE TRAIN REGIMENS WERE NOT as in the past, one reason can be he fact that in the future they were more more carefull in teaching advaced tekniks and the ordenary jedi knight do not need that for their roles since was a era of relative galactic peace for 1000years ,and was better to safeguard and only teach the more advances technikes to older masters because they had the wisdow tocontrol themselfs and more prepare to resist the lure of the dark side, the jedi of old had more liberty to pursue powers and deep knowledge of the force but that too bring too many fallen jedi because of that, and really guys trying to argue that vader and sideous are the more powerfull sith in history? lol for the love of god. one was a crippled man in a suit that cant swing his lightsaber correctly and restringed in terms of force power, was betten by luke that was not even a fully jedi at the time, the other just shoot lightning from his hands, wich dark lord cant do that and more in old era, even nox slapped the lightning thanaton sends with his BARE HANDS and malgus will of dark side was so pure that he can choke like 4 oponents and keep the fightning like was nothing, imagine the emperor that crush jedi masters just with their will, lol these 2 were children compared with the old sith, like kreya once said, but i can say that sideous did what all the others cant, what we did by creating the empire was the ultimate master plan all sith dream to do, but was by manipulating events, as his biggest talent was the manipulation, deception and treachery, thus is name is INSIDEOUS RIGHT? NOT BY RAW FORCE, and vader was a powerfull cyborg and kill many jedi but the jedy of prequel era were not as powerfull as the old era, if he was against a jedi like jeric keadan or revan for example, he gonna be defeated in no time, and i know after this the sideous and vader fans gonna say this is sacriledge sideous and vader were so powerfull ohhh my god i gonna jerk one off lol grow up guys see the logic and reality instead of being stuborns just becuase you guys like x one more than y other one,


Your sad wall of text ignores canon that, at multiple points, makes explicit mention of Darth Sidious being the most powerful Sith to *ever* exist. Ever.

The Jedi Order was also at one of its strongest points in history when Sidious came to power, contrary to what you claim. That's examplified by Master Yoda, said to be the most powerful Jedi in the Order's history up to that point (and only surpassed by Luke), Mace Windu, one of the greatest swordsmen of all time, as well as the likes of Obi-Wan Kenobi or Shaak Ti.

Bottom line is, no Sith in Star Wars history is more powerful than Darth Sidious. Especially not ones created when George Lucas still had some creative control. And if we were to look for one that might be, Malgus would not be a candidate.

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