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So where are all these Assassins dominating the leader boards?


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No.... Pwnys sin was the best. But that was a long time ago, in a diff game system. And even then, him and roudy were on a very similar level. Gragole was obi-wins replacement :D Not that he wasn't great, he was.




Solo queue rating is too much rng, especially considering the difference in wins with people, a lot of great sins just dont solo queue much. There are sins ranked above mine who I've globalled while they try to tank in dps gear, several who regularly break on spike & low slash. They are good sins, but the ranking isn't a true reflection of the "order of skill" for soloqueue, its a vague outline.


It's a much more accurate reflection than the group rating, where there's typically 3 or 4 teams per server and players are ranked on group performance rather than individual.


ELO was never designed to be used for these team based calculations but it sure as hell isn't more accurate with team vs team than it is with solo queue into random teams.

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It's a much more accurate reflection than the group rating, where there's typically 3 or 4 teams per server and players are ranked on group performance rather than individual.


ELO was never designed to be used for these team based calculations but it sure as hell isn't more accurate with team vs team than it is with solo queue into random teams.


The main difference between rating from solo to group, in my opinion, is that in group 3great players won't carry a bad. So if a guy is getting the wins to have a high ranking, he must be playing at a similar level. It isn't the most accurate system by a long way, but I think its more realistic than a system where you can play flawlessly and be put in a group with someone who queues with 1k expertise and alacrity tank sets.

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The main difference between rating from solo to group, in my opinion, is that in group 3great players won't carry a bad. So if a guy is getting the wins to have a high ranking, he must be playing at a similar level. It isn't the most accurate system by a long way, but I think its more realistic than a system where you can play flawlessly and be put in a group with someone who queues with 1k expertise and alacrity tank sets.


Anybody else can be put in that group as well. If you win with that group you earned your win. If you can't, then you lose ratin like anyone else does. Difference is, you don't get to queue into the same team you've been beating for the last 7 weeks :p

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Just lol..


K. Do I have to spank you again?


Solo queue ELO is a better reflection of individual performance than group rating, especially in this environment. That's not an opinion it's an ELO fact which you can google anywhere.


There simply is not a large enough sample size for group ELO to work. It's meaningless.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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K. Do I have to spank you again?


Solo queue ELO is a better reflection of individual performance than group rating, especially in this environment. That's not an opinion it's an ELO fact which you can google anywhere.


There simply is not a large enough sample size for group ELO to work. It's meaningless.


Solo rating means jack **** because it's luck of the draw. Period.


And it would be proper retarded of Bioware to give people that "top" the solo rankings a special reward.

Edited by Evolixe
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Solo rating means jack **** because it's luck of the draw. Period.


And it would be proper retarded of Bioware to give people that "top" the solo rankings a special reward.


What you are saying is factually inaccurate. There's not room for debate here. You just are wrong.


You don't even have to take my word for it. Just exercise your googling skills.



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K. Do I have to spank you again?


Solo queue ELO is a better reflection of individual performance than group rating, especially in this environment. That's not an opinion it's an ELO fact which you can google anywhere.


There simply is not a large enough sample size for group ELO to work. It's meaningless.


Correct. This is also pretty obvious for someone with a basic understanding of statiastics, so when someone repeatedly fails to understand this even after it's been explained to them, you have to just accept that they may not be capable of understanding.

Edited by KamujinKravshera
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definitely not a fact. there isn't enough population for solo elo to mean anything...on top of countless other threads showing the wrong rating being rewarded for win/loss, 2200 vs 1200, etc


there's a reason why people are stuck in solo queues. it's because no one ever asks you bads to make a team.


solo queue is retard roulette and nothing more. if you play a certain class, you up the chance of winning a little bit. time of day also affects who your teammates are. look at a lot of the highest rated solo queue...they have played A LOT of games and they know exactly when they can farm, queue sync, or whatever else.


give me a break. 4s or ****

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definitely not a fact. there isn't enough population for solo elo to mean anything...on top of countless other threads showing the wrong rating being rewarded for win/loss, 2200 vs 1200, etc


there's a reason why people are stuck in solo queues. it's because no one ever asks you bads to make a team.


solo queue is retard roulette and nothing more. if you play a certain class, you up the chance of winning a little bit. time of day also affects who your teammates are. look at a lot of the highest rated solo queue...they have played A LOT of games and they know exactly when they can farm, queue sync, or whatever else.


give me a break. 4s or ****


Again this isn't a debate. You might as well be arguing that you won't fall if you jump off the bridge.

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Again this isn't a debate. You might as well be arguing that you won't fall if you jump off the bridge.


you're right, i already won a long time ago. solo is for bads or bored good people. 4s is the only thing that matters. you are a low rated challenger who suffers from dunning-kruger.



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you're right, i already won a long time ago. solo is for bads or bored good people. 4s is the only thing that matters. you are a low rated challenger who suffers from dunning-kruger.



While the small population is a key factor here, the ELO system was never designed for group play. This is indeed not a debate, your opinion is flat out wrong, please read on the topic before spouting nonsense and insults.

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The solo queue elo system is NOT a better representation of individual performance because you cannot possibly function at 100% capacity. You are far too dependant on the choices and action of the other 3 random people you get grouped up with.


That has nothing to do with the elo system itself, that is just a byproduct of how solo ranked is designed in this game.


To see the best of someone, you need to see him or her active in a group of likeminded individuals performing as a team. You are forgetting that the ability to be a good teamplayer is the founding basis of a good pvper.




That good enough for you or you have more ******** statistics to throw around claiming otherwise?

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The solo queue elo system is NOT a better representation of individual performance because you cannot possibly function at 100% capacity. You are far too dependant on the choices and action of the other 3 random people you get grouped up with.


That has nothing to do with the elo system itself, that is just a byproduct of how solo ranked is designed in this game.


To see the best of someone, you need to see him or her active in a group of likeminded individuals performing as a team. You are forgetting that the ability to be a good teamplayer is the founding basis of a good pvper.




That good enough for you or you have more ******** statistics to throw around claiming otherwise?




Also - I think this is the first lengthy post you have written that I have read, in which you have not referenced yourself not so subtly being self proclaimed assassin of the universe. Cheers.

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While the small population is a key factor here, the ELO system was never designed for group play. This is indeed not a debate, your opinion is flat out wrong, please read on the topic before spouting nonsense and insults.


i already explained how it doesn't apply for solo rating. i'm right because i'm better than you, fact.


what's even more funny is how you bads cling to solo rating, yet you're all low rated. you don't see any of the high rated people coming in here to defend it lol

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Just to get at this for now, I disagree. Other classes might have it easier, and I fully agree with you there, but that doesn't mean an Assassin can't do better than a Marauder overall. Even in the hands of the same player.


That is just because the versatility of the Assassin class is so much better than the Marauder class.

At least half of the stuff you spew on the forums is blatantly wrong, it almost defies logic. I seriously hope people don't validate what you say just because you rear your head in every imaginable forum thread


Assassins are unpowered, less so than a few other specs, but still far from optimal.


DPS operatives aside, they don't have comparable utility when compared to other sub-10m classes. Low Slash and taunts are a joke compared to PT aoe stun, baseline pull better slow, VASTLY superior sustained damage and survivability and taunts of their own.


And Maras? Don't get me started with the group buffs and instant aoe mezz...


Your "op maul" (what a joke that is) doesn't count for a damn thing when you're queued into a team with a fake tanking pt that laughs at your crits and melt you down in seconds.


Solo queue doesn't matter. You just hope you get matched with the less retarded players and pray to God that nobody disconnects, lags to hell and back or ragequits. Plenty of terrible/second rate players (from my server, anyway) are high up on the leaderboards. Means nothing.


Most good players don't bother with Assassins because they just aren't worth the time or the pointlessly additional required effort. As a result, most of the solo queue Assassins are especially terrible. Hence, why you don't see them topping the leaderboards in such droves.

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definitely not a fact. there isn't enough population for solo elo to mean anything...on top of countless other threads showing the wrong rating being rewarded for win/loss, 2200 vs 1200, etc


there's a reason why people are stuck in solo queues. it's because no one ever asks you bads to make a team.


solo queue is retard roulette and nothing more. if you play a certain class, you up the chance of winning a little bit. time of day also affects who your teammates are. look at a lot of the highest rated solo queue...they have played A LOT of games and they know exactly when they can farm, queue sync, or whatever else.


give me a break. 4s or ****


The solo queue elo system is NOT a better representation of individual performance because you cannot possibly function at 100% capacity. You are far too dependant on the choices and action of the other 3 random people you get grouped up with.


That has nothing to do with the elo system itself, that is just a byproduct of how solo ranked is designed in this game.


To see the best of someone, you need to see him or her active in a group of likeminded individuals performing as a team. You are forgetting that the ability to be a good teamplayer is the founding basis of a good pvper.




That good enough for you or you have more ******** statistics to throw around claiming otherwise?


Everything you both just said applies as much to solo queue as it does to team rated queue. You can queue dodge and queue farm in teams just as much in solo (moreso, in fact). You lose or gain just as many points for winning or losing when the teams are uneven in solo as you do in teams. You have to learn to use teamwork with people you haven't seen before in solo just as much as you have to work with the people you do know in teams. All of these are nearly identical in both queue systems.

You don't even realize how fail your own arguments are, you're defeating yourself with your own comments.


As for statistics I don't need to post any, I've already given you the tools to look it up for yourself, you're just too dumb to do so.


I'll give you one more chance to actually do some research and maybe, just maybe, you'll learn how to use logic in your thought processes instead of just spamming whatever dumb **** you dream up in your cocaine-induced hysteria.


Edited by JP_Legatus
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Everything you both just said applies as much to solo queue as it does to team rated queue. You don't even realize how fail your own arguments are, you're defeating yourself with your own comments.


As for statistics I don't need to post any, I've already given you the tools to look it up for yourself, you're just too dumb to do so.


I'll give you one more chance to actually do some research and maybe, just maybe, you'll learn how to use logic in your thought processes instead of just spamming whatever dumb **** you dream up in your cocaine-induced hysteria.



yes because getting 3 randoms not in comms probably bad comp never played before has is comparable to relying on 3 other teammates in comms and who youve played with probably for a while if youre queuing fours with them


puhhhhhleassssssse you have GOT to be joking



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Low Slash and taunts are a joke compared to PT aoe stun, baseline pull better slow, VASTLY superior sustained damage and survivability and taunts of their own.
You're selling low slash painfully short. 4s mez on a 15s CD is an incredible tool. Not to mention Sins get mind trap which immediately puts pressure on the opposing team at the start.


They also have arguably the 2nd best set of def CDs in the game.



Your "op maul" (what a joke that is) doesn't count for a damn thing when you're queued into a team with a fake tanking pt that laughs at your crits and melt you down in seconds.
That applies to every spec that relies on kinetic/energy dmg. At least Sins have massive Discharge crits to get around high armor mitigation. Carnage/Combat specs are the only things that can really burst a tank stance PT.


Solo queue doesn't matter. You just hope you get matched with the less retarded players and pray to God that nobody disconnects, lags to hell and back or ragequits. Plenty of terrible/second rate players (from my server, anyway) are high up on the leaderboards. Means nothing.
I do agree here though.


4v4 team play is the pinnacle of pvp in this game atm.

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ah lol i just relized jp is trying to argue that solo q with its innumerable variables and randomness is a better representation of skill than a controlled 4s comp with comms and organization. probably that argument that if you have a high solo rating u must be sooo good cuz u carry soooo hard









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yes because getting 3 randoms not in comms probably bad comp never played before has is comparable to relying on 3 other teammates in comms and who youve played with probably for a while if youre queuing fours with them


puhhhhhleassssssse you have GOT to be joking




Apparently you think you're the only one who gets into a queue with these 3 randoms? Apparently you think you can't have bads on your team in team queue?

It's hilarious how delusional you can be.


The information is out there. Please educate yourself.


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