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So where are all these Assassins dominating the leader boards?


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http://www.twitch.tv/matchlessglory/c/3281235 Sin tank in action against MVP tonight.


I believe the R1 European team also runs a Sin tank. Kinda hard to say they aren't in a good place right now.


Did you even watch this stream?

Game 1 - r1: turrican dies first

Game 1 - r2: turrican dies first

Game 2 - r2: turrican dies first

Game 3 - r1: turrican dies first

Game 4 - wasn't even against MVP, other team 0-2'd in short order

Game 5 - MARA died first, can't explain that with any amount of logic so it's safe to disregard.


IIRC that guy is supposed to be some kind of superpro, idk who he is but people talk about him like hes an amazing sin. So you can't say it's lack of talent.


Somehow from this stream you gather sins are doing just fine. :rolleyes:


It's a good thing I have no life or you people would be getting away with all kinds of fraud.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Game 5 the sin died first too, but the UI bugged, making it look like the mara did.


But 4 mans are about tank killing so the fact that the Sin died a bunch of times doesn't really mean anything. The PT tank on the other team died a lot more. The fact that they had success against MVP w/ a sin tank shows that Sins are viable for top level play- but in the hands of a top player, running a hybrid tree spec.


Which doesn't really get the discussion anywhere, considering the OP's purpose was to show that DPS Sins aren't FOTM in arenas.

Edited by Calvin_Mago
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Assassin/Shadow- 14

Sorc/Sage- 8

Mara/Sent- 22

Guardian/Jugg- 4

Sniper/Guns- 7

Scoundrel/Op- 17

Powertech/Van- 27

Comm/Merc- 1



Assassin/Shadow- 6

Sorc/Sage- 11

Mara/Sent- 25

Guardian/Jugg- 5

Sniper/Guns- 4

Scoundrel/Op- 25

Powertech/Van- 29

Comm/Merc- 2


I want to point out that this pretty much means on average, ranked arena teams have the composition of;

Powertech, Operative, Marauder, One other- oh, and the one other has as good a chance of being a sniper, merc or juggernaut as it does a second PT. :D


PT/Op/Mara- that's pretty much all it comes down to, and is it a surprise? People have been talking about the dps of PTs and marauders since April of last year, as well as the healing survivability of ops.


I don't think this is a case of the sin/shadow being worse than the PT/Mara, as I have one of every class now and have pvped with each of them. I think the main difference is this- it's very easy to get amazing results as a PT/Mara, a Sin is harder to play well, and thus isn't looked at quite as much. Same deal with a sniper, class requires you to be very conscious of your positioning, which can make the layered, cover ridden arena zones even more of a pain.

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Did you even watch this stream?

Game 1 - r1: turrican dies first

Game 1 - r2: turrican dies first

Game 2 - r2: turrican dies first

Game 3 - r1: turrican dies first

Game 4 - wasn't even against MVP, other team 0-2'd in short order

Game 5 - MARA died first, can't explain that with any amount of logic so it's safe to disregard.


IIRC that guy is supposed to be some kind of superpro, idk who he is but people talk about him like hes an amazing sin. So you can't say it's lack of talent.


Somehow from this stream you gather sins are doing just fine. :rolleyes:


It's a good thing I have no life or you people would be getting away with all kinds of fraud.


Lol of course he dies first.. he is tanking.. Are you seriously that retarded?


And I'm a little more careful with calling him a "superpro".

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I've done plenty of ranked, again you are doing nothin but spam ignorance and baseless conjecture.

No, the fact that you have literally no data backing you up while I have plenty is what makes it a fact.


You can spam more stupidity about how I don't play ranked because I'm inactive for 1 week or you can actually know what you're talking about and/or just check my stream


Using the word "spam" twice in an reply is actually "spam", too.

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Leaderboards don't mean a crap, that whole system is bugged beyond belief.


Slightly Disagree...


Solo leaderboards are a measure of how lucky players are with teammates and which classes prosper. Its widely known that Ion cylinder vanguard is out of balance and that shows through the leader-boards quite clearly.... Certainly the only times i lose solo arenas with full teams of decentish players.... are either Op DPS on my team or vanguard/powertech in ion cylinder on the enemy team in a 3 dps and 1 healer game.

But yes solo ranking is hugely dictated by luck and the amount of free time someone has.


Team ranking in theory is fine. However because of how quiet most of the servers are it is highly susceptible to abuse and "rating farming" like i have heard Drama on ToFN does.


Assassins need more sustainable damage. Where a good assassin can currently put out good numbers and have good burst, it is far more demanding than any other class to excel at. Darkmaul is a decent spec, however the damage is still primarily single target, where the PT in ion cylinder just has way more utility and AOE suppression damage. Assassins are useful in solo ques, since alot of games do not have healers, but again its largely down to the luck of the team comp. I would also say OP dps needs a buff aswel. currently the only operatives/scoundrels doing well are healers. Since that's the only viable healer for arenas.



Thats my too cents anyway.

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Assassin/Shadow- 14

Sorc/Sage- 8

Mara/Sent- 22

Guardian/Jugg- 4

Sniper/Guns- 7

Scoundrel/Op- 17

Powertech/Van- 27

Comm/Merc- 1



Assassin/Shadow- 6

Sorc/Sage- 11

Mara/Sent- 25

Guardian/Jugg- 5

Sniper/Guns- 4

Scoundrel/Op- 25

Powertech/Van- 29

Comm/Merc- 2


I want to point out that this pretty much means on average, ranked arena teams have the composition of;

Powertech, Operative, Marauder, One other- oh, and the one other has as good a chance of being a sniper, merc or juggernaut as it does a second PT. :D


PT/Op/Mara- that's pretty much all it comes down to, and is it a surprise? People have been talking about the dps of PTs and marauders since April of last year, as well as the healing survivability of ops.


I don't think this is a case of the sin/shadow being worse than the PT/Mara, as I have one of every class now and have pvped with each of them. I think the main difference is this- it's very easy to get amazing results as a PT/Mara, a Sin is harder to play well, and thus isn't looked at quite as much. Same deal with a sniper, class requires you to be very conscious of your positioning, which can make the layered, cover ridden arena zones even more of a pain.


Snipers do fine when they do not try to do what they are not supposed to. They can't chase healers around LOS the way their melee counterparts do, even if they go full lethality; they are then squishy as hell running around.. Probably why in PUG ranked, people don't like their sniper/slinger as much. You need more than one DPS on the healer more than likely, or one good one that can CC that healer and clear the others.

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Slightly Disagree...




Well, that system is been obviously exploited already to the point where I don't even want to have any ranking status. For it would stamp me as an exploiter, granted, as I can take folks down. I'm even scared to play the game these days.


PS: My main is MM Snipe, I don't even have assasin.

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http://www.twitch.tv/matchlessglory/c/3281235 Sin tank in action against MVP tonight.


I believe the R1 European team also runs a Sin tank. Kinda hard to say they aren't in a good place right now.


ehm if you want a really good sin tank action, as you previously said the R1 EU team runs it, check http://www.twitch.tv/roudyzor , that guy is a beast.


What you linked is rather bad gameplay tho :(.

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Lol of course he dies first.. he is tanking.. Are you seriously that retarded?


And I'm a little more careful with calling him a "superpro".


Lol, is it the tank that always dies first in your experience?

Man I need to go play on your server. It sounds easier than harbinger.


I mean I do see the logic there, the tank can't guard himself and many of these teams are running dps as off tank which makes for a very good target. We have tried focusing the off tank first in many scenarios, but that's the diff... PT can get away with that due to the stupid amount of reductions in tree and heavy armor. Sins cannot.

On the other hand, the PT didn't die first nearly as often and iirc you guys won 3/4? Or was it 2/2? So it's not like you can say the teams were uneven. The sin died first because it's squishier.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Lol, is it the tank that always dies first in your experience?

Man I need to go play on your server. It sounds easier than harbinger.


I mean I do see the logic there, the tank can't guard himself and many of these teams are running dps as off tank which makes for a very good target. We have tried focusing the off tank first in many scenarios, but that's the diff... PT can get away with that due to the stupid amount of reductions in tree and heavy armor. Sins cannot.

On the other hand, the PT didn't die first nearly as often and iirc you guys won 3/4? Or was it 2/2? So it's not like you can say the teams were uneven. The sin died first because it's squishier.


what stream were you watching? matchless won 4-1 overall in games. and newsflash...every GOOD team kills the ap tank first most of the time


i really wish bioware would forum ban all you dunning-kruger sufferers and low rated challengers


p.s. turrican is the best sin in the game.

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He is the best assassin out there.


Correction : he is the best assassin, from what is left / who still pvp, out there. If you look at the leaderboard, his rating is high (giving him the benfit of the doubt that he is not haxing like his guildies), because he plays with Dariann, Zaer, who are also high up the ladder. In solo Assassin he is nowhere to be found.

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You are giving me too much credit, really. I might be one of the top assassin players on the server but so are others who might be less known because they do not run a competitive 4v4 team at this time. Of course a certain level of individual skill is required to compete at top level but the team coordination and synergy is far more important.


Regarding the matches from yesterday, though it was 3-1 in games it was only 6-5 in rounds - so overall pretty even and a lot of the rounds could have gone either way.


I have to pay respect for the Bastion teams that decided to transfer. The quality of arena pvp on our server definitly improved for that. Every round yesterday was extremely intense and Blackadder is one legend of a sniper.


I hope we get to see more of that in the days and weeks to follow.

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Correction : he is the best assassin, from what is left / who still pvp, out there. If you look at the leaderboard, his rating is high (giving him the benfit of the doubt that he is not haxing like his guildies), because he plays with Dariann, Zaer, who are also high up the ladder. In solo Assassin he is nowhere to be found.


Correction: he was the best assassin and is, you are probably unfamiliar with the server/situation. Roudy and Gragole were always the best sins out there, and since the second one left its only him.


Solo rating means nothing, atleast to me, because its too dependant on luck and not on your personal skill. If you think Solo>Group then, well, we can't really talk competitive PvP with you here.

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what stream were you watching? matchless won 4-1 overall in games. and newsflash...every GOOD team kills the ap tank first most of the time


i really wish bioware would forum ban all you dunning-kruger sufferers and low rated challengers


p.s. turrican is the best sin in the game.


That's almost exactly what I said. Did you even read the post? Or are you just flapping your gums cluelessly like the rest of the people I've encountered here?


Ironically the fact that "everyone kills the ap first" only proves that sins are weaker since he was the one dying all the time... From the team that won all the games.


Or are you saying the PT is just that much better of a player than turrican?

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Correction: he was the best assassin and is, you are probably unfamiliar with the server/situation. Roudy and Gragole were always the best sins out there, and since the second one left its only him.


Solo rating means nothing, atleast to me, because its too dependant on luck and not on your personal skill. If you think Solo>Group then, well, we can't really talk competitive PvP with you here.


No.... Pwnys sin was the best. But that was a long time ago, in a diff game system. And even then, him and roudy were on a very similar level. Gragole was obi-wins replacement :D Not that he wasn't great, he was.


Correction : he is the best assassin, from what is left / who still pvp, out there. If you look at the leaderboard, his rating is high (giving him the benfit of the doubt that he is not haxing like his guildies), because he plays with Dariann, Zaer, who are also high up the ladder. In solo Assassin he is nowhere to be found.


Solo queue rating is too much rng, especially considering the difference in wins with people, a lot of great sins just dont solo queue much. There are sins ranked above mine who I've globalled while they try to tank in dps gear, several who regularly break on spike & low slash. They are good sins, but the ranking isn't a true reflection of the "order of skill" for soloqueue, its a vague outline.

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