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Server PVP Leaderboards


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Here is a link for our server leaderboards. You can essentially sort into further silos by server here. This thread is for linking and classifying our server information. Will be saving space for group rating links as well. Because the leaderboards are poorly organized as of now, we'll use this. If you can get links working for the group links please post them. Hopefully this makes it easier for everyone.


Please use this thread for discussion and etc.


To manually switch to group view, you must first click group out of the home page (you can also preselect group by class here), then find a player from shadowlands and Click Shadowlands[/b] which will lead you to our group leaderboard. Hopefully we can maintain people at the top so it's easier to click for you :D


Home: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/class/pvp_ranked_solo/the-shadowlands


Jugs - Guards: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/class/guardian-juggernaut/the-shadowlands

Mara - Sent: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/class/sentinel-marauder/the-shadowlands

Shadow - Sin: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/class/shadow-assassin/the-shadowlands

Sage - Sorc: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/class/sage-sorcerer/the-shadowlands

Van - PT: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/class/vanguard-powertech/the-shadowlands

Mando - Merc: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/class/comando-mercenary/the-shadowlands

Slinger - Sniper: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/class/gunslinger-sniper/the-shadowlands

Scoundrel - Op: http://www.swtor.com/leaderboards/class/scoundrel-operative/the-shadowlands





Edited by Hellinchaos
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edit: nvm it doesn't work


but how was everyone's experience last night? We had some really good matches against ID and Eternal.

Had a couple of good solo matches, later on I got to try team ranked but there weren't many people queuing. We had some fun with the same group for a few matches and that was it.

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solo ranked rating means nothing at all o.O just means you get luckier than others... woopdidoo


(quoting other people)


And ranked group rainting means you got more PT's then the other group

And winning regular warzones means you have less dead weight


(end of quoting)


So there is no real meaning to anything!! What am I doing with my life?!! :jawa_frown:

Edited by alexandrabarros
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but solo queue really does mean nothing


Random groups, random compositions, and random skill levels =/= competitive matches


and on this server its super easy to queue sync


Actually random composition not so much. They match dps vs dps, healer vs healer and tank vs tank... that being said people with a hybrid vanguard/powertech that can guard can give a distinct advantage.


To be honest most of the best games I went against was against the guys who I would be wanting to queu with. I think I went up against Cielo 10+ times today, against Katez like 5 times, against Tae, Urbanmeyer, Artaio... those were the better matches.


To be honest solo ranked will be as good as the people who embrace it and unfortunately not many are embracing it right now:( and that makes me a SAAAD PANDA:eek:


So where are the imps, I only seen Harison and a few others, are you queuing ranked group?

Edited by Itchy_Bum
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Actually random composition not so much. They match dps vs dps, healer vs healer and tank vs tank... that being said people with a hybrid vanguard/powertech that can guard can give a distinct advantage.


To be honest most of the best games I went against was against the guys who I would be wanting to queu with. I think I went up against Cielo 10+ times today, against Katez like 5 times, against Tae, Urbanmeyer, Artaio... those were the better matches.


To be honest solo ranked will be as good as the people who embrace it and unfortunately not many are embracing it right now:( and that makes me a SAAAD PANDA:eek:


So where are the imps, I only seen Harison and a few others, are you queuing ranked group?


When I get 2 sorcs, 2 mercs vs 3-4 warriors it feels pretty random,

What i meant was sometimes you get comps that work well together but most times you don't. If you get a sorc healer and the other team has an OP for example. The skill matching seems no where to be found, maybe after more people establish rating.


KFT, and DS are mostly trying to do 4s, I see the occasional imp guild like veritas and ten inches. Haven't seen a pub team since the day of reset.

I get the draw of solo for comm farming but it is usually not very competitve, can only really use the most basic strats (kill that guy) combine that with the faction split (seems way more pubs que) and 1/4 matches seems to get a d/c for me.

yolo que I just use to farm ez ranked comms

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When I get 2 sorcs, 2 mercs vs 3-4 warriors it feels pretty random,

What i meant was sometimes you get comps that work well together but most times you don't. If you get a sorc healer and the other team has an OP for example. The skill matching seems no where to be found, maybe after more people establish rating.


KFT, and DS are mostly trying to do 4s, I see the occasional imp guild like veritas and ten inches. Haven't seen a pub team since the day of reset.

I get the draw of solo for comm farming but it is usually not very competitve, can only really use the most basic strats (kill that guy) combine that with the faction split (seems way more pubs que) and 1/4 matches seems to get a d/c for me.

yolo que I just use to farm ez ranked comms


Actually seen a few KFT, DS (both Death Sentence and Death Smile), and others queuing... actually the top marauder is from Unconquered how long he stays up top remains to be seen. To be honest beaten a lot of teams when they had op healer vs us with sage or trooper... just need to play to your teams advantages and hopefully people can listen to written instructions.

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Solo queue isn't so bad, it matches based on ELO and spec, although it doesn't seem to take composition into account which kinda sucks, so it is a bit of a lottery. If anything, it tests your ability to strategize on the fly and execute said plans with people you've never played with before.


Arguments can be made against and for both ranked queues. And there aren't enough people doing grouped on our server right now.

Edited by Arcadius-Fett
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solo Ranked is a huge fail for one simple reason: NO GEAR REGULATION


example: You can have a fully min/maxed tank class who gets grouped up with a couple of 26k sorcs and no matter how much protection you pass around, you're just delaying the inevitable. Same goes for heal classes. BW claims their not fans of hybriding but are pushing people in that direction and now what we end up with is DPS classes are king and supportive classes don't even want to que up anymore. good luck getting a que pop here in the near future if you're not a DPS. Supportive classes could at least have a chance if there was some regulation as to how much expertise/pvp gear is required to que up for solo ranked.


If this is the case then so be it, I will be retiring my supportive classes and work only on DPS classes and pvp will soon be filled with nothing but derp DPSers

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