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How am I supposed to min/max the guardian tank 72 gear!?


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So all the guardian 72 gear gives shield/absorb or shield/alacrity and i know the alacrity is bad but i was hoping for stuff like defense/shield enchancements on SOMETHING. So when i asked fleet i was told i should get accuracy as a tank (so i don't miss and so i can pull or threat which sounds odd considering i haven't had a problem with my moves ever missing..) So now I am confused about the accuracy thing and frustrated since right now as much as i want to upgrade to elite gear I feel like trying to min/max anything for guardian tanking is impossible...


So where am i supposed to get shield/defense 31 enchancements AND do tanks even USE accuracy?

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You don't need Accuracy.


Commendation tank gear is utterly worthless. You need to run the Ops to get proper gear. Story modes for Arkanian, hard modes and nightmare modes for the higher tiers. Gearing up from commendations is a bad idea for a Guardian tank: the other day I saw one with 41k HP and 12% defense chance...

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So all the guardian 72 gear gives shield/absorb or shield/alacrity and i know the alacrity is bad but i was hoping for stuff like defense/shield enchancements on SOMETHING. So when i asked fleet i was told i should get accuracy as a tank (so i don't miss and so i can pull or threat which sounds odd considering i haven't had a problem with my moves ever missing..) So now I am confused about the accuracy thing and frustrated since right now as much as i want to upgrade to elite gear I feel like trying to min/max anything for guardian tanking is impossible...


So where am i supposed to get shield/defense 31 enchancements AND do tanks even USE accuracy?


The most important thing you are upgrading at this point are your armorings. Mods from the vendor will be high endurance, but will suffice until you get oricon mods, which are also high endurance but will still be a huge upgrade going from 72 comm mods.


Replace the enhancements in the comms gear with immunity/sturdiness 66 enhancements (can't remember which ones are in the game), they can be crafted / bought from gtn. With that gear you should be doing sm df/dp and hardmode tfb/sv to get gear tokens.

Edited by Marb
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So all the guardian 72 gear gives shield/absorb or shield/alacrity and i know the alacrity is bad but i was hoping for stuff like defense/shield enchancements on SOMETHING. So when i asked fleet i was told i should get accuracy as a tank (so i don't miss and so i can pull or threat which sounds odd considering i haven't had a problem with my moves ever missing..) So now I am confused about the accuracy thing and frustrated since right now as much as i want to upgrade to elite gear I feel like trying to min/max anything for guardian tanking is impossible...


So where am i supposed to get shield/defense 31 enchancements AND do tanks even USE accuracy?


Accuracy is not a stat you want as a tank. The people on fleet were probably trolling you.


Stats you want: Defense, Shield, Absorb. Of course take Endurance and Strength where you can as well, but not over the three "mitigation" stats. If you look in the tanking forums, you'll see recommendations for how much of each stat. As a guardian, the quick answer is to have defense > shield > absorb, but not to neglect any of them.


How to get the gear:


Go ahead and buy the 72 pieces. The armoring is good, and the mod isn't terrible. For enhancements: go buy some purple rating 66 ones on the gtn. Get the ones with lots of shield and defense or lots of shield and absorb (these are called advanced immunity enhancement 28 and advanced sturdiness enhancement 28 respectively). They'll probably run you 40k+ each. Ideally, replace all your enhancements with them, because they have more defense/shield/absorb total than the commendation ones. If you only buy a few though, at least be sure to replace any commendation enhancements that have accuracy or alacrity (as these aren't tanking stats).


For relics, if you do any pvp you can grab some conqueror ones. Or if you do dailies you can grab arkanian or dread guard ones with basic or classic comms.


With that gear you'll be more than good for any story mode. Also, especially If you augment it (for defense, probably, or absorb if you don't have any absorb yet), then you'd be fine for HM TFB or S&V if you know the tactics.


When you get set bonus armorings, put them in (69 set bonus is still better than anything without set bonus). And hopefully you'll get some better mods and enhancements from the pieces eventually as well. Check that the total defense + shield + absorb is higher than the piece you're replacing, and put it in.

Edited by cxten
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  • 3 weeks later...

Guardian Tanks use the defencive stats as such.


Defence Chance > Shield > Absorb


Defence Chance is used most often because of the high Armor Rating that guardians get from Heavy Armor + Guard Stance Talent. Shield is next because without high Shield Chance, you cant use that Absorb Rating! And Absorb comes last because you should be shielding more than you are absorbing.


For those pesky enhancements, pick up the 66 rating enhancements with Defence and Shield rating. Absorb comes from your Implants and Earpiece. For Augments, I HIGHLY recommend the Augments with Defence and Power, Why? Well, the more damage your Blade Storm deals, the more your Blade Storm's Shield will absorb. I saw this on the forums somewhere, and it opened my eyes to the usefulness of the Defence and Power Augments.


Another thing, Don't go for high Endurance and sacrifice your Tanking stats. I see a lot of tanks with 40k+ HP with low defencive stats, that are less tanky than a Carnage Marauder. Do yourself a favor and get Enhancements that are heavy on the defencive stats, and lower on the endurance.

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I'll echo what others have said. Your comm gear is going to have some poor stats on it for the most part. No two ways about it. You should be able to craft a lot and buy 66/69 gear with correctly balanced items.


Mods: Advanced Resilient B and Advanced Elusive B

Enhancements: Advanced Bulwark and Advanced Bastion


Relics: Shield Amplification, Fortunate Redoubt and Shrouded Crusader


You'll swap Shield and Redoubt depending on the fight.

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Theoretically, low Accuracy might hurt a Guardian tank if you miss a crucial threat-building attack and lose aggro from your enemy. But in practice that rarely happens and even if it does, you have the tools to get it back almost immediately. We have a really good toolset with our cooldowns. Definitely don't build up Accuracy at the expense of all of the other stats you need to build up.


One other reason why Defense is a premium stat for Guardians is because we have a number of abilities that proc from parrying attacks (like Riposte or Courage) so it's providing a bigger benefit than simple defense.

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You want to balance your stats not just aim for a number. But it seems you have quite a bit of gear already. I have ~20 def, ~40 shield, ~30 absorb. Not on my toon right now so I don't have the exact numbers. Now I just update my mods and enhancements using my augments to shift stats between the three. KBN and Dipstick have guides that work well.






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