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To all the people claiming the class is underpowered.


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Marauder is up no matter what u say 2 much cd on force leap and need more cc breaks hes melee and dont have heals he should do way more dmg and dmg dont mean much if anythin show screen with dmg and kills btw 50 merc from my guild does 600-700k dmg and he can heal and is ranged so mara needs some buff



uhhhh, what?

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The problem with Annihilation is Annihilate seems to be a damage loss given the rage cost compared to vicious slash. It has no secondary affect like massacre proccing ataru and force crush proccing the 100% smash bonus.


Ya but you don't need annihilate really. Going 30 points in it and skipping annihilate altogether could be worth it.


The key annihilation talents are:


Enraged Slash (vicious slash basically costs 2 rage)

Hungering: Heal 2% of max health every bleed crit

Juyo Mastery: Bleeds get +3% crit chance per stack of juyo (or +15% at full stacks)

Seeping Wound: 30% slow while rupture on target

Bleedout: +30% Bleed crit damage

Deadly Saber (#1 most important talent in the tree)

Deep Wound: +30% Direct damage to rupture (which is your main attack after deadly saber)

Pulverize: 33% chance per vicious slash to reset rupture CD (basically lets you have 100% rupture uptime or damn close)

Hemorrhage: +6% bleed damage

Empowerement: Bleed ticks have a 30% chance to give 1 rage


I would personally go 30/0/11 and grab obliterate from rage to give you another gap closer making it literally impossible to get away from a marauder.

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Massacre + Gore + Scream = Profit. Procing blood frenzy with Massacre = Priceless.


yea, did that, scream only hits for about 2k-2500 when i do that


i was making sure i always massacred before a scream, and always gored before a ravage


but was still struggling with damage as carnage


i played about 6-7 games and did about 160k average


swapped back to rage and did 280k next game (and we got our asses handed to us in that one)


clearly im missing something with carnage, but i cant figure out what

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Rage is where its at but I do think we need a slight tweak..


We need some sort of Root or immunity from knockback - sorry but I highly doubt you score 300k a lot in Huttball - I get someone to 20% hp and get knocked off, charge back up to get knocked off again - its freaking retard how many classes get a knockback and it really affects us imo.


Disable Droid should be simply "disable enemy"


I don't think we're under-powered or terrible - lets face it ranged get it very easy in this game, I hope we get 1 more CC ability and we'd be perfect.

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Well, part of it is gear. I am now critting people for 3.1k Force Screams as Carnage. :/ Using your Relics, and I'm Biochem and keep a Str or End Stim going at all times, though I like to save Relics (and Expertise Stim) for Berserk.


Gore is best used after you pop Berserk, after which you unload a string of Massacres (throw in a Force Scream, etc prior or after). This is the golden grail of being Carnage. You can burn one person down very, very fast.


Ravage does decent damage, but the root component (as Carnage) is also something you should keep in mind when using it. Not just to dump damage. You might be stuck in a channeled ability during this root, but it gives other members of your team time to unload on the person as well.


Also, again gear comes into play, as my Ravage also hits for close to 3k unless none of the three hits crits. Depending on whether I used Force Scream or Ravage first in any game, one or the other will start me off with a 2.5k Damage Medal.


Overall damage will always be lower as Carnage (though the most hilarious game I ever played I just spammed Sweeping Strike for the lulz and ended up with 270k damage, which is definitely higher damage than I normally do), but your single target damage should be high enough to wreck whoever you want.


I almost always destroy anyone in any isolated 1 v 1 I run into in a warzone, but again, a lot of this is gear, so it's difficult as things stand to tell how effective each spec is going to be once they throw in 50 only brackets...though I wreck most 50s unless they are pure tank spec or pure heal spec and have a bunch of pvp gear already.


I mean if you combine my MH and OH weapon damage, it'd be over 1k, compared to the typically 550-650 weapon damage of all the people who are bolstered-throw in 9% damage and 9% damage reduction via Expertise, and it's completely unfair running into a non level 50. There have been games, due to RNG, where the other team are all lowbies, and it's like taking candy from a baby.


You gain mobility and utility due to constant run speed buff in combat and another root remover via Force Camo and two roots in Deadly Throw and Ravage.


If I was running a premade, I'd likely play Carnage, or maybe even Ahni (highest damage I've seen a Mara/Sent ever do in a warzone was 350k, and he was dot spec), but more often than not, I have to play the objectives more than I'd like to in order to make up for all the people just tab targetting and mindlessly aoeing and pew pewing. Mobility helps me achieve that more than 3.5k Smash crits.


In the end, play what you're comfortable with.


I currently run a 5/33/3 spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bcZhGMbddrRrsZh.1

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And I think someone did the math on this, it's not worth using over VSlash.


It is worth using over Vicious Slash, even when you get the VS buffs from the Rage tree.



The top end on the tooltip on annihilate says 2503 damage for me. Top end on vslash says 1600. I'd rather use vslash for 2 rage. But I'm biased since I'm Rage and my vslash has nearly 50% crit


A better comparison is Annihilate + Assault versus VS x 2. In that comparison:


A+A = 2503 + 1100 = 3603 for a net of 2 rage

VS2 = 1600*2 = 3200 for a net of 4 rage


The extra crit helps pull VS up to 3400 or so, but A+A is still better and more efficient. The large spike rage cost (5 rage) makes it somewhat cumbersome to use in PvP, however, making VS a great PvP option to Annihilate.


Edit: Corrected my characterization: this comparison is 'better', not really the 'most correct' per se. The key is that you need to account for the time spent on 2 VSs. Spending 2 GCDs means that it costs twice as much time compared to Annihilate. Assault is simply a baseline comparison. A higher degree of accuracy would involve taking your entire sustained DPS rotation and giving that GCD the value of 1.5*DPS at a net rage cost of 0.



Also as a general note, you must have been using 132 weapons (or near) in that screenshot, or else it was a highly skewed optimal scenario (you had good team support in order to surivive, but were unable to kill the enemy team much due to their heals). Sidenote: based on your tooltips for VS, yes you are using 132s. Most players don't have that gear, grats on your RNG.




I agree that the general QQ has a lot to do with players being terrible, however there are some gross imbalances/issues still present with the Marauder class:


1. Semi-redundant abilities, or abilities with very clear and obvious priorities that seriously need to be macro'd together (Assault + Battering Assault, Smash + Sweeping Slash, Rupture > Annihilate > VS) to save keyboard space. This exacerbates the "terribad players" issue.


2. Off-GCD abilities not firing. This seriously breaks Marauders, since all of our defensive cooldowns and *real* useful capabilities (Disruption) need to be accessed reliably.


3. Hybrid DPS+heal classes can unload 10,000 damage in 4.5 seconds from stealth. Who needs sustained damage when you can almost 100->0 someone during a stun? And that number is not exaggerated. Wonder what it would be with a red buff?


4. The resolve system is somewhat dubious. Don't know why BW decided to go with such small CC immunity when other games have much stricter systems. It's like BW didn't even notice that WoW or WAR existed. Also, they didn't learn that compound KB+snare or KB+root is retardedly almost-overpowered. This affects all classes / melee classes however.


5. Camera's a bit slow, and the "smart follow" cannot be disabled, and is a pain in the ***.



There is another aspect that's not an imbalance per se, but simply a nature of melee DPS and PvP: In a chaotic pugfest, MDPS like Mara/Sents win. Against an organized group, MDPS get hit the hardest and suffer the most. With an organized group, they gain the greatest benefits.


Numerically, most players are pugs. And pug Mara/Sents get rolled hardcore by premades. This contributes to the general level of whine.



indeed, the highest i have seen so far in a warzone, is 289k by everyones favorite faceroller ... the commando (i think, the trooper with the heal spec, whichever that is, mercenary mirror)


I've seen a Sorc, Operative, and Marauder break 300k. Sorc and Op beat it by a good margin, Mara beat it by a hair (in a premade). I've seen tank spec'd Powertechs push 260k as well. Good to know they have a hard time with DPS in a tank spec eh?



if you use sweeping slash at all ... other than on accident ... you will fail in damage in pvp ...


Hello AOE interrupts on an objective.

Edited by EasymodeX
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It is worth using over Vicious Slash, even when you get the VS buffs from the Rage tree.





The correct comparison is Annihilate + Assault versus VS x 2. In that comparison:


A+A = 2503 + 1100 = 3603 for a net of 2 rage

VS2 = 1600*2 = 3200 for a net of 4 rage


The extra crit helps pull VS up to 3400 or so, but A+A is still better and more efficient. The large spike rage cost (5 rage) makes it somewhat cumbersome to use in PvP, however, making VS a great PvP option to Annihilate.




Also as a general note, you must have been using 132 weapons (or near) in that screenshot, or else it was a highly skewed optimal scenario (you had heavy group support in order to surivive, but were unable to kill the enemy team much due to their heals). Sidenote: based on your tooltips for VS, yes you are using 132s. Most players don't have that gear, grats on your RNG.




I agree that the general QQ has a lot to do with players being terrible, however there are some gross imbalances/issues still present with the Marauder class:


1. Semi-redundant abilities, or abilities with very clear and obvious priorities that seriously need to be macro'd together (Assault + Battering Assault, Smash + Sweeping Slash, Rupture > Annihilate > VS) to save keyboard space. This exacerbates the "terribad players" issue.


2. Off-GCD abilities not firing. This seriously breaks Marauders, since all of our defensive cooldowns and *real* useful capabilities (Disruption) need to be accessed reliably.


3. Hybrid DPS+heal classes can unload 10,000 damage in 4.5 seconds from stealth. Who needs sustained damage when you can almost 100->0 someone during a stun? And that number is not exaggerated. Wonder what it would be with a red buff?


4. The resolve system is somewhat dubious. Don't know why BW decided to go with such small CC immunity when other games have much stricter systems. It's like BW didn't even notice that WoW or WAR existed. Also, they didn't learn that compound KB+snare or KB+root is retardedly almost-overpowered. This affects all classes / melee classes however.


5. Camera's a bit slow, and the "smart follow" cannot be disabled, and is a pain in the ***.



There is another aspect that's not an imbalance per se, but simply a nature of melee DPS and PvP: In a chaotic pugfest, MDPS like Mara/Sents win. Against an organized group, MDPS get hit the hardest and suffer the most. With an organized group, they gain the greatest benefits.


Numerically, most players are pugs. And pug Mara/Sents get rolled hardcore by premades. This contributes to the general level of whine.





I've seen a Sorc, Operative, and Marauder break 300k. Sorc and Op beat it by a good margin, Mara beat it by a hair (in a premade). I've seen tank spec'd Powertechs push 260k as well. Good to know they have a hard time with DPS in a tank spec eh?





Hello AOE interrupts on an objective.


Same EasymodeX from Rift?

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General note on Carnage:


Carn requires a significant playstyle shift from Anni or Rage. Rage generates less rage in general (lol), and Annihilate dumps a LOT of rage because Deadly Saber is off the GCD.


Carn gets a fast Battering Assault, and +1 rage per 6 due to the Ataru talent. You generally include a lot more Massacre interleaving *between* other attacks (rarely spam Massacre straight, except when you Berserk).


Conceptually, Annihilate plays like "setup, spam spam spam". Carn is more like "A, B, A, B, A, B, C".

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Ya but you don't need annihilate really. Going 30 points in it and skipping annihilate altogether could be worth it.


The key annihilation talents are:


Enraged Slash (vicious slash basically costs 2 rage)

Hungering: Heal 2% of max health every bleed crit

Juyo Mastery: Bleeds get +3% crit chance per stack of juyo (or +15% at full stacks)

Seeping Wound: 30% slow while rupture on target

Bleedout: +30% Bleed crit damage

Deadly Saber (#1 most important talent in the tree)

Deep Wound: +30% Direct damage to rupture (which is your main attack after deadly saber)

Pulverize: 33% chance per vicious slash to reset rupture CD (basically lets you have 100% rupture uptime or damn close)

Hemorrhage: +6% bleed damage

Empowerement: Bleed ticks have a 30% chance to give 1 rage


I would personally go 30/0/11 and grab obliterate from rage to give you another gap closer making it literally impossible to get away from a marauder.


I actually made a spec similar to this after getting annoyed at the 5 rage cost of Annihilate in PvP. However, I dropped both top tiers (Hemorrhage, Empowerment, Pulverize).


Pulverize is only moderately useful for PvP. Similarly, Hemorrhage isn't that great -- a 6% increase on bleeds is really a small aspect of your damage. Empowerment is rather nice, but not necessarily worth the 8-ish points invested to get it.


If you use a 19-ish (forgot exactly how many) Annihilation base, you can actually pick up the autocrit Smash in Rage, or sub 7 ish points into Carnage for the Defensive roll and the other tier 1 stuff.


It worked out pretty well actually, except that Obliterate is kind of "meh" with its 10m range.


Edited: Specifically because you still pause slightly for the landing animation of Obliterate, meaning you cannot actually gain distance on a moving target, similar to the old problems with White Lion leap in Warhammer, except not as bad. On the plus side you can barely jump up the low catwalks in Huttball with it.

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Wait wait wait. you're going annihilation without 6% increased damage on bleeds? meaning less critting bleeds.. meaning you are not getting the full effect of the heal mechanic, also if youve noticed ( i really dont know how) but some bleeds are critting for 1k+


why bother going annihilation at all then?


really im curious behind the logic, i know i still have alot to learn ive been 50 since last saturday, and i cant decide on a reliable spec for either PVP or PVE yet.

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Wait wait wait. you're going annihilation without 6% increased damage on bleeds? meaning less critting bleeds.. meaning you are not getting the full effect of the heal mechanic, also if youve noticed ( i really dont know how) but some bleeds are critting for 1k+


You seem to be confusing certain mechanics.


1. The heal you get is WHEN YOU CRIT. The amount that you heal for is a % of your max health.


2. The talent I flagged as "optional" is general bleed damage.


They are completely unrelated.


Edit: Pulverize is the only thing that really affects your heal rate -- Rupture ticks very quickly, and is your #1 source of heal ticks. Resetting the cooldown on that boosts your self heal a decent amount (probably 25% overall, not that you self-heal for much in PvP anyways).



why bother going annihilation at all then?


Passive minor heals, armor-penetrating damage, off-GCD damage application (Deadly Saber), faster interrupt, shorter-range force charge, faster force charge.


That's pretty much it actually. The rest of the tree is minor. Annihilate itself is actually pretty efficient, but it's oftentimes less effective in PvP.

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Who's raging? lol. I help out as much as I can, just would like to get rid of all the threads claiming the class sucks because they hit level 20 and died once.


Actually, i agree with what you said here, i personally believe that:


If i die once, shame on me, if i die over and over and over again on the same freaking elite....shame on the freaking class. :)


When i heard of this all those years ago, i knew i wanted my main to be a Jedi / Sith and from experience so far is that the low levels is fine, then it gets very difficult, then it becomes near impossible unless you have another player with you, doesn't matter on the role this other player plays.


It just seems like the jedi knight and sith warrior core class doesn't do enough damage to prevent severe damage done by the AI, having top notch gear does help somewhat, but it doesn't help when there are not enough crafters, crafting mods for orange gear.


Its like, i logged onto my Sith Marauder today and i attack some mobs that were the same level as me and by the time they all were dead, my health was at 10% and so was my companions.


Maybe it was gear related, i don't know, but checking on the GTN revealed no gear better then what i had.

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yea, did that, scream only hits for about 2k-2500 when i do that


i was making sure i always massacred before a scream, and always gored before a ravage


but was still struggling with damage as carnage


i played about 6-7 games and did about 160k average


swapped back to rage and did 280k next game (and we got our asses handed to us in that one)


clearly im missing something with carnage, but i cant figure out what


Carnage isn't going to pull outrageous numbers. Carnage is entirely single target damage, and the specialization needs to critical in order to preform well makes carnage perhaps the most RNG out of all the specs. Add in the fact with all the bugs, glitches, miss fires, and 4 meter dead zone then compare carnage to the range dps equivalent--sniper and gunsliger--then anyone can begin to see the short comings of the specialization.


The specialization actually received huge nerfs in the beta, and is clearly showing in numbers. The 2.5 k screams can still happen, requires good crit and surge, but ultimately boils down to a gear issue. Once enough pvpers are in level 50 expertise gear that damage will diminish even further as well. Without level 50 brackets pvp is reduced to baddies thinking their doing well against people without expertise, and claiming awesome numbers.


My only advice is to acquire a full-set of centurion gear, and avoid players with expertise.


Brackets are sorely needed.

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My only advice is to acquire a full-set of centurion gear, and avoid players with expertise.


Brackets are sorely needed.


about expertise ...


it has a cap at 10% yes?


and its increases HP, increases damage, and increases healing, yes?


so 2 players with expertise fighting each other, both have 10% more hp, and 10% more damage, so, in effect, they may as well have no expertise at all


essentially its only a bonus if you have more expertise than the guy your fighting (or for healers)


or am i totally missing something?


the point im trying to get to is if i have max expertise why would i need to avoid players with max expertise?

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I've seen a Sorc, Operative, and Marauder break 300k. Sorc and Op beat it by a good margin, Mara beat it by a hair (in a premade). I've seen tank spec'd Powertechs push 260k as well. Good to know they have a hard time with DPS in a tank spec eh?





Hello AOE interrupts on an objective.


yea, ive seen quite a few others break 300k now as well, highest ive seen was a sage hit 391k


and yes, its great for AOE interrupt, but he was talking about spamming it to fluff damage numbers ... which would be utter fail, if you are trying to fluff your damage then its absolute garbage

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Not exactly a sith marauder but watchman sentinel, mirror of annihilation, can do pretty good damage. But more importantly check out the healing done.....who needs a healer when you can pull 120k self heals =D.


On that note tho i have tried playing other classes and they can more easily and consistently perform well in contrast to marauder. Marauder is fun but still UP in comparison to other classes in my opinion

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yea, ive seen quite a few others break 300k now as well, highest ive seen was a sage hit 391k


and yes, its great for AOE interrupt, but he was talking about spamming it to fluff damage numbers ... which would be utter fail, if you are trying to fluff your damage then its absolute garbage


I did 270k damage in a Voidstar for lulz doing nothing but using Sweeping Slash, Smash, and Battering Assault once as Carnage. A friend of mine claimed we couldn't aoe. I aimed to prove him wrong. :p


When you drop it to one rage cost, it's surprisingly...not bad, especially when you're epiced out and fighting mostly players who are not in level 50 pvp gear yet. :p I would never do this when playing seriously. But, I thought I'd throw that out there as proof that it's not absolute garbage. ;p


Keep in mind that Ataru form can be triggered off Sweeping Strike, and when it triggers in a cluster, at 1 Rage cost, the damage 'fluffing' actually adds up pretty fast.


So, yes, technically someone who wanted to 'fluff' damage numbers could probably do so by weaving in a bunch of 1 Rage cost Sweeping Slashes, especially if they were Carnage, where you can often end up with an overabundance of Rage.


As good as it is to play the class well, it's equally important-in my eyes-to know when to relax and have a sense of humor about things. ;)

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the issue is people are thinking warzone damage means anything. 9 times out of10 the top WZ damage is the worst guy out there, hes fighting players rather then trying to complete objectives.



Sorry but no-one who is actually good at the game would do anything but laugh at someone thinking warzone damage means ANYTHING in terms of class ability.

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the issue is people are thinking warzone damage means anything. 9 times out of10 the top WZ damage is the worst guy out there, hes fighting players rather then trying to complete objectives.



Sorry but no-one who is actually good at the game would do anything but laugh at someone thinking warzone damage means ANYTHING in terms of class ability.


Well, yes, there's some truth to this. I certainly rarely do over 300k damage if I'm concentrating on objectives. If it's a Voidstar where I'm forced to guard a door all by myself because my team is retarded, then I'll be lucky to break 150k damage. :p


My damage fluctuates the most in Huttball. If I'm focused on simply scoring, and score 4/6 of our points, then chances are my damage will only be in the low 100ks.


If there are other competent ball runners on my PUG, then my damage numbers will shoot way up.


I do like the idea of the "Objectives" column on the scoreboard, but it definitely needs tweaking as it overewards cowardly play in Civil War, and underrewards many of the key players in Huttball and Voidstar (ie: zero points for scoring, or guarding a door by yourself when your entire team is leaving it unprotected). So, even that Scoreboard metric isn't particularly useful for me when I cast my MVP vote.


It's rarely the person who had the highest damage, or highest heals. It's usually the person I saw thanklessly defending a node that the PUG zerg mindlessly left undefended (and more importantly, isn't so antisocial that they are incapable of typing '5 incoming to west door'; guarding a node by yourself is pointless if you don't let the team know you're not going to be able to hold it), or the person who always seems to know when to pass and who to pass to in Huttball, or the person who always seems to run ahead and grapple you to them, or the person who does a clutch aoe CC on the drop point from the res pad to give the bomb planters precious few extra seconds to plant a bomb, or any of a thousand other key performances I may notice as I play any given game.


Essentially, it's the non-greedy players who put winning the game over their individual performance that usually get my vote. If the "Objectives" column could somehow reflect that type of gameplay, that'd be great. Sadly, it's not there yet. :p


That said, I still enjoy slaughtering people, when not focused on objectives. Voidstar is probably the best map for combining objectives and just mindless slaughter.

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the issue is people are thinking warzone damage means anything. 9 times out of10 the top WZ damage is the worst guy out there, hes fighting players rather then trying to complete objectives.




Sorry but no-one who is actually good at the game would do anything but laugh at someone thinking warzone damage means ANYTHING in terms of class ability.


Actually I find the objectives rather gimmicky and generally a waste of time. For the most part I couldn't care less about whoring the clicky objects.


I play WZs to kill people. Not to race for clickies like Diablo 2. Get real.




WTB Battle for Praag, where the winning team is the one with the most kills and damage.


Too bad the gimmicky clicky objects appeal so much to the wowkids.

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the issue is people are thinking warzone damage means anything. 9 times out of10 the top WZ damage is the worst guy out there, hes fighting players rather then trying to complete objectives.



Sorry but no-one who is actually good at the game would do anything but laugh at someone thinking warzone damage means ANYTHING in terms of class ability.


well, if you arent 50 yet, or you are farming valor/comms, winning the game really fast is not worth it


you are better off to focus on doing as much damage as you can, getting lots of medals (which means more xp, more comms, more valor), letting the game go the full duration, and not giving a crap if you win or lose



but yes, being the top in damage certainly doesnt mean you are better than everyone else, it just means you did more damage than them


however, it can be a baseline indicator of class power, or your ability compared to others in your class


if you go out and bust your *** and try to do nothing but damage and you only get 150k, then youre clearly doing something wrong, but if you hit 150k while running the ball, completing objective, guarding turrets etc, ... well w/e you "played to win" so who cares what your damage was


different strokes for different folks

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Guys. SHHHHHHHH! Let the people that think this class sucks go on about their day. We don't need a bunch of Marauders running around like the Inquis/Sages are right now. PLEASE don't tell them that our class is awesome and completely owns with a certain spec...... which I just grabbed at lvl 40..... and must say is amazing.... SHHHHHHH
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well, if you arent 50 yet, or you are farming valor/comms, winning the game really fast is not worth it


you are better off to focus on doing as much damage as you can, getting lots of medals (which means more xp, more comms, more valor), letting the game go the full duration, and not giving a crap if you win or lose



but yes, being the top in damage certainly doesnt mean you are better than everyone else, it just means you did more damage than them


however, it can be a baseline indicator of class power, or your ability compared to others in your class


if you go out and bust your *** and try to do nothing but damage and you only get 150k, then youre clearly doing something wrong, but if you hit 150k while running the ball, completing objective, guarding turrets etc, ... well w/e you "played to win" so who cares what your damage was


different strokes for different folks


you get more medals and comms for doing the objectives then running around being useless pretending to kill people

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