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To all the people claiming the class is underpowered.


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Please, for the love of all that is holy, get to 50 and stop dumping your concerns on the forums about low level issues you think you have.



Excuse the quality, no idea where the screenshots folder is supposed to be I've searched the entire electronic arts folder.


Complete pug. 389k damage done.

250k is a bad game for me. 300k is what I normally average in a full length warzone.

This is by far the best warrior class I've played throughout several mmo's. I'll go far enough to say that if you have issues leveling this class and issues pvping with this class, you are playing this class incorrectly.

I'm tired of seeing threads basically saying "the class is bad because i can't press a couple buttons and 2 shot people"

Edited by Kricys
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well i understand what he says and i share the same feeling , and i'm not even 50 yet.


However Dark i've tried to help people out and most of the time you have someone that hops in the thread and is as constructive as you are. or when you explain to the guy having issues he will reply back to you that it isn't possible and the class just plain suck. When confronted to such people you try one or 2 times then you end up just saying its a L2P issue and going your own way. After all i'm fine with it myself and enjoying it immensely , i was just trying to help but i can go back and own people ingame , its much less frustrating than trying to help stupid people on the boards that think the class is flawed because they can't play it properly.


I have my toon name in my signature and I said on some of my posts that i would answer questions in game , and i had people contact me IG and on the forum.


Helping people is nice , but from experience you see that not all people want to be helped. Wizzard's first rule ftw

Edited by Biboonz
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Well if you know so much about Marauders why not help people out? People will always struggle with some classes yet all people do is tell them to **** and stop complaining when all they need is a little advice.


Hey, search my post history. If the post is simply asking for help on which companion to use, spec, gear, whatever. I'll help out.

This isn't aimed at someone new asking for help. It's the people who go "mmo vet here, pvp god, yer class sux"

Edited by Kricys
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I don't really know what to say besides I agree with you. People really do need to stop complaining about a class they deem "underpowered" when they haven't even hit the end of the skill tree yet.


I could use some advice though, currently I'm level 33 on Taris and single silver mobs are bringing me to 40% as Carnage making it very difficult to level if I pull 1 too many mobs. Even packs of normal enemies give me some trouble. I know that the spec will get a TON better once I get massacre, but do you have any advice leveling until then? Because right now it just seems pretty tough.

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i'm pretty conviced by annihilation , especially since at that level it will be pretty buffed up , i had no issues leveling with quinn + the self heals from the dot procs and the added fury generation , wich will in turn help you do more dmg and self heal more through the berserk buff.

Past 40 i'm getting pretty stupid dmg wise on mobs, golds are cake , with defensive cds i can take 1 gold and 2 silvers with quinn while finishing almost full hp. If you didn't before you should def try it out , it starts blooming up after 20 when you get deadly saber and it only gets better

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I don't really know what to say besides I agree with you. People really do need to stop complaining about a class they deem "underpowered" when they haven't even hit the end of the skill tree yet.


I could use some advice though, currently I'm level 33 on Taris and single silver mobs are bringing me to 40% as Carnage making it very difficult to level if I pull 1 too many mobs. Even packs of normal enemies give me some trouble. I know that the spec will get a TON better once I get massacre, but do you have any advice leveling until then? Because right now it just seems pretty tough.


Carnage I only liked for that force scream crit every 9 sec. It's bursty but once that burst is done you hit like a wet noodle. I'd try out rage if I were you and start gearing up your healer companion. If you think those mobs hit hard wait until you hit 40+ planets. You'll routinely find packs with 2 strong mobs along with regulars.

People don't give rage a try because it's the "shared" tree. I've tried out all 3 specs at 50 and rage is superior in just about every way.

Just get some orange quality gear that levels depending on the mods you use, use the planet commendations to upgrade your orange gear and use the quest rewards to keep your healer geared.

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i'm pretty conviced by annihilation , especially since at that level it will be pretty buffed up , i had no issues leveling with quinn + the self heals from the dot procs and the added fury generation , wich will in turn help you do more dmg and self heal more through the berserk buff.

Past 40 i'm getting pretty stupid dmg wise on mobs, golds are cake , with defensive cds i can take 1 gold and 2 silvers with quinn while finishing almost full hp. If you didn't before you should def try it out , it starts blooming up after 20 when you get deadly saber and it only gets better


My issue with annihilation is while leveling decent aoe is nice and annihilate in it's current state kills the tree for me. Compare the end ability in the 3 trees.

Force crush is simply amazing, 18 sec cd, snares, gear damage along with a painful spike at the end and buffs your smash 100%.

Massacre while the damage isn't great, it procs ataru form and makes your force scream 100% crit.

Annihilate.. ehh, the cooldown on it makes it difficult to keep it going while leveling. Almost all the time the annihilator buff will drop off. It doesn't have any secondary affects on other abilities like Crush and Massacre. And I think someone did the math on this, it's not worth using over VSlash.

The top end on the tooltip on annihilate says 2503 damage for me. Top end on vslash says 1600. I'd rather use vslash for 2 rage. But I'm biased since I'm Rage and my vslash has nearly 50% crit :p

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if you are nearing 40, get the pvp gear, its not really pvp gear, it doesnt have pvp stats, but it comes from the pvp vendor on the imperial fleet


i kept my gear up to date, every mod i had was 34+, hilts/armoring were as high as i could get, craftable blue implats, etc ... but when i got the level 40 pvp gear (chest/legs/helm/boots/gloves/bracers/waits) i gained 1400 HP and ~120 strength


its seriously bada** stuff, and it only cost about 1100 commendations, sounds like alot but a good round in pvp you get about 70, so its 15ish warzones, takes a few hours, do them while you level, and you get a decked out set at 40


i got a full set for Pierce and Quinn as well



btw, i love leveling with pierce, he takes alot of damage (especially with his new gear, 11k+ hp at level 40!) and the downtime isnt much, i really havent used quinn since i got Jeasa so i dont know if pierce is better or worse comparatively


as per Krisyc's suggestion, i recently specd Rage, it seemed about on par with annihilation damage wise when i changed (level 36) but its a much more fluid spec in terms of rage generation/usage, it ... makes more sense ... if you will, and once i hit 40 and got force crush pvp is like my own personal demolition derby, but im driving a school bus and everyone else is in a smart car

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One: how many of those people were level 14?


Two: How many times did you spam smash


Three: no one said the mara was underpowered because they cannot deal damage


Smash can't be spammed. No wonder you QQ so much, if you can't even grasp such a basic part of our class.

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One: how many of those people were level 14?


Two: How many times did you spam smash


Three: no one said the mara was underpowered because they cannot deal damage


One : Level 14 or level 50 my smash hits them for the same.

Two : You can't spam smash, it has a cooldown. If you press it whenever it's up, you're bad because you don't have the 100% crit 100% damage procs up

Three : The complaints range from low damage to low survability to bad mechanics, if my survivability was bad how would I be alive long enough in a pug to keep up that kind of dps? I had no pocket healer and no communication, pure pug.

Anymore questions buddy?

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smash 9 second cooldown and 1 rage cost....


sweeping slash instant 4 rage cost


if you spam aoe's anyone can have 350k damage


Like I have said before the problem with mara's is not there damage.... it is the amount of effort you need to put into one to win in pvp. Other classes just have to face roll and stumble into 200k+ dmg



Also it is easy to survive at level 50 in a pvp ground of level 14s with high armor plus the skills to survive quite a bit longer

Edited by SleepyZombie
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A competitive, well geared, and skilled sniper or gunslinger will make any Sentinel or Marauder cry for their mother. Denial is a strong emotion, it can cloud the mind as well as any senses.


I'm actually giddy about the prospect of Bioware adding arena's because once the pvp elites reach 50 will see who really does the most damage. My ten bucks is on Sniper and Gunslinger, and those ACs get to do it at 35 meters or more, and have more utility and tools to work with.


Is the Warrior or Knight unplayable? No. Is the Warrior and Knight underpowered? Yes. Underpowered isn't a term that suddenly denotes a lack of damage, and the fact the term is correlated to damage is sad. Though I do enjoy seeing this placebo effect going on because apparently the bolster effect equalizes everything.


A level 50 in pvp gear fighting a pug of random levels, and very few 50's is not balance at all. 50's need there own brackets, and then and only then will the player base be able to see what is seriously overpowered, underpowered, and simply broke.


A screen shot denoting a Warrior did top damage tells me next to nothing. I see an ego trip, and a lack of any proof other then a big number. Next time I highly suggest you back up your claims with a video OP of you fighting a full team of 50's in pvp gear.

Edited by BrolleunHunter
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smash 9 second cooldown and 1 rage cost....


sweeping slash instant 4 rage cost


if you spam aoe's anyone can have 350k damage


Like I have said before the problem with mara's is not there damage.... it is the amount of effort you need to put into one to win in pvp. Other classes just have to face roll and stumble into 200k+ dmg


LOL @ using sweeping slash in pvp. Funny, I've never seen anyone put up the numbers I do and I've done over 300 warzones. But go ahead, keep spamming sweeping slash. I'm sure you'll do great!

Again, 200k damage is crap.

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A competitive, well geared, and skilled sniper or gunslinger will make any Sentinel or Marauder cry for their mother. Denial is a strong emotion, it can cloud the mind as well as any senses.


I'm actually giddy about the prospect of Bioware adding arena's because once the pvp elites reach 50 will see who really does the most damage. My ten bucks is on Sniper and Gunslinger, and those ACs get to do it at 35 meters or more, and have more utility and tools to work with.


Is the Warrior or Knight unplayable? No. Is the Warrior and Knight underpowered? Yes. Underpowered isn't a term that suddenly denotes a lack of damage, and the fact the term is correlated to damage is sad. Though I do enjoy seeing this placebo effect going on because apparently the bolster effect equalizes everything.


A level 50 in pvp gear fighting a pug of random levels, and very few 50's is not balance at all. 50's need there own brackets, and then and only then will the player base be able to see what is seriously overpowered, underpowered, and simply broke.


A screen shot denoting a Warrior did top damage tells me next to nothing. I see an ego trip, and a lack of any proof then a big number. Next time I highly suggest you back up your claims with a video OP of you fighting a full team of 50's in pvp gear.


I am glad there is still some people who use there brains..... evolution gave humans brains and it seems only a small percent of them use them.

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smash 9 second cooldown and 1 rage cost....


sweeping slash instant 4 rage cost


if you spam aoe's anyone can have 350k damage


Like I have said before the problem with mara's is not there damage.... it is the amount of effort you need to put into one to win in pvp. Other classes just have to face roll and stumble into 200k+ dmg


why are you useing sweeping slash? its the biggest waste of rage i can think of


and seriously ... after about 5 warzones, when you figured out how to play, the required effort drops considerably, i can play my marauder in my sleep now


because really, pushing buttons on a marauder is no different than pushing buttons on a mercenary or a sorcerer, or anything else, once you know what buttons to push and when to push them its all the same

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A competitive, well geared, and skilled sniper or gunslinger will make any Sentinel or Marauder cry for their mother. Denial is a strong emotion, it can cloud the mind as well as any senses.


I'm actually giddy about the prospect of Bioware adding arena's because once the pvp elites reach 50 will see who really does the most damage. My ten bucks is on Sniper and Gunslinger, and those ACs get to do it at 35 meters or more, and have more utility and tools to work with.


Is the Warrior or Knight unplayable? No. Is the Warrior and Knight underpowered? Yes. Underpowered isn't a term that suddenly denotes a lack of damage, and the fact the term is correlated to damage is sad. Though I do enjoy seeing this placebo effect going on because apparently the bolster effect equalizes everything.


A level 50 in pvp gear fighting a pug of random levels, and very few 50's is not balance at all. 50's need there own brackets, and then and only then will the player base be able to see what is seriously overpowered, underpowered, and simply broke.


A screen shot denoting a Warrior did top damage tells me next to nothing. I see an ego trip, and a lack of any proof then a big number. Next time I highly suggest you back up your claims with a video OP of you fighting a full team of 50's in pvp gear.


Funny, I've had no issues with any of the classes you've mentioned 1v1. We aren't underpowered. People just need to learn to play their class.

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I am glad there is still some people who use there brains..... evolution gave humans brains and it seems only a small percent of them use them.


Apparantly you aren't one of them. LOL sweeping slash. I guess pressing buttons on a keyboard requires effort now too.

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Funny, I've had no issues with any of the classes you've mentioned 1v1. We aren't underpowered. People just need to learn to play their class.


That's nice bro. Stop fighting baddies, fight people in equivalent gear, level, and skill then make sure to record a session, and come back here with your uber pwnage leetness.

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