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"Moophy" Needs to be stopped (Bastion)


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Probably an inconsequential pub alt a group of imps are using to facilitate pops and get a pretty much guaranteed win in the process.


Except the fact that this is even a remotely viable strategy (let alone an extremely viable one) to get rated pops and guaranteed wins, is indicative of a much, much larger problem with the current state of PvP.


We need either Server Merges, X-Server Queues, or Bioware to Stop Sucking.


Preferably all three, but I'd settle for two.

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Except the fact that this is even a remotely viable strategy (let alone an extremely viable one) to get rated pops and guaranteed wins, is indicative of a much, much larger problem with the current state of PvP.


We need either Server Merges, X-Server Queues, or Bioware to Stop Sucking.


Preferably all three, but I'd settle for two.


He left mid match on me today too. He is scum and I hope bioware bans his account.

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You guys are looking at this all wrong, Moophy is a blessing to the Bastion. When I get a solo ranked game with him I try to watch and learn how he is so awesome so I can better emulate him. I happily take the loss of the arena just for the chance to watch him in action for one round. I greatly admire his ability to lower himself to our level and grace us with his presence; if I was so much above all of you QQers like he is I probably wouldn't even be able to tolerate the virtual association with you like he does. Not to mention, after he leaves the first round he is just showing you how pointless life is without him. I cherish and record in my diary every word he types in Ops chat such as, "target healer." He is so wise.


PvP-Moophy=no meaning to life


LOL, omg best post I've read all day :)


Makes me wish I was on your server. I play on Imp side and would love the EZ wins.


Does this guy yell and scream at everyone then rage quit, or does he just duck out when you're losing??


We've all seen guys like this in WZs, they bang their chest about how great they are and how pathetic everyone around them is and rage quit lol.


So this guy does this as the RULE not the EXCEPTION I take it? Is ditching a ranked WZ something you can even report?

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LOL, omg best post I've read all day :)


Makes me wish I was on your server. I play on Imp side and would love the EZ wins.


Does this guy yell and scream at everyone then rage quit, or does he just duck out when you're losing??


We've all seen guys like this in WZs, they bang their chest about how great they are and how pathetic everyone around them is and rage quit lol.


So this guy does this as the RULE not the EXCEPTION I take it? Is ditching a ranked WZ something you can even report?


He doesn't say anything except, "Targets marked," before he dips out. I'm actually surprised at how little trash-talking he does, considering how much of a douchebag he is.


Now the-vanguard-that-everyone-hates-on-the-bastion on the other hand....well, he likes to cuss in fleet chat and swear at anyone he runs into in a match that hes argued or cussed at previously. His strategy consists of running directly at the opponents, no matter what his team is doing or have talked about pre-match, and promptly doing as much damage to a single-target as he can before he inevitably dies. This is all as if he thinks he can 1v4 the other team and doesn't need any kind of support from his own teammates. Then he does the same thing in the second round, and leaves right before they can last-hit him so that he can still say that he has, "never lost a match." People like him and Moophy are scum and need to be removed from the equation.


And to answer your last comment: Yes, leaving Ranked matches is reportable. Its classified as, "Inappropriate Behavior," and even with a stretch, "Harassment." Doesn't really matter what you report it as, because they are both players that are behaving inappropriately to the detriment of other people's gaming experience. I personally won't continue to support a company that allows scum like them to go unpunished.

Edited by Grimoir
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if you leave the rated warzone at any point be it at beginning or just b4 end does this avoid losing any of your rateing? if so thats so sad lol


noticed a massive increase in people leaving rated warzones at various points and some i do remember as being high up on leaderboards.


if thats case makes whole damn thing of leaderboard pointless unless u avoid losses by quitting.


only solution i can see is if you drop from rated warzone after say 1st minute your rateing is automatically rewarded with minus 20 or something each time.

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if you leave the rated warzone at any point be it at beginning or just b4 end does this avoid losing any of your rateing? if so thats so sad lol


noticed a massive increase in people leaving rated warzones at various points and some i do remember as being high up on leaderboards.


if thats case makes whole damn thing of leaderboard pointless unless u avoid losses by quitting.


only solution i can see is if you drop from rated warzone after say 1st minute your rateing is automatically rewarded with minus 20 or something each time.

You lose ELO points (50 I think, not sure) and have a loss marked against you, regardless. So if you quit a ranked game, you do get punished.


This is something I posted about before Arenas arrived because you could see this coming a mile away. And because Arenas suck, those players left are now almost guaranteed a loss.


I can fully understand people quitting Arenas in unranked but they are the only option in ranked, so I dont understand why you would do this, unless he is win trading

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if you leave the rated warzone at any point be it at beginning or just b4 end does this avoid losing any of your rateing? if so thats so sad lol


noticed a massive increase in people leaving rated warzones at various points and some i do remember as being high up on leaderboards.


if thats case makes whole damn thing of leaderboard pointless unless u avoid losses by quitting.


only solution i can see is if you drop from rated warzone after say 1st minute your rateing is automatically rewarded with minus 20 or something each time.


You must not know how the system works. If you win a match, you gain ELO points(rank). If you lose a match, you lose ELO points. If your opponents ELO is higher than yours, you gain more for a win and lose less from a loss to that team. If your opponents ELO is lower than yours, you gain less for a win and lose more for a loss to that team. Now if you do not compete at all by leaving, you lose a large number of ELO rating on the spot. It counts as a loss as far as rank goes. This occurs even if you decline or miss a Ranked Queue pop. So they're still hurting themselves with this behavior, but the problem is that they're intentionally hurting others with it as well.


The only reason I gave the example of a quote from Moophy about the no losses thing, is to give a frame of reference for the kind of player that people on the Bastion, like myself, are having to deal with every day. Of course he's losing the game, but if he quits before the [DEFEAT] screen shows, he can convince himself that he's never been defeated. I can't tell if these are immature and childish displays of competition, or malicious attacks on their fellow players; but in either case, Moophy and the-vanguard-that-everyone-hates-on-the-bastion need to be held accountable to their actions. Simply can't say it enough.


You lose ELO points (50 I think, not sure) and have a loss marked against you, regardless. So if you quit a ranked game, you do get punished.


Its not 50 every time, but its still a larger number than you get for a defeat. So in other words, its entirely based on the average ELO of both your own team, and the team that you're facing...with a few bonus points of ELO loss for being a scumbag leaver. If you're interested in understanding how ELO works, I would google it, as there are lots of well-written pieces with visual examples and math on how the whole thing works.

Edited by Grimoir
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The ignore list doesnt work for warzones, the best thing you can do is put him on his friend list, whenever are waiting have your friends window open, when the wz pops see if changes zone to a wz or arena, if the does just don't accept pop.
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The ignore list doesnt work for warzones, the best thing you can do is put him on his friend list, whenever are waiting have your friends window open, when the wz pops see if changes zone to a wz or arena, if the does just don't accept pop.


Pretty sure refusing que in solo/team ranked is a loss so people can not arrange the que

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You guys don't get it. They won't do anything about, they'd rather keep his sub then ban him. He does talk trash on forums a lot. Is the worst sentinel I've seen in this game, sure a 50 could duel him and win...before he alt f4s.


Basically this game has gone to **** since arenas, just an epeen fest for dps. Bring back the objectives.

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its simple, no one group with him, if he gets into a group you are in leave before he has a chance to bleep you. when no one games with him ever then he will get the hint he is a phriah.


You don't seem to get it, do you? We are talking about SOLO Ranked Warzones. We don't get a *********** choice whether we are grouped with him or not, we just have to suffer through the consequences of his actions. We can't leave the match, because that gives us a loss and screws over our teammates; not mention that is stooping to his level. We cannot dodge matches that he's in because that is also considered a loss of rating. And finally, we can't play the matches he is in because he quits or plays so terribly that it's nigh-impossible to get a victory.

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You don't seem to get it, do you? We are talking about SOLO Ranked Warzones. We don't get a *********** choice whether we are grouped with him or not, we just have to suffer through the consequences of his actions. We can't leave the match, because that gives us a loss and screws over our teammates; not mention that is stooping to his level. We cannot dodge matches that he's in because that is also considered a loss of rating. And finally, we can't play the matches he is in because he quits or plays so terribly that it's nigh-impossible to get a victory.

I don't know that there are any good answers to this, if you've already reported to support and they haven't taken action. Here's a thought--you'll have to be the judge of how realistic it is. I'm sure most everyone playing ranked PvP has at least 1-2 alts that are on the other side. Can you use those alt toons to start spreading word thru Fleet chat and Arenas that <previously named toon> is a problem, and that you'll offer him up as first kill in any WZ for the opportunity to play 3v3 for the rest of the match? The fourth team member on the other side doesn't even have to leave the WZ...they just have to agree not to engage. While someone is going to take a reduced medal count each round, maybe you get enough opposing players to agree to make it clear to <previously named toon> that he's not welcome.


Also, it could end up being a sort of "you scratch our back, we'll scratch yours" sort of exchange for the time when the opposite side has a similar player issue.

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Except the fact that this is even a remotely viable strategy (let alone an extremely viable one) to get rated pops and guaranteed wins, is indicative of a much, much larger problem with the current state of PvP.


We need either Server Merges, X-Server Queues, or Bioware to Stop Sucking.


Preferably all three, but I'd settle for two.


It's a pity there's no direct "player-on-player justice" combined with at least some penalty-on-PvP-death in this game worth mentioning. It would set a lot of people like the one mentioned (with whom I have some familiarity BTW) straight right quick.


But yeah OP, edit your post please: Explicit call-outs are against the rules, I'm sure you don't want to get "infractionated" (<----yes, that's a real word because I say so!) for calling out what is otherwise a 100% legit issue with that ****.

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I don't know that there are any good answers to this, if you've already reported to support and they haven't taken action. Here's a thought--you'll have to be the judge of how realistic it is. I'm sure most everyone playing ranked PvP has at least 1-2 alts that are on the other side. Can you use those alt toons to start spreading word thru Fleet chat and Arenas that <previously named toon> is a problem, and that you'll offer him up as first kill in any WZ for the opportunity to play 3v3 for the rest of the match? The fourth team member on the other side doesn't even have to leave the WZ...they just have to agree not to engage. While someone is going to take a reduced medal count each round, maybe you get enough opposing players to agree to make it clear to <previously named toon> that he's not welcome.


Also, it could end up being a sort of "you scratch our back, we'll scratch yours" sort of exchange for the time when the opposite side has a similar player issue.


I find your suggestion to be rather interesting and incredibly diplomatic. I gotta say, I really do like it. However, the problem is that you would be INCREDIBLY hard pressed to even find a single player in either faction that would be willing to agree to what you're suggesting. I don't mean this as an insult, but you're giving the SWTOR community more credit than they deserve as far as sportsmanship is concerned.


The majority of, if not all, players on the Bastion like having free wins tossed their way. And if the other team being down a player guarantees this, then all the better for them. You can go and ask the top rated Imperials from The Bastion if they'd be willing to sit out a round if their opponents had either Moophy or Rysleezy on their team, and I guarantee that not one of them will agree to do so. All you'd get is a big, fat, "LOLOLOLOLOLOL!" with a little bit of, "GET BETTER THEN, SCRUBS!" Theres a single player in the top 3 for the Bastion that I would even ask this, and he might do it as a favor if I was facing him, but that doesn't do the rest of the Republic population any good, so why bother?


tl;dr Awesome suggestion, but sadly it won't work until the community as a whole decides to be less petty and actually care about each other. People like free wins, and until that changes, people like Moophy and Rydeezy will continue to be a pestilence.


And I'll say it again just for good measure: Ban players like this from being able to queue for Ranked games. Period.

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I find your suggestion to be rather interesting and incredibly diplomatic. I gotta say, I really do like it. However, the problem is that you would be INCREDIBLY hard pressed to even find a single player in either faction that would be willing to agree to what you're suggesting. I don't mean this as an insult, but you're giving the SWTOR community more credit than they deserve as far as sportsmanship is concerned.


The majority of, if not all, players on the Bastion like having free wins tossed their way. And if the other team being down a player guarantees this, then all the better for them. You can go and ask the top rated Imperials from The Bastion if they'd be willing to sit out a round if their opponents had either Moophy or Rysleezy on their team, and I guarantee that not one of them will agree to do so. All you'd get is a big, fat, "LOLOLOLOLOLOL!" with a little bit of, "GET BETTER THEN, SCRUBS!" Theres a single player in the top 3 for the Bastion that I would even ask this, and he might do it as a favor if I was facing him, but that doesn't do the rest of the Republic population any good, so why bother?


tl;dr Awesome suggestion, but sadly it won't work until the community as a whole decides to be less petty and actually care about each other. People like free wins, and until that changes, people like Moophy and Rydeezy will continue to be a pestilence.


And I'll say it again just for good measure: Ban players like this from being able to queue for Ranked games. Period.

I had hoped there might be some potential, but (sadly) I can't disagree with your response. Also disappointing that BW seems to have lost any interest in policing the environment, all the more obvious since this thread hasn't been pulled. Wish there was something more I could offer, cause it sounds like a miserable situation.

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This case only shows how incompetent, ignorant, helpless (not sure which one it is) the developers are when it comes to PvP. Its simply bad design that someone is able to affect others in the way described. So go Moophy! Maybe those responsible will be pressed to design something .. good.
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