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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Suggestion: Option to turn off experience gain


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Just something I would like to see in the game, I like to do quests, flash point, space missions but due to this I always out level every new zone I enter (4+ levels) which makes killing mobs mind numbingly easy (not fun) ...even the heroics.


Wanted to see what others thought as well?

Edited by SgtFrog
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Personally I really love how we can level fast. I actually wish we were able to level even faster.


But I am biased because I do not want to go through the story, I just want to get to 50.


*Edit* Anyone else notice that since today when you use the single apostrophe key you get the quote symbol once the post is sent. Very frustrating for someone that uses the '' key a lot.

Edited by Rhinoplat
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Personally I really love how we can level fast. I actually wish we were able to level even faster.


But I am biased because I do not want to go through the story, I just want to get to 50.


*Edit* Anyone else notice that since today when you use the single apostrophe key you get the quote symbol once the post is sent. Very frustrating for someone that uses the '' key a lot.


That is fair enough, that is why I was asking to turn off XP gain option rather than nerf XP all together.

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So I don’t out level every area I enter, I explained it in the first post >.>


I see you have a 50, unlike you I don’t like to power level...but obviously people do so that’s why I ask for an option to turn off XP gain rather than a nerf of some sort.

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Why would you want to turn off experience gain?


That makes no sense at all



Getting all the content at the appropriate challenge level, maximize crafting with the resources at that level, taking the time and feel no need to rush. :)



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So I don’t out level every area I enter, I explained it in the first post >.>


I see you have a 50, unlike you I don’t like to power level...but obviously people do so that’s why I ask for an option to turn off XP gain rather than a nerf of some sort.


No, I read your post


I'm asking why

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Getting all the content at the appropriate challenge level, maximize crafting with the resources at that level, taking the time and feel no need to rush. :)




"challenge level"


Is that a joke? If you want to make leveling more difficult for yourself, just go to a planet that's a few levels higher than you


Still no reason to turn off xp

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"challenge level"


Is that a joke? If you want to make leveling more difficult for yourself, just go to a planet that's a few levels higher than you


Still no reason to turn off xp


Because I don’t like to skip content, what is so hard to understand?

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Usually I only want an xp option off in pvp to twink, but its different here. This game needs an off option so:


1. I can play pvp, do all side quests, flashpoints, and space missions when I want to. Right now if you do too much outside of the class story (which isn't much), you out level content and start 2 hitting mobs/grey quests/pointless item drops/etc.


2. From what someone posted early - maximize crafting with the resources at that level, taking the time and feel no need to rush.


The only downfall to this I see is Twinks.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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No, you gave vague reasons that support your argument


I want to hear a pragmatic reason, for why they should spend (waste) time, and money on developing something that so few people would use, which serves no purpose


Ya because it would cost so much to code a toggle to turn off exp. He has giving you valid reasons. I dont know why I even waste my time replying to someone who says he probably wont be here in 2 months.

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"challenge level"


Is that a joke? If you want to make leveling more difficult for yourself, just go to a planet that's a few levels higher than you


Still no reason to turn off xp


The idea is to get most out of the content, all of the content, and to not skimp on any of the content. At the appropriate level as to not trivialize it.


No joking involved. Will try to attach the appropriate smilies for jokes, and well... try to make one? :p



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I would also want such a function. I'm not interested in hitting 50 as fast as possible, I'm interested in doing whatever I think is fun and to follow the story and not skip content.


With all the side quests, warzones, space combat and general exploring I tend to outlevel my ereas with more than 5 levels. It makes combat boring and it stresses me out. Being able to turn off XP gain would allow me to explore the content in the pace and difficulty it was designed for.


As for the nay-sayer puffing his powerleveling chest here in the thread: get over it. You play the way you want to, but if you think that "no one" would use this function, you are sadly misstaken, there are plenty of people who are interested in the storyline and don't want to rush through it. The OP has explained his point several times by now and your continuing replies to the matter just goes to show that you are desperatly seeking attention for the fact that you are a powergamer.




We get it.


You powerlevel.


Attention given, now move along...

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I agree that having the option to turn off xp gain would be a huge bonus.


I hate missing content and I want to be able to do as much as possible before I move on. I don't want to out level the area I'm in or going to be going to. I've already had to skip stuff but that was things I had done in beta but now I'm getting into content that is new to me and I want to do as much as possible.


Please Bioware, implement this!

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As an other completionist,


I wish I could lie to myself, but I admit, that the lack of such an OPTION like the OP is suggesting, can drive me away from this game at the profit of a completionist's friendly one.


If I want to do the maximum of the PvE content, I have to renounce about farming PvP sets.

I don't want to choice between PvP en PvE, I want to do both.


So that means nothing of course, but as myself, I support the idea totally.

Edited by Saint-Ange
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