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The latest Corrupter Zero fix


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We have confirmed that there's an issue in Hard Mode where Corruptor Zero can still apply his Concussion Mine after he's started firing his lasers, even though he's supposed to refrain during that phase of the encounter. We'll be adding it to the Known Issues and we are planning a fix for Game Update 2.4.3.


Edited to ensure the bug is correctly described!


Thanks again for your detailed reports

Edited by AmberGreen
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We have confirmed that there's an issue in Hard Mode where Corruptor Zero can still apply his Concussion Mine after he's started firing his lasers, even though he's supposed to refrain during that phase of the encounter. We'll be adding it to the Known Issues and we are planning a fix for Game Update 2.4.3.


Thanks again for your detailed reports!




So, we have to deal with this horribly broken and near impossible encounter for another TWO WEEKS?


Srsly?!... :mad:

Edited by AmberGreen
Prevent confusion about bug :)
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Half the people in this thread came to report the bug, figure out how to circumvent it until a fix comes out and move on with their lives. The other half came to sulk about impossible encounters and CM related strawmen :[ Edited by CaptainApop
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Well.. one less boss to run on Friday's RAID night now. LOL (We already discussed it on our team and it's not worth the headache or repair bills).


I will add that my Tuesday night RAID team did make several attempts and we saw the following "Issues" as well:


  • MINES not clearing when stacked on BOSS. We had 50%-75% of the team would clear, but at least one person in melee range would not. Thought it was spacing, but we came in closer and same result on next pull.
  • Laser phase - Yea.. cute trick we can't cleanse. (Didn't bother with Force Speed / Hamster Ball)
  • MINE stacked DEBUFF out of NOWHERE starting at least 4-5 stacks where none had been a couples seconds before. This was pretty much the RAID wipe every time this happened.
  • LAG! Not sure what happened last night, but LAG was terrible on "The Harbinger" with multiple people going RED, Disconnected and missing interrupts. Continued into the night when I went to a 2nd RAID team in progress. They too had at least 2-3 people dropping like fly's from DC's and RED DOT / RED "X" while raiding.


Any reason WHY we can't just cleanse these ourselves? Would be appropriate in all reality.


I also suspect that his "Mine Counter reset" is not working as intended and he is dropping 4-5 stacks (New) on people via RNG instead of ONE per person he is hitting. (No way RNG is hitting the same person 4-5 times in a row in a 1 second window)

Edited by dscount
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Half the people in this thread came to report the bug, figure out how to circumvent it until a fix comes out and move on with their lives. The other half came to sulk about impossible encounters and CM related strawmen :[


APOP - I agree with you, but keep in mind this Boss Fight has been bugged (One way or another) since it was rolled out several weeks ago. You can understand some groups would like to CLEAR him w/o BUGS.


Yes.. I'm guilty of CM FIX Banter, but you know what? It's totally true as it's a revenue source and will always get top support over a game breaking bug on a single boss fight. (Heck how long did it take to fix Black Talon crash to desktop at the ending cutscene? Oh yea.. still broke.. LOL)

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We have confirmed that there's an issue in Hard Mode where Corruptor Zero can still apply his Concussion Mine after he's started firing his lasers, even though he's supposed to refrain during that phase of the encounter. We'll be adding it to the Known Issues and we are planning a fix for Game Update 2.4.3.


Edited to ensure the bug is correctly described!


Thanks again for your detailed reports


Can you please confirm also and add to the list mine not clearing. We had a few situations where person was standing directly on boss, tried moving out then back on him again, sat there while stacks built up to 7 and then died, never clearing.

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We have confirmed that there's an issue in Hard Mode where Corruptor Zero can still apply his Concussion Mine after he's started firing his lasers, even though he's supposed to refrain during that phase of the encounter. We'll be adding it to the Known Issues and we are planning a fix for Game Update 2.4.3.


Edited to ensure the bug is correctly described!


Thanks again for your detailed reports


Please check the intended frequency of the mines. Before the "fix" there were "real" and "fake" mines. After the fix the "fake" mines have become "real". The result was an increased frequency of "real" mines by about 3x.

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So, we have to deal with this horribly broken and near impossible encounter for another TWO WEEKS?


Srsly?!... :mad:


This all the way.


How the fuçk can you expect us to wait TWO FÜCKING WEEKS to be able to complete this encounter? I highly recommend hotfixing it, otherwise you're KNOWINGLY and INTENTIONALLY adding fuel to the fire for those players who are already on the verge of quitting.





--I won't personally quit over a bug like this, but it's incredibly ridiculous, and completely unacceptable, to be expected to wait an ENTIRE patch cycle for something to be fixed that makes the encounter almost entirely impossible. The only groups I can see finishing this are ones that can stealth to remove the mine on their own which is unreasonable beyond expectations.--

Edited by Grimoir
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Please check the intended frequency of the mines. Before the "fix" there were "real" and "fake" mines. After the fix the "fake" mines have become "real". The result was an increased frequency of "real" mines by about 3x.


I am pretty sure that part was intended - there weren't supposed to be "fake" mines. I actually found it to be easier now that we all knew every time he was casting the mine that it was going to legitimately land on someone. But obviously mines being cast on the laser is horrible.

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My raid group learned the new mechanics and killed Corruptor Zero on HM last night, and I see no reason why we won't be able to consistently kill it from here on out, even with the bug.


Between the feel of the fight and the Bioware post, I'd just like to point out that I believe the *only* bug is the casts of the mine during laser phase. I don't think the "fake" mines were ever supposed to be a real mechanic, and the increased frequency is indeed a part of the normal fight. They don't clear instantly on the boss but they do clear in about 2 seconds - I think lag could be a real factor if your mines aren't clearing. The hardest part we found was handling the occasional mine during the Anti-gravity field - it's hard to coordinate everyone *not* going back in to the boss and only sending the mine guy.


The laser phase bug is annoying but doable. 3 people will die, b-rez one. Finish the fight down 2 dps or 1 dps and 1 healer is preferred, there's no enrage timer. Stealth rez if you can.

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Just wiped to this three times due to concussion mines in the laser phase. It's currently unkillable since the patch.


We had the same thing happen to us in Order 65, but it is not unkillable! we did end up killing it after 6-7 wipes with some skill luck and /stucking

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How the fuçk can you expect us to wait TWO FÜCKING WEEKS to be able to complete this encounter? I highly recommend hotfixing it, otherwise you're KNOWINGLY and INTENTIONALLY adding fuel to the fire for those players who are already on the verge of quitting.-


Relax. Lots of guilds are still clearing it. It took us a couple of tries last night during our normal progression run but once we got used to it, it wasn't so bad. We still had time to go on and finish our usual 10/10 clear. I'm confident we could clear it next time in 3 pulls or less.


If it's that big of an issue for you, do 3/5 in Fortress and then 5/5 Palace. If NiM isn't expected until early next year; it looks like there should be plenty of time to farm 78s.


Also, anyone who is "on the verge of quitting" over a bug like this should've been long gone. These types of bugs seem to crop up just about every week. The Corruptor Zero mines have never seemed to work as intended in HM yet.

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This all the way.


How the fuçk can you expect us to wait TWO FÜCKING WEEKS to be able to complete this encounter? I highly recommend hotfixing it, otherwise you're KNOWINGLY and INTENTIONALLY adding fuel to the fire for those players who are already on the verge of quitting.





--I won't personally quit over a bug like this, but it's incredibly ridiculous, and completely unacceptable, to be expected to wait an ENTIRE patch cycle for something to be fixed that makes the encounter almost entirely impossible. The only groups I can see finishing this are ones that can stealth to remove the mine on their own which is unreasonable beyond expectations.--


I wouldn't quit over a bug like this either, but I would quit if it was a companys policy to wait two weeks to fix a bug like this.

Edited by Mallorik
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We have confirmed that there's an issue in Hard Mode where Corruptor Zero can still apply his Concussion Mine after he's started firing his lasers, even though he's supposed to refrain during that phase of the encounter. We'll be adding it to the Known Issues and we are planning a fix for Game Update 2.4.3.


Edited to ensure the bug is correctly described!


Thanks again for your detailed reports


A game stopping issue with your primary raid content should be hotfixed. Lazy *****.

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A game stopping issue with your primary raid content should be hotfixed. Lazy *****.
It is doable. During the laser phase, have the person with the mines run out of the raid. Also tell your healers to be extra vigilant during the laser phase. Have everyone use their defensive or escape mechanisms (roll out of raid if they get the mines). Too hard..?


Before the laser phase... watch for when he cast the mines. A random member will get it. Have that member run up on top of the boss. This removes the buff.

Edited by paowee
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I wouldn't quit over a bug like this either, but I would quit if it was a companys policy to wait two weeks to fix a bug like this.


Pretty sure they're not waiting 2 weeks twiddling their thumbs and then trying to fix it. If they've already failed to fix it properly twice, what makes you think they could turn around the correct fix for this in a day? Maybe they decided some testing was in order this time.


Lots of guilds are clearing it in the mean time. There are strategies for assassins, operatives, marauders, and sorcerers to mitigate the laser mines already. Juggernauts also might be able to leap to the boss and reflect. No jugs in our group, didn't get to experiment.


You can wait for Bioware to fix it and QQ in the forums, or you can work around it as many ops groups have had to work around operations bugs dating back to Soa.

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The boss is definitely killable, I just did it myself even though we needed more tries than last week.


MINES not clearing when stacked on BOSS. We had 50%-75% of the team would clear, but at least one person in melee range would not. Thought it was spacing, but we came in closer and same result on next pull.

This always seems to happen whenever either the player or the boss is moving. Your tanks should only move the boss once while the adds appear; other than that you can keep standing still, then the debuffs will cleanse themself without a problem.


Laser phase - Yea.. cute trick we can't cleanse. (Didn't bother with Force Speed / Hamster Ball)

This is just a RNG issue; you'll have up to two players die, but if you still have a BR available, this is not a bug that can wipe the raid.


MINE stacked DEBUFF out of NOWHERE starting at least 4-5 stacks where none had been a couples seconds before. This was pretty much the RAID wipe every time this happened.

Never seen this happen; the debuff always started at one stack.


Note that we originally recommended in the old thread to always stay within nine meters of the boss. This is not nearly enough, you need to stay about 3-4 meters away. If the whole raid is standing this close, no player will receive a debuff.

Also note that if only one player is standing too far away from the boss but all others are stacking up, this player will always receive the mine. Therefore, no one must stand too far away. The exception being the offtank who has to AOE taunt the adds, but as soon as the boss does the Concussion Mine cast, you can call out for this tank to move into the boss, even before the debuff appears.

Edited by Jerba
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It is doable. During the laser phase, have the person with the mines run out of the raid. Also tell your healers to be extra vigilant during the laser phase. Have everyone use their defensive or escape mechanisms (roll out of raid if they get the mines). Too hard..?


Before the laser phase... watch for when he cast the mines. A random member will get it. Have that member run up on top of the boss. This removes the buff.


Not all classes have these get out of jail free card abilities, so it makes your group rather more class dependent. Plus repeated mines on the same people will wreak havoc anyway with cooldowns being what they are.

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Amber, since launch of this Operation, there has been a bug with corruption mines the entire time. This was the third attempted "fix". That's now 5 weeks (?), this mechanic has been broken in one way or another. Right now it's actually the worst bug it's been. Can BW please, please, please be much more careful with getting this fixed so that it is indeed fixed. I honestly fail to see how anyone could be testing this, and not know that this boss and this mechanic are broken. I mean....seriously....it's not like you have to do anything strange to see these bugs.


Every Tuesday we go into this Op wondering what Corrupter Zero is going be like this time, and every week it's different. Last night was so frustrating, we just gave up attempting it and went over to DP.

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Bug after Bug after Bug Bioware. Are you actually testing your fixes? Because I'm fed up of having to adjust raid tactics because you cannot fix simple problems. As one of the previous members mentioned, this boss has been bugged since launch, and quite frankly I would prefer the fix that was in 2.4.1, because this fix is quite unclearable now, and if these guys are correct and we have to put up with this for 2 weeks, that's just pathetic!


Sort it out Bioware!

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