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Joystick for GS?


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A long long time ago in a dark room and on a crappy old computer I played X-Wing, Tie Fighter and the others with my trusty and crusty Joystick. I haven't used a Joystick or played a flight sim since then. I can't imagine playing GS without one. Is everyone getting a Joystick for this? If you are, what are you getting? Edited by Darkulous
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Why do you need one?


I don't know, like I said, I haven't played a flight sim in a long time. Are mouses today sufficient for it? I'm imagining trying to pull 180s and 360s with a mouse and it seems insufficient. Ya you can adjust sensitivities in many gamemodes where a slight shift can turn you completely around but flight sims is different right? I remember ships in flight sims having default and set turning speeds that you had to deal with depending on what type of ship you were flying.


I guess what I'm saying is, am I going to be constantly running my mouse off the mouse pad trying to fly these gunships around?

Edited by Darkulous
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I'm gonna try. Have both a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, and a full Saitek combat flight system. I come from a "different" military family and we dogfight every week on CFS3 and IL-2. I can already map TOR's key bindings to a gamepad in Logitech's software (it works, but can be a bit wonky at times), so I'm anxious to see if the same works for a flight sim system with GS. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I'm gonna try. Have both a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, and a full Saitek combat flight system. I come from a "different" military family and we dogfight every week on CFS3 and IL-2. I can already map TOR's key bindings to a gamepad in Logitech's software (it works, but can be a bit wonky at times), so I'm anxious to see if the same works for a flight sim system with GS.


Daang, that Logitech is a beast! I'm curious to see what others are planning with GS. Mouse? Joystick? Gamepad?

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How could it not be?


Ummm...because there's such a tiny segment of players who would even have one that it's a waste of time to develop?! I stopped using a "joystick" when I learned to use a mouse.

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Why do you need one?


Because trying to fly via WASD is a good way to wind up with a hand/wrist injury? I already can't play the advanced on rails space missions because of that.


Some things were just meant for controllers, and its not like there isn't a Windows API for it.

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Ummm...because there's such a tiny segment of players who would even have one that it's a waste of time to develop?! I stopped using a "joystick" when I learned to use a mouse.
It's not a question of learning anything, it's a question of purpose-built preference. Sim racers use wheels because of the analog feel and movement they provide. Dogfighting enthusiasts use joysticks or yolks for the same reason. GS is a dogfighting expansion. Legit inquiry imho. Edited by GalacticKegger
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How could it not be?


welcome to 2013... console kid generation managed to kill the Joystick and the FPSers only have mouse+kb




I play space sims with a Full HOTAS




this baby is waiting for X-Rebirth and Star Citizen ;)) hopefully Galactic Starfighter too, but chances are almost zero

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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welcome to 2013... console kid generation managed to kill the Joystick and the FPSers only have mouse+kb




I play space sims with a Full HOTAS




this baby is waiting for X-Rebirth and Star Citizen ;)) hopefully Galactic Starfighter too, but chances are almost zero

Oh man ... that is BEAUTIFUL. http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/x65f.html
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It's not a question of learning anything, it's a question of purpose-built preference. Sim racers use wheels because of the analog feel and movement they provide. Dogfighting enthusiasts use joysticks or yolks for the same reason. GS is a dogfighting expansion. Legit inquiry imho.


I agree, it's a legit question - but I think it's an obvious answer right now. It'll be mouse+WASD and 1-6. If you can map those to a joystick, I encourage you to do so...but I highly doubt Bioware is building in anything more than the basic support.

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I will using ( or trying to use ) my 360 joypad , using xpadder as I do on the ground game. I just hope I don't have to redo all the keymapping though. Still if it works then it should be fun . maybe not as much fun as those joysticks though. I will let you know how I get on around the 3rd of December.





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welcome to 2013... console kid generation managed to kill the Joystick and the FPSers only have mouse+kb




I play space sims with a Full HOTAS




this baby is waiting for X-Rebirth and Star Citizen ;)) hopefully Galactic Starfighter too, but chances are almost zero


Well, I can understand the mouse+kb for FPS. You can control how fast you turn around in FPS through mouse settings. A slight twitch of your mouse and you can pull a 360. But for a Flight Sim, the player is subject to the turn speed of your craft. I'm wondering if people, who have no or little experience in flight sims, understand this.


So you think the chances of GS being joystick compatible is almost zero?


Also, how did you get a picture of my desk?

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I agree, it's a legit question - but I think it's an obvious answer right now. It'll be mouse+WASD and 1-6. If you can map those to a joystick, I encourage you to do so...but I highly doubt Bioware is building in anything more than the basic support.
I too doubt there will be any joystick configuration options built into the game's Preferences. If mapping key binds to joystick controls and buttons works, then that's all the support it would need. I have a feeling the community would publish how-to's if it does work.
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Don't count on a joystick being better for this expansion. Looking at the videos, the controls seem to involve placing the cursor where you want the ship to go and your weapons to fire, ideally suited for mouse and keyboard. X-Wing and Tie Fighter had more conventional flight sim controls where each controller axis controlled one ship motion axis, where this seems to just indicate where you want the ship to fly and the ship assists the pilot to fly towards that point. It also appears that instead of fixed weapons, this game has articulating weapons that aim where you place the cursor. Edited by BrewMike
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I don't know, like I said, I haven't played a flight sim in a long time. Are mouses today sufficient for it? I'm imagining trying to pull 180s and 360s with a mouse and it seems insufficient. Ya you can adjust sensitivities in many gamemodes where a slight shift can turn you completely around but flight sims is different right? I remember ships in flight sims having default and set turning speeds that you had to deal with depending on what type of ship you were flying.


I guess what I'm saying is, am I going to be constantly running my mouse off the mouse pad trying to fly these gunships around?


Go and pledge to Star Citizen if you want a real space sim. They recently added 50,000 more alpha slots due to their recent goal and already past 40% to $26million raised.


The dogfighting module should be in-game around December or soon after New Year's. Lowest pledge package goes for $30-40 and you can always upgrade it if you really aren't sure what ship to get at the moment.


SWTOR will be the same as the dull star fox we have now, it will just BW's version of freeroam.

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I can tell you this, as someone who played X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Wing Commander, X-2, X-3 Reunion, Eve and Jane's ATF... there is NO WAY I am interested in playing a space/flight game if there is NO Joystick support.


Space on rails was HORRIBLE.

Space off rails with no joystick, equally HORRIBLE.


A space/flight sim without joystick support would just be retarded, kind of like snipers that can only shoot 30m... RETARDED I say. De Duh Dee.


So, Bioware, for the love of whatever God you worship.... please put in the joystick support.

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