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Commando Changes Brainstorming


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You suggested stealth for Commando... Everything you say is henceforth irrelevant.


Just because you dont like one of the suggestions that someone made in a brainstorming thread doesn't mean that you have to call them out on it and ignore any other ideas that they have. I do agree that stealth on a commando isn't a good idea but his point of needing something more for escaping a group is a valid one. Even if you dont agree with the solution he provided, possibly you could provide a solution that you like better.

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Just because you dont like one of the suggestions that someone made in a brainstorming thread doesn't mean that you have to call them out on it and ignore any other ideas that they have. I do agree that stealth on a commando isn't a good idea but his point of needing something more for escaping a group is a valid one. Even if you dont agree with the solution he provided, possibly you could provide a solution that you like better.


No, its not. We have Hold the Line...................

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I hear ya, but you have to look at this from the perspective of a melee player. If we could cast while moving and not lose any movement speed, we would be an insane kiting class. Also, I would think that a base core mechanic change like that would also apply to other classes with casts/channels. I think it is a fair trade-off IMO: allow more mobility for cast/channel heavy specs, but not so much mobility that they gain a very significant advantage over melee players


i understand what you are saying but this is something that IMO would be a commando/merc only ability in order to give us something along the lines of snipers with their shield that makes it so you cannot leap to them or interrupt them and just like for snipers not every cast heavy class has a shield.. and yeah they would have a hardtime with us because we could kite but that is the point... survivability

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which is weak compared to escape abilities that other classes have. that's what I got from the post. you may not agree, but there is no reason why you cant turn it into a reasoned debate instead of calling him out like that.
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You guys need to learn to play the class. I have never had an issue with interrupts and pushbacks.... at least not to the extent you guys are pushing it. This is why I can't stand the forums... You get a few loud people who will dictate the future changes who don't know what they are talking about. Interupts and pushback is part of the game....deal with it. Play better.


So what are you guys even saying the Commando has problems with?....dps? .....that would be ridiculous! As far as a dps Commando goes the only problem they should have if you play them right is no way to escape heavy focused dps damage. That's it....nothing else.


Lets look at ranked for a moment. Every match I play Commando is always the first dps class to get focused. if you get focused as a Commando, there is really nothing you can do, but die.

Sages can bubble.

Shadows can stealth.

Guardians can freeze them and use saber reflect, not to mention warding call as well

Sentinels have Guarded by the force and force Camouflage

Scoundrel has disappearing act and Dodge

Smuggler has Dodge and Flash Grenade

Vanguard has Neural Surge which doesn't hold for very long...but better than nothing.

Commando has....Nothing to stop a group from attacking for a short duration so he can get away!


ok i like the L2P sort of attitude except where is the solution you only say we have a problem but dont present a solution

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i understand what you are saying but this is something that IMO would be a commando/merc only ability in order to give us something along the lines of snipers with their shield that makes it so you cannot leap to them or interrupt them and just like for snipers not every cast heavy class has a shield.. and yeah they would have a hardtime with us because we could kite but that is the point... survivability


If casting/interrupt mechanics are going to change, it will be for all classes, not just Merc/Mando.

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Hold the Line is weak?


It can be considered weak because it's the slowest escape ability out of all the classes. It does have extra utility to it that makes up for it, but from what I understood, the point he was trying to make was that other classes can run away faster than a commando.

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-Tech Override: base 60s cooldown

-Reserve Powercell: base 60s cooldown

-Fix the 6c internal cooldown in Assault for proc'ing the Plasma Cell DoT with Ranged attacks (makes it a real pain switching targets)

- Combat Medic needs a lot of love. There are countless threads on it that you could use (and should have already been using) as references Eric.

- *DO NOT* fundamentally change our resource management. It is unnecessary and IMO would the extreme long way of solving the problem. There are small, relatively easy changes that would provide the same improvements


Overreaching changes should be made to the Casting/Interrupt system. This was hinted at in the answers to the Mercenary Rep questions, and is an idea that I like. My suggested changes for how casting/channeling/interrupting should work:



-You can now Cast and Channel while moving (can still be interrupted)

- Casting while moving slows your movement by 30%

- Channeling while moving slows your movement by 70%

- Once interrupted, you cannot be interrupted again for the duration of ability lockout (iirc this is 4s)

- Alacrity now also reduces the slow effect from moving while casting/channeling.


Commando/Mercenary always felt like it was supposed to have more of a Run'N'Gun feel to it; being able to cast and move simultaneously would not only give the class a unique feel, but would also improve our QoL a lot.



Oh, and please fix the DR of a lot of stats. Crit, Alacrity and Accuracy all had their DR curves changed in 2.0 (I assumed to correct for stat inflation), but the changes were way more drastic than they should have been.


This is waaaaay overdoing it! What a joke! Asking for Commando's to be able to cast while moving is in every way unnecessary. Plus, I am not sure why you need the tech override and recharge cells to proc faster?.....Sounds like you just need to learn how to play.

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This is waaaaay overdoing it! What a joke! Asking for Commando's to be able to cast while moving is in every way unnecessary. Plus, I am not sure why you need the tech override and recharge cells to proc faster?.....Sounds like you just need to learn how to play.


Its adorable that you sought out that post just to attack me further ;)

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Hold the Line is weak?


Just because you only play Arsenal you only see one aspect of the ability.


Unlike arsenal the other specs don't get 33% uptime. Heals and Pyro have 24% and 20% uptime respectively. Arsenal can actually get 40% uptime. Which is literally twice the uptime Pyro can get with out gimping themselves.


The other specs versions are weak in comparison to arsenal and other classes movement speed abilities.

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I'm honestly much more concerned with ammo management in PVE. The tiered energy system only really works with some energy neutral or energy positive abilities. CoF should make the next FA free, but more importantly there has to be a way to smooth out its proc rate because right now I'm spending far too often watching FA come off cooldown. That quite literally never happens to the HiB reset in Assault. I still think adding a high proc chance to Demo Round and possibly HiB would help a ton.
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Listen Venomlash Cleet_Xia I know you think I am nuts but trust me I am running so low on ammo when I take on these healers its not even funny. As for the grav round I am not convinced you do not need three any more. I seem to get a higher dps output with the demo round and HIB when I put 3 grav rounds on them. I know I know the game says otherwise. I am going by what I see. Not to mention its not like they really lowered the cool down on demo round or HIB so even if I just used one I still would be running into a dps problem. Not sure why my ammo is not recharging that well all I know is I put two full sets off and I am running pretty much dry. Yes I use full auto all the time, but these days I am starting to wonder if that's not bugged. Of course that could be a balance issue. When I use full auto on sorcs, and assassins they just force run at full speed out of it. Heck even charged bolts now has a major pushback to them. Sometimes I cant even put off one major dps attack because of the interrupts, resets to my abilities, and constant resets on my pushbacks.
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It's called reading through a thread....obviously you think way too much of yourself....ROFL!


At least he brought a good solid suggestion to this thread, unlike you, who has what continually torn down this thread and said its unnecessary? So tell me what class are you operative? Sniper? Gunslinger? Scoundrel? Bounty hunter?

Jedi? SIth? Why so much fear of this thread and this topic?

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A easy way to understand how bad our resource managment are:

Put your mando healer next to any other healer.

Let both classes spamheal themself.

After some seconds the mando is out of ammo.

Watch other healers resource level.

Raise your fist in anger and give BW the best looking puppy eyes you ever had.

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I'll throw in a few ideas.


I wouldn't mind seeing a tech shield similar to the sage / sorc shield. Same basic rules as the sage / sorc shield, lower damage absorption but a small amount of ability interrupt resist and new functions tacked on to make things interesting. Each tree might offer modified talents that tack on an extra function to the shield.


Tech Shields: Graviton Shields


Combat Medic: Reflective Graviton Shields


Slightly increases the amount of damage absorbed and reflects X% of damage back to the target. The reflected damage is slightly modified by the host target's Tech or force power.


All threat generated by the reflected damage is transferred to the shielded player, not the caster of the shield.


Gunnery: Overcharged Graviton Shields


Self Only: The Graviton shield detonates once it has fully absorbed damage and explodes for X amount, knocking nearby hostile players back and dealing bonus damage to targets affected by Gravity Vortex.


Assault Specialist: Thermal Graviton Shields


Self Only: Reduces the amount of damage absorbed and grants a buff to all elemental damage dealt by the commando until the shield has been depleted.



As for Bacta Infusion. I wouldn't mind seeing it change to a more wildcard heal with a few extra special functions and a slightly reduced cooldown.




Bacta infusion heals for an additional amount when used on a target that has 1 or more charges of Trauma Probe.


Using Bacta infusion on a target affected by the Kolto Pod hot causes a bloom effect consuming the duration of kolto pods and heals all nearby players affected by Kolto pod for X amount.


Using Bacta infusion on targets affected by preventative medicine / armor screen extends the duration of both effects by X seconds.


Maybe have some interaction with supercharged cells, though nothing is coming to mind right. now.


Anyway, feel free to dissect my ideas. :eek:

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At least he brought a good solid suggestion to this thread, unlike you, who has what continually torn down this thread and said its unnecessary? So tell me what class are you operative? Sniper? Gunslinger? Scoundrel? Bounty hunter?

Jedi? SIth? Why so much fear of this thread and this topic?


Your statement is false false and false. I did indeed bring a suggestion to the thread.... a very detailed idea infact. I have also stated very clearly that my main is a Commando.


I think perhaps one of the issues is that we all play from different perspectives. Some are healing Commando's, Some play PvE, some PvP, some Pvp Ranked, some all of them. I am not a healer so any ideas I post may not fit for that. I do however (In Order) PvP Ranked, PvP warzones, and PvE. I have had no problems whatsoever in PvE, or PvP warzones.


The only issue I have had has been in Ranked Arena's.


I have stated very clearly the problem I have encountered as well as my peers: Commando's tend to be the first dps class to be focused (referring to Ranked Matches)..... and for obvious reasons.... they have no way to avoid the initial focus burst to stay alive.

As I have listed in a previous post ALL other advanced classes have either a stealth out of combat OR a group stun. This allows the player to quickly avoid burst damage and get back in the game.

Commando's have neither.

So my suggestion is simply to give them one.... EITHER a short duration in combat stealth OR a group stun.


I do have a level 55 of every advanced class, but as I said my main is Commando.

Edited by Malckiah
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Your statement is false false and false. I did indeed bring a suggestion to the thread.... a very detailed idea infact. I have also stated very clearly that my main is a Commando.


I think perhaps one of the issues is that we all play from different perspectives. Some are healing Commando's, Some play PvE, some PvP, some Pvp Ranked, some all of them. I am not a healer so any ideas I post may not fit for that. I do however (In Order) PvP Ranked, PvP warzones, and PvE. I have had no problems whatsoever in PvE, or PvP warzones.


The only issue I have had has been in Ranked Arena's.


I have stated very clearly the problem I have encountered as well as my peers: Commando's tend to be the first dps class to be focused (referring to Ranked Matches)..... and for obvious reasons.... they have no way to avoid the initial focus burst to stay alive.

As I have listed in a previous post ALL other advanced classes have either a stealth out of combat OR a group stun. This allows the player to quickly avoid burst damage and get back in the game.

Commando's have neither.

So my suggestion is simply to give them one.... EITHER a short duration in combat stealth OR a group stun.


I do have a level 55 of every advanced class, but as I said my main is Commando.


i dont see your problem maybe you just need to learn to play?

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Your statement is false false and false. I did indeed bring a suggestion to the thread.... a very detailed idea infact. I have also stated very clearly that my main is a Commando.


I think perhaps one of the issues is that we all play from different perspectives. Some are healing Commando's, Some play PvE, some PvP, some Pvp Ranked, some all of them. I am not a healer so any ideas I post may not fit for that. I do however (In Order) PvP Ranked, PvP warzones, and PvE. I have had no problems whatsoever in PvE, or PvP warzones.


The only issue I have had has been in Ranked Arena's.


I have stated very clearly the problem I have encountered as well as my peers: Commando's tend to be the first dps class to be focused (referring to Ranked Matches)..... and for obvious reasons.... they have no way to avoid the initial focus burst to stay alive.

As I have listed in a previous post ALL other advanced classes have either a stealth out of combat OR a group stun. This allows the player to quickly avoid burst damage and get back in the game.

Commando's have neither.

So my suggestion is simply to give them one.... EITHER a short duration in combat stealth OR a group stun.


I do have a level 55 of every advanced class, but as I said my main is Commando.


Which is it? A few pages ago you were claiming that this thread was the result of loud mouths, and that the problem was the players not the class. Now your saying yes there is indeed an issue with the class. So which is is


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Which is it? A few pages ago you were claiming that this thread was the result of loud mouths, and that the problem was the players not the class. Now your saying yes there is indeed an issue with the class. So which is is



I NEVER said that this thread was the result of loud mouths! This thread is indeed a good thread, but there are loud mouth people in it that only want to talk trash.....such as yourself.

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