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Regstar Guild


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Well I was actually in group que right before this for something like 6 matches against Adroit before my group disbanded. I think you were the only other team in que.


I'm really not sure what we can do as a community to make things work at this point. I am completely sympathetic to your frustrations.


PvP guilds don't want to do ranked. Both solo and group is dead. I think we need to make a list of PvPers who will do ranked at least 1 night per week and make balanced teams (NO WIN TRADING). Everyone can add each other and we can make a new channel to discuss when teams will que.


BW has screwed up so much and it doesn't look like things will improve soon. It is sad but if we don't get a community pool of interested ranked players I don't see more than 3 teams being in que at one time (even this is a good night right now).


The elite teams need to break up and help organize balanced teams. If they don't you will continue to see regstars everywhere and nobody in arena's. We need to bring in fresh faces and make them feel welcome.

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It's the same problem with 8v8s. There are a handful of players who *are* that much better and entry level teams don't have much of a chance to win.


If the only teams in the queue are good and another team decided to give it a chance they get blown up a few times and head back to regs. This makes sense, I can't blame anyone who has this experience, and I don't see a way around that unless 10+ teams are in the queue at the same time.


On the flip-side, I am really enjoying the solo ranked, even more than 4v4s I think. It allows a better entry point for newer/less experienced players. However, Kxx is right pops are slower for that over the last week. As I don't see any solution for the 4v4 queue, perhaps switch efforts to consolidating queues and promoting solo?


If there's 3 teams in ranked queue and 12 solo'ers at any time, having the groups disband into solo makes that queue much more interesting and solves your 'let's balance teams' concern. Once people get comfortable in solo perhaps they'll branch out to 4v4s more? Solo also lets you expand your social network a bit which is helpful long-term for forming 4v4 teams.


tl;dr - abandon 4v4s for Solo Ranked?

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Solo is fun for the variety of matches (when it isn't all dps teams) and it certainly does a lot to break down that entry level barrier. It is a great way to get out and meet people while getting practice for ranked 4s and earning some comms along the way.


The problem is that nobody actually networks and makes the jump up to ranked teams. It is just solo all day. So much is lost when you aren't on voice together.


The Harbinger almost needs a voice server maintained for ranked PUG pvpers. From there they could learn a lot and eventually get in with various guilds on their voice when it is needed.

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If they made dailies and weeklies for solo and group ranked then more people would probably que... Or if they gave any sort of reward for doing them besides just the rating and increased amount of ranked comms


Obviously BW could do lots to improve the ranked experience, but we need to do our best to keep things going with the expectation that BW will do nothing. If they hadn't screwed up so much along the way we wouldn't be having this discussion.


We need need solutions for the current environment with what is already in place.

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Well I was actually in group que right before this for something like 6 matches against Adroit before my group disbanded. I think you were the only other team in que.


I'm really not sure what we can do as a community to make things work at this point. I am completely sympathetic to your frustrations.


PvP guilds don't want to do ranked. Both solo and group is dead. I think we need to make a list of PvPers who will do ranked at least 1 night per week and make balanced teams (NO WIN TRADING). Everyone can add each other and we can make a new channel to discuss when teams will que.


BW has screwed up so much and it doesn't look like things will improve soon. It is sad but if we don't get a community pool of interested ranked players I don't see more than 3 teams being in que at one time (even this is a good night right now).


The elite teams need to break up and help organize balanced teams. If they don't you will continue to see regstars everywhere and nobody in arena's. We need to bring in fresh faces and make them feel welcome.


<Phoenix> is pretty much always keen to queue. I am absolutely appauled at the people abandoning the ranked arena's. They cry out for pvp content then when they get some, they dont play it forcing the rest of the server who want to play to wait in long queues that never pop.


Not a good experience for anyone. Now, we are not the best team out there, and we have lots to learn about composition, if we can get a good comp, we can do really well. What we lack is a varity of people to play.


No offense so-low coz getting drilled by your team is pretty much my favorite past time in arena's but i doubt many other teams out there share our enthusiasim.


To be honest, i dont see this ranked problem ever going away. Not untill people are actually incentivised to play ranked. Currently, pubs win normal warzones so readily that the comm trade is all that is really needed. the rest of us are forced to play normals, for something to do.


We need the comm trade eliminated so that people are force to get ranked comms from playing..... ranked. Why call them ranked comms if you can buy them?


earn the gear imo. until this happens, all queues will be quiet except from the handfull of people who actually organise people to play against..


We are in the exact same position as we were with 8v8's.

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Solo is fun for the variety of matches (when it isn't all dps teams) and it certainly does a lot to break down that entry level barrier. It is a great way to get out and meet people while getting practice for ranked 4s and earning some comms along the way.


The problem is that nobody actually networks and makes the jump up to ranked teams. It is just solo all day. So much is lost when you aren't on voice together.


The Harbinger almost needs a voice server maintained for ranked PUG pvpers. From there they could learn a lot and eventually get in with various guilds on their voice when it is needed.


this could actually be looked into. i think Gibi was keen to offer up a server for this.

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Mark my words, remember this post and bookmark it for what I am about to write SHALL come to pass: Goof Troop will become a Regstar guild on the Bastion.


You see, it's a pretty badly kept secret that Goof Troop is going to the Bastion to queue ranked Imp side (i've heard this from multiple people, including a Sentinel of theirs today). I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet. However, once Goof's teams face MVP, Vullesh's team, Core, Don't Panic and OPFOTM's team etc. they will do exactly what the OP here is frustrated that Ghost Infantry did: they will queue for regs on the Bastion because they either won't get many pops or they will be repeatedly beaten by the above listed teams.


Oh they'll have excuses as to why they became Regstars on the Bastion but it will happen.

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this could actually be looked into. i think Gibi was keen to offer up a server for this.


Is this serious? If so it should happen sooner than later. I don't know a lot about running a server but from what I gather it isn't too difficult. I am willing to look into it or help too. Keep us updated.


I'm not sure how well received this would be, but it can't hurt to try. Advertising on the forums and encouragement in game should bring in some people looking to take the next step.


People from ranked teams could pop in when trying to organize their teams too.

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Mark my words, remember this post and bookmark it for what I am about to write SHALL come to pass: Goof Troop will become a Regstar guild on the Bastion.


You see, it's a pretty badly kept secret that Goof Troop is going to the Bastion to queue ranked Imp side (i've heard this from multiple people, including a Sentinel of theirs today). I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet. However, once Goof's teams face MVP, Vullesh's team, Core, Don't Panic and OPFOTM's team etc. they will do exactly what the OP here is frustrated that Ghost Infantry did: they will queue for regs on the Bastion because they either won't get many pops or they will be repeatedly beaten by the above listed teams.


Oh they'll have excuses as to why they became Regstars on the Bastion but it will happen.


People who are scared of losing are a big part of the problem (like you I'm guessing). If 10 teams were in que and 6 of them were absolutely horrible they would never play the good teams.


Just because MVP is amazing doesn't mean Goof or other good players from The Harbinger can't have reasonable matches against many of the teams from the Bastion and continue to improve.


Why would they stay here when there is like 20 people on this sever who have ever even tried ranked? It is better to lose than to not play at all. Guess who the real losers are. You and all the other people who are too scared too ever put in a team.

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People who are scared of losing are a big part of the problem (like you I'm guessing). If 10 teams were in que and 6 of them were absolutely horrible they would never play the good teams.


Just because MVP is amazing doesn't mean Goof or other good players from The Harbinger can't have reasonable matches against many of the teams from the Bastion and continue to improve.


Why would they stay here when there is like 20 people on this sever who have ever even tried ranked? It is better to lose than to not play at all. Guess who the real losers are. You and all the other people who are too scared too ever put in a team.


His attitude is unfortunate. He doesn't deserve a legitimate response but I'm feeling generous so here it is. We've maintained a very civil and friendly attitude in arenas. Regs ..yea I hate the scrubs and I'm guilty of talking ***** but we respect people that make an honest attempt in ranked. As far as avoiding the "big bad guilds" ? Some of us don't want to transfer because we're married to our giant alt network, want to pve, don't want to leave friends behind while others have already transferred and are actually in the guilds he mentioned. Remaining here has nothing to do with pwning newbies, at all. In fact, we often grow bored and will switch to alt Imps specifically in search of a challenge. Heck, we've jumped on our alts and ran wacky comps in ranked to give other teams a sporting chance.


If you drop the attitude and actually try asking us for advice you might be surprised at how helpful we can be. Yes, we can be ***** but that is not the rule. Whisper me and provided I'm not in a the middle of a ragemoment I'll help you out.


- Jolly

- Goof Troop

All Jollys are controlled by a central consciousness.

Edited by Sowwy
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Why would they stay here when there is like 20 people on this sever who have ever even tried ranked? It is better to lose than to not play at all. Guess who the real losers are. You and all the other people who are too scared too ever put in a team.


You missed my point entirely.


Having played against the best on the Bastion (I have basically left the Harbinger because I can't stand how bad Imp PVP is here) and having played against Goof and others in the first two weeks of arenas, I would be surprised to see them do well against the teams I mentioned above. Loss after loss after loss will send them into regs. You see, the grass is always greener....right? Mark my words, it will happen.

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You missed my point entirely.


Having played against the best on the Bastion (I have basically left the Harbinger because I can't stand how bad Imp PVP is here) and having played against Goof and others in the first two weeks of arenas, I would be surprised to see them do well against the teams I mentioned above. Loss after loss after loss will send them into regs. You see, the grass is always greener....right? Mark my words, it will happen.


So what is your point then? When people lose they revert to regs, or you just wanted to "openly" (No Sig) bash Goof Troop for wanting to transfer to "where the action" is? It is obvious that The Bastion has better competition and that the best Guilds on this server are not at the level of top Bastion guilds. You get better by playing better teams, and Goof isn't so out classed that they will be stomped by EVERY Bastion guild. Jolly also pointed out for you that some of their players are actually already in those guilds. Anybody who loses and gives up doesn't have my respect, and your prophecies of Goof becoming regstars says a lot about how you personally handle losing.


I think it is unfortunate that when people lose they decide never to do ranked again. It is a sad mentality that breeds stagnant situations like we have now. You never get better and you will never be in que when the other teams at your level decide to que as well. And FFS I am tired of hearing "we don't have enough gear". FYI the gear grind never ends. Just play.

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I'll just say it: some of Goof's players are very rude in warzones, constantly berating people if they lose. Whenever I was on my Vanguard, which was rare, and saw certain Goof Troop people I generally just left b/c I knew I was going to be accused of something. Kinda hard to want to root for these guys.


Want to know a classy guild? Hey I'm MVP. They rarely if ever berate pugs in warzones. It's why they are so respected.


I'm done.

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I'll just say it: some of Goof's players are very rude in warzones, constantly berating people if they lose. Whenever I was on my Vanguard, which was rare, and saw certain Goof Troop people I generally just left b/c I knew I was going to be accused of something. Kinda hard to want to root for these guys.


Want to know a classy guild? Hey I'm MVP. They rarely if ever berate pugs in warzones. It's why they are so respected.


I'm done.


Yeah I agree some of the Goof Troop players are way too rude. That doesn't mean the humbling experience of getting beat will make them regstars.


People with anonymity on their side will always flex their muscles. Same goes for people in positions of power, and like it or not Goof are *more powerful* than most players when it comes to PvP. I'm not excusing them, but BW does little to separate the noobs from the vets. It is frustrating for everyone when people of vastly different skill levels are pooled together. They blow off their steam by picking on lesser players. There is no real way to vent at BW.


End of the day bullies should be shamed, but the problem is deeper than just Goof Troop is rude...

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His attitude is unfortunate. He doesn't deserve a legitimate response but I'm feeling generous so here it is. We've maintained a very civil and friendly attitude in arenas. Regs ..yea I hate the scrubs and I'm guilty of talking ***** but we respect people that make an honest attempt in ranked. As far as avoiding the "big bad guilds" ? Some of us don't want to transfer because we're married to our giant alt network, want to pve, don't want to leave friends behind while others have already transferred and are actually in the guilds he mentioned. Remaining here has nothing to do with pwning newbies, at all. In fact, we often grow bored and will switch to alt Imps specifically in search of a challenge. Heck, we've jumped on our alts and ran wacky comps in ranked to give other teams a sporting chance.


If you drop the attitude and actually try asking us for advice you might be surprised at how helpful we can be. Yes, we can be ***** but that is not the rule. Whisper me and provided I'm not in a the middle of a ragemoment I'll help you out.


- Jolly

- Goof Troop

All Jollys are controlled by a central consciousness.


I think we are one of these teams your talking about here. We have seen some pretty weird comps against you guys. But, and this is in no way meant to insult you guys, our guys do get a little frustrated being beaten by any combination you throw together.


I'm all for bettering ourselves, and i'm also not afraid of losing continually either, but its pretty hard to keep a team together loss after loss and so I understand why some people are not the eager to jump in.


Like I said above, if you guys want games, we can definitely throw some guys together. Most of the time I have to play my alts just to get a team together so cant play my most geared and toons im strongest on. I think our guys would be more open to some kickball type arrangements where the teams were balanced. At least until we got a good understanding of some strats or advice and tips from the better pvpers.


If you guys just want to stomp a group of people that are not in your league, we can probably do it a few times a week. But I don't see it lasting as our guys are just getting demoralised.


And that's about the truth of it.

Edited by Yndras
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I was kinda curious who "Tidusamy" is since there is no signature so I ran a quick forum search.http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php?searchid=4450269 It turns out that 50% of all the threads started by this individual bash Goof Troop in one way or another. Now this is only the threads started by this person, and not the numerous posts it has made. What happened? Did a member of Goof run over your cat or something? If so I apologize on their behalf.


Relax, It's a video game ffs. Yeah people in Goof are rude sometimes. Guess what? People in every guild are rude sometimes, I've seen way worse raging in raid than I ever have in a WZ. Also, a lot, if not most, members of Goof are rather friendly. Did you ever think the person who was rude to you was having a bad day? Not that it's an excuse/reason but I'm sure you've had bad days yourself so I would assume you can relate. I mean FFS you in this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=683987 you go as far as calling Kuvox a "total jerk" on the forums. Kuvox is probably one of the most courteous people I've played with. Sure he can get mad but who doesn't.


The bottom line is that as it stands 4v4 isn't popping. No one queues because the wait is too long or there are just the same teams playing. But the wait is too long and only the same teams are playing BECAUSE no one is in queue. So the only way I see 4v4 working is if more people start to queue regardless of winning or losing. Once there is enough people queuing on a regular basis the problem of always facing a team that has a higher skill lever should work it''s self out.


oh and dont send the the grammer police on me, I sent this on my phone.

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I don't remember there being such cocky posts coming from certain guilds when 8v8 ranked was still going on..Oh wait.


You should know with your current set up you wont do that well on bastion. Your two healers you plan on using are sub-par against the bastion guilds.

Edited by Yamahara
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I don't remember there being such cocky posts coming from certain guilds when 8v8 ranked was still going on..Oh wait.


You should know with your current set up you wont do that well on bastion. Your two healers you plan on using are sub-par against the bastion guilds.


Wait.. you're calling Honuea and Zharina sub-par? Coming from you and your skill set I find that to be a bit ironic. As for our "set up" we are adaptable and will run different comps based on what works. The main reason that the (five?) of us are putting imp alts on the Bastion is that players like you who talk **** on the forums don't want to put a team together to face us, and when a team finally does take pity on you and tries to carry you, you get stomped.


"Cocky"? This post was meant to shine a light on the fact that the so-called "PvP guild" Ghost Infantry, who actually has the highest number of active members, would rather "super-que" regs than put arena teams together because they are scared.


On a side note, many props to K'xx and Yndras for actually putting teams together and queuing, and trying to keep their teams and the ranked scene alive.

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