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Less Color-Crystal-Variants for the next generation


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Hi together,

in the near future we will see the next generation of color crystals.

I dont like 147 different colors like right now, in my opinion thats not starwars^^

I prefer the standard color like for example:

standard: red, green, blue

rare: yellow, orange, purple, pink

very rare: white, black

I also liked in the begin of the game that you can only use for example red crystals if you are on the dark path of the force :)

What do you think about?

Edited by schuffc
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I prefer it too.


Standard normal lightsabers all the way. Those other-coloured cores are absolutely horrible and lore breaking. Wish there was an option to filter them to traditional cored on my screen.


Gimme a red, blue or green lightsaber every day. (Cept the Green in SWTOR. It isn't green.)

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That's your personal preference. If you want to use standard color crystals, then use those. But you'll be gimping yourself in terms of stats until the 50s when the single Color crystals come on par with the level 10 dual Color crystals from the Cartel Market. Me? I don't care what the color is. I've used almost all of them under the sun.
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I am quite pleased with the greater variety in color crystals, as it really adds a nice touch to customizing your characters. When I leveled my first Jedi, the color variety was awful. I am very much enjoying being able to choose from multiple shades of blue and having a nice non-yellowy green available now as I level another one.


Also, I would like to point out that color crystals are also for blasters, and some of the ones that may look more unusual in lightsabers look amazing when used in blasters.


(and semi-OT, but what is this "next generation" of crystals thing? I thought they were keeping crystals at +41 stats to let them be more cosmetic like so many people requested; did they recently announce otherwise?)

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I am not really worried about the color variants (heck it earns EA Cartel coins or real money), but rather would like to see some sort of balance in the bonuses. With a cartel coin driven crystal being lvl 10 with a +41 Endurance for instance, why bother using any other Crystal unless it is the +41 Crit or power variant.



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