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yes anotehr scropterive QQ thread


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i hate them with a passion they just don't die (heal spec) DPS scropterives are easy they go down like a ton of bricks but heal spec **** any time i see them on both my own and opposing team i just leave the warzone since i know it wont go any where
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i hate them with a passion they just don't die (heal spec) DPS scropterives are easy they go down like a ton of bricks but heal spec **** any time i see them on both my own and opposing team i just leave the warzone since i know it wont go any where

The vast majority of them in regular warzones die pretty well, at least to a Carnage Marauder, Concealment Operative, or DPS hybrid Shadow. I do have problems as a ranged class if they have LoS available, but hey, I'm at a safe distance and I can catch them into Electronet and pray for a lucky string of crits on Full Auto+Demolition Round.


Good ones, yeah, pretty darn tough to kill.

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i was in a match with my guild, and blimey , we decided to troll stacking 4 watchman sentinels and any time we got the little ***** clsoe enough to death, flash grenade and heal to full it's like we were made to pay for trying to kill it


Let me get this straight: 4 sents focused on one healer and didn't manage to kill him? it seems you got trolled at the end :D

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to be fair we'd just gotten to the 30-54 braket and this opertive was like level 52 or soemthing


man, there are many factors besides the fact he's an operative: the lvl +50 guys on this bracket are like gods (specially if they are geared). Even with bolster they still have an edge, he could be guarded, off healed (there was another healer class there? like sorc or mercenary?), he may have used WZ medpacks, rolled his way out of damage? remember that the other 3 guys will troll you as well if you take too long to kill him.


Maybe your level was 30 something... I'm lvl 43, and the +50 guys sneeze at my scoundrel if I'm not guarded. I die in 4 seconds if I'm not guarded. Now If I get guarded...well, fun time for me trolling the imps :D

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You don't even know how to spell the classes names, chances are you don't know a single thing about how they are played and how to beat them.


my spelling isnt in question here, also i know how the scoundrel and opertive are played, their use of kolto probe,/slow release medpack, is what gives them their constant supply of tactical advantage/upper hand the only time they need to cast anything is when using diognostic scan for energy, or the big heal cant remember it's name, for a TA/UH everything else is instant and hoping to have a CC when and if you are lucky enough to get hte little ******* down to 30% health or below they just use stun breaker flash bang and laugh while they heal infront of you

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my spelling isnt in question here, also i know how the scoundrel and opertive are played, their use of kolto probe,/slow release medpack, is what gives them their constant supply of tactical advantage/upper hand the only time they need to cast anything is when using diognostic scan for energy, or the big heal cant remember it's name, for a TA/UH everything else is instant and hoping to have a CC when and if you are lucky enough to get hte little ******* down to 30% health or below they just use stun breaker flash bang and laugh while they heal infront of you


They kolto probe ticks once every 2-3 seconds for 1300 health and can only grant a TA once around every 10 seconds (if it crits). The casted heal is very easily interrupted. If not even one of you could interrupt a hard cast, then you guys suck. If 4 of you can't do more than 1300 damage in 2 seconds, either the healer was guarded, or you guys just suck (I'm going to give you the benefit and believe it's the former because no one can suck that much). Also it's pretty hard to believe that none you saved your CC breaker.


If I could solo shut down 3 op healers and keep them next to their spawn point, away from south allowing my team to easily cap and win (that means going through hard stun, flashbang, and stealth out 3 times) then I'm pretty sure you 4 can take care of one healer. If the healer was guarded, then the healer is not your problem, the tank is, if the 4 of your couldn't take down the tank or coordinate to keep the tank and healer apart, then once again you guys suck.

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Yes healers ops are OP... That is clear enough.. They are performing way above the other 2 healer classes...

That said if 4 sentinels could not kill a damn operative healer its a simple LTP issue... To for sents he should just melt...

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Yes they are nearly invincible. You know how to take one out? Stun lock them and get 2-3 dps to focus it. Spread the word everyone that is exactly how you take out a healing spec'd operative/scoundrel. Operatives are the reason I don't roll dps. Dps is frustrating, and it is a lot more challenging tanking and healing.
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man, there are many factors besides the fact he's an operative: the lvl +50 guys on this bracket are like gods (specially if they are geared). Even with bolster they still have an edge, he could be guarded, off healed (there was another healer class there? like sorc or mercenary?), he may have used WZ medpacks, rolled his way out of damage? remember that the other 3 guys will troll you as well if you take too long to kill him.


Maybe your level was 30 something... I'm lvl 43, and the +50 guys sneeze at my scoundrel if I'm not guarded. I die in 4 seconds if I'm not guarded. Now If I get guarded...well, fun time for me trolling the imps :D

Well negating damage as a scoundrel/op healer is easy even without a gaurd. Many many ways to get out of tough situations. This is what I do as a scoundrel healer personally when I get focused to hell. I make sure my hots are on me. (SMP, Kolto cloud) and I pop dodge. That is already a 3 second no damage taken cd. If that doesnt work then I pop shield probe. That not only absorbs damage but once it goes away it also heals me. Once again kolto cloud should always be on cd. If that doesnt work I start spamming triage to cleanse myself as much as possible, so that when I hit evade I dont get unstealthed by those pesky dots. And all at the same time I and not back pedaling and I am spamming EMP on myself. Healing is still a challenge though especially when you are against a premade that knows how to focus targets.

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I pop dodge. That is already a 3 second no damage taken cd.


Can I please mention that if everyone and their mother wasn't playing a warrior/sniper this wouldn't be even remotely true.


Assassins/operatives/sorcs/mercs could give a **** you've popped dodge :p


Fact is what few of those there are in the arena/warzone are usually pretty occupied being dead to be a concern.

Edited by CaptainApop
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