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PvP Server Leaderboards v2.4.1


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Got a coupleI'm posting for others (dekadence and Jar'axel) and myself. All for a 4 v 4 arena


1. Name: Dekadence

2. Guild: Proper Villains

3. Class: Mara

4. Map: Corellia Square

5. Stat Category: Overall Damage

6. http://oi43.tinypic.com/2v8kfpf.jpg


1. Name: Jar'axel

2. Guild: Bane

3. Class: Powertech

4. Map: Corellia Square

5. Stat Category: Overall Protection/Protection in a Single Life/Most medals

6. http://oi39.tinypic.com/2vt9zra.jpg


1. Name: Taslin

2. Guild: Proper Villains

3. Class: Operative

4. Map: Corellia Square

5. Stat Category: Overall Heals/HPS/Most medals

6. http://oi42.tinypic.com/sxcbib.jpg

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1. Name - Am'iris

2. Guild - Dark Empire

3. Class - Operative

4. Map - CW

5. Stat Category - Overall Heals 2,367,150

6. Screenshot - Screenshot


I am not sure if that counts as we lost.


1. Lanfearé <3

2. Zen

3. Sage

4. CW

5. Overall Damage 1989982

6. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/2981480/pics/original/2265023.jpg

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Updated. Revamped the method on my end of entering and placing new entries that should (hopefully) make things a lot faster and less tediously time consuming on my end. Yay! :D


Also, as a side note. I think the world of Tor and Aunty Matter, but they havent been healing on the server since before 2.4. They moved servers.....This match was actually pre 2.2 if memory serves that he had the 2.9 mil heals.


I thought so. But I haven't been PvPing much (read: like, not at all :< q.q Wooooork! *shakesfist*), so I wasn't sure who was back/still around. I have removed and replaced the respective entries.


Also, I figured this should've been obvious, Ebon Hawkers, but this leaderboard is for Ebon Hawk residents with screenshots of games played by Ebon Hawkers ON Ebon Hawk. If they're not on Ebon Hawk anymore, then they shouldn't be having their record posted by friends, regardless of permissions granted.


I'm refraining from putting this in the list of rules for now, since I think this should be a pretty obvious, common sense thing. If we could all just keep the off-server-player-entered-on-our-server shenanigans to a minimum, that'd be awesome.


Edit: Though, I feel I should again mention that if you think/know I've made a mistake, or included/excluded a player that shouldn't be, always always always feel free to send me a personal message. I am not perfect by any means (even though I'm a self-admitted perfectionist), so if you catch an error, chances are I screwed up, and need you, fine person, to point it out to me. :D



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