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PvP Server Leaderboards v2.4.1


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It was lethality. Guess my culls smushed together or something.


Nope, a 9226 cull is very possible in the right circumstances. You'll need the weapon damage of cull to crit (about 4k or so I'm guessing). You'll need two DoTs on the target, weakening blast, and the target must be under 30% health. The two poison cull hits crit with 30% increased damage from WB and an additional 15% from the Devouring Microbes skill.


Hit a squishy target, nail a triple crit for roughly 4k 2.5k 2.5k and you're golden. Since the two poison proc hits are considered part of the same attack, you get 9k. Or 9226 in this case. :p


I'm going to enter it in the biggest hit category for now. I think it's a valid number, but if anyone disagrees for whatever reason, let me know and we'll discuss.


And with that, off to work I go! *disappears for 12 hours*

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1. Saronde

2. The Black Bh'alir

3. Vanguard

4. CW

5. Biggest Hit

6. Here


Judge as to whether or not this should count. This toon has 351 Expertise outside of Warzones AND I was wearing mostly tank gear 58-61.


I have no idea how I got a hit this high as my fully geared shadow has never gotten above a 9K :(

I think I may have gotten lucky with timing and BW counted it as one attack (glitched attack shouldn't count right?)

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1. Saronde

2. The Black Bh'alir

3. Vanguard

4. CW

5. Biggest Hit

6. Here


Judge as to whether or not this should count. This toon has 351 Expertise outside of Warzones AND I was wearing mostly tank gear 58-61.


I have no idea how I got a hit this high as my fully geared shadow has never gotten above a 9K :(

I think I may have gotten lucky with timing and BW counted it as one attack (glitched attack shouldn't count right?)


After much thought, some personal testing, and a bit of sleuthing for a similar occurrence on our server, I have decided to not include your biggest hit on the board. As far as I can tell, vanguard/powertech simply cannot hit for 10k with a single action activated by a single button press. Unlike the above cull record, vanguard/powertech does not have a proccing ability to add several numbers together as one singularly activated 'strike.'


That said, my memory of the exact scenario which I linked above, is one of the reasons I decided on an Honorable Mentions category. So, your 10,096 hit as a vanguard with awful gear will still be recorded and entered. :)

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There's something fishy going on. Last night I was on my 30 Commando, and nailed someone with an 10k High Impact Bolt (aka Rail Shot). I'm equipped with all top end gear for my level, and all armor is augmented. I'm also running x2 +41 Expertise crystals. Edited by TheronFett
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There's something fishy going on. Last night I was on my 30 Commando, and nailed someone with an 10k High Impact Bolt (aka Rail Shot). I'm equipped with all top end gear for my level, and all armor is augmented. I'm also running x2 +41 Expertise crystals.


What's your point? HiB/RS is bugged? Or Llama's record should get a second look?

Edited by Aikiyc
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What's your point? HiB/RS is bugged? Or Llama's record should get a second look?


Sorry, should have elaborated: Not sure what's going on, to be honest. The Assault/Pyro rotation can be timed to have two abilities hit simultaneously, so I assume that's the cause. I've seen quite a few nasty HIB crits from my Commando, and 8K is not uncommon. I chalked it up to running dual Expertise crystals in lowbie PvP, but maybe it goes further than that.

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Sorry, should have elaborated: Not sure what's going on, to be honest. The Assault/Pyro rotation can be timed to have two abilities hit simultaneously, so I assume that's the cause. I've seen quite a few nasty HIB crits from my Commando, and 8K is not uncommon. I chalked it up to running dual Expertise crystals in lowbie PvP, but maybe it goes further than that.


Yeah. That was my analysis as well. Pyro has an awful lot of DoTs and delayed hits (thermal det/assault platique, sticky). And it's pretty common to see 2, 3, or 4 numbers stacked exactly on top of each other in pyro. At least in my limited experience.


Hrm... I'm really curious to see parses of this now, to see if it's the engine merging numbers, or the scoreboard being the same silly derp it's always been. xP

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Yeah. That was my analysis as well. Pyro has an awful lot of DoTs and delayed hits (thermal det/assault platique, sticky). And it's pretty common to see 2, 3, or 4 numbers stacked exactly on top of each other in pyro. At least in my limited experience.


Hrm... I'm really curious to see parses of this now, to see if it's the engine merging numbers, or the scoreboard being the same silly derp it's always been. xP


I have a theory that the scoreboard sometimes attributes the loss of health of a guardian/jugg's enure/endure pain as a single hit for whoever is attacking them at the time. It happened to me in this recent screenshot http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/1490490/pics/original/2244503.jpg My shadow hits hard, but not that hard, and 11.6k is about 30% of a tank jugg's health. If you look in the screenshot in question here, the other team had a tank jugg, Mahaal, so it's possible it happened to Saronde as well.

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1. Name : Gooffys

2. Guild : Unguilded

3. Class : Juggernaut

4. Map : VS

5. Stat Category : Biggest hit = 10.317

6. Screenshot : http://i.imgur.com/vLd61aC.jpg


1. Name : Gooffys

2. Guild : Unguilded

3. Class : Juggernaut

4. Map : OSA

5. Stat Category : Highest medals = 14

6. Screenshot : http://i.imgur.com/dD1iZ5o.jpg


1. Name : Blììss

2. Guild : Unguilded

3. Class : Assassin

4. Map : TCA

5. Stat Category : Highest medals = 14

6. Screenshot : http://i.imgur.com/gEDr7gm.jpg

Edited by DarthManGD
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I have a theory that the scoreboard sometimes attributes the loss of health of a guardian/jugg's enure/endure pain as a single hit for whoever is attacking them at the time. It happened to me in this recent screenshot http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/1490490/pics/original/2244503.jpg My shadow hits hard, but not that hard, and 11.6k is about 30% of a tank jugg's health. If you look in the screenshot in question here, the other team had a tank jugg, Mahaal, so it's possible it happened to Saronde as well.


That would make sense. Still a really narrow timing window, but I can see the scoreboard doing something like that.


Cause it's the SWTOR scoreboard. :rolleyes: lulz


Also, everything is updated again! Congrats to all the current leaderboard entrants. Still a lot of empty spots, but it's starting to fill in a bit, yay!

Edited by Aikiyc
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1. Dots *formerly Nolimosity*

2. Empire

3. Operative

4. CW

5. Damage Taken 1117052

6. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3292465/pics/original/2247599.jpg


1. Tor (formerly Torbarr)

2. Dark Empire

3. Operative

4. Civil War

5. Overall Heals: 2,918,346

6. http://imgur.com/E7Lr58Z


1. Tor (formerly Torbarr)

2. Dark Empire

3. Operative

4. Ancient Hypergate

5. Heals per second: 2488.41

6. http://imgur.com/DA99sBR


1. Auntymatter

2. Game Genie

3. Scoundrel

4. CW

5. Overall Heals

6. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3292465/pics/original/2247599.jpg


1. Hawllie *formerly Hollie*

2. Game Genie

3. Sage

4. NC

5. HPS 2267.24

6. http://i.imgur.com/i6Stb6u.jpg

Edited by xxgpzxx
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