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1.5 second global cooldown


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i know im just used to wow's 1 second global but this almost literally translates to 33% slower combat/pvp. in 10 seconds of combat of wow i could get off 10 abilities. in 10 seconds of combat in SWTOR i can get off 6 (SNORE). i know im not factoring in abilities off the global cooldown but you get my point.


in warzones where im alive an average of like 30-60 seconds, it feels like i only get off a couple abilities before i bite it.


i really dont see them changing the global but i was wondering if anyone has as much of a problem with it as i do.

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WoW's global cooldown is also 1.5 seconds. Except for rogues and cat druids. And can be reduced to 1 second from haste effects for most casting classes, but that takes a decent chunk of haste.


For SWTOR, as far as we know right now, Alacrity can reduce your global cooldown as well as speed up your cast times.



They use extremely similar systems. SWTOR is no "slower" than WoW in this regard. Stop complaining about something you obviously don't understand.

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well i did play a rogue for the last 3 years i played, ive played other classes and their global cooldown seemed the same. probably because the game was more responsive


Played for 3 years and yet have not understood the mechanic of the game..

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sorry this game is so unresponsive that i thought wow''s global was 1 second


THIS ...


that is my biggest issue with SWTOR, it totally sucks especilly for PvP. IF they cant sort it out then iam out after the free month.


I can live without much content for months, pathetic lookin gear sets or whatever but combat must be fluid especially for PvP.


(I dont mean SWTOR has ugly looking gear or so, it just was an example ...)

Edited by Nadeya
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sorry this game is so unresponsive that i thought wow''s global was 1 second



Just stop, admit youre wrong, do research on core game mechanics before you come on here making useless threads wasting everyones time. The game feels unresponsive? Based on what stats/facts/empirical data? Or is it just your personal, misinformed bias?


Please, just stop.

Edited by SoupyNuggs
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i know im just used to wow''s 1 second global but this almost literally translates to 33% slower combat/pvp. in 10 seconds of combat of wow i could get off 10 abilities. in 10 seconds of combat in SWTOR i can get off 6 (SNORE). i know im not factoring in abilities off the global cooldown but you get my point.


in warzones where im alive an average of like 30-60 seconds, it feels like i only get off a couple abilities before i bite it.


i really dont see them changing the global but i was wondering if anyone has as much of a problem with it as i do.


It sounds like you would just die faster if there was a 1 sec GCD "33% faster" ...lol...might want to learn some LOS you could take advantage of in wf''s...:)

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But he is right, the combat feels so clunky even more in PvP. You really can´t point the finger on it but probably its the slow UI :/.


You also see this when jumping, try to cast something after jumping -> he will cast a half second then stop and tell you "You can´t cast while moving" T_T. Also that jumping itself feels weird and slow, like I hit the jump key and there is a dealy in jumping. You have the same effect on skills, its like playing with lag when there is no lag.


So stop saying he is a troll, he sadly is not :/. This is even worse in PvP, sometimes my cover as sniper takes 2-3 seconds when there is no ping lag.

Edited by Nadeya
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MS delay between you and the server you are palying on, might be something? :p sad to say but you guys are complaining about a game that has bearly bin out for 3 days. If you played wow in vanilla at their release it wasnt as smooth either.


WoW has smooth fast respondsive combat becuse it have 7-8 years on improving on that alone, this game just got released..


Allso slow combat? you havent though about that auto attack is gone? taking away half of the attacks that you usaly have in wow giving you a much more skillbased game where you have to do your attacks yourself instead of having your toon attack for you.


Maybe it has a delay on the attacks? or what ever.. but that CAN be fixed over time so stop whining and play the game. If you dont like it? Good luck finding another game with smoother more respondsive pvp/gameplay other than the overplayed wow.



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MS delay between you and the server you are palying on, might be something? :p sad to say but you guys are complaining about a game that has bearly bin out for 3 days. If you played wow in vanilla at their release it wasnt as smooth either.


WoW has smooth fast respondsive combat becuse it have 7-8 years on improving on that alone, this game just got released..


Allso slow combat? you havent though about that auto attack is gone? taking away half of the attacks that you usaly have in wow giving you a much more skillbased game where you have to do your attacks yourself instead of having your toon attack for you.


Maybe it has a delay on the attacks? or what ever.. but that CAN be fixed over time so stop whining and play the game. If you dont like it? Good luck finding another game with smoother more respondsive pvp/gameplay other than the overplayed wow.




Ive played WoW since Beta and the UI was always very responsive, there never was a problem with it. WoW had other problems like server crashing when PvPing in a capital city, waiting queues, pink water ^^ and such things. But combat was always fluid.


I could care less if theree wasnt so much content but combat, camera and UI must be smooth, if its not then PvP doesnt make fun.


They can add so much content like they want, if this isnt fixed then the game remains to be broken T_T.

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I agree, it is very slow and unresponsive. I hate to say it but it feels very much like Warhammer online..


I had a feeling the combat would turn out this way, MMO developers have had a very hard time trying to replicate WoW's combat. Many have failed over the last six years. I'm going to play for my free month after which I will no doubt get frustrated by abilities not working when I hit them etc.


Then I will get Skyrim! and give up on MMO's for a few more years. Unless of course BW improve it - but I doubt that.

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You say that WoW's combat has had 7-8 years of polish going into it to make combat fluid. I'm sorry but you're wrong. I started playing a little bit before battlegrounds started and the combat was always fluid and responsive. That was the most appealing part of the game for me when I first picked it up.

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