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AP Powertechs in Ion Cell Destroying Solo Q


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So much this, I've been killing sents on my tactics VG.


The crying from them has been epic, mostly because they call me FOTM-tard, even though I actually use the HE-cell.


I mean, I dont care. I play assault all the time, good or bad version of it, I dislike tactics so much, playstile, everything.


Just can't belive raging of the players who play best specs. I mean, really, jugg/guardians ragging how that hybrid tank is better? Sentinels/maras ragging how they can't be killed? What is next, shadow/sins how they are so good in 1 vs 1?

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If by fairly balanced, you mean typical cannon fodder for snipers, maras, and juggs.


This game tends to overly buff classes based on how bad people play it. Remember way back when no one really cared about deception and then the devs came out and said basically everyone is playing it wrong? Well they have been getting steadily buffed since they released that statement.

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If by fairly balanced, you mean typical cannon fodder for snipers, maras, and juggs.


This. Now that Tactics actually is viable maras QQ. I mean seriously ? My question to the smash-monkey community is, do you want all competitive specs nerfed so we all reroll your dumb 3 buton spec?

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This game tends to overly buff classes based on how bad people play it. Remember way back when no one really cared about deception and then the devs came out and said basically everyone is playing it wrong? Well they have been getting steadily buffed since they released that statement.


Seriously, post 2.0 the pyro PT spec was useless. Most people loved it because pyros were an easy three shot kill, and quick to focus down. I guess it makes people feel better about themselves to do that to someone else, like they're some great player.


Post 2.0 AP survives a little longer because of rebounder and rebraced armor - but the DPS has always been terrible - to the point where it could be worn down and killed by an OP HEALER with no chance of winning.


Now AP can cleave down a healer with the slight boost to immolate and PFT's 30% surge bonus, and the spec is competitive in arenas. It still has the same oddball rotation. It's heaviest hit is still a three second channel, that can be pushed, bumped, or CC'ed out - and that's when the victim doesn't just roll or jump out of it.


I run high energy cell personally, but I'll probably be switching to ion post 2.5 because it's the only *********** PT spec that won't be picking itself up off of the floor with 30% health left after a newly buffed shadow/sin opens up. I don't like it either, but If Bioware isn't smart enough to figure that out, then it's up to us to adjust to their asinine balance decisions.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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