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BUT I still like OP's idea. I really wonder why designers haven't done something like that in every game..


Because they are perfectly alright with those kind of people flipping out as long as they stay amongst themselves. Like I already said above, they are customers too and as long as they stay on the PvP servers where no one who's ever tried one expects normal behavior, they are not much trouble either.

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Must I repeat myself? When I signed up to fight other players on a fight-other-players server, then I signed up to fight other players; not be executed without warning.


Go right ahead, and I'll keep on repeating "PvP Server." Don't like it? There are other options for you. I believe you can even transfer if it affects your heart to such a deep degree.


How long have you played mmo's? this is not what they do it for, maybe 5% of the time. I've knows gankers to gank people 50 times and make youtube videos of it thinking its funny, they dont gank on WOW in STV thinking you will log your main on another continent just to come and get you when 90% of the time the gankers run away and hide, they do this because they are sad people with no lives or anything better to do.


This is the same behavior of people who hack in games such as Infestation, BF3, PS2. they hack because they are childish and sad and get perverted kicks over making people angry and suffer, so dont ever say its to start conflict because that's a load of BS griefers say to cover their ***.


EQ - 2000-2001, definitely not a PvP friendly game.

WoW - Vanilla - > End of TBC

WAR - Til they murdered White Lion, about a year.

Aion - 1 Year, loved the PvP. Leveling was terrible

LOTRO - 2 years. Terrible PvP. Carebears dream.

SWTOR - Since 2 months after launch.


So yeah, been around the block. What I said previous absolutely applies. Been there done that, guilty as charged. Absolutely to start conflict, and alot people will run away if they think they are going to get tuned up. Either way, whether you want to look at it as griefing or some other term, it's all conflict. It's all starting ****.


Don't have a problem with it, never will. Why I will consistently roll on a PvP server. If you don't like move along. For the record, I don't even gank, but have zero problem with some level 50/55 trying to camp my toon. I have no problem dealing with it and don't consider it an affront to my honour or some other bull. Pull up your panties and game on.

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Go right ahead, and I'll keep on repeating "PvP Server." Don't like it? There are other options for you. I believe you can even transfer if it affects your heart to such a deep degree.




There's plenty of options for those who enjoy pvp but don't like getting ganked & griefed.


heck, I had a lvl55 camping out a chokepoint on Nar Shaddaa gank and grief my baby Warrior on a PvE server when I didn't notice I'd gotten myself flagged. meh, it happens.


move to a PvE server, when you're in the mood for open world PvP, just toggle the PvP flag. if you're just questing & leveling, leave the flag toggled off.


but believing in the very concept of "fair fights" or "honor" on an open world PvP server is where you're making your first mistake.


if you want "a fair fight", well there's Warzones and the Duel option available to you.

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Go right ahead, and I'll keep on repeating "PvP Server."


  • Me: "Hey, we're in a desert."
    You: "Yes, and I'm wearing the snowsuit."
    Me: "But ... we're in a desert."
    You: "Yes ... and I brought the snowsuit."
    Me: "How many times do I need to repeat myself, we are in the DES-ERT! Y'know, like Tatooine."
    You: "Yes, and I'll repeat myself. I'm in the SNOW-SUIT! Y'know, like Wampa fur."


If that conversation seems dumb to you, then maybe you understand how I feel when people use the excuse "PvP server" for the executions I've been describing. PvP means Player VERSUS Player. Where does it say one-hit murdering of players too low a level to even think about opposing you?


Don't like it? There are other options for you. I believe you can even transfer if it affects your heart to such a deep degree.


Right, I'm going to waste 1,000 cartel coins on a service that probably doesn't even take human effort to achieve. Maybe if transfers were free, I'd consider it.


There's plenty of options for those who enjoy pvp but don't like getting ganked & griefed.




if you want "a fair fight", well there's Warzones and the Duel option available to you.


I disagree. I enjoy PvP, but the only options in this game are never PvP in open world, or be executed without warning even when there's a level 55 ultra-champion NPC standing right there.


Warzones may give you the fancy bolster stat, but I've lived through enough warzone executions to know it's a fair fight maybe 10% of the time. But that issue is communication or lack thereof, not unfair level advantage. I'm only talking about fairness in person-to-person in open-world PvP. (Or at least an uncentive for low-level poaching.)


Dueling? That system can use a makeover, itself. But a previous suggestion has been ignored, anyways.

Not everyone is level 50; or 55 for that matter. But in warzones, I think the buff is called bolstered, which boosts everything about everyone to level 55. Meaning a level 20 actually stands a fighting chance against a level 55. But in all other cases, you can't accept duel requests unless you inspect the other player and make sure that they're close enough to your level ... or if you're just feeling suicidal.


So, as you right click a person, Request Duel turns into an expanding menu that now offers the options of Unmatched Duel and Bolstered Duel. Unmatched is supposed to mean both parties duel as-is; no adjustments offered. Bolstered Duel simply applies the Bolstered buff to both parties during the duration of the duel. This way, duels can happen more often between players enjoyably.


Oh, another idea: a Boundless Duel. Quite simply, there is no dueling ring. If characters want to play some sort of non-lethal hunter/hunted dueling game, then leaving the dueling radius won't end the duel; since there is no radius anymore.


Different duel options proposedly to add to a dueling drop-down menu. Should definitely make dueling more sought after in this game.

*shameless advertising*^

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Me: "Hey, we're in a desert."

You: "Yes, and I'm wearing the snowsuit."

Me: "But ... we're in a desert."

You: "Yes ... and I brought the snowsuit."

Me: "How many times do I need to repeat myself, we are in the DES-ERT! Y'know, like Tatooine."

You: "Yes, and I'll repeat myself. I'm in the SNOW-SUIT! Y'know, like Wampa fur."


Except for its more like this.


You: Hey i wish I could play in a field, it would be so much better if i just changed it all so that I could play in a field.

Me: How about you just go play in a field rather than **** with my forest?

You: But I don't like my experience in the forest and it would be better suited if everything changed so this forest could be a field.

Me: How about you just go play in a field...


And yeah, this conversation is getting dumb. Mostly because you already have an option available that suits your playstyle. Head on over to that PvE server and toggle your flag. You can have all the experience you so chose. Big old mean 55 after you toggle that flag with all your might!


What PvP servers provide is the same experience that PvP servers have always provided. I, and others, are quite happy with where they are and rolled on them for that experience that you are so against.


Right, I'm going to waste 1,000 cartel coins on a service that probably doesn't even take human effort to achieve. Maybe if transfers were free, I'd consider it.


Then screw the cost and re-roll on a different server. You're either


a) A non-max level character fresh to the PvP server experience and you don't like it

b) A person who already has max level characters and you don't like your lowbies getting killed.


If you're option a, cut your losses and go play the server that will better let you enjoy the game. And if you're option b then sack up and deal with the guy that ganked you with your main.

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Except for its more like this...


No, my analogy is correct. People just don't understand the definition of PvP. And people like you refuse to even consider what it's mutated into. Thus, you insist that the snowsuit is the proper outfit for Tatooine, because you are ill-informed on the definition of desert.


What PvP servers provide is the same experience that PvP servers have always provided. I, and others, are quite happy with where they are and rolled on them for that experience that you are so against.


If you like getting held down and *****, fine. But not everyone is you.


Then screw the cost and re-roll on a different server. You're either


a) A non-max level character fresh to the PvP server experience and you don't like it

b) A person who already has max level characters and you don't like your lowbies getting killed.


If you're option a, cut your losses and go play the server that will better let you enjoy the game. And if you're option b then sack up and deal with the guy that ganked you with your main.


For your information, I have 29 characters spanning across 9 servers. Call me an alt-a-holic or say I have altism, but I like my alts what they are and where they are. There's a method to my madness, and I just want to enjoy every corner the game has to offer. On non PvP servers, I'm flagged for PvP all the time. Want to hear a secret? NO ONE BUT ME AND LEVEL 55s RUN AROUND ON NON-PVP SERVERS FLAGGED FOR PVP! So, you say I'll enjoy myself over there, but you are mistaken.


The PvP experience doesn't have to be the bloodbath I'm protesting here. You accept it like it's a fact of life that can't be changed, but I'm stepping up and asking for a little change that's really not going to affect PvP in a negative way. Unless you're one of those cowards who can only win by taking on those 30 levels below you, you shouldn't be opposing this; it doesn't affect you.


Either that, or SWTOR should change their PvP server warning to something like

  • This is a PvP server. When you get to the right planets, you will die. You have no chance of surviving encounters with other players, you will be murdered in half-second notices, and you will be taunted as the pathetic one for not already being an endgame player or even mentioning your execution as a bad experience.
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No, my analogy is correct. People just don't understand the definition of PvP. And people like you refuse to even consider what it's mutated into. Thus, you insist that the snowsuit is the proper outfit for Tatooine, because you are ill-informed on the definition of desert.


Neg. You want to change an environment to suit your needs, wants, and desires. When in reality its perfectly fine the way it is.


If you like getting held down and *****, fine. But not everyone is you.


Sounds like if anyone is getting ****** its you isn't it?


For your information, I have 29 characters spanning across 9 servers. Call me an alt-a-holic or say I have altism, but I like my alts what they are and where they are. There's a method to my madness, and I just want to enjoy every corner the game has to offer. On non PvP servers, I'm flagged for PvP all the time. Want to hear a secret? NO ONE BUT ME AND LEVEL 55s RUN AROUND ON NON-PVP SERVERS FLAGGED FOR PVP! So, you say I'll enjoy myself over there, but you are mistaken.


Right so you have 55's and you can't deal with someone killing one of your many alts. Good game.


The PvP experience doesn't have to be the bloodbath I'm protesting here. You accept it like it's a fact of life that can't be changed, but I'm stepping up and asking for a little change that's really not going to affect PvP in a negative way. Unless you're one of those cowards who can only win by taking on those 30 levels below you, you shouldn't be opposing this; it doesn't affect you.


1. Nothing wrong with the bloodbath


2. I feel no need to change it.


3. As pointed out earlier, I have zero problem with on level PvP. If someone ganks my alt, i have a main ready and waiting to handle it.


Either that, or SWTOR should change their PvP server warning to something like

This is a PvP server. When you get to the right planets, you will die. You have no chance of surviving encounters with other players, you will be murdered in half-second notices, and you will be taunted as the pathetic one for not already being an endgame player or even mentioning your execution as a bad experience.


Deal. Then we could avoid threads like this. Please add a "Please don't have a sensitive feeler or take getting killed personally. It's just a game."

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No, my analogy is correct. People just don't understand the definition of PvP.


Oh thank goodness you know you're right, if you hadn't mentioned it, I never would have guessed it.


The PvP experience doesn't have to be the bloodbath I'm protesting here. You accept it like it's a fact of life that can't be changed, but I'm stepping up and asking for a little change that's really not going to affect PvP in a negative way. Unless you're one of those cowards who can only win by taking on those 30 levels below you, you shouldn't be opposing this; it doesn't affect you.


Nobody says it has to be, but most people don't have any problems at all with it being this way, on the contrary! As several people now tried to tell you, the majority on PvP servers aren't just "alright" with it, it's one of the main reasons they've gone there in the first place! And as I've already tried to point out earlier, the majority on the PvE servers are also alright with it, because it means they don't have to share a server with these people! The only ones having a problem with it is a small minority represented by you who want to have everything tailored to their personal taste no matter what the rest of the community thinks about it.


Either that, or SWTOR should change their PvP server warning to something like

  • This is a PvP server. When you get to the right planets, you will die. You have no chance of surviving encounters with other players, you will be murdered in half-second notices, and you will be taunted as the pathetic one for not already being an endgame player or even mentioning your execution as a bad experience.

They can't do that, because even though your chances of winning the lottery are bigger than that not happening to you, Bioware can't guarantee it. What they can guarantee is that players can attack other players in many areas, which is exactly what is stated in the description!


Deal. Then we could avoid threads like this. Please add a "Please don't have a sensitive feeler or take getting killed personally. It's just a game."


While the description doesn't say exactly that, it's clearly stated that getting killed is not to be seen as harassment.

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I agree with Justcae. If you don't like the way the server operates move on over to the PVE server or just suck it up and deal. If I want to kill a lowbie I will. I don't seek them out, but it happens from time to time. Por ejemplo, a pack of lowbies running around killing a lone guildmate. You're saying I need to keep a series of low leveled toons so that I can help out my guildmates when they're getting picked on? No thanks.


While we are at it versus does not mean a match nor does a match mean similar strength. Versus just means in opposition to, against, in contrast, etc. Match just means two or more parties be they individuals or teams or whatever that compete with one another. By those non-fictitious definitions of the word, your "murder" scenarios sound like PVP to me.


I don't know of anyone, aside from yourself, that hops onto a PVP server and thinks that they won't get ganked from time to time. It happens to us all. The definition of a PVP server has been reinforced since the days of EQ and Ultima Online. PVP servers are entirely open to all types of encounters.


You do realize that even with your change there are going to be roving packs of equal leveled players that will "murder" you? I hope you're on my server so that I can finish the job.

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Neg. You want to change an environment to suit your needs, wants, and desires. When in reality its perfectly fine the way it is.


To those who commented between my last post and this one: You're overestimating the amount of change that would occur here. I don't see any negative impact at all. There won't be much change, period. You act like I'm trying to change the forest into a meadow.


This is a small change that you won't even notice, unless you're one of those people who go miles out of their way to poach low-level players; those are the only people who should be opposing this idea.


If you're going to miss one-shotting lowbies so much, just move up and find someone it only takes ten shots to kill.

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This is a small change that you won't even notice, unless you're one of those people who go miles out of their way to poach low-level players; those are the only people who should be opposing this idea.


Even if only some of those peope you're referring to don't see a point anymore in choosing a PvP server because of this, we all will notice. Besides this behaviour is "normal" or at least not unexpected in "PvP enabled zones" and on PvP servers since the days of Ultima Online for goodness sake and entire gamer generations worked with it. Why do you need a special treatment here?

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Even if only some of those people you're referring to don't see a point anymore in choosing a PvP server because of this, we all will notice. Besides this behavior is "normal"...


It's sad that that behavior is considered normal. And how will we all notice the difference? Does absolutely everyone go out of their way to bring misery to players who can't defend themselves? I, for one, don't get satisfaction from picking on players so low. I've meet other players in-game who feel the same way. A few victim players have mentioned on this very thread that they've completely given up on PvP because of the abuse mentioned.


There's more reason to support this suggestion than oppose it.

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It's sad that that behavior is considered normal.

It's also sad that we have no chance for world peace, but you just have to work with reality as it is.


And how will we all notice the difference?

Say do you even read what people write here or do you just like to keep asking the same questions? If those people don't feel "at home" anymore on PvP servers, some of them will start to roll on PvE servers, and you will notice that difference, because they are a very vocal crowd, not to mention the behavior some of them have in groups and so on.

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It's also sad that we have no chance for world peace, but you just have to work with reality as it is.


The difference between the real world and here is that programmers can change the digital world as they see fit. So your comparison is void.


Say do you even read what people write here or do you just like to keep asking the same questions? If those people don't feel "at home" anymore on PvP servers, some of them will start to roll on PvE servers, and you will notice that difference, because they are a very vocal crowd, not to mention the behavior some of them have in groups and so on.


So what are you saying? The bullies are going to leave because they can't bully anymore? How is that a bad thing?

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The difference between the real world and here is that programmers can change the digital world as they see fit. So your comparison is void.




So what are you saying? The bullies are going to leave because they can't bully anymore? How is that a bad thing?


The only thing void here is your interpretation. We could theoretically achieve world peace any day, we only have to stop fighting, it's just highly unrealistic to bank on it. And the programmers can't change such behavior unless they turn all PvP servers into PvE servers, they can just sanction it. Besides the point wasn't that it would be impossible to change, but instead that there's no point in whining about something being the way it is if it being any other way was highly unlikely from the beginning.


You're really not very observant. If you had payed any attention at all to what I wrote, you should have been able to conclude by now that I play on a PvE server today, meaning for me the bullies wouldn't leave, they would start showing up in greater numbers. Do I also have to elaborate on why that's a bad thing for me and the rest of the PvE players or will you be able to put that together yourself? Here's another help, in case you want to come up with not understanding why I came up with this now, remember you said:


This is a small change that you won't even notice, unless you're one of those people who go miles out of their way to poach low-level players; those are the only people who should be opposing this idea.

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The only thing void here is your interpretation. We could theoretically achieve world peace any day, we only have to stop fighting, it's just highly unrealistic to bank on it. And the programmers can't change such behavior unless they turn all PvP servers into PvE servers.


Saying the sky is not and never will be purple in the real world is one thing. But in the digital world of this game, the programmers can make it purple if they want to. Thus, a simple change can occur. No, the programmers can't change such behavior, but they can discourage it.


If you had payed any attention at all to what I wrote, you should have been able to conclude by now that I play on a PvE server today, meaning for me the bullies wouldn't leave, they would start showing up in greater numbers.


You're just not making sense. On PvE servers, you can have yourself unflagged. So said bullies can't even touch you. So tell me how the discouragement of poaching low-levels makes more poachers come? If they already can't do it on PvE servers, and it's suddenly become harder to do on PvP servers, then the numbers of such occurrences should simply dwindle.

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You're just not making sense. On PvE servers, you can have yourself unflagged. So said bullies can't even touch you. So tell me how the discouragement of poaching low-levels makes more poachers come? If they already can't do it on PvE servers, and it's suddenly become harder to do on PvP servers, then the numbers of such occurrences should simply dwindle.


That is because you apparently think that killing low-levels is their only hobby, it's not. Those folks are into all kinds of trouble or as someone already put it "nicely" here, starting conflict. We'll have more jerks in groups, more trash talk in the chat, more people trying to disturb RP on RP servers and so on. Sure we already have that to a degree, but nothing like it would be if those people go to other servers too, because hunting low-levels becomes less fun on PvP servers. Already as it is now, in most games with RP-PvP servers alot of them chose those servers simply because they expect the "RP folk" to be an easier target, not because they like RP and nothing seems more fun to them than managing to start killing folks right in a middle of their own RP Event.


Having those kind of people go right for the PvP servers is a blessing for everyone who's not into that and knows better than to make a char there.


I have now made several attempts to make you understand and elaborated on just about everything I said in my original post, if you still don't understand, I'm sure I won't be able to make you understand in the future either, so there's no point in trying to, especially since I have no intentions to further bump this thread.

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Right so you have 55's and you can't deal with someone killing one of your many alts. Good game.


It's the principle of the matter. Why do we have to have this behavior when it can be deterred?


Having those kind of people go right for the PvP servers is a blessing for everyone who's not into that and knows better than to make a char there.


So you admit there's trash. But as long as it can be shoveled over to the other guy's side of the yard, you're happy. I, on the other hand, am trying to clear the trash out, entirely. And you seem to be afraid that that'll cause the trash to roll back into your side of the yard.

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It's the principle of the matter. Why do we have to have this behavior when it can be deterred?




So you admit there's trash. But as long as it can be shoveled over to the other guy's side of the yard, you're happy. I, on the other hand, am trying to clear the trash out, entirely. And you seem to be afraid that that'll cause the trash to roll back into your side of the yard.


To use your silly analogy, where does the trash go? To a landfill, more likely. So... the trash is not GONE.... it's just been moved to another place. There is no getting rid of the trash, merely taking it somewhere else.

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people get too upset about these things.. crap happens.. just shrug it off and go on with your business.. it's not like you die irl. and so what if some immature player decides to camp you? switch instance or tab out for a bit..


Sword Art online please.

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I'm sure everyone in the game can relate to this:


You're walking along, doing your missions and fighting NPCs. You may be in contested territory on a PvP server, but you're sure you're ready if someone comes along. Then all of a sudden, a red-tagged entity appears right behind you. Half a second later, you're laying on the ground, dead.



Don't tell me that's PvP. PvP stands for Player Versus Player. Versus means a match, a match means similar strength. When players sign up for a PvP server, they get a warning that other player may attack them. But you have to realize that said player signing up is thinking something along the lines of Other players will attack me? Well, by the time I get to a level 20 planet, I should be level 20, myself. And so should any enemy players. So I'll be running around on the lookout for like-leveled players to match.


Oh, how sadly mistaken our newcomer is. If only he knew he was signing up for a Player Exterminate Player server. That's not a match; that's murder. :sy_darkside: Don't even get me started when a team of 4 level 55s start preying on those 25 levels below them. But anyways, I think there's a solution to discourage such behavior.


Since it's obvious our friendly level 55 is afraid of the level 20 he's passing by, we should let others know what kind of a person he is. We have player A and player Z, if these two engage in a battle, and it ends in three seconds (or less) or under three moves (or less), it's obvious one of them was way over the level of the other. If Player Z was the aggressor, and Player Z won in a blink of an eye, Player Z is awarded with a debuff called Spineless. This debuff persists through defeat for perhaps 10 minutes, and it works like a reverse bolster buff. It would read out something like Is afraid of level <Insert Player A's level here>s. And the effect it gives? It simply tones down the player's stats and power to one level below their victim's level. Like how Bolster boosts you up to level 55, Spineless drags you down the appropriate level. However, if Player A is the aggressor, then Player Z is only acting in retaliation; and is exempt from receiving the Spineless debuff. So if the little guy has the guts to challenge you, then you're free to stomp him into dust.


I say the count of time and moves because both are relevant to the variables of murdering young-level players. Player Z's ambush can happen quickly, and use a lot of low-powered moves that still defeat the victim in such short time. Or Player Z can attack slowly with first a stun move, then stopping to watch them for the duration of the stun effect. Then finally moving on to the next move, possibly another stun/immobilizer. So while it may have taken 30 seconds, Player A was still massacred in a very short count of moves.


I really hope for something like this to be implemented, it would put young-level players' mind at ease, knowing they're fairly off the menu for the higher-level players. The count of three seconds/moves is just a shot-in-the-dark guess, a bit of research to find an appropriate count would be wise. After all, you all realize that near-level players can't kill eachother that quickly/efficiently even if one let the other try. And high-level differences between players means they can't really kill them without such lethality that the level difference provides.


first of all versus don't mean match! but yea i do feel yah pain, it is no fun to get killed by 1 hit. its a lame trick that's abused by lesser minded players who otherwise can't do a real pvp! well known problem in any MMO. and yes you can say don't roll on a pvp server, but that's again an reply from a lesser minded player who can't coop that getting killed in 1 hit is fair and fun pvp !! that's not pvp at all. and yet there is an eazy fix for this well known problem, i'v played a mmo where players 5+ levels higher then you did absolute no damage to you! but the lower player did. now you can say ok this way lower player are gonna greef the higher players, well no if a lower player goes to higher level grounds he will still be horrible killed by the wild life, and sins a higher level has no place in low level ground / planet there will be no problem. there problem fixed, no if only if i could remember that games/mmo name where i'v seen that... anyways.

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This game is unique, from what I've seen. If they were trying to make it as real as possible, lightsabers would be one-hit kills like in Star Wars: Battlefront (Insert favorite roman numeral here), or the Jedi Knight series, or probably any other game with a saber-wielding Jedi in it. It it a PvP server, I signed up to fight other players; not be executed by them.


To be fair, if they were trying to make it as real as possible, Jedi and Sith that wandered out into open areas would be hit by a crossfire of blaster bolts from shooters 200 meters and more away, and a single bolt that the Force user doesn't detect and block with their lightsaber is sufficient to make a fatal wound. A single blaster shooter facing an alerted Force user would probably not be able to get a shot past their defence before they were within melee range. This, oddly, leads to the shotgun as being the queen of close-in ranged weapons, firing a cloud of pellets that a Jedi would be unable to completely block with a lightsaber (it would also explain why cortosis is so rare in the EU galaxy -- it was mined so heavily during the Old Republic to create lightsaber-resistant armor that only the poorest, hardest-to-mine deposits would have been left by the time of the New Republic).

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To use your silly analogy, where does the trash go? To a landfill, more likely. So... the trash is not GONE.... it's just been moved to another place. There is no getting rid of the trash, merely taking it somewhere else.


However, landfills are the designated trash-recipient locations; not your neighbor's yard. Instead of you people who just want to play Hot Potato with the trash, I say we actually throw it away.


...i'v played a mmo where players 5+ levels higher then you did absolute no damage to you! but the lower player did. now you can say ok this way lower player are gonna greef the higher players, well no if a lower player goes to higher level grounds he will still be horrible killed by the wild life, and sins a higher level has no place in low level ground...


I'm not talking about NPCs. If you wander into a place with NPCs way higher a level than you, then it's your fault you didn't turn back when you had the chance. I'm only talking about highest-level players seeking out and poaching lower level players; low-level players who weren't even looking for trouble.


Now if you want to start classifying what looking for trouble means, how about this rule is waived if you're in the opposite faction's declared territory.

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