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inspiration of the sentinel and marauder?


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Bioware stated outright that the assassin and sorcerer were based on maul and sidious. What about the sentinel and marauder? I can't remember if they said the warrior was based off vader or just the juggernaut. I'm just curious is all.


They were talking about the story, not the in game playstyle. The warrior is supposed to be like Vader, and the inquisitor is supposedly like the two characters you mention...in reality they just brought these names up for hype. The Inquis story feels nothing like being Sidious or Maul....more like being Darth Bane's apprentice or something.


So Sentinel/Marauder aren't any different. They are included when the devs said war is like Vader (Mara/Jugg) and JK is like Anakin (Sent/Guard)

Edited by Joolakoo
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This is somewhat hilarious considering they mentioned qui-gonn as the model for Consular.

I know. :rolleyes:


Honestly, I assumed early on that the all-knowing Consular would be more in line with an old Obi-Wan Kenobi or Master Yoda. But then again, they also said that the Sith Inquisitor storyline, which I love, would be for the ones aiming for the Palpatine experience. Right... :cool:

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They were talking about the story, not the in game playstyle. The warrior is supposed to be like Vader, and the inquisitor is supposedly like the two characters you mention...in reality they just brought these names up for hype. The Inquis story feels nothing like being Sidious or Maul....more like being Darth Bane's apprentice or something.


I disagree, sorcerers behave like Sidious, blasting people with lightning for one. And watch ep. 1 again, Maul travels around the galaxy being mostly unnoticed despite having a red head with spikes.


So Sentinel/Marauder aren't any different. They are included when the devs said war is like Vader (Mara/Jugg) and JK is like Anakin (Sent/Guard)


Vader/Anakin clearly are Mara/Guard resp.

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I disagree, sorcerers behave like Sidious, blasting people with lightning for one. And watch ep. 1 again, Maul travels around the galaxy being mostly unnoticed despite having a red head with spikes.




Vader/Anakin clearly are Mara/Guard resp.


Blasting someone with lightning isn't a story element significant enough to say that it makes the inquisitor story like sidious. The inquis does NONE of the scheming that Sidious did. Darth maul traveled the galaxy unnoticed...very true, but he didn't travel the galaxy looking for ancient tombs and spirit ghosts...he was killing mofos. (I don't watch the cartoon series so IDK what he does there, but ill guess and say Bioware was talking about movie maul not cartoon).



....also...how is vader a marauder? he would obviously...i mean obviously, be a juggernaut. That is if you're making the distinction between class specialties..which i wasn't.

Edited by Joolakoo
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(I don't watch the cartoon series so IDK what he does there, but ill guess and say Bioware was talking about movie maul not cartoon).


He kills a bunch of people, does some scheming, kills some more people and then fights Darth Sidious. You should watch the episodes of TCW he is in, those are actually pretty good.

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Here is my estimation of what the ACs are (not basing it on their weapon preferences, only their style):


Jedi Sentinel: Anakin Skywalker

Jedi Guardian: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Jedi Sage: Master Yoda

Jedi Shadow: (unsure)

Vanguard: Commander Cody

Commando: Captain Rex

Scoundrel: Han Solo

Gunslinger: (Unsure, possibly Lando Calrissian?)

Sith Juggernaut: Darth Vader

Sith Marauder: General Grievous

Sith Sorcerer: Darth Sidious

Sith Assassin: Darth Maul

Powertech: Boba Fett

Mercenary: Jango Fett or Cad Bane

Operative: (unsure, could be the spy from Mos Eisley)

Sniper: (unsure, could be Tarkin).


Note that this uses only characters from the show and movies.

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Bioware stated outright that the assassin and sorcerer were based on maul and sidious. What about the sentinel and marauder? I can't remember if they said the warrior was based off vader or just the juggernaut. I'm just curious is all.


Here's how it goes for the Sith classes:


Assassin - Maul.

Sorcerer - Sidious & Tyranus (note that many Sorc 'sabers are curved-hilted, in a nod to Tyranus' distinctive style).

Jugg - Vader.

Marauder - Ventress.


For their mirrors, the Jedi, the only ones I've been able to identify clearly are:


Sage - Yoda.

Guardian - Kenobi, Windu.

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