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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Republic - empire % ratio


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I play both sides and the Republic that I've encountered on my server are hands down the more mature, nicer community. By a country mile.
Fixed to not show generalization.


Side question, what's the AU stand for?

Edited by Rhazz
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I play both sides and the Republic are hands down the more mature, nicer community. By a country mile.


LOL. Based on nothing but a hunch, when I rolled my first character two days ago, I chose Republic for this very reason. I just figured that Empire would tend to draw more children with its "dark side" appeal.

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How is the game favoring the Empire? Just because more people choose the Empire doesn't make it so it was favored.



Well, I can think of a few ways it might favor them.


1) raw numbers: while overall means little, larger pool of people mean being able to find good players.


2) more crafters: more likely to have things on the market for all classes.


3) more looters: same as above.

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Controlling your emotions is the only way to find inner peace. I feel sorry for the Sith, they will always be in a state of inner struggle to satisfy their desire for more.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion

through passion, I gain strength

through strength, I gain power

through power, I gain victory

through victory, my chains are broken

the force shall free me


The Jedi claim they are selfless, without emotion and for peace. Yet they train endlessly in the art of light saber combat, form councils of leadership and try to control everything, even the force.


They attempt to control the transformation of the force, we embrace the change the force brings.


the force shall free me

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It's far too soon for all that mumbojumbo.


I'm roleing a Sith Inqisitor Assasin at the same time as a Jedi Knight. :rolleyes:


I'm guessing there's still quite alot of people like me... Roling a couple of characters to get the entire feel of the game.

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Alright, i play on the server The Black Vulkars. But have made 2 characters on 2 other servers both being pvp. I made empire and republic on both servers just to check if it was just my server with the problem. The Black Vulkars average there where 2.7 empire to 1 republic. The next server was worse being 3 empire to 1 republic, and the next was the same as the first server i mentioned.


Basically i think this works to the republics advantage.

1. Little if not no pvp que wait time.

2. Not too much competition for quests/kills.

3. Guilds aren't jam packed with a bunch of random invites, and are very picky about their members. (Mature people or players who actually are good at their class)



1. World pvp your outnumbered. (which world pvp doesn't happen all that often anyways)

2. Less pre-made pvp groups.

3.The empire most likely have more people buying and selling on the Galactic Market, due to their numbers.


If someone plays empire because they don't want to be a "goody two shoes" or "The good guy" This is how you can tell they are the immature party of the empire. and vice verse, but if you've looked on other sites and even on these forums, the majority of the people saying i dont play the other side because they are "good/bad guys" is so far from the 6+ hours of reading forums myself is 7 empire players to 1 republic.


Minus the RP servers a rough estimate on my own experience and other players on forums and google. Averages out to 7 out of 10 players are Empire.


I do play both Empire and Republic.... but on my server i have to wait till 1:00AM-5:00AM to even play without having the trouble of fighting to kill a whole group of mobs by myself without someone tagging a mob in that group. <--Talking about empire on my server.


Hope this helped a little :)

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  • 1 month later...
LOL. Based on nothing but a hunch, when I rolled my first character two days ago, I chose Republic for this very reason. I just figured that Empire would tend to draw more children with its "dark side" appeal.


When I was trying to decide whether to play republic or empire, I couldn't last more than 20-30 minutes at a time before the inane and stupid chat drove me back to the republic side. When I go to play the empire side next time, I will close the chat window (or turn off all chat channels) and treat it like a single player game.

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The game is massively in favour of the Empire. I saw that coming 4 months ago. Will end up being a huge problem in this game.





when you give the 'bad guys' pretty races, they will always outnumber the good guys. especially when the good guys are so boringly good.

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