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Why is Imperial PVP so much better ?


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Here's my completely unscientific anecdote.


In EVERY MMORPG I've played, the "evil" or "dark" faction always seems to dominate PvP. I'm sure the "cool" factor has a lot to do with it, but I also think a lot of people play characters with whom they can identify.


So, I think folks who are a little more aggressive than the rest of us - and maybe a little less inhibited - tend to play evil characters.


Evil characters are willing to do WHATEVER it takes to win.


Even if it means - GASP! - working together as a TEAM.





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Yep. It's predictable almost to the minute when 9/10 Pub reg teams will commence consistently dumb play. Lobotomized with a chainsaw, paint chip eating, don't bother it's hopeless kind of dumb.


LOL yeah it's pretty rough over there on the pub side. My biggest gripe (I could be here all day) is they never seem to respond to incoming calls....at all. I just don't get it.


Then again I was leveling a jugg in lowbies over there last night and it was just as bad (I know, it's lowbies). Still our off node defender (ACW) calls "left", after he died. No one says a word. Okay fine, I figure thats my queue to go guard the off node once we get it back. I get one incoming so I hit "1w" (faction vs faction). Now the blowhard on my team decides he wants to give me a ration of **** because he didn't understand where 1w meant.


"Where is west?" Are you *********** kidding me??? The guy that just calls "left" after he died doesn't get a peep form anyone but because I called 1w with plenty of time to respond, that's the time to start acting like a douche bag? I don't understand. :confused:

Edited by Ridickilis
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LOL yeah it's pretty rough over there on the pub side. My biggest gripe (I could be here all day) is they never seem to respond to incoming calls....at all. I just don't get it.


Then again I was leveling a jugg in lowbies over there last night and it was just as bad (I know, it's lowbies). Still our off node defender (ACW) calls "left", after he died. No one says a word. Okay fine, I figure thats my queue to go guard the off node once we get it back. I get one incoming so I hit "1w" (faction vs faction). Now the blowhard on my team decides he wants to give me a ration of **** because he didn't understand where 1w meant.


"Where is west?" Are you *********** kidding me??? The guy that just calls "left" after he died doesn't get a peep form anyone but because I called 1w with plenty of time to respond, that's the time to start acting like a douche bag? I don't understand. :confused:


LOL This brought back memories of just the other night, having both sides in CW and me and another stealther (pub side) take snow.. I saw my stealth teammate heading that way so I joined and scampered over to stop the cap and we won the 2 on 2 and repelled the same 2 attackers 3 times while mid was contested. The other team finally captured mid and then there were 6 headed our way. At that point we bot exited combat and went into delay mode.


We alternate interrupting caps while calling for help. None came as the other stealther died and I delayed long enough for that stealther to get back, then I died. In my flight, I see on other finally come help, I believe from grass as there was only one guarding our grass node at that moment. I land, and I see the 4 other teamates at mid failing to kill a tank powertech paired with an operative healer. Apparently that was where our help was, not that they would have been much help.


We did win, but it was like we were fighting down 4 guys that were little more than a distraction. Even when we had it won based on having more than double the numbers left on our shield so long as we held the middle node (I went and helped take care of that Operative healer they were struggling with) they then were fighting at nodes we no longer controlled as the attack was then focused on that mid.


Ironically enough, the MVP votes went to the players that were fighting at mid early on and not getting anywhere 4 on 2, due to having great numbers fighting the heals.

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Ironically enough, the MVP votes went to the players that were fighting at mid early on and not getting anywhere 4 on 2, due to having great numbers fighting the heals.


:mon_cool: And deservedly so. Tank tickling is vital to winning that map and they didn't stop, despite their challenging handicaps of submarine-sized epeens. /hat off.

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I was playing my 55 sniper last night in a CW. At the beginning of the match pretty much everyone went mid including me, except for one Jugg who went to snow. I got to mid, laid down an orbital on the node and started selecting targets and attacking. Unfortunately, I died fairly quickly. (Still not sure what happened, but anyway.)


I respawned, landed and noticed we still hadn't capped snow, ran that way to see the Jugg fighting someone. Keep in mind there had been nothing in chat to this point. As I arrived, I got hit with a lag spike and couldn't run up the stairs or anywhere else. Opponent kills the Jugg, starts capping and I can't do anything - move, attack, nothing - so I typed "Help snow, reps capping." The lag passes, I run up shooting and just stop the cap, only to be backblasted by a stealther. The two of them managed to stunlock and kill me, then cap.


Suddenly, I'm getting a ration of crap from a teammate: "We lost the node because of you. I watched you stand there and do nothing. Nice work," etc. etc. No mention of the Jugg who had failed to cap, never called incoming/help, died, then respawned and went to mid where he proceeded to sit the entire rest of the game. Mid never got attacked until the final minute of the game, so his accomplishments amounted to failing to cap our natural node, not calling for help, and farming defense medals. Did I mention these two were guildies?


I ran back and forth from snow to grass the entire rest of the game trying to help the team get one of them, while these two did absolutely nothing of consequence and gave me a big hassle over a lag spike.


The lesson: Imps can be TERRIBLE PvPers.

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Here's my completely unscientific anecdote.


In EVERY MMORPG I've played, the "evil" or "dark" faction always seems to dominate PvP. I'm sure the "cool" factor has a lot to do with it, but I also think a lot of people play characters with whom they can identify.


So, I think folks who are a little more aggressive than the rest of us - and maybe a little less inhibited - tend to play evil characters.


Evil characters are willing to do WHATEVER it takes to win.


Even if it means - GASP! - working together as a TEAM.






This sounds very reasonable to me. It has something to do with aggressiveness in my opinion.


Hooligans would rather go out into a fight than do cosy garden work, imho.

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I think its just a large variety of skills out there and you get a RNG when you Q solo.


Was in an ipm on imp NC yesterday where we 3 capped most the match and I was the lone guard at the home node and saw no action. We were all puts but the other team couldn't even muster up to work together to take just 1 node and hold it.


I guess its not all skill so much as just willing to have teamwork. That's the key to these duperheros charging in wanting to single handedly save the day, one by one. You get them on your team and you try to play off it and support the hero to try and give them a chance to live their heroic fantasy but there are just too many heros, and they also get mad when you try to help who they thinks the wrong one.


Maybe pubs are more likely to have that hero complex.

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I play Republic only side since launch pvp only... but to be honest republic side class animations just terrible compared with imperials animations... I hate them, they are terrible slow and rough especially all scoundrels animations, master strike and blade strorm for knights, storm and pulse cannon for vanguards, spinning strike for shadows, quickdraw and sabotage charge for gunslingers, etc etc.


This is most advantage for imps since release. Blame for Bioware for their imperial favoritism in anything :mad:


Definitely a matter of opinion there...I find that I prefer the majority of the Jedi Knight animations over the Sith Warrior animations...I much prefer just about every Shadow animation over Assassin animation....Commando's look far cooler than Mercenaries in just about every way. I still prefer Imperial side because of the atmosphere, but I don't agree with your assessment.

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Because I'm currently levelling my Imp toon. :)


No really, I don't have much motivation to hit up my republic main because the play is so bad over there. Why would I want to gear him up when the entire team just disintegrates every match?


I'd rather just level up my Imp toons. Currently 54 with my op healer. Hopefully it's still fun at 55.


that is an extremely dumb statement. Pubs are good for pvp, my main is a pub I win half the matches I play, yeah once in the while I have a bad day where I get some idiot team but generally I do get competent people.


To all the little complainers out there who lose and don't realize that its their fault for barely doing 90k anything the entire match and not go "they always win" to cover themselves, then just maybe you might become good at pvp.


It all comes down to excuses. I had a team yesterday for huttball. We were losing first half but haflway through we got it together, got guys on their ramps, and ran the ball enough times to win. Then the sore loser imp team goes "FU hack" and "hackers" even though we were not at all ( if we had been hacking why would we have ever been losing at any point?) just to cover up the fact they lost, another time an idiot in a warzone we lost shouted only imps have good pvp, though at the same time that moron who was a healer did 111k heals for the entire match and had spent more time typing than being useful, so obviously he was coming up with excuses.


My point is, no side is better than the other, the Republic is not as bad off as anyone seems to think, whenever I am on my imp character I always hear some idiot shout "the Pubs always win", and quite frankly, barely anyone can accept that they just lost on both sides, its easier to come up with some lame excuse to crapily cover up their awfulness and frank stupidity. So, to the guys who say imps always win, I say, L2P.

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Here's my completely unscientific anecdote.


In EVERY MMORPG I've played, the "evil" or "dark" faction always seems to dominate PvP. I'm sure the "cool" factor has a lot to do with it, but I also think a lot of people play characters with whom they can identify.


So, I think folks who are a little more aggressive than the rest of us - and maybe a little less inhibited - tend to play evil characters.


Evil characters are willing to do WHATEVER it takes to win.


Even if it means - GASP! - working together as a TEAM.




i agree somewhat. Though i think its less about people identifying with 'evil' but the ability to act in a totally different (and unacceptible in rl) manner than in real life. Plus there's something about letting loose, not answering to anyone, going against establishment, etc that draws people to play evil characters. Maybes a a release from their normal lives..


But in the game, the empire folks tend to have a majority of dps in the 'destroy' mode. The rebs on the other hand, seem to have a majority of the good-guy protect and serve types, like tanks and healers. I play every class, both sides, and if i'm honest with myself, i play my empire characters alot more aggressively than my pubs. I seem to gank more, help less often, push the dps limits, etc on my sith. on my pubs in tend to heal more, group more, generally play 'nice'. all subconciously of course..

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