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How does one 1v1 an assassin?


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Any tips for a tactics VG?


There's a lot of 'hope he doesn't get a good opener' in this thread. That's not a good strategy lol!


get and stay out of melee range after the initial burst, assa/shades are highly restricted in their dmg ability once you are out of melee range as all his range abilitys rely in some way on 4m attacks.


shock/project - needs melee attacks to reset reuse timer and to lessen energy cost

discharge/force breach needs melee attacks to gain 3stacks or it hits like wet noodle.

snare hits like a wet noodle but snares you

chain lightning/small stones either 10m and he is forced to stay still enable you to kite even more or is waisting one of his forcecrit chance charges uselessly.


so do not waste your purge for the 1. initial burst but for his restealth opening. and as allways stay out of range running around on 15+ m is viable(pvp set bonus is a 5m singeltarget snare increasement) as a tank you wont win a dmg race against any competent dd but your goal is to outlast him and thats quite easily done as a vanguard.

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1 v 1 sins are very hard to beat if they get the bursts that they need.


Most sins will be infiltration/deception others will use the wakajinn spec or the spec that xinika put up (almost the same thing).


For infiltration the key to beating them is keeping distance, kiting and wear them down. The best at this would be a sorc.


So I'll give a battle scenario. The sorc starts off with a static barrier. The sin opens with his knockdown followed by a maul. The sorc doesn't eat the whole thing thanks to his static barrier and force speeds away. The Sin will probably force speed after and maybe get one shock off. The sorc uses force slow and then uses a knockback and runs away 20m+, places a DoT on him and starts kiting shocking him when he can. The sin is now stuck. He can't do anything but eat the dot and and shock while the sorc continues to kite making sure force slow is on the sin at all times and putting himself in a static barrier and even healing up a bit. There is almost nothing the sin can do at this point because anything he tries the sorc can counter. If he uses force speed the sorc will just use his own force speed, if he tries to cleanse out of the force slow the sorc can match him pace for pace and keep 20m until the next force slow. The only thing the sin can do is try his mezz which the sorc can interrupt or just take and start again at step 1. If the sin tries to LoS the sorc can angle an AoE in there, sin is completely shut down while the sorc shocks and DoTs him. The only thing the sin can do is stealth out, find a place to hide to heal up and try again, so the sorc needs to be vigilant. If the sin decides to stay in stealth until his DC on combat stealth runs out ... well he's a douche, don't duel with him again, if it is a wz then you did your job, go on to attack someone else or continue node guarding until your friend gets there.


this is how you beat most sins. Keep them rooted, slowed and out of a 10m distance. If he is using the wakajinn spec he will be using death field, but I rarely meet any who use it.


Maybe you should practice your dueling skills?


You can counter force speed with a CC for starters. Electrocute works best although low slash can work. If you get a low slash off hard cast crushing darkness, it's good damage and guarantees that the sorc will waste a global dispelling it. Remember that you just want to blow all your cooldowns to shut down a sorc, its not like other classes where you want to wait.


If lightning break the bubble out of the 3 meter range.


I won't go into much more, but if you lose to a sorc 1v1 as an assassin you are either playing madness spec, or you simply got outplayed. The match-up is simply not in the sorc's favor.

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There is only one true way - roll own FotM OP sin, and win. Simply. :rolleyes:


What specs are you playing now? I know one's a warrior and one is a PT which is slowly morphing into FOTM territory.


Thankfully this is not a 1v1 game.

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Maybe you should practice your dueling skills?


You can counter force speed with a CC for starters. Electrocute works best although low slash can work. If you get a low slash off hard cast crushing darkness, it's good damage and guarantees that the sorc will waste a global dispelling it. Remember that you just want to blow all your cooldowns to shut down a sorc, its not like other classes where you want to wait.


Yeah thanks, I never lost to any sorc, I was just giving an example of how a battle could go. The point I was emphasizing is that you could shut down an assassin by keeping a distance and slowing him down. And low slash doesn't have much reach so you would have to catch him just as he starts to force speed away, not something many would do since you lose your chance at a duplicity/infiltration tactics.


There are many ways the battle could go, for example sorc could use force barrier right after initial attack, surprise the assassin with electrocute, knockback and dash off before the sin could react. It doesn't change the original point that the effective way to beat a sin is to keep him slowed/rooted and far away from you.



If lightning break the bubble out of the 3 meter range.


I have no idea what you are talking about.



I won't go into much more, but if you lose to a sorc 1v1 as an assassin you are either playing madness spec, or you simply got outplayed. The match-up is simply not in the sorc's favor.


Thats fine, as I said there are many scenarios that can occur, I am just giving one and stressing the point that the way to win is to keep the distance.

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What specs are you playing now? I know one's a warrior and one is a PT which is slowly morphing into FOTM territory.


Thankfully this is not a 1v1 game.


Well, I eat most deception sins on breakfast with my tank guardian in dps gear and with my 14/32/0 vanguard ion cell in dps gear :o


With my 0/31/15 shadow i easy kill tankasins, but vs pure deception its equal fight - who open first. In vigilance guardian, its more equal fight too.


I practically always lose to sins with focus guardian, assault vanguard, scrapper and df scoundrel. With my gunslinger, I lose more than 50% (near to 2/3) fights.


My balance sage and assault commando both still 29 level so I cannot tell something atm...

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I can only offer my advice from a marauder and sniper standpoint. As those are who I personally have the best luck with (YMMV)


What you want to do is this, attack them when they don't have any cooldowns, If they are glowing white/blue, they can't do that for another minute, Saber ward only every 3 mins.


Recklessness generally happens in the beginning of a fight, So when fighting an assassin, you want to pop any cooldowns that reduce damage by a percentile in the forefront of the fight, this is because, a 25% reduction to a 9k maul may just save your ***.


If you have any kiting tools, use them, roots are highly effective against them, as they have no way to break them (If they blow resilence on the root, and you're not under 30%, and they don't have shroud, you win.)


The real "*****" to deal with is leg slash, This ability by itself can turn a victory into a keyboard smashing contest. If they have yet to use this against you and you seem to be driving them back, don't fall for it, keep them rooted, and keep your distance.


If you happen to die anyway, don't medcenter yet, Mark them, and tell your team "That mutha****a there needs to die." And one of two things will happen, they happily oblige and nuke the ****er, or tell you "Healer needs to go down first"


If the latter is presented, Explain to your team how pressuring works and stick with the teammates you like best. As while the leader and some others may be morons, there's usually 1-2 quiet ones who share your opinion, but are less vocal about it.


TL:DR. Root them like a mother****er, Hit them without cooldowns, save that CC breaker, and pray to the space gods they don't crit.

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I can only offer my advice from a marauder and sniper standpoint. As those are who I personally have the best luck with (YMMV)


What you want to do is this, attack them when they don't have any cooldowns, If they are glowing white/blue, they can't do that for another minute, Saber ward only every 3 mins.


Recklessness generally happens in the beginning of a fight, So when fighting an assassin, you want to pop any cooldowns that reduce damage by a percentile in the forefront of the fight, this is because, a 25% reduction to a 9k maul may just save your ***.


If you have any kiting tools, use them, roots are highly effective against them, as they have no way to break them (If they blow resilence on the root, and you're not under 30%, and they don't have shroud, you win.)


The real "*****" to deal with is leg slash, This ability by itself can turn a victory into a keyboard smashing contest. If they have yet to use this against you and you seem to be driving them back, don't fall for it, keep them rooted, and keep your distance.


If you happen to die anyway, don't medcenter yet, Mark them, and tell your team "That mutha****a there needs to die." And one of two things will happen, they happily oblige and nuke the ****er, or tell you "Healer needs to go down first"


If the latter is presented, Explain to your team how pressuring works and stick with the teammates you like best. As while the leader and some others may be morons, there's usually 1-2 quiet ones who share your opinion, but are less vocal about it.


TL:DR. Root them like a mother****er, Hit them without cooldowns, save that CC breaker, and pray to the space gods they don't crit.


Have we fought recently?

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Every class loses to assassin 1v1 assuming the assassin knows the matchup and is playing an appropriate spec.


This is just plain false. No other way to put it. Juggernauts and marauders depending on the spec will annihilate a deception sin. Concealment ops can as well, and so can a well played dps sorc.

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For dueling classes from what I've seen it's jugg > sin > everyone else.

Though admittedly I don't see too many merc/pt duelers or op/sniper duelers, so who really knows and/or cares.


i gotta agree with the old chap..deception sins worst nightmare in a 1 vs 1 is a well played vengeance jugg..they have the tools and control to bring down a decpetion sin..if you dont think so fight one who know the class and you will see for yourself..

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i gotta agree with the old chap..deception sins worst nightmare in a 1 vs 1 is a well played vengeance jugg..they have the tools and control to bring down a decpetion sin..if you dont think so fight one who know the class and you will see for yourself..


Vengeance eh? Don't think I've ever seen one.

The spec belligerent used iirc was some tank hybrid with dps gear.


If he had problems with his tank spec in a matchup issue I think he used a veng/immortal hybrid to get around cc and still be tanky.

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But - backpedaling is frowned upon the PvP community ! How dare you !!!


Apart from that, I read very general bla bla here, and very little practical tips.


Not when it comes to sins and those that says it is have not apparently gotten hit by a good Sin for 8-9k openers.

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Idk why he said maras but the guy who won all the dueling tournaments (wakalord, assassin) lost all his duels to the top dueling jugg.

It was on my stream for a while but I guess it got timed out. It's probably still out there on another stream though.

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Idk why he said maras but the guy who won all the dueling tournaments (wakalord, assassin) lost all his duels to the top dueling jugg.

It was on my stream for a while but I guess it got timed out. It's probably still out there on another stream though.


I said marauder because annihilation spec dominates in 1v1s. Most people are hesitant to believe that these days however given that only a handful play, and even fewer know how to play it correctly. Anni also completely shuts down vengeance. Point being though, there are multiple specs/classes that can beat an assassin in a 1v1. Frequent dueling and knowledge of your class goes a long way.

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Idk why he said maras but the guy who won all the dueling tournaments (wakalord, assassin) lost all his duels to the top dueling jugg.

It was on my stream for a while but I guess it got timed out. It's probably still out there on another stream though.


Not to discredit Plastic_Cup or any other good juggs, but those duels were recorded when I wasn't fully geared and had only come back to the game like 2-3 weeks before I did the duels. Since then I've practiced against very good juggs and I've won most of the time. You can't win in Deception against a good tank jugg, but I've been able to win by going full tank gear/darkness. Just outsustain them, duels last like 2 minutes and it isn't fun or really applicable to warzones/arenas but that's that.


Just throwing that out there, since I see my duels against Plastic cup come up a lot and are taken way out of context.

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Not to discredit Plastic_Cup or any other good juggs, but those duels were recorded when I wasn't fully geared and had only come back to the game like 2-3 weeks before I did the duels. Since then I've practiced against very good juggs and I've won most of the time. You can't win in Deception against a good tank jugg, but I've been able to win by going full tank gear/darkness. Just outsustain them, duels last like 2 minutes and it isn't fun or really applicable to warzones/arenas but that's that.


Just throwing that out there, since I see my duels against Plastic cup come up a lot and are taken way out of context.


Lol idk man the first one was close but the second one he had a huge lead like more than half his hp, and the 2nd one is the one he didn't use intercede.

I'd really like to see another set of duels between you two since he's the only jugg who duels on that level and youre the only sin who duels on that level, but he doesn't really play anymore.


In any case I tend to use your losses to plastic cup as proof juggs can duel :p Fact remains that if there's a jugg out there who can win duels vs you then it's possible for other juggs as well. I seriously doubt it's impossible for a jugg to duel better than Belligerent even if he is the best dueling jugg currently.


I think broxx has been dueling alot on his jugg so hopefully we'll see something good from him in duels.


Also LOL @ your sig :D

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