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No PvE in Space at all ?


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Taken from massively.joystiq

The Unnamed SWTOR Podcast recently spoke with BioWare devs Damion Schubert, Andrew Horwitz, and Eric Musco at Star Wars: The Old Republic's Community Cantina Q&A in New York City. According to podcast host JD, BioWare said that space PvE will not be coming to SWTOR any time soon, if ever.


"I asked about the possibility that Galactic Starfighter was designed with PvE in mind. [bioWare] said no, it was not. That is far far far far far down on the wall of crazy, is PvE Starfighter. [bioWare] said the biggest problems would be with scripting and 3-D AI; things that they don't have in the game they would basically have to write fresh. The good thing about PvE is the good scripting. Getting the ability in at the right time makes it interesting and fun, but not unfair. You know, getting those enrage timers right. Getting like a DOT thrown out at the right time. Stuff that has to be done really well for PvE to work right. And for them to do that in space would be a lot of work. So problems with scripting and AI would be reasons that we won't be seeing PvE Galactic starfighter."


Really BioWare is that true? Can u confirm it?

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Star Wars Galaxies had space PVE and it was immense, You could have up to 8 players on board your ship, The big ones anyway, Manning all turrets or just hanging out, You could decorate your ship and just free roam space at your leisure.

It seems this game has gone backwards instead of forwards in terms of ability and content.

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Everytime they make step forward, then they make 2 steps back.... It's really killing me.


I'm sorry, how is adding content taking two steps back? Because it isn't the content that you specifically wanted? At the *worst* it is a neutral move, because if you don't like it, it isn't hurting you, but most likely it is a positive move (albeit, smaller than you would have liked)

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I think this was a bad move on their part, coming out so specifically about the future of PVE for GS. It is a PR snafu IMO.


IMO the employee that gave this feedback should be counseled on how to answer questions properly.


The CORRECT way to answer this question IMO would have been to say....


No, at the time we weighed the time involved in creating a PVE based system and a PVP based system and decided that we should concentrate on a PVP system for now. PVE requires quite a bit of work compared to a PVP system, and we felt that an earlier as opposed to later release was a better move. That doesn't mean we will not add it in the future, but I can't give any date on when that might happen.


That would have at least kept those that desire PVE in the expansion in hope mode. I am afraid this let the air out of the potential draw of this expansion, which was unnecessary.

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Why do you worry? It will finally shut the PvPers up. They finally get something the PvEers don't get.


Imagine that as a PvEr...you had one raid...only one raid. You've been running that raid for the past 2 years with no change other than the gear that drops in it changes every 6 months.

Week after week, you fight the same mob, the same boss, the same mechanics.

Nothing changes about the fights or the bosses for 2 years, no upgrades, no additional raids, NOTHING.


PvPers deal with this constantly. The fact is, they could honestly release 4 new 8v8 PvP maps every time they release a new dungeoun or new daily area...and it would take less time than what they did to make the daily area.


Seriously, PvErs should NEVER complain about PvP only updates. At any time a PvEr has to wait even a fraction of the time a PvPer does for an update, the PvEr cries bloody murder on the forums for a week or two then start leaving the game.


I play both, and it always amazes me just how self-righteous the PvErs have a tendency to be when it comes to updates. How 95% of all updates are so purely PvE centric, it is sheer amazement the PvPers don't complain more. The very fact they don't complain as much...sad to say, makes them more mature. That's right...any PvEr crying about one of the rare PvP updates is being less mature than that PvPer emote spamming that they are teabagging someone. Think on that a little bit.

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There is space PvE. It's called Space Combat missions.


Every major patch had PvE content updates, so far. Even the so-called "PvP" 2.4 patch was centered around 2 raids and a big quest zone. PvPers have waited long enough to get some exclusive updates. And besides, BW are not denying that they may add pve component to Galactic Starfighter.

Edited by Helig
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Imagine that as a PvEr...you had one raid...only one raid. You've been running that raid for the past 2 years with no change other than the gear that drops in it changes every 6 months.

Week after week, you fight the same mob, the same boss, the same mechanics.

Nothing changes about the fights or the bosses for 2 years, no upgrades, no additional raids, NOTHING.


PvPers deal with this constantly.


That's because they were aware how horribly bad SWTOR PvP really is from the very start. Now they're happy with whatever BW throws their way.

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Do we really need two threads QQing about the same topic? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=690995


Anyways, I can't believe how selfish the PvE community is, you just got two operations AND a new daily area and you want space PvE too? Space PvP will be more fun (IMO) and it'll be something new. I love how people are QQing when Bioware does something good.

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There is no denying that the news about it being "just" instanced PvP can be a little disappointing but primarily this is just one of the instances of BW failing to control the hype for a long time.


Fact people are bummed about GS not being a star citizen-esque sandbox space simulator just shows how completely unrealistic some folks were. They'd also be disappointed with a rudimentary PvE implementation of waves being thrown at a group of 4.


It's fine for what it is.


It would be great if it were much more.


Was it being much more ever a realistic prospect? Not really. You can either enjoy it for what it is or get melodramatic over the fact it's not a fully fledged space sim.

Edited by aeterno
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It's fine for what it is.


It would be great if it were much more.


After 2 years in development isn't it disappointing to have a system that's just 'fine'?


I never expected Star Citizen. I'll be subscribing to that game when it's released. However to find out that PvE space in TOR is too hard to do shows me the quality of content I should expect from BW from now on.


Whether it's due to the Hero Engine being impossible to work with or the lack of funding, the upshot is that BW cannot create content that thoroughly impresses imo. It's all 1 WZ here, 1 Operation there. Small scale stuff.


The game is still fun and I'll surely get addicted to the PvP space game come December. However when I look at Rift and the quality/quantity of their recent expansion after being around for 2 years...I weep. There's a company that can pump out content faster and add NEW mechanics more often to their MMO than BW. A pity that fantasy genre bores me silly :p

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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After 2 years in development isn't it disappointing to have a system that's just 'fine'?


I never expected Star Citizen. I'll be subscribing to that game when it's released. However to find out that PvE space in TOR is too hard to do shows me the quality of content I should expect from BW from now on.


Whether it's due to the Hero Engine being impossible to work with or the lack of funding, the upshot is that BW cannot create content that thoroughly impresses imo. It's all 1 WZ here, 1 Operation there. Small scale stuff.


The game is still fun and I'll surely get addicted to the PvP space game come December. However when I look at Rift and the quality/quantity of their recent expansion after being around for 2 years...I weep.


Thing is you have to contextualize the 2 years. The project went on the fritz till last august I believe so it's less than a year. And in that time game went f2p.


I agree its a bummer that TOR doesn't have the WoW business model of pumping out a boxed expansion that adds a ton of stuff but that ship sailed 1.5 years ago. Game went f2p and went multiple small updates. EA won't even spring for boxed expansions it looks like it's all gonna be DLCs. So yea it's gonna be less earthshaking, less exciting, more anticlimactic.


But it is what it is at this stage, good deal of ambition seems to have been beaten out of TOR with the f2p stick. We can either enjoy it for what it actually is or not. No sense in bemoaning what it could have been. Tho there is no denying it can all be a bit disheartening at times. Still, GS is gonna be a fun positive addition to the existing game. Existing game. Not the hypothetical behemoth we all wanted. That's life.

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Thing is you have to contextualize the 2 years. The project went on the fritz till last august I believe so it's less than a year. And in that time game went f2p.


I agree its a bummer that TOR doesn't have the WoW business model of pumping out a boxed expansion that adds a ton of stuff but that ship sailed 1.5 years ago. Game went f2p and went multiple small updates. EA won't even spring for boxed expansions it looks like it's all gonna be DLCs. So yea it's gonna be less earthshaking, less exciting, more anticlimactic.


But it is what it is at this stage, good deal of ambition seems to have been beaten out of TOR with the f2p stick. We can either enjoy it for what it actually is or not. No sense in bemoaning what it could have been. Tho there is no denying it can all be a bit disheartening at times. Still, GS is gonna be a fun positive addition to the existing game. Existing game. Not the hypothetical behemoth we all wanted. That's life.


I completely agree.


It just took me too long to figure out that TOR's ambition is dented. I will stop dreaming of a better TOR and stick to enjoying what I already find to be a fun, yet shallow, MMO.


It's disappointing to realise that TOR's future is indeed 'less earthshaking, less exciting, more anticlimactic' but it's still worth the subscription to me and while that continues to be the case I'll keep paying/playing.

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I'm sorry, how is adding content taking two steps back? Because it isn't the content that you specifically wanted? At the *worst* it is a neutral move, because if you don't like it, it isn't hurting you, but most likely it is a positive move (albeit, smaller than you would have liked)


Because if you're going to release new content, make it enjoyable . When you think space combat in star wars you think - Pew pew pew, "I can't shake them!!", or "Porkins pull up!!". The reason I'm not going to like this space content is pretty much because of this ---> They are going to designate an area and I can't go outside of that area, so space combat with rails. If they were to invest the time in money to create kickass space content + PvE, I'd be more than willing to wait a very long time.

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Everytime they make step forward, then they make 2 steps back.... It's really killing me.


They will add PVE space at a later date. PVP space and PVE space takes a lot of different coding in the game. the only thing taking two steps back are the whiners and complainers that want everything yesterday. Give them a chance.

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They will add PVE space at a later date. PVP space and PVE space takes a lot of different coding in the game. the only thing taking two steps back are the whiners and complainers that want everything yesterday. Give them a chance.


Given enough demand they indeed might. But we're talking 2015, maybe. :p


Still guild ships are higher on the wall of crazy so if they incorporated that into GS somehow.... that would go a looong way towards cheering folks up heh.

Edited by aeterno
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Given enough demand they indeed might. But we're talking 2015, maybe. :p


Still guild ships are higher on the wall of crazy so if they incorporated that into GS somehow.... that would go a looong way towards cheering folks up heh.



I am in total agreement with you Aeterno. :rak_03:

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Taken from massively.joystiq

The Unnamed SWTOR Podcast recently spoke with BioWare devs Damion Schubert, Andrew Horwitz, and Eric Musco at Star Wars: The Old Republic's Community Cantina Q&A in New York City. According to podcast host JD, BioWare said that space PvE will not be coming to SWTOR any time soon, if ever.


You already have your PvE space missions...what are you whining about?

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