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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Jedi Guardian Changes - Game Update 2.5


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I don't want a thoughtless rotation. If that's what we end up being then fine. I will play my guardian solely because he's my mine and I want all the cool stuff on him. But I will play my Sent after I finish getting my cool toys on Riivan, because I can't stand a mindless rotation. Hence why I am not a Commando or even a Slinger. :)
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I don't want a thoughtless rotation. If that's what we end up being then fine. I will play my guardian solely because he's my mine and I want all the cool stuff on him. But I will play my Sent after I finish getting my cool toys on Riivan, because I can't stand a mindless rotation. Hence why I am not a Commando or even a Slinger. :)


I am.... was, of this same mentality.


So imagine how worse it is getting to bear this situation. I'm actively yearning for a lolspec, just to be able to DPS decently.

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I am.... was, of this same mentality.


So imagine how worse it is getting to bear this situation. I'm actively yearning for a lolspec, just to be able to DPS decently.


As much as people criticize lolspecs like Smash or Sharpshooter I can't help but feel a lot of that criticism is misplaced. First as much as people say specs like this are face rolling easy but the truth of the matter is people still do the wrong things in them all the time. Second, proper execution is just as important in more advanced skill specs, and quite probably even more so in specs like those because I find them harder to squeeze extra DPS out of them than the proclaimed more skill required specs.


Granted that could be from the more skilled specs usually have a lot more RNG in them but the one thing I've loved about rolling Focus in DF/DP is the consistency. All that really matter is how well I execute as player, crits will come or they won't but my performance isn't hampered because suddenly my options became more limited from RNG. Because even if you make the right decisions you still might be rewarded with lower dps.

Edited by ArenCordial
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I don't want a thoughtless rotation. If that's what we end up being then fine. I will play my guardian solely because he's my mine and I want all the cool stuff on him. But I will play my Sent after I finish getting my cool toys on Riivan, because I can't stand a mindless rotation. Hence why I am not a Commando or even a Slinger. :)


except that this spec already demands too much mental concentration to be played optimally. we have taunts guardian leap that requires us to switch to appropriate targets while struggling with this broken tab targeting. i wish they either simplify our asymmetric rotation or give us an aura ability that gives damage reduction bonus to every party member fighting near us. we really need better group utility skills to be accepted into ranked teams. Right now tab targeting is absolutely horrible in this game.

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Personally I disagree that this spec requires a large amount of mental concentration, at least in PVE.


I think that the amount of skill proportionate to damage is off balance. For the skill we put in, we are not receiving appropriate amouts of damage.


To say that we are the hardest spec ever to play is naive, since there are specs that have far more procs to worry about and longer and more complicated rotation cycles. Vigilance isn't a hard spec to learn by any means. Its a hard spec to receive results with.

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Personally I disagree that this spec requires a large amount of mental concentration, at least in PVE.


I think that the amount of skill proportionate to damage is off balance. For the skill we put in, we are not receiving appropriate amouts of damage.


To say that we are the hardest spec ever to play is naive, since there are specs that have far more procs to worry about and longer and more complicated rotation cycles. Vigilance isn't a hard spec to learn by any means. Its a hard spec to receive results with.


pve is easy because you don't have to worry about DCDs or tauntung right off cooldown all the time. I'm only speaking for PVP. DPS rotation alone is not hard. It"s when you have to compete with easy ACs such as smash juggernauts or dps vanguards you realize how difficult it is to match their dps and protection points. You have to work twice as hard to be comparable to them.

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pve is easy because you don't have to worry about DCDs or tauntung right off cooldown all the time. I'm only speaking for PVP. DPS rotation alone is not hard. It"s when you have to compete with easy ACs such as smash juggernauts or dps vanguards you realize how difficult it is to match their dps and protection points. You have to work twice as hard to be comparable to them.


Yes for PVP the damage is quite hard to squeeze out.


The main problem with PVE is that its a lot harder with range constriction of MS as well as overall being forced to work double time for numbers, as well as the constant scrutiny of being the frist to be kicked.

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Really, just switch our proc from OH/PB to dots, that was an excellent suggestion earlier and I am kicking myself for not thinking of it, it is so obvious. Leave the lockout, will still be the lowest chance, longest lockout on an ability, just sneak that in on 2.6 or even 2.6.1 or 2.6.2 and see what happens.
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I don't know what to think about the changes announced for 2.6 : on the paper it seems smooth but stil tied to 9 and 12s CD :confused:


Did anyone test it already ?


Not much to test about it. It means MS will have a guaranteed 12sec cd, unless you get out of range just before PB or something like that. Only thing that got worse is the lucky 9second proc and that you can only delay MS with 1!!!!! GCD (if my math is right).

Rotation will probably look something like this:


will be interesting since you have BS, Dispatch, Sundering strike, Saber throw as fillers. A bit much to fill out 2 GCD in the rotation.

Edited by cs_zoltan
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NEver gonna fail another DPS check because of RNG failing.


Whatever you say dudes, this is a very nice buff, that was SORELY NEEDED.


We are, if my projections are correct, gonna reliably do DPS that is comparable to almost all ranged specs.

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I wouldn't get all my hopes up. We are getting reliable 13.5 second procs. This was near impossible before except in a SELECT few circumstances. + the plasma brand buff and we could be looking at a 100 dps gain and reliability.


When the PTS drops I will be in heavy testing mode and parsing with my less than stellar 72 mainhand :D


Any of you guys are on, welcome to join in the testing. Love to be able to talk guardian ingame ^.^

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I wouldn't get all my hopes up. We are getting reliable 13.5 second procs.


If this goes live as it is posted, and if you can time OS - PB and PB- OS rotations correctly, it's possible to keep it at a 12 second rotation, not 13.5


Besides, there's one thing I think no one realized yet.


It is possible to go into a check phase, say, ( Raptus DPS challenge, NiM thrasher sniper & burn, NiM Olok Double Artillery droids,.........list goes on) with a controlled burst.


A MS you didn't use and kept, an immediate proc due to PB + Os and 12 secs later another one. Voila you have 3 ( usuall you ae lucky if you get 2) in a burn window.


COntrolled frigging burst.

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NEver gonna fail another DPS check because of RNG failing.


Whatever you say dudes, this is a very nice buff, that was SORELY NEEDED.


We are, if my projections are correct, gonna reliably do DPS that is comparable to almost all ranged specs.


So I can expect to do slightly over 4k dps like an assault/pyro spec mando/merc? Hell yes, sign me up for that.

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So I can expect to do slightly over 4k dps like an assault/pyro spec mando/merc? Hell yes, sign me up for that.



I said almost all.


Assault / pyro is an anomaly right now, not the norm. ( Incidentally, best pyro is about 4000, and best assault is about 3.7k. Either commandos suck or something is wrong with assault cannon vs. dual blasters mechanic.)


I was thinking a safe 3.4k+ baseline, with a tentative roof aroun 3700. Around most of the RDPSers and very slightly behind sentinels.

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Oh no I have a 72 mainhand XD.


If i had a 78 mainhand and was only doing 3200 I'd stab myself.


My gear is nowhere near some of you guys XD.


I have full 72 armorings with 1 78 set bonus piece and 2 78 enhancements and all 78 mods. The rest of my gear is all 72s. I've never gotten any nightmare gear at all or the like.


I just make do with what I have.

Edited by lordbadtamaru
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We have a whiles to go. Right now my best parse is barely 3200 (My gear really needs work). I hope to with the patch get to 3300 as I've never had a higher than 15 second per MS.


Is there like a vitamin regiment I can go on to get luckier for rng? I never get 15 second zen procs. I am lucky if I get only 5 instances on a 1.5 million dummy where I have to go off of the hard 30 sec cooldown.

Edited by SwordEmpire
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