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Everything posted by SwordEmpire

  1. I dont see why not. There is generally one x-pack that comes with a level cap increase per year. SoR was 2014.
  2. Ravagers exploit, Cortani bugs, 16 man loot issues, Underlurker is still broken, Assualt on Tython boss shields didnt drop, overall lack of communication from the devs for an entire month over the abysmal server lag since launch. Hell, it took them until just recently to fix a known bug for Dread Palace. All of this in the launch for an expansion that had a thorough closed beta and an early access period. Its not that the expansion itself was a failure, but that it was launched broken and the communication and resolving of the issues was poorly handled.
  3. Have you done the latest raids? Cortani is still a dice roll whether she will leave the area as intended or glitch out and attack the escape pod eventually enraging and killing everyone. We pretty much have to relearn the mechanics to Underlurker every update to work around the "fix" they implemented. Some people are still having loot issues in 16 man ravager runs. The last 3 ToS runs my group had invisible force abberations (puddles of death) on Revan . On the other hand if you are happy with content that it is broken, half-assed, and borderline unplayable, then it would look like pve is getting better treatment. The grass isnt really greener on the other side.
  4. To anyone who has tested alacrity, have you noticed getting keening procs more consistently? While I would hate to have to lose more surge, I'm debating if its worth the hit to normalize my rotation better.
  5. Really looking forward to flying in 4.0 stack that alacrity to make you fly faster.
  6. the only thing being retracted from the 2.7 changes for snipers/slingers in them adding force/tech immunity to dodge, and go figure too. A 3 second godmode with a purge mechanic? thats better then pre nerf guarded by the force.
  7. I dont like the fact that it is charge based. if it uses a charge on damage done then it will most likely be wasted on dots. wouldnt justify the health loss for a slight dps gain.
  8. except that they are slowly taking away even that. we are already losing one of our 2 taunts because they are too lazy to just give us a new threat drop, hindering our already limited group utility. we used to be unique in that we were pretty much the only class that could give the armor debuff, but now both gunslingers and commandos give that too. I also dont get all this complaining that vigilance is parsing higher then watchman right now. vigilance was the worst parsing dps spec in the game for a while, and now that we are finally competitive people are having conniptions. where is vigilance parsing higher? training dummies? maybe, but that hardly equates to better parses on boss fights. we are still dependent on a 3 second channel whereas watchman is far more mobile. plus dotsmash still outparses all knight specs on dummy. so dps wise vigilance is around the same as watchman, watchman has better survivability and dcd's, vigilance has very little group utility which is being cut into even more in the next major patch. Yet people are complaining because there is no longer a 200+ dps disparity between the two? seems legit.
  9. Is there like a vitamin regiment I can go on to get luckier for rng? I never get 15 second zen procs. I am lucky if I get only 5 instances on a 1.5 million dummy where I have to go off of the hard 30 sec cooldown.
  10. So I can expect to do slightly over 4k dps like an assault/pyro spec mando/merc? Hell yes, sign me up for that.
  11. highest vanguard parse is 3800. granted, he was running hybrid spec, which they are making sure you cant run after 2.6. Assualt and tactics vanguards are parsing around 3600, which is a whole 100 dps more then the highest guardian who was getting beyond lucky with their crit frequency and 9-12 second master strikes quite often. as for scoundrel dps, well concealment operatives are currently pulling just shy of 4k on training dummies and are slated to get a "significant dps boost" in 2.6. I am of the firm belief that no class is terrible, but guardian dps is currently the lowest parsing class in the entire game. however, we are still in good enough shape to clear the current content without problem. We would be borderline for the NiM content of the new ops though. the changes they plan in 2.6 are definitely going to make the spec far more consistent, but overall it does little for actually boosting dps.
  12. and real warfare was a battle of wit along with strength. if you cant see how figuring in tactics helps in a fight, then its your loss.
  13. saying crowd control abilities are useless in pvp, especially when the match is objective based, seriously makes me doubt your skill. an example of this, your teammate is capping a door or pylon but an enemy is heading towards them to disrupt the cap. cc that guy, objective accomplished. lowest level pvp is more fun because cc's are less important? Thats arguably when gunslinger/snipers and scoundrels/operatives are at their best, because they have two cc's, one of them being aoe, before most classes have one.
  14. lol, if we cant expect much from a .x patch and all we got in a full blown balance patch was a root, i dont even think we should expect an answer for our questions.
  15. While I personally love this idea, it does strike me as being very similar to the pre 2.0 force rush mechanic. something I have always heard, and correct me if I am wrong, is that it is easier to get something changed then reverted back. what is the ballpark melee crit chance most vigilance guardians run at? Just as an estimate I am gonna say anywhere between 20-25%. at two stacks of force rush we would have anywhere between an 80-85% crit chance on dispatch, at a reduced cost, and have the possibility to work with keening to be able to be used before execute phase. seeing as how they took auto crit dispatches away from us, I dont think they would go for this, and if they did, most other classes would be crying nerf within the week.maybe it will have a better chance seeing as it would be charged based instead of time based, but idk. again, I personally like the idea, I just dont think they would go for it.
  16. I sometimes wonder if the bioware devs gave us this root just to appease the pvp player base or because they are just out of touch with the entire player base. after all, almost everyone was complaining "targets can just walk out of master strike, which hurts our damage." and they just gave us the root thinking it would fix everything because they didnt even consider we were including raid content in that scenario. kind of blows my mind just thinking they either knew and didnt care or just didn't even consider that we do pve content on guardian dps.
  17. yeah, fluff for the most part. I will agree with you on the majority of it, but all the crystals in downtime of Calphayus brings nothing productive to the fight which basically defines what fluff dps is. As for the ugnaughts in Grob'thok, its not even necessary to dps these if you have an off tank who knows what they should be doing. mining droid is far more then enough to deal with the adds and pulling off boss to quickly pad your dps with some irrelevant damage is again, fluff. Depending on your strat for Bestia aoe damage might not give you huge gains like you think it might. if two monsters are close enough to hit them both with aoe then they are going to be buffed enough that you might as well separate them out and burn them down individually.
  18. Its kind of the opposite. power is a constant boost to overall damage and heals. crit on the other hand is rng dependent (which is one of the problems with vigilance, being so heavily rng dependent) which means that power is going to offer a more consistent parse, but crit will give your dps a more extreme outlier.
  19. Awesome guide. Rolled my guardian a couple months prior to 1.2 and was vigilance for the longest time until shortly before 2.0 when I went to focus spec. not ashamed to say I was a bit jealous of the parses being put out by vigilance spec (mostly from trying to compete with noobi-wan on my server) and just switched back a couple of days ago. this guide has really helped me a lot. Any tips on focus management for longer fights? I can hold consistent numbers until about a minute and a half in but then it seems like my major resource gatherers are always on cooldown when I need them, and if I even try to fit slash in my rotation at all it stalls and I have to compensate with strike to get back on track (which doesn't help my numbers). idk, maybe I am just trying to put blade storm in too much. also, do you tend to have issues with phantom casting? I have noticed that over a long enough time it can really start to hurt your numbers.
  20. oh, I fully well know that. fact of the matter was that you asked for the parse someone else mentioned and I linked it. also, the whole thing with the scatter bomb rolls is also viable in fights where the boss has a large hit box. heck, the slingers/snipers who parsed over 4k dps on the boss fights in hm dp and df have scatter bombs and flyby accounting for 40-50% of their overall damage. just look at all the ones pewpewthethird of hatred is leading on.
  21. http://www.torparse.com/a/514435/27 Kuroyukihime who pulled 4385 dps.
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