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Sqaure-Enix did it....


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..Why can't Bioware? S.E. completely redid their MMO after a while of it being out. I wonder why can't SWTOR can't have it done too. I mean it's not like they don't have the money.... Edited by Daknel
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..Why can't Bioware? S.E. completely redid their MMO after a while of it being out. I wonder why can't SWTOR can't have it done too. I mean it's not like they don't have the money....


well tell you what.. give EA/BW about 500 million in cash.. and they might do it. it costs to much to redo. and EA and BW dont have the money or investors to turn it around.


your stuck on 32-bit hero-alpha engine for the entire lifespan... sorry.

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..Why can't Bioware? S.E. completely redid their MMO after a while of it being out. I wonder why can't SWTOR can't have it done too. I mean it's not like they don't have the money....


They also gave all of us months of free gametime. Then they apologized again and gave a month of free gametime for an exploit that was a lot less serious than the relic one we just went through on TOR.


I really like what SE did with Realm Reborn. I am subbing to it right now, along with TOR - although I find myself playing RR quite a bit more.


The public quest system alone needs to be looked at and implemented by Bioware. Heck WAR came up with it, and I know a lot of Mythic people are now working on TOR. So why they don't bring it over is just mind boggling.


And now with WAR shutting down... They really need to add more content to TOR.

Edited by TheLexinator
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Final Fantasy XIV got horrible reviews.


TOR got reviews with a low end of 8/10, and a high of a perfect score.


Final Fantasy ARR got reviews hovering around an 8.


Doesn't seem like TOR has much space on the review side to improve, nor are its circumstances analogous to the ones of FF XIV.



So lets say TOR did a complete reboot.

Do we keep the combat system? Yeah the combat system is fine.


Do we keep voice acting and questing and the storylines? Yeah, people love the storylines and that's one of its primary differentiators.


Do we keep the achievement and rep systems? Yeah, people don't feel obliged to grind for them if they dislike the system, and there are people who enjoy the system.


Do we keep our current warzones and arenas? Yeah, there are people who enjoy each.



Now there are plenty of minor changes that can be made to improve what we have, but I'm struggling to see a change major enough to warrant rebuilding the game.

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What SE did with FFXIV requires alot of praise. They did something few companies were willing to do...


We are also looking over 1 critical thing. The original game was absolutely horrible. If they did not do what they did, they would have had to shut down the game.


With all of the faults of this game (go away hazed) it is not horrible. It is not horribly broken. It fills what many people want for a game and is playable.

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Final Fantasy XIV got horrible reviews.


TOR got reviews with a low end of 8/10, and a high of a perfect score.


Final Fantasy ARR got reviews hovering around an 8.


Doesn't seem like TOR has much space on the review side to improve, nor are its circumstances analogous to the ones of FF XIV.



So lets say TOR did a complete reboot.

Do we keep the combat system? Yeah the combat system is fine.


Do we keep voice acting and questing and the storylines? Yeah, people love the storylines and that's one of its primary differentiators.


Do we keep the achievement and rep systems? Yeah, people don't feel obliged to grind for them if they dislike the system, and there are people who enjoy the system.


Do we keep our current warzones and arenas? Yeah, there are people who enjoy each.



Now there are plenty of minor changes that can be made to improve what we have, but I'm struggling to see a change major enough to warrant rebuilding the game.


lol source for perfect score pls?

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Final Fantasy XIV got horrible reviews.


TOR got reviews with a low end of 8/10, and a high of a perfect score.


Final Fantasy ARR got reviews hovering around an 8.


Doesn't seem like TOR has much space on the review side to improve, nor are its circumstances analogous to the ones of FF XIV.



So lets say TOR did a complete reboot.

Do we keep the combat system? Yeah the combat system is fine.


Do we keep voice acting and questing and the storylines? Yeah, people love the storylines and that's one of its primary differentiators.


Do we keep the achievement and rep systems? Yeah, people don't feel obliged to grind for them if they dislike the system, and there are people who enjoy the system.


Do we keep our current warzones and arenas? Yeah, there are people who enjoy each.



Now there are plenty of minor changes that can be made to improve what we have, but I'm struggling to see a change major enough to warrant rebuilding the game.


This 100%.


FFXIV needed a 100% redo. Content in addition to the engine and backend.

SWTOR needs some love with the engine, but the content is not a problem.

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Basically it would take all the time and money of building a new game, from scratch. Add to that, that they would need to, at the very least, maintain the current game during that time. That's a mighty expensive proposition for a game of this caliber.


And then... what happens if people don't like it? Didn't SWG have that issue? Plenty enough people are happy with this game (basically) to keep it going successfully. They don't want to mess with that. I don't want them to mess with that.


The game is good. You are free to disagree, of course. I am not alone in my assessment. See server pops for evidence.

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EA would never be willing to take that much of a hit.


However the only thing that needs changing about SWTOR is the friggin engine. Lag, abiilty delay, glitching, phasing, everything would be fixed if they had a decent engine instead of this crappy HERO POS.

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Basically it would take all the time and money of building a new game, from scratch. Add to that, that they would need to, at the very least, maintain the current game during that time. That's a mighty expensive proposition for a game of this caliber.


And then... what happens if people don't like it? Didn't SWG have that issue? Plenty enough people are happy with this game (basically) to keep it going successfully. They don't want to mess with that. I don't want them to mess with that.


The game is good. You are free to disagree, of course. I am not alone in my assessment. See server pops for evidence.


what 3 servers? LOL

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EA would never be willing to take that much of a hit.


However the only thing that needs changing about SWTOR is the friggin engine. Lag, abiilty delay, glitching, phasing, everything would be fixed if they had a decent engine instead of this crappy HERO POS.


Yep. I like the game, other than the things you listed.

Also would like to add loading on to that.


The engine is very poorly optimized.

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what 3 servers? LOL


That's just ridiculous. There are plenty of servers. The servers maintain a healthy population. Any time I am on, there are 3-5 instances of fleet. There are multiple instances of starting planets. There are multiple instances of mid-level planets. Queues pop quickly for WZs... and I'm told that PvP is struggling and almost no one plays it.


Please tell me more about how there's no one left playing this game.


The number of servers doesn't matter compared to launch. They introduced new servers that could handle higher populations and we all won because of that. As much fun as Hoth was when I was leveling up, it was odd to be there by myself or maybe with two other people... on the entire planet!

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TOR is leagues better than the original FFXIV, that is why. Allow me to illustrate an average FFXIV play session in the months following launch:


Log in, pick up some battle leves (repeatable quests) in Ul'dah and either spend your precious, limited anima to teleport to camp, or run there, as there are no mounts. Choose the latter because you already teleported once today and want to go to Gridania after finishing your battle leves in hopes that there will be good quests available for your leatherworker. Enjoy the copy-pasta scenery and be careful not to get oneshot by the antlings on the way to camp. Start leves, and spend an hour getting burped on by the same dodos and spit on by the same giant spiders that you were burped on and spit on by last week. Teleport to Gridania, but only find one decent leatherworker leve available. Craft the items for the leve, but then realize you can't turn it in unless you run all the way to a high level camp past mobs that will oneshot you. So you switch back to your battle class, but notice that your weapon is broken from that hour you played. Attempt to find horn glue to repair it, and after checking all 22 retainers in the Gridania market wards, give up and go back to Ul'dah. Check 16 more retainers and find it. Switch to a crafting class and equip all of your crafting gear to repair your weapon. I could go on . . .


Of course, the game improved with each patch, but let me tell you, when I picked up TOR I was blown away by how much better and more polished it was in comparison. ;) TOR certainly has its problems, but IMHO they are nowhere near major enough for the kind of complete reboot XIV got.

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this game is currently the second most sucessful MMO being played right now. only WOW (which is losing subs unlike this game) has more subscriptions.


you might not like it, you might think it's terriable. but unlike the original FF XIV, TOR is doing well


Umm... LoTRO claimed the "Second most subscribed to MMORPG" years ago. Has this changed? Their F2P model is also quite a bit better than TOR's.

I also see a LOT more people in LoTRO than I ever do in TOR, including on the fleet.


Rift also has a booming subscription rate.


Last I heard TOR was in the top 5, but certainly NOT #2.

Edited by TheLexinator
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this game is currently the second most sucessful MMO being played right now. only WOW (which is losing subs unlike this game) has more subscriptions.


you might not like it, you might think it's terriable. but unlike the original FF XIV, TOR is doing well


I don't think TOR is number 2 in NA. But that also depends on your definitions of subscriptions and MMOs. I believe this post is bait.

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this game is currently the second most sucessful MMO being played right now. only WOW (which is losing subs unlike this game) has more subscriptions.


you might not like it, you might think it's terriable. but unlike the original FF XIV, TOR is doing well

Try again.


LoTRO has more paying subs. EVE Online is the second biggest and growing at a fast rate. FFXIV is now growing by leaps and bounds. So is TSW, and TOR is losing players left and right.

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