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Are you waiting for something else to play?


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Cause you know... Star Wars is totally not sword and sorcery... even though it has swords and sorcery.... and clerics, rogues, monsters, light and dark magic, robes, ranged weapons less powerful than actual bows and arrows, undead, dragons, comically exaggerated armor, nobles, castles, lords, ladies, nearly-human non-humans, dwarves, blue people with red eyes, etc. etc.


Blasters, blaster rifles, bowcasters, sniper rifle blasters, and other technological terrors are not in fantasy MMO's. That's what I came to SWTOR for. My first toon wasn't a jedi, it was a Bounty Hunter because I NEEDED that change. If I had to swing another sword, or cast another arcane blast/fireball/ice bolt, I was going to bash my laptop with a ballpeen hammer.

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^ what he said. And with ship focused mmo it makes no sense for bioware to do this mini game if ship mos are on the horizon wh would they encroach on a territory they will never be able to compete against cuz this minigame will always be second fiddle to the mmos that have it as core focus. So starship mmoers will just play this and then go play a better version of it
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Not waiting for anything. Can't say anything else has captured my interest, and anything else I've played, I've exhausted my interest.


I'm holding on here, hoping they'll rethink their decision to extend and continue individual class and companion stories, and when it becomes truly painfully obvious that they're really not going to do that, or give anything else of interest like housing and furnishings crafting, or new class with new stories and companions, I'm out.


And likely I will stay out, and focus more on real life pursuits.

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Not waiting for anything. Can't say anything else has captured my interest, and anything else I've played, I've exhausted my interest.


I'm holding on here, hoping they'll rethink their decision to extend and continue individual class and companion stories, and when it becomes truly painfully obvious that they're really not going to do that, or give anything else of interest like housing and furnishings crafting, or new class with new stories and companions, I'm out.


And likely I will stay out, and focus more on real life pursuits.


If they dont continue class stories they will effectively kill off their own game as it is the primary draw of the gam

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Blasters, blaster rifles, bowcasters, sniper rifle blasters, and other technological terrors are not in fantasy MMO's. That's what I came to SWTOR for. My first toon wasn't a jedi, it was a Bounty Hunter because I NEEDED that change. If I had to swing another sword, or cast another arcane blast/fireball/ice bolt, I was going to bash my laptop with a ballpeen hammer.


I get where you are coming from.


I just think the fantasy realm works better in an MMO. Modern or sci-fi weapons with a range of 20m is just too ludicrous for me to believe. Calling a comet down on a dragon... in a mile deep dungeon? Totally plausible.

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Who knows maybee they will suck but so far i hear more ppl in swtor talking about wildstar than swtor and t seems everyone i talk to is just waiting for something else. Im not saying it will kill swtor but from what i read a lot of people are waiting for it but still not as anxiously as they did swtor.

Yeah, and every time a new MMO has come out since SWTOR launched, a bunch of people said that SWTOR would die off. Some people just like to play MMOs...any MMO...and don't have a specific draw to the lore, characters, story, universe, etc. for the games. These people are going to hop from game to game, no matter what. They are no big loss.

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Yeah, and every time a new MMO has come out since SWTOR launched, a bunch of people said that SWTOR would die off. Some people just like to play MMOs...any MMO...and don't have a specific draw to the lore, characters, story, universe, etc. for the games. These people are going to hop from game to game, no matter what. They are no big loss.


Yah if they treat every game like that then they would fail. They habe to treat everyone like its something or risk ubder estimating it. And the last few years of launches habe nothing compared to 2014. It will ne the year of the mmo. Not all games fail to live up to hype like tor did


I can count at least three big releases that alone should worry them even if they are average. I dont hop from mmo i just pick the one i enjoy at the time while this game isnt as appealig to me as others justbecause i switch when a better one comes out that fits my critera doesnt mean i deserve the negative title of game hopper

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Just wondering how many people are waiting and what they are waiting for or if they will keep subbing when games like wildstar come out? Personally it looks like it is shaping up to be what i hoped swtor would be but swtor will always habe one thing those games like wildstar and archage will never. Lightsabers. I wish they could have just done more with their opportunity. Its odd for me to get excited over something instead of angry. Who knows maybee they will suck but so far i hear more ppl in swtor talking about wildstar than swtor and t seems everyone i talk to is just waiting for something else. Im not saying it will kill swtor but from what i read a lot of people are waiting for it but still not as anxiously as they did swtor. Hype is only good if u live up to it. Tried firefall. What a joke. Three hotbar slots.


LOL wildstar looks absolutly horrible. I dont care for the art-style to say the least. The kiddies will love it, but I dont see serious MMO players giving it a serious look.


Im for the Lightsabers. Until they make another Star Wars MMO, Ill be here running my head into the Bioware Wall-of-Stupid every single day.

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Yah if they treat every game like that then they would fail. They habe to treat everyone like its something or risk ubder estimating it. And the last few years of launches habe nothing compared to 2014. It will ne the year of the mmo. Not all games fail to live up to hype like tor did


I can count at least three big releases that alone should worry them even if they are average. I dont hop from mmo i just pick the one i enjoy at the time while this game isnt as appealig to me as others justbecause i switch when a better one comes out that fits my critera doesnt mean i deserve the negative title of game hopper


To be fair. Your description above is the definition of "Game-Hopper". Not, that there is anything wrong with that.....

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To be fair. Your description above is the definition of "Game-Hopper". Not, that there is anything wrong with that.....


To me game hopper is someone who jumps from game to game despite it being worth staying. Or to my liking, if i like it i stay if i dont i leave

I however stay for good games or if there are no other similar games. While i dont consider it good i do find its the only option for star wars fans. And i played various mmos for years so thats not a hooper but i do hope from bad game to bad game till i find a good one. Thats the difference

Edited by mmjarec
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If they dont continue class stories they will effectively kill off their own game as it is the primary draw of the gam


Indeed it is, and I'm trying to be patient. Gets harder all the time, but yeah, if they don't continue and extend those storylines, and let us have more companion interactions...that's it. I honestly have better things to do, than run the same tired dailies over and over, and crafting the same sht over and over...and all the other things I do to keep myself entertained. :/

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i love this game and its pvp, yes i have problems with some thigns but overal its a pritty decent game.


ill have a look at wildstar but wouldnt leave this game for it.


main game im waiting for and doubt will survice for a long time to come is a fallout mmo, thats one game i would leave any for massive fallout fan.


Still hoping though they get more warzones assed and reskins and also this space pvp is a big hit so that i dont need to leave tihs game till a fallout is released in future.

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Thats still twice as many as esoh so either yiu are suggesting theiy could be compressed more. Which i mean the whole point of having unneeded abilities is to add depth and cariety we can agree to disagree because allthiugh we may not need them we want them i mean if they got rid of things for look and cariety why not just have one boring move why stop at six

You. Are. Not. Limited. To. Six Skills. There are a lot more than 6 skills per class in the game, get it through your head.

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Yah if they treat every game like that then they would fail. They habe to treat everyone like its something or risk ubder estimating it. And the last few years of launches habe nothing compared to 2014. It will ne the year of the mmo. Not all games fail to live up to hype like tor didI can count at least three big releases that alone should worry them even if they are average. I dont hop from mmo i just pick the one i enjoy at the time while this game isnt as appealig to me as others justbecause i switch when a better one comes out that fits my critera doesnt mean i deserve the negative title of game hopper



Tabula Rasa







Diablo 3

Neverwinter Online


All failed to live up the hype...IMO of course :)



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Waiting for something....yes, but I don't know what. Nothing looks THAT good coming up...even elder scrolls looks kinda bland IMO.


Well between eq, black sesert, archeage and wildstar that encompassing pretty much everything if i dont know whst u want at least try rhem they r free to play

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