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Are you waiting for something else to play?


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Not in the slightest. You can combine those abilities in whatever fashion you so desire. Classes will have much more variety than they do here, or in any other mmo for that matter with the exception of TSW, which I still play on occasion.

Precisely. Builds will not only include talents and skills - they'll also include action bar setups. I loved the balance in GW1, because this sort of balancing tends to cut away all the "fat" - all the skills that aren't really needed, but are sometimes used (SWToR's combat system, while not bloated, has such skills), and it forces the developers to balance each skill carefully, because it's not just a class ability - it's a card in the deck of a player.

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Always check out new MMORPGs, but do not always leave. While playing wow I tried a few. Just tried FFXIV and thought it was ok, but no SW. Fan of TESO, but will wait to see how it forms up. I think I will play it at release. If its better for me then this game, I'll move. If not, I'll say.
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Precisely. Builds will not only include talents and skills - they'll also include action bar setups. I loved the balance in GW1, because this sort of balancing tends to cut away all the "fat" - all the skills that aren't really needed, but are sometimes used (SWToR's combat system, while not bloated, has such skills), and it forces the developers to balance each skill carefully, because it's not just a class ability - it's a card in the deck of a player.


Not needed ? I use all of mine and as far as combining skills i do that as well. Just because u dont get a bonus for using one after other statistically its still technically a bonusxto follow up big cc with big dps

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Not needed ? I use all of mine and as far as combining skills i do that as well. Just because u dont get a bonus for using one after other statistically its still technically a bonusxto follow up big cc with big dps

Totally missed the point of the post. Basically, I'm saying that skills should be more specialized and their use more pronounced - pretty much what the limited action bar system would suggest. Each skill would be a "card" in the player's deck, and they would have to be balanced around eachother. Each skill would be functional, specialized most skills would have synergy with others.


For example, I have about 36 keybinds on my Carnage Marauder. I'm using almost every single one of them at some point in the raid. But, realistically, by functionality and use, there could be about 10-15, should the skills get "compressed", or "distilled" by function.


Less buttons doesn't mean less difficulty, however. It would only mean bigger impact of individual choices, and I like bigger impact.

Edited by Helig
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I'll keep playing this game until EverQuest Next comes out, at which time I might reconsider which is more of the game style I like. I have had more fun in the EverQuest series for some reason, that I have yet to in Star Wars: The old Republic. Guess it was the real crafting system, in EQ1 you could mutli-craft on one character and in EQ2 you could litteraly die if you screwed up. Raids felt epic and a huge factor in EQ1, where raid sizes where 72 people when I use to fight which seems to have dropped severally in size these days 8, 16, 20 and 24 seems to be the normal.


In EQ2 they had world wide unlocks where countless people would rally to build things to unlock more of the game and they said in EQ:Next this would be there as well. Your also able to destroy and re-built the world and the AI is suppose to learn unlike most scripted NPCs in the game. Weither they can deliver on those promisses will be the thing that keeps me here or I seek fun in that game.

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Totally missed the point of the post. Basically, I'm saying that skills should be more specialized and their use more pronounced - pretty much what the limited action bar system would suggest. Each skill would be a "card" in the player's deck, and they would have to be balanced around eachother. Each skill would be functional, specialized most skills would have synergy with others.


For example, I have about 36 keybinds on my Carnage Marauder. I'm using almost every single one of them at some point in the raid. But, realistically, by functionality and use, there could be about 10-15, should the skills get "compressed", or "distilled" by function.


Less buttons doesn't mean less difficulty, however. It would only mean bigger impact of individual choices, and I like bigger impact.


Thats still twice as many as esoh so either yiu are suggesting theiy could be compressed more. Which i mean the whole point of having unneeded abilities is to add depth and cariety we can agree to disagree because allthiugh we may not need them we want them i mean if they got rid of things for look and cariety why not just have one boring move why stop at six

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Totally missed the point of the post. Basically, I'm saying that skills should be more specialized and their use more pronounced - pretty much what the limited action bar system would suggest. Each skill would be a "card" in the player's deck, and they would have to be balanced around eachother. Each skill would be functional, specialized most skills would have synergy with others.


For example, I have about 36 keybinds on my Carnage Marauder. I'm using almost every single one of them at some point in the raid. But, realistically, by functionality and use, there could be about 10-15, should the skills get "compressed", or "distilled" by function.


Less buttons doesn't mean less difficulty, however. It would only mean bigger impact of individual choices, and I like bigger impact.


Careful, you're starting to sound like a WoW dev regarding button bloat.



Six abilities dont worry you about being stale and lack variety and versatility?


It works for games like Diablo 3, so I'm not worried. None of my friends had duplicate builds as any class, and even playing public games I continue to see a massive variety in how people play. Diablo's not an MMO, but the six ability parameter can definitely stay very fresh, especially when you swap things in and out based on what you're doing. I think you would be pleasantly surprised.

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yeah I'm busy hyping up the next MMO to come out as the Jesus MMO. then it's going to release and I'll be happy for a month before I decide the dev's lied to me and begin attacking the game relentlessly on the fourms while waiting for the next Jesus MMO


You could check out the Bible Online, there was another one form 2003ish that had you levitating and choking out philistines with wrestling moves, and major enemies were romans, crocodiles, and snakes.

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As soon as WildStar comes out I'll be going there. Sandbox game play, skill based system, housing, it looks like everything TOR should have been.


Not sandbox, but I'm optimistic about the overall design with character pathing in addition to standard world content.

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Wildstar, TESO and Star Citizen.

And I typically am a 1 MMO at a time player so hopefully the release dates for those three are staggered at least 6mo apart.

I'm also not a "roots" person in so much that I don't feel so embedded in any one MMO that I can't simply pick up and move on to another. Some people look at the hundreds of hours they have invested in a character or characters in one MMO and can't themselves walking away to start new in a different game.

Me, I simply view those hours through the perspective of if I had fun while doing it then the time wasn't wasted, regardless if the game closes down or I voluntarily move on to something new.

The biggest thing I like about SW:TOR is the character and companion story lines coupled with the questing. And so when i do go off to play something else, should I see notices that Bioware has expanded on the stories, I may come back to check them out.

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I never found diablo six button a refresh more of a man id wish id have earthquake equpped onstead of shockwave. I dont see how limiting abilities does anything besides increase youre situationality and versatility. I dont conside i overpowering to be able to tackle most situations i thought that was the whole poont of playing a character


And based on the reviews you are one of thexfew who doesnt think it sucked. At least could habe had the same number as thexothe lr diablo games all it did was make me jabe to micromanage my abilities

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nope, nothing on the horizon looks good and i'm happy with SW:TOR and STO... besides i'm sick of seeing Mid-Evil/High-Fantasy games all over the place... some good Sci-Fi would be nice, but that's a problem too so far the only good Sci-Fi games are SW:TOR & STO... WildStar looks too much like the lame '80s cartoon spin-off i mistook it for, so there's no way i can take it serious, and everything else is High-Fantasy... i don't know anything about Star Citizen but if it's anything like EVE i'll be avoiding that too...
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Eq next is getting a lot of hype why is that? Now that it has pvp i might be interested as in i will pay for one game but most of the best looking ones are f2p so ill be splitting it between archage, black desert, wildstar and possi ly eq next
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Eq next is getting a lot of hype why is that? Now that it has pvp i might be interested as in i will pay for one game but most of the best looking ones are f2p so ill be splitting it between archage, black desert, wildstar and possi ly eq next


Just what the gaming world needs...another sword and sorcery MMO...how novel.

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That's what filled with weariness when I installed Rift thinking I might give it a try. The thought of yet another generic fantasy MMO filled me with ennui. I might give EQN a try, though.


Agreed...I really wanted to like Rift but it was just so horribly generic plus the fact that a.n.other sword n board fantasy MMORPG just felt soooo tired.


In fact the only sword n board MMORPG I really liked was WHO...especially loved the PvP in that game :)



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Eq next is getting a lot of hype why is that? Now that it has pvp i might be interested as in i will pay for one game but most of the best looking ones are f2p so ill be splitting it between archage, black desert, wildstar and possi ly eq next


Because every successful MMO, with the possible exception of EVE, is a clone of game mechanics and concepts that were perfected in Everquest.


That and... everything they have leaked so far just screams "We're not WoW and we're proud of it!".

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These days I get back to SWGEmu. It was my first mmo and it's the only one that give me "the" feeling. I created a new character two days ago and I've nothing, only do missions, but god it's good ! And honestly, the community, just awesome. People help, they give you stuff for free, asking nothing back, telling you it's their payback cause someone did that for them. I didn't feel that since... long ago !


But, still in progress so I'm playing swtor for a while ^^

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Just what the gaming world needs...another sword and sorcery MMO...how novel.




Cause you know... Star Wars is totally not sword and sorcery... even though it has swords and sorcery.... and clerics, rogues, monsters, light and dark magic, robes, ranged weapons less powerful than actual bows and arrows, undead, dragons, comically exaggerated armor, nobles, castles, lords, ladies, nearly-human non-humans, dwarves, blue people with red eyes, etc. etc.

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Nope. Never got into TES series all that much. And none of the others are blowing me away.


Truth be told, chances are that unless some MMO down the line blows me away, SWTOR will be the last MMO I play. Whether that happens because I tire of it or it loses enough accounts and shuts down...only time will tell.

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