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SWTOR Armory? Yes/No?


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Some way, some how this will get turned into "you want it so you can show off how hardcore you are, this game isn't for PvP/hardcore players/raiders/WoW players/etc" which is a shame, really. Alas, the combined volume of those who would command that anything WoW does is should immediately be kept away from SW:TOR, no matter its quality or utility, is loud enough that I can see the issue dragging on for a while before the ultimate conclusion being "yeah we'll do it, but you have to opt-in".
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I think this is the key right here. I would love to see an armory, but there are still plenty of annoying little glitches they need to correct first.


While I don't disagree per se, I can't imagine that it'd be the same team working on the bugfixes as developing a web tool. Maybe some of the API would be a shared piece of work I guess, but in the main I can't see it detracting too much from content development or bughunting expeditions.

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Anyone know if they're going to put in a SWTOR Armory type deal?


I hope they do also. I always use to check out my toon on WoWarmory to see how my gear is doing and to see if im missing **** during work. Mainly its a work day time killer for me :)

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It is not about 'omg hardcore'.


This MMO is like zilion others, a TEAM based game, especially in the end-game operations.


So, as a team leader you must make sure somehow you are NOT wasting the time of your team going in places for which your team is not prepared.


Armory would be a very nice tool to inspect your team.


Don't get me wrong, gear does not replaces brains. But a good team (right specs, right composition that will maximize buffs, etc) will def make a huge diffrence between an enjoyable fight and an evening of despair.


And that goes for any MMO that has team based fights (aka raids/operations call them whatever you want).


So, def. armory is somehow a must. Or at least a 'dump char info' feature in the client if they don't want to invest time in making one. Tools can be built by ppl with enough skill to put up an 'armory service'.

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It's not an armory I'd like so much as a web-based API to character info. The WoW armory is cool, but what really makes it shine is that that same data is made available through an API that lets other sites build around the data it provides.


I'm thinking of stuff like the sites that will analyze your gear and recommend upgrades, or even stuff like FigurePrints that can use your character data to create posters of your character.


There's a lot more to the Armory than just the Armory, and that's the kind of thing I'd really like to see.

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I have been wanting an SW:TOR armory-type deal for a while now, and the main reason(s) have nothing to do with e-peen status or anything of the sort.


Armory is an effective GM/Officer/Raid Leader tool to check the gearing of raiders prior to an upcoming event.


I plan most of my guild's activities while at work and being able to visualize my guild members' gear would make this a lot easier.


Also, having an armory-type thing allows for other web sites to interface with the in-game data and can provide more post-analytic information, such as be.imba.hu was for WoW.


For those who are not familiar, be.imba.hu was better than GearScore, because it analyzed your gear, gave you a gear rating and suggested what raids you would be effective in and which raids you could gain the most upgrades from.


Of course, it's pretty obvious right now, with only two raids and three difficulties and three tiers of gear to figure out if someone does or doesn't belong in Nightmare Karagga's, but be.imba.hu had a nice tool where you could evalutate a custom list of players, or an entire guild and be able to visualize who was ready for certain raids and who wasn't.

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I can't see any reason for an armory for SWTOR right now. Nothing I need right now that I don't have already covered in some way or it's so trivial I don't care about it.


Either way, I'd rather see a developed app for running missions than an armory.

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Sorry for my ignorance, but what exactly is an armory?


Blizzard created the 'Armory' term when they launched a website and later a smarthphone app which allows you to search the whole game's database, specially players, guilds, and items.


Each player in the Armory has a public profile constantly updated with his progress in the game, such as obtained and equipped gear, chosen talents, actual stats, PvP ranking, and achievements earned.


There are also Guild lists, which display all their members, ranks, how many characters of an specific race/class are on that guild, and recently PvE/PvP progress and achievements.


Personally, as a Guild Leader, i'd love to have an Armory-like SWTOR website so I can keep track on how many people I have on my guild who play an specific class and spec, without having to ask every single member what spec they are, or manually counting them on the Guild List.

Edited by Orisai
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