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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Justify smash. Do it.


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Mercs have better defensive cooldowns than snipers? This is news to me.


Mercs have the following defensive cooldowns:






Clearly better than shield probe and escape in every way imaginable I MEAN SRSLY

Edited by JP_Legatus
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It is hilariously ridiculous that the Marauders threat reducing ability which is for most classes a purely PvE function lets them completely escape from combat, causes all enemies to lose target, gives them 50% damage reduction and 30% movement increase for 4 seconds.


What does your threat reduction ability do for you in PvP?

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SMASH is a way to make 2 big bulking strapping warriors dance around like "Balerina Fairies"....honestly.....yes of course I have one of them too and the obvious swan lake impressions are starting to make wz'ing really hard without near wetting oneself.



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This old song again? How about the fact that we have no self heal (minus a crumby tiny percent over time based on a specific spec), never get guarded, can't stealth (minus a 3 second Houdini escape). We have no sprint, no tuck and roll, no push or pull, only 2 real ranged attacks, no cover, no bubble, no 5-second "don't touch me, praise jesus" bubble.


So yeah, we can hit our Odin Son Smash, and it hurts, a lot .... but you have abilities too, that someone could ask you to justify.


So please, if you get beat down in a warzone, don't look to blame the Mara/Sent. Take your licking, re-queue, and find a way to win.

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Bold printing by me :


I play smash spec and I know and have heard all the hype about us being broken, OP whatever. What I will say is I have almost full Oberoan and a lot of the time in arena and warzones I do pretty much dominate and that is because of a few reasons, the people I play against dont always have full expertise, healers or tanks to protect them


I have full power and surge and 0 crit on my gear and my auto crit smash hits on a target that has full expertise normally 6-7k this is not a large amount of damage. A lot of the time it doesn't do anything because I get taunted or the target gets guard just as I smash. When I am on Oricon and attack pvers kitted out in 78 pve mods I'm hitting them for 12-14k at most... that's the difference, dont rage about us when your not even fully geared


Arena is all about team composition, skill and gear, if your not full expertise and your raging that a smasher is pwning you the please give it a rest, you haven't the foggiest what your talking about.


So, you have almost full Obraoan, and you EXPECT people to be "fully geared" on Orion - an PvE planet - or otherwise you call them "whiners" (in this sense) ?


So, it's rather about expertise than about skill ?


Now that IS a way to justify smash ...


The 20% we lose is always against teams that don't use smashers


That's an indirect way of justifying smash, too ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Double tank + double healer in arenas!

Who says better?

Yes I was in some fights like that, they can stay alive, but there dmg is good for nothing... But if you mentioned 3 class combo in arena, what about 3 smasher?

Lets be honest, smash is the cancer of swtor pvp and always will be!

Yesterday my scoundrel (2000 expertise) eat a 10k + smash) :rak_02: And its aoe? Show me a skill like that in this game!

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Bold printing by me :




So, you have almost full Obraoan, and you EXPECT people to be "fully geared" on Orion - an PvE planet - or otherwise you call them "whiners" (in this sense) ?


So, it's rather about expertise than about skill ?


Now that IS a way to justify smash ...




That's an indirect way of justifying smash, too ...


Haha you are a funny one... Its irrelevant what planet it is. If they can be attacked it means they are on a PVP SERVER or they have flagged themselfs. If they don't have PvP gear on the problem is on them.

If they get killed and they don't have PvP gear and then QQ about it then yes that makes them "whiners".


Yes I was in some fights like that, they can stay alive, but there dmg is good for nothing... But if you mentioned 3 class combo in arena, what about 3 smasher?

Lets be honest, smash is the cancer of swtor pvp and always will be!

Yesterday my scoundrel (2000 expertise) eat a 10k + smash) :rak_02: And its aoe? Show me a skill like that in this game!


You first need to look at heal OPS + tank combo as its just about broken if we are dealing with competent players.

Then you move to mara's DCD's and then you see how Rage needs twiking.

Edited by Xanas
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If pedestrians get killed by a car because they didn't wear safety jackets they are whiners, too ?


I'm quite shocked how distorted your reality is.



First how can they whine when they are *********** dead? Just epic lol...


Then this analogy is absurd... let's modify it. If those pedestrians JUMP by themselves in front of the cars and end up in the hospital only to QQ about it then yes, they are whiners... If you roll on a PVP *********** SERVER, you don't were PVP gear and then get killed in open PvP only for you to QQ about it you are not only a whiner but also a moron.

Edited by Xanas
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I'm not on an PvP server.


If someone on a PvE server gets jumped by other players he obviously got himself flagged. That's even more "throwing yourself in front of the car", because you have the choice not to be flagged.

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TL:DR, Smash does not take skill, it is not fair, Despite whatever role Bioware intended for it, it is not balanced. Bioware is wrong.




But in other news, Master Strike will now root and hit 5 targets. Also a new talent in the first tier of a sage tree will double the damage done by Force in Balance and make it automatically crit on opponents with less than 100K total health.


Can you imagine the public outcry? The tears would flow.


Smashers have had it great for a LOOOONG while. Time to tone them down and have them play on level field with the rest of us.


Reasons to Justify Smash Part 2!


11. My keyboard only has 4 buttons and I am entitled to play SWTOR and do as much damage as anyone else.

12. I can't move my mouse to click on abilities if there are more than 4 of them. (poking fun at clickers and smashers)

13. I dual box PvP with my cat and fluffy only has 4 toes that she can use to mash on her keyboard with.

14. I play SWTOR in the dark and my keyboard isn't back lighted so I can't see buttons.

15. Clearing operations trash should be a one man job.

16. Saber Reflect doesn't work on Smash.

17. I still love to yell, "HULK SMASH!!!!" while playing swtor in my new green armor!

18. Bioware caters to low or no skill players and smash takes all of 30 seconds to learn.

19. My YouTube channel would be boring without all my LEET PvP videos smashing a clump of noobs for 15K each in one move!

20. Doing dailies is so much faster.


### DISCLAIMER - I play a Guardian and have done so since Beta and I have never rolled a smash spec because I have too much self respect. ###

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This old song again? How about the fact that we have no self heal (minus a crumby tiny percent over time based on a specific spec), never get guarded, can't stealth (minus a 3 second Houdini escape). We have no sprint, no tuck and roll, no push or pull, only 2 real ranged attacks, no cover, no bubble, no 5-second "don't touch me, praise jesus" bubble.


So yeah, we can hit our Odin Son Smash, and it hurts, a lot .... but you have abilities too, that someone could ask you to justify.


So please, if you get beat down in a warzone, don't look to blame the Mara/Sent. Take your licking, re-queue, and find a way to win.


i lol'd. Hard. Smasher crying because of dcds? You have 4, one of which is atm an "Oh ****!" button. That's not even counting your AoE mez on a 45sec cooldown (a la RegStar soundboard by Darkyoda) No other class has that. You have the most survivability of any class which is why maras are not focused first if another class is present.


And don't call stealthing out another "Oh ****!" button because its not. You can instantly be popped back out of it by damage, it is on a longer cooldown and only 1 of 3 specs per stealth AC can even be healed when the combat stealth. While a mara can be healed during Undying (as well as camo)


Smash is not overpowered. Only its survivability is. Hopefully the change in undying's mechanics will impact that in 2.5.

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i lol'd. Hard. Smasher crying because of dcds? You have 4, one of which is atm an "Oh ****!" button. That's not even counting your AoE mez on a 45sec cooldown (a la RegStar soundboard by Darkyoda) No other class has that. You have the most survivability of any class which is why maras are not focused first if another class is present.


And don't call stealthing out another "Oh ****!" button because its not. You can instantly be popped back out of it by damage, it is on a longer cooldown and only 1 of 3 specs per stealth AC can even be healed when the combat stealth. While a mara can be healed during Undying (as well as camo)


Smash is not overpowered. Only its survivability is. Hopefully the change in undying's mechanics will impact that in 2.5.


No, survivabilty is fine. Why? This class spend 30% of the match stunned, have to facetank ALL the ranged damage to reach the enemy healer. The game has too many crowd control, the class need all of these dcd's to do something.

I feel bad for Smash Juggs, they need more dcd's to be on par with marauders.

Also, warrior has no 4sec stun, it needs to be pointed because a 4sec stun is one of the best defensive/offensive cooldown.


Why don't you look at snipers with 30sec cooldown on they Dirty Kick/Debilitate? Sniper with a 30sec cd on their 4sec stun..... Seriously? ALL the other classes it's 1 min and can be talented to 50sec. Why only Agent/Smuggler has this reduced cd on stun?

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I had my first notable run in with a smash group tonight, 4 of them running with a healer. They’d hopped in and dropped 4 of us all at once took the turret and ran. Wash rinse and repeat. No healer focusing with that group. They’d drop enough of the core melee that picking off the leftovers was cake. At first I thought I’d been one-shotted till I looked at my logs. Minimum damage I saw was 9k, the max was 13k. Between the 4 of us we had 140k hp. And they dropped us in all in about a second. It definitely became a QQ fest. Edited by MorphicStates
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No, survivabilty is fine. Why? This class spend 30% of the match stunned, have to facetank ALL the ranged damage to reach the enemy healer. The game has too many crowd control, the class need all of these dcd's to do something.

I feel bad for Smash Juggs, they need more dcd's to be on par with marauders.

Also, warrior has no 4sec stun, it needs to be pointed because a 4sec stun is one of the best defensive/offensive cooldown.


Why don't you look at snipers with 30sec cooldown on they Dirty Kick/Debilitate? Sniper with a 30sec cd on their 4sec stun..... Seriously? ALL the other classes it's 1 min and can be talented to 50sec. Why only Agent/Smuggler has this reduced cd on stun?


Proof that smash players have developed "perception problems" while playing the class for so long.


Smash is cancer, nerf is the cure.

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Proof that smash players have developed "perception problems" while playing the class for so long.


Smash is cancer, nerf is the cure.

Then warriors would roll ranged so all sorcs and mercs will sit there untouchables? Healers LOSing and healing to full, awesome idea Sir.

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Ranged...nuff said. If you don't own smashers on your consular/sorcerer then you suck.


I even managed to solo a smaher on my commando healer, that's just sad, he even wasted smash while out of range. By the way, they do not make good node guards, by myself I took it from that smasher.

Edited by Sangrar
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I had my first notable run in with a smash group tonight, 4 of them running with a healer. They’d hopped in and dropped 4 of us all at once took the turret and ran. Wash rinse and repeat. No healer focusing with that group. They’d drop enough of the core melee that picking off the leftovers was cake. At first I thought I’d been one-shotted till I looked at my logs. Minimum damage I saw was 9k, the max was 13k. Between the 4 of us we had 140k hp. And they dropped us in all in about a second. It definitely became a QQ fest.


You took a 13k smash? The most I've -ever- done in a wz (or arena) is just over 10k with fully aug'd/min-maxxed 67s. I had a wz damage buff on and my target was likely ungeared. My dispatch has also hit for 9.8k once against a badly geared target. What server do you play on?

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