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Gunslingers are the hardest class. Are they not?


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I mean c'mon, is it just me who keeps getting messed up 1v1 vs most classes?

powertechs, juggernauts, stealth operatives rape the **** outta me


what is the point of this class if there is any? im quite getting fed up with the fact that i rolled a ****** class


i mean, sure we do high dps, but what does it matter when you can barely escape and your dodge and defense barely do anything at all.

its quite angering if i must say.


I need advice...dont i.

im very sadface

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LOL ....You can't be serious... They had a TON of CC's and CC immunity + insane burst/damage... On my Guardian I always go around them... But I have to say I love those idiots that pin me down and then they shoot at me... I just pop reflect and they lose some 10k HP... Just epic.
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Sharpshooter is my spec.


What exactly are your CC's doing? my leg shot gets dodged or absorbed like nothing


flash stunn barely works.


dirty kick is only from close and they escape that always


its like every class has blow me to bits in no time

except for me

I ONLY do good when i have heals. thats about it.


explain to me what im missing here.

or what i should be doing

im in need of advice.

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thats why im posting on here,

i need advice on how to play.


im getting pissed, everyone i attack absorbs everything i do


Worst thing GS's can do is feel overwhelmed and panic. Which is what smart reds are trying to do to you.


Sharpshooter can do ridiculous damage and self-defense without any complex effort. What're you wearing? (Your toon, no self-pics please).

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Slinger/sniper got some of the best... if not the best... passive and active defense in the game.


My goodness... if you find it hard now that they made Slinger/Sniper so brain dead, I just can't imagine how you would fare pre 2.0


I suggest you read some guides or watch streams or something.

Edited by snaplemouton
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i got a couple peices of conquer and paristan

and 2 oborean peices.


is it purely geared based?


im sad.


I was wondering if you were wearing champion or something. Since you're having basic issues I'll echo what others said. Check out the Gunslinger forum pages, read guides, and watch videos. Sharpshooter is ******, if it's very challenging now you need knowledge and practice to get to your potential with it.


Wouldn't hurt to play other classes you're having the most trouble with. Helps you understand what they want to do to you, how, and when.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Well it sounds like you're honestly lost so this is something I stress to myself when I started to play range and too me it's about three things...position, position and position. Getting gear and knowing your class/rotation is easy but if you struggle with positioning as each warzone is different you will struggle and I notice this all the time from range classes which struggle to put out dem deeps.
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Yeah, what he said above. I play the mirror class, marksman sniper, and recently made a ton of adjustments to my gameplay based on watching YouTubes. (This is pre-55, mind you; I'm level 48 right now.) As a result I've been at or near the top of the dmg list in a lot of my recent WZs. (Did over 100k and ended up top dmg in both rounds in a 4x4 the other night, which for me is a tremendous improvement.)


Know when to be in cover, when to entrench and when to move. Concentrate on your major burst damage dealers; don't try to do steady damage.

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thats why im posting on here,

i need advice on how to play.


im getting pissed, everyone i attack absorbs everything i do


are you frequently the most forward in your team? You really want to find a nice spot in the backline and punish enemies that overextend, not be the one that overextends

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are you frequently the most forward in your team? You really want to find a nice spot in the backline and punish enemies that overextend, not be the one that overextends


Just watch your six or you'll get ganked by a sin or op. :D

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That used to be more of an issue. Still can be if the sin or op know what they are doing, but I am often surprised by how many times I see a full frontal approach.


Yeah the good GS/snipers will position so that it's difficult for a stealth to get in position so they don't spot you but I love it when they plunk down right next to a wall or something that when I do get the jump on them they punt me a whole 2 feet.

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Yeah the good GS/snipers will position so that it's difficult for a stealth to get in position so they don't spot you but I love it when they plunk down right next to a wall or something that when I do get the jump on them they punt me a whole 2 feet.


Also i think stealth are supposed to harass snipers, but it sounds like everyone and his mother is beating on him right now, so if it's only stealthers that would probably be an improvement ;-)

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