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Regarding Dual-Spec and Advance Class Swapping.


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I doubt this will get through to most of the complainers here, but I've convinced a fair number of people from crying to BioWare about these ideas.


Most, if not all, people demanding dual-spec are referencing the system WoW has wherein you have two separate specs that you can toggle back and forth between. This system was put into the game not because it makes the game better, but because Blizzard shot themselves in the foot with spec/game design.


You see, if you wanted to level or PvP, it was a good amount more difficult to do so when specced as a dedicated tank or healer. This is on Blizzard for designing classes to be dependent on talent points to actually play certain aspects of the game. BioWare, on the other hand, has done a good job removing this inherent flaw. I'm leveling easily specced into Shield Tech, and enjoying PvP quite a bit. The same goes for my healer guildies.


You just don't need dual spec.


As far as Advance Class "respeccing", you may as well be asking to exchange all of your Paladin levels for Warrior. The AC's are completely different classes - not specs.


Hope this helps out in some way. Thought I'd write this while I waited in the queue.

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I doubt this will get through to most of the complainers here, but I've convinced a fair number of people from crying to BioWare about these ideas.


Most, if not all, people demanding dual-spec are referencing the system WoW has wherein you have two separate specs that you can toggle back and forth between. This system was put into the game not because it makes the game better, but because Blizzard shot themselves in the foot with spec/game design.


You see, if you wanted to level or PvP, it was a good amount more difficult to do so when specced as a dedicated tank or healer. This is on Blizzard for designing classes to be dependent on talent points to actually play certain aspects of the game. BioWare, on the other hand, has done a good job removing this inherent flaw. I'm leveling easily specced into Shield Tech, and enjoying PvP quite a bit. The same goes for my healer guildies.


You just don't need dual spec.


As far as Advance Class "respeccing", you may as well be asking to exchange all of your Paladin levels for Warrior. The AC's are completely different classes - not specs.


Hope this helps out in some way. Thought I'd write this while I waited in the queue.


I dont agree that. PvP and PvE needs different talents. Problem is, in most MMOs, like WoW or Rift, all u need to do to switch talent is being out of combat. More better way if you need to find an npc to switch spec, depend what do u want to do in the next few hours. That way it not kills the teamwork in operations and flashpoints (like it did in WoW, where if someone has left, he could replaced by some1 else just respecced to tank or healer or anything the group needed)

Advanced Class respec is would be nice as well. I know they are barely different classes (as you said like Respeccing from Paladin to Warrior) but don't forget, their story line is same in SWtoR. Im a lvl26 Scoundrel and like my class, but if Ill get disappointed later and would like to try Gunslinger, I dont want to play smuggler's whole story again

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Is taunt in the game? Then tanks aren't going to be as good in PVP as DPS classes. As long as tanks need taunt and/or + threat in PVE, they're behind in PVP. So you may be leveling just fine and dandy as a tank or healer, but the DPS will mop the floor with you in PVP. And changing from Guardian Tank to Guardian 1H DPS isn't going to make enough of a difference, and I have no faith in that talent tree being enough to make up for the missing lightsaber. IF it is, I have other issues, that will make it too easy for a 1H DPS specc'ed guardian to tank over the actual tanking spec'ed guardian.
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I agree with both statements, while wow's dual spec system helps in raid situations where you need changing raid comps (ie more/less healers/tanks), it only got introduced in the middle of wrath and in my opinion, it didnt really help the majority of players at all, and led to under geared and under skilled people at various rolls to shorten the queue times for dungeon finder.
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Is taunt in the game? Then tanks aren't going to be as good in PVP as DPS classes. As long as tanks need taunt and/or + threat in PVE, they're behind in PVP. So you may be leveling just fine and dandy as a tank or healer, but the DPS will mop the floor with you in PVP. And changing from Guardian Tank to Guardian 1H DPS isn't going to make enough of a difference, and I have no faith in that talent tree being enough to make up for the missing lightsaber. IF it is, I have other issues, that will make it too easy for a 1H DPS specc'ed guardian to tank over the actual tanking spec'ed guardian.


Sounds like you haven't pvped as a Jugg or guardian. I mop the floor with people as a tank spec so far. Maybe more talents change this, but between guard and taunt tanks have a very real and viable role in pvp.

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Is taunt in the game? Then tanks aren't going to be as good in PVP as DPS classes. As long as tanks need taunt and/or + threat in PVE, they're behind in PVP. So you may be leveling just fine and dandy as a tank or healer, but the DPS will mop the floor with you in PVP. And changing from Guardian Tank to Guardian 1H DPS isn't going to make enough of a difference, and I have no faith in that talent tree being enough to make up for the missing lightsaber. IF it is, I have other issues, that will make it too easy for a 1H DPS specc'ed guardian to tank over the actual tanking spec'ed guardian.


Actually, Taunt is in the game AND its a very important pvp ability. Sure, my dps isn't as high as some dps classes, but I have quite a few control abilities, and the ability to prevent a lot of damage on my healers/dps.


As far as worrying about vigilance being able to tank better then guardian, I just don't think they have the mitigation talents necessary for it.

Edited by Guaritorr
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The amount of baddie nub comments against dual-spec is mind boggling. I bet most people that are against dual spec are people that are "soloers" in a mmo. Anyone that groups, raids or pvps frequently knows the importance of being able to have access to all of their classes's traits to fill given situations.


Remember the days of EQ when you had to wait around for a healer or tank to login? Not letting people change up their roles depending on situations puts us right back to the dark ages of mmo gaming.


Here's a thought: Against dual spec? Don't use it. Have fun making multiple alts to fill all the roles you want.

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I don't think Advanced Classes should be able to be changed but I wouldn't object to dual speccing. Its not just unique to WoW(Rift has multi-speccing as well). I like being able to switch between specs and try out new things instead of having to undergo respec costs every time.
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The amount of baddie nub comments against dual-spec is mind boggling. I bet most people that are against dual spec are people that are "soloers" in a mmo. Anyone that groups, raids or pvps frequently knows the importance of being able to have access to all of their classes's traits to fill given situations.


Remember the days of EQ when you had to wait around for a healer or tank to login? Not letting people change up their roles depending on situations puts us right back to the dark ages of mmo gaming.


Here's a thought: Against dual spec? Don't use it. Have fun making multiple alts to fill all the roles you want.


All I do is raid in WoW and its what I am going to be doing when I hit max level here. I am leveling as a tank and completely understand why people don't want dual spec. Dual spec encourages the tuning of content to require more specific roles and classes. Now instead of being tuned for multiple tanks or sub optimal classes they make some fights 1 tank fights and one tank is forced to dual spec into a dps spec. Or figths that require specific perfectly optimal specs.


Part of the fun of classic WoW and TOR is trying different things. Using partial healing, partial dps specs to be able to heal and dps while leveling. Dual spec will eliminate that and basically force people into playing cookie cutter builds all the time and not just when min/maxing for nightmare content. That said, I am middle of the road on dual spec. I don't care if it gets implemented, but I won't be upset if it doesn't get implemented. Advanced class swapping is a complete other issue altogether that should never be allowed.

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Guess the OP hasn't seen the thread where someone's respec fee was already over 30k.


You going to pay my respec fee to heal your flashpoints? I know I'm not going to eat the cost when I'm spec'd for PVP or DPS.


and who's fault is that? huh? you were told each time you reset skill points it will increase in value .. what the heck are you resetting so many times .. make a decision and just stick to it .. sheesh!!!!


people who have these self entitlement issues need to realize that their 15 dollars a month only gives them the right to log on a play .. the decisions they make while playing is no one's fault but their own and no one, not even BW, owes them anything!

Edited by bboudreaux
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and who's fault is that? huh? you were told each time you reset skill points it will increase in value .. what the heck are you resetting so many times .. make a decision and just stick to it .. sheesh!!!!


Not to mention 30k isn't all that much. It sounds like WoW where it eventually went up to 50gold if you respecced enough. which is around the equivalent of 150k credits in this game.

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Forced? Forced? did it ever freaking occur to you that many people ENJOY doing more then 1 thing? I have been 3rd tank since BC, when i had to port out respec and port back. SO ****


You mad bro?


Go respec then. I did it twice a week for arena for 6 months or so.

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So let me get this right your classes roles arent as valuable if a advanced class respec was in?


what about MY VALUABLE TIME that would be spent releveling to experience the other side of my class.


Imagine if you had to choose raiding or pvp at level 50 and couldnt change without releveling.


Choice is important its very simple if you dont want advanced class respec dont use it but dont rob someone else of their time and energy so you feel like your spec has more value cause your stuck within the confinements of poor game design.


Yes to respec simply because my time leveling 2 characters to experience one class (advanced classes are sub class, you dont go from all the skills of a sith warrior to anll of the inquisitor's from that choice) is not worth a warm and fuzzy feeling for you....

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Dual spec - do want.


Changing advance class - I hope they never add this. Make it a decision that actually impacts your gameplay.


At the very most, allow someone to play an AC until level 12 or 13 before changing their mind, just so they can get a feel for how it plays.

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So let me get this right your classes roles arent as valuable if a advanced class respec was in?


what about MY VALUABLE TIME that would be spent releveling to experience the other side of my class.


Imagine if you had to choose raiding or pvp at level 50 and couldnt change without releveling.


Choice is important its very simple if you dont want advanced class respec dont use it but dont rob someone else of their time and energy so you feel like your spec has more value cause your stuck within the confinements of poor game design.


Yes to respec simply because my time leveling 2 characters to experience one class (advanced classes are sub class, you dont go from all the skills of a sith warrior to anll of the inquisitor's from that choice) is not worth a warm and fuzzy feeling for you....


+1 well said.


Don't use dual spec if you don't like it, end of story.

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People need to stop whining about specialization respecs. A Jedi Guardian and Jedi Sentinel are like 2 different classes - in no way should you be able to change after you pick one. It would be like leveling to 50 as a mage in WoW and then whining because you want to change it to a warlock. You picked your class, live with it or level another.


As for dual spec - every other MMO had thriving communities that managed just fine without it before it came. It's needless. Tanks and healers do well in PvP in this game - better than in any other game. There's a nice balance.


The game is already very, very easy and very much like WoW. Stop demanding they make it an exact, binary code for binary code clone of other MMO's and accept it for the way it is - or go and play the MMO you want to play.

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People need to stop whining about specialization respecs. A Jedi Guardian and Jedi Sentinel are like 2 different classes - in no way should you be able to change after you pick one. It would be like leveling to 50 as a mage in WoW and then whining because you want to change it to a warlock. You picked your class, live with it or level another.


As for dual spec - every other MMO had thriving communities that managed just fine without it before it came. It's needless. Tanks and healers do well in PvP in this game - better than in any other game. There's a nice balance.


The game is already very, very easy and very much like WoW. Stop demanding they make it an exact, binary code for binary code clone of other MMO's and accept it for the way it is - or go and play the MMO you want to play.



I agree if you don't like the game go play one you do.

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I doubt this will get through to most of the complainers here, but I've convinced a fair number of people from crying to BioWare about these ideas.


Most, if not all, people demanding dual-spec are referencing the system WoW has wherein you have two separate specs that you can toggle back and forth between. This system was put into the game not because it makes the game better, but because Blizzard shot themselves in the foot with spec/game design.


You see, if you wanted to level or PvP, it was a good amount more difficult to do so when specced as a dedicated tank or healer. This is on Blizzard for designing classes to be dependent on talent points to actually play certain aspects of the game. BioWare, on the other hand, has done a good job removing this inherent flaw. I'm leveling easily specced into Shield Tech, and enjoying PvP quite a bit. The same goes for my healer guildies.


You just don't need dual spec.


As far as Advance Class "respeccing", you may as well be asking to exchange all of your Paladin levels for Warrior. The AC's are completely different classes - not specs.


Hope this helps out in some way. Thought I'd write this while I waited in the queue.


Have to agree with that.


Bioware really made levelling for healers possible and fun. (Cant speak for tanks, but guess its the same)

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I will because guess what dual spec IS COMING. it has been confirmed


I wouldn't mind seeing a dual spec option myself, playing a Jedi Shadow, and being able to switch between Tank and DPS spec's depending on what's going on and who I'm playing with would be nice.


But I'd like to see a link from a Dev or something saying that's coming. I've never seen anything official about that.

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I generally agree with the OP.


However, I would not be adverse to dual speccing. Giving people more flexibility is a good thing imo. If they want to have two different play styles for diferent occasions I can get behind that.


Changing between Advanced classes is a bad idea and I hope Bioware sticks to its guns on this issue.

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