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Gambling is illegal


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Sorry, but I dont take advice from, like, valley girls ;)


Whilst ad hominem trolling/flaming is a fine and storied tradition of people who have no real argument --especially on the Interwebz-- it is generally considered good form to try and be a little more subtle than that, bru.

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Whilst ad hominem trolling/flaming ...


Whoops, you just blew it. Didnt you know we arent allowed to decide what "trolling" is? At least, thats what Andryah says..or something...


But none of us gets to decide what is/is-not trolling or flame-baiting.


Nobody is feigning ignorance pal.. so stop trolling me.


I've been here a long time now. He does not troll (flame bait)...


Get it now? Me either :o

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Lols, ^^that^^! (Very true, though.)


I think we can agree on this, this thread has most certainly fallen down the rabbit-hole.


Not sure I want to know exactly where that rabbit-hole leads, TBQH.


<insert matrix analogy here>. Do you want to see how far the rabbit hole goes?


jumped the rails, Jumped the shark, nuked the fridge..this thread has done it...

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Did Time Warner release SimCity?


EA could release those magic nanites that shut off the world's power in Revolution... and it would still harm their reputation less than SimCity.


P.S. Anyone who thought Revolution was terrible last season and gave up on it, or watched it only for the "it's so bad it's good" vibe like I did... watch it now! It's now pretty damn good. Still silly, but in a good way. End of plug.


Well, in EAs defense (....did I just say that?)...they are now working on the idea of setting up SimCity to work offline.


Smart move IMO...one that should have been made before they launched the game.

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Did Time Warner release SimCity?


EA could release those magic nanites that shut off the world's power in Revolution... and it would still harm their reputation less than SimCity.


P.S. Anyone who thought Revolution was terrible last season and gave up on it, or watched it only for the "it's so bad it's good" vibe like I did... watch it now! It's now pretty damn good. Still silly, but in a good way. End of plug.


In response to your postscript: this season is much better. They FINALLY dirtied them up. That's why I hated last season so much. They were so pretty. Newsflash, Vidal Sassoon products would not exist that far after an apocalyptic scenario.

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The only reason its on the GTN is because someone opened a crapton of hypercrates in order to pull what they wanted and they sell the rest.. so the only reason there is even a somewhat adequate supply of CM stuff on the GTN.. it only follows as a result of degenerate gambling.


You seriously need to get a clue before posting garbage like this. Your understanding of what constitutes gambling in regards to cartel packs is way off, your understanding of the law and the legal system in regards to corporate law is completely askew, and your knowledge of drop rates and the items found in the cartel packs is wild speculation at best yet you are going to try and sit here and tell everyone else it is the result of degenerate gambling? The only thing even remotely close to resembling "degenerate" in this thread but more specifically from you is the word degenerative. Our brains and IQ's are suffering degenerative loss from reading these posts of yours.

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Seriously, I do not want to believe you are a member of the United States Army


Did they not instill camaraderie and a sense of justice? Does this not go against all the Army values?


Better yet if you had a soldier in your unit would you let him spend his/her entire check on this kind of thing? Because let me be honest with ya sarge.. that's exactly whats going on here.


(and yeah im former Army.. still find it despicable your taking EA's side on anything.. especially with your training)


Nice false choice there. Either I am against cartel packs 100% or I am letting my "soldier" spend his entire check on gambling. Your argument is a logical fallacy at its core. Please don't invoke this sense of justice nonsense either. There would have to first be a crime, a crime that I willingly turned a blind eye towards no less. Nothing, let me repeat that NOTHING Bioware has done or offered in regards to the cartel packs is illegal so yes I would take EA/Biowares side in this. That comment of yours yet another example of your habit of using logical fallacies, that one known as Falsum in uno, falsum in omnibus or false in one, false in all is another perfect example of your lack of understanding of what you are talking about here.


So far in this entire thread I have yet to see you give any shred of evidence, any proof at all that Bioware has done or acted illegally that would prompt your threat of an impending lawsuit. Not to mention normally I would have found the questioning of my integrity in the manner you did insulting. However given how you have so far this thread only tossed out baseless blanket threats and shown that your understanding of not only the law but the way the cartel pack mechanism works, my best course of action is to treat said transgression with all of the seriousness it deserves. None.

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I'm gone for the afternoon and came back fully expecting to see yet another major morph@topic from the thread owner. :confused:


Maybe this one is about done and we can stick a fork in it and wait for the next one. :)


I didn't get the chance to check in at all today during work, so I am just now going through trying to get caught up. Then we can fork it.

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Sure it is, how else would you expect to verify what exactly an "amazon firefighter" is?


Wait....what exactly IS an Amazon firefighter?






Disclaimer: I really am hoping for a clever retort on this one

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I support my country as I was sworn to do..


I do not have a political axe to grind, in fact I think our current political system is safe and sound. I don't care if your a democrat or republican.. I am a Libertarian who understands social responsibility.


I do have a problem with corporate greed though especially when it crosses the line into activities which are not only distasteful, but illegal.


You can claim distasteful all you want because that is your opinion and are allowed your opinion. However your continued claims of illegality, especially without a single stitch of proof of such illegal acts given on your part, are not only patently false but could also be considered slander on your part setting you up for potential counter-suits. Furthermore I would have a hard time taking you for a (L) when your actions, logic, and reasonings have been almost exclusively that of the "bleeding heart" crowd.

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It is. You can check the CS forum and see for yourself how many people are outraged by EA limiting how much they can spend.


Then again, this thread was never about addiction or gambling.

This was about you not liking Cartel Packs or not getting what you want - which, of course, in your world translates to "it's evil and no one should support it".


And illegal, don't forget illegal.

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well if people were willing to spend money on assorted sticks sure, my guess they would choose to spend money on other things. Maybe they can sell to guy who got the hotdog so they can roast it over the fire made with additional sticks.


you playing on my emotions is not going to work for any "logical" argument, which is what this has turned into. Liberalism will NEVER win on logic and reason, it ONLY has emotions as its weapon.


Morals, social responsibility, do the right thing. at not point is there a logical argument to be made. its all just they killed my puppy.


As for what you do with your money, thats your choice. IF you think you can buy a food cart and sell sticks for it. Go for it. If they use those sticks to beat you to goo...well you did it for the right reasons. you tried to be just, and fair.



This post has to be, and I do mean this genuinely, my favorite post of this entire thread. You captured here nearly if not everything I had thought while trudging through the insanity of the OP and every ridiculous subsequent post there after.

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Go Hazed! Just 50 more posts and you'll beat out the length of your last threads record!


Honestly I didn't think you'd get one anywhere near the length of your "have interns copy paste the game engine" thread, but this one has proven to have more steam than I would have expected. (Especially with one or two of the other posters keeping it going.)


Anyway, congrats.

Edited by Brewski
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I don't want to get into a thing here, but this is NOT what happened to Hostess. Getting people to buy that narrative was a major PR score for the company, though.


Actually it was quite cut and dry, the bakers union went on strike. The company told them "this is what we can afford for labor costs". The union said "not good enough" and stayed on strike. With no revenue coming in because no product was being made and then sold Hostess no longer had the ability to continue operations and thus had to liquidate their assets and close the doors.


The bakers union bit off their nose to spite their face, so instead of the 2500 or so people not making quite as much money 18,000 or so IIRC are now looking for jobs. It was pretty cut and dry.

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Go Hazed! Just 50 more posts and you'll beat out the length of your last threads record!


Honestly I didn't think you'd get one anywhere near the length of your "have interns copy paste the game engine" thread, but this one has proven to have more steam than I would have expected. (Especially with one or two of the other posters keeping it going.)


Anyway, congrats.


What can I say, I'm bored ATM. So that big ole ball of crazy was his thread too huh? I didn't even notice that until you brought it up.

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Nice false choice there. Either I am against cartel packs 100% or I am letting my "soldier" spend his entire check on gambling. Your argument is a logical fallacy at its core. Please don't invoke this sense of justice nonsense either. There would have to first be a crime, a crime that I willingly turned a blind eye towards no less. Nothing, let me repeat that NOTHING Bioware has done or offered in regards to the cartel packs is illegal so yes I would take EA/Biowares side in this. That comment of yours yet another example of your habit of using logical fallacies, that one known as Falsum in uno, falsum in omnibus or false in one, false in all is another perfect example of your lack of understanding of what you are talking about here.


So far in this entire thread I have yet to see you give any shred of evidence, any proof at all that Bioware has done or acted illegally that would prompt your threat of an impending lawsuit. Not to mention normally I would have found the questioning of my integrity in the manner you did insulting. However given how you have so far this thread only tossed out baseless blanket threats and shown that your understanding of not only the law but the way the cartel pack mechanism works, my best course of action is to treat said transgression with all of the seriousness it deserves. None.


Yeah sarge,

except I changed my first post.. I suggest you go clean your TA50 instead of hanging out on these forums talking like your some kind of barracks lawyer.

Seriously, I expect better from military.

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Yeah sarge,

except I changed my first post.. I suggest you go clean your TA50 instead of hanging out on these forums talking like your some kind of barracks lawyer.

Seriously, I expect better from military.


Let me get this straight: you are telling someone in the military(which is what they do for a living) to go clean their firearm in their free time instead of posting here on the forums. Ok. By that logic, then instead of YOU being here posting on the forums in your free time, you should be working on something related to what you do for a living. So the question is, why arent you?

Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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Let me get this straight: you are telling someone in the military(which is what they do for a living) to go clean their firearm in their free time instead of posting here on the forums. Ok. By that logic, then instead of YOU being here posting on the forums in your free time, you should be working on something related to what you do for a living. So the question is, why arent you?


I've been following this thread just for the laughs its provided, but being a Vet myself i can't help but ask, are you suggesting he clean his weapon while on duty ? Cleaning your weapon is always done on your down time. Could you imagine, needing that weapon and there it sits in pieces.


I don't agree with Hazed or anyone else who feels they have have the right to tell others what they should or shouldn't do with THEIR time but cleaning your weapon(s) off duty is standard practice.

Edited by Etheric
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Let me get this straight: you are telling someone in the military(which is what they do for a living) to go clean their firearm in their free time instead of posting here on the forums. Ok. By that logic, then instead of YOU being here posting on the forums in your free time, you should be working on something related to what you do for a living. So the question is, why arent you?


Lets just say I know his job very well, and there are more important things to do than post on these forums almost 99% of the time.


I get to post on these forums freely because I paid my dues (something hes probably doing right now and I commend him immensely for.


In fact, despite how my comment sounds I wish nothing but the best for Hyfy if hes currently on A status.. he might not like me, but I hope he understands that if something were to go down tomorrow I would gladly serve next to him.


Respect for all Military.. and if he took offense I apologize with the utmost sincerity.. but then again being in the Army is about tough love.

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Yeah sarge,

except I changed my first post.. I suggest you go clean your TA50 instead of hanging out on these forums talking like your some kind of barracks lawyer.

Seriously, I expect better from military.


except I did have to learn areas of law. So, you can cut the patronizing "Sarge" bit.

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Let me get this straight: you are telling someone in the military(which is what they do for a living) to go clean their firearm in their free time instead of posting here on the forums. Ok. By that logic, then instead of YOU being here posting on the forums in your free time, you should be working on something related to what you do for a living. So the question is, why arent you?


In fairness I am out of the military now. Now I work for the DoD as a civilian out at Great Lakes Naval base. And now that I think about it my S&W 686 does need to be cleaned up some. Been sitting there collecting dust lately since I haven't been able to get my hands on .357 rounds for the last 9 months or so. Everywhere I go they are out of 9mm, 38 Special, .357 MAG, and surprisingly even 22LR for my old mans childhood rifle. It's like some big entity went bought out a billion rounds and no one can keep stock on the shelves.

Edited by Hyfy
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