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Mercenary Top 3 Answers!


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Plz devs ... dont chane our resource management !!! This would be the worst u could ever do to this class.


We can see, that if we get the opportunity to restore ur heat continuously (e.g. the "broken" merc pyro specc or the old 4er bonus for arsenal) in a balanced rotation, we can do a lot of good dmg. I like the system and its one of the challenges for the BH, playing anticipatorly and disciplinedly.


We gave u so much options to fix this deficit of heat we feel is missing in our rotations. Just pick one of this and try this in 2.5 (e.g. decrease CD of TSO), if it doesnt work, u can change it with 2.6 very soon. This cant be too much work for such a company.

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More on the utility:

  • Ther's too much tied on Reactive Shield I think in Combat Medic/ Body Guard tree, Devs need to separate immunity to interrunts to another new ability. So if I just want immunity to interrupts I use it and when I want to survive I use Reactive Shield.
  • Also, Kolto Residue movement slow effect need to stay longer, at least up to 6 seconds, so Combat Medic could actually escape melee instead of beeing target dummy for them.


Survivability of Combat Medic/Bodyguard:

  • Also it would be nice to increase survivablity and of Combat Medic by adding, for example, a talent which decreases cooldown time on Reactive Shield while taking damage.
  • Also it would be awesome to give Commandos/Mercs some instant "self-only" heal or something. While Scoundrel/Operative healer can basically just spam Emergency Medpac/Surgical Probe(No energy cost!) all day, Commando/Merc healer can only use Medical Probe/Rapid Scan + Tech Override/Power Surge (2 minutes cooldown!), Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan with 18 seconds cooldown, then Kolto Bomb/Kolto Missile which heals like one tick of Operative's HoTs and has 6 seconds cooldown, put Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell on yourself and spam Hammer Shot/Rapid Shots at the enemy hoping for the best.
Edited by GNWP
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I got an idea how to buff a little bit Commando/Mercs Healers AND to resolve ENERGY MANAGEMENT problems!

Remove Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan cooldown BUT make them place on the target debuff similar to Sages/Sorcs debuff after they put Shield on an ally, so next 15-18 seconds target couldn't healed with Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan untill debuff goes off.

Edited by GNWP
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there is a simple and extremely easy fix to make commandos finally viable for pvp... make it so they can cast while moving.. makes total sense gunslingers and snipers are uninterruptable and can not be lept to so they can keep dpsing but mandos and mercs get shut down if they get focused at all give us casting while moving and that should level the playing field



Got this off the Commando Class Forums, I don't know how it is in Pvp for Mercs, but for Mandos like myself, we always get shafted by interrupts which me and a lot of us shouldn't have to have happen to us, when the other classes don't have all the interrupts against them like we do.


So, I /sign this in agreement.

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I got an idea how to buff a little bit Commando/Mercs Healers AND to resolve ENERGY MANAGEMENT problems!

Remove Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan cooldown BUT make them place on the target debuff similar to Sages/Sorcs debuff after they put Shield on an ally, so next 15-18 seconds target couldn't healed with Bacta Infusion/Emergency Scan untill debuff goes off.


I agree with the sentiment of buffing Bacta Infusin/Emergency scan since is particularly underwhelming as the top healing ability for the healing tree, like seriously, but the suggested change is too much of a buff imo

Maybe a nice buff without making it overpowered could be that if used on a player with Kolto Shell it would increase the rate at which charges are consumed for X seconds or something.


Maybe also make it build some supercharge cells but not sure about it, perhaps the current limit to how fast you can build them up is there more to limit the ability of putting the shield for damage reduction with kolto bombs while on a SCG phase

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Kolto Overload needs to be improved. I use my powersurge/tech override to heal because I'm burst down so quick. If you do ranked you are dead in the first 5-10 seconds of engagement as a merc against an average team. Its not balanced when snipers have so much more utility, survivability and damage compared to Mercenaries. It is not fun at all!


I have to hit an adrenal, kolto overload, chaffe flare, and shield at the very beginning. Thats 4 defensive abilities compared to the marauders 1. That is cooky IMO.


This below addresses my only serious problem with Arsenal Mercenary and i agree with your annalysis:


However, this does not mean that we should ignore Mercenary/Commando (or any classes, for that matter) cooldowns. We might consider lengthening the duration of the Health Monitor/Fired Up effect provided by Kolto Overload/Adrenaline Rush and maybe even not put the ability on cooldown unless the effect actually triggers Kolto Overload/Adrenaline Rush before it expires. It might be safe to shorten the cooldown on Power Surge/Tech Override or maybe even allow it to affect two abilities baseline. Our concern with Thermal Sensor Override/Reserve Powercell is that the ability only exists to mitigate the frustration caused by an unforgiving resource system, and we would prefer to fix the resource system rather than give players additional buttons or shorter cooldowns to fight against their obstinate resources. Electro Net is a powerful, strategic ability that we feel has an appropriate strength with an appropriate cooldown length, so we probably will not be making any changes to it.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I hope the devs haven't forgotten about their responses here. Come 2.6, I expect some attempt to address this class and, more importantly, pushback and knockbacks in this game.


I agree, mercs are still broken. It has been over a year now, do something to fix this. Just looking at the dates on peoples post are me an McMuffins the only ppl who still feel this way? There is a reseason mercs in general are the first to be singled out in pvp an steam rolled immediately.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree, mercs are still broken. It has been over a year now, do something to fix this. Just looking at the dates on peoples post are me an McMuffins the only ppl who still feel this way? There is a reseason mercs in general are the first to be singled out in pvp an steam rolled immediately.


No you're not the only ones that care. The reality is 90% of what is being posted here has been posted by others (including myself) over a year ago when 1) the nerfs started hitting, and 2) the inherent mechanics that stunt this class have been properly identified.


There are tumbleweeds blowing through here.... BW has had SO much time to do something about this.... if you look at ALL the classes (I can only really honestly state this from a PVP perspective), the overall hierarchy of the classes really has NOT changed! The burst classes still rock. The best caster is a Sniper by a country mile, etc, etc.... Powertech DPS is FAR greater than Merc... has anything really changed since launch? Sure, the way a powertech abused the old rocket punch/tank build, now it's AP hybrid, but overall NOTHING has CHANGED.


If you're playing Merc at this point, let's be honest... you've given up hope of any change, you simply play it because you like something about the class... the animations? the mechanics? the idea of launching missiles? Whatever it may be, it is not because any change in the last years since launch have been truly effective for this class. That's the bottom line. You can ask all you like, nothing will change for this class in the grand scheme. So just play it because you like it, or leave it, because tomorrow it will still be the same!


This is not meant to be a negative post, just a reality check. Better players than me have hung their blasters up on this class LONG before many of the posters in this class started realizing the short comings that have ALREADY been addressed HUNDREDS of times over the past months..... so again, just try to have fun with it, or you will just end up quitting in frustration.

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First thank you for asking the community of merc healers. I'd suggest maybe going into the game itself and asking the top merc healers in each server to speak. A lot of past MMO"s devs could be seen in game doing these things maybe try it see what happens?


Some of us merc healers like myself have been a healer since beta and have played and subbed through the rise and fall of the merc healer.


I love some of the ideas and changed being done such as being finally able to heal myself without wasting something important, being able to bubble more then one target.


I disagree strongly with changing the heat system. Your wheel works don't trash the wheel for something similar to a sorc.... the wheel needs a few fixes not an overhaul...


I like what you want to do with surg and overrides etc....


lets concentrate on fixing the heating if that seems to be an issue that you agree exists if I read correctly.


How to fix it? Well heat management is a better fix rather then changing it/overhauling it to something else like a resource manager..... instead keep the heat it is worse case lower some of the abilities heat gen a bit or better yet have our supercharged gas charges vent more then 8 heat... does it need to go to 16? no but maybe increase it to 10 see what happens if don't like it go to 12 etc.. experiment don't overhaul.


An aoe option which perhaps will make us a bit more vialbe would be make our kolto missile which a good merc uses over 50% of the time to aoe heal every one in the vicinity not just 4 people.... and then tic small amounts for every one... rather heals every one in its area and also tics everyone along with maybe add some of the other ideas to it like some others have pointed out here. It will retain its original use but make the aoe a bit more affective while not dominating aoe like the other sorc or op ability does just makes it more effective.


I like a start if you feel like actually doing some of these ideas I have a few more feel free to contact Pfomo on bastion if you like in person. Been a merc healer since beta talk to us I love my class don't want to overhaul it just change small bits to make it seem more viable on charts especially in pvp

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Is anyone playing their merc heals on the PTS? If so how is the new Kolto shell system and has there been anything done to increase mobility or survivability? I notice pushback was directly related to dps not bodyguard right? Are mercs still hammer focused in pvp?
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  • 4 weeks later...

i only read the first post . The questions about BH merc short comings are spot on "gret post". But what i take from the responses is the mrec is fine. They just need to Nerf all other dps class lol? fix 1 or 7 lol thats why content comes slow

do you all remember the early days when 60% of pvp player were running BH ?

as for pvp are utility's are pointless with the 90 sec CD

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  • 1 month later...
hey BW what happen to fixing our resource system? it is still very unforgiving.. and also i thought you said it would really easy to put an ammo counter on commandos? if it was so easy why is it not done yet?


Oh c'mon, that's about the only thing that keeps the class interesting to play. Gotta watch that ammo and vent/reload from time to time... :D

The lack of ammo counter, on the other hand, is inexcusable...

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Oh c'mon, that's about the only thing that keeps the class interesting to play. Gotta watch that ammo and vent/reload from time to time... :D

The lack of ammo counter, on the other hand, is inexcusable...


yeah i just thought i would revive this thread so that people could see that BW still hasnt fulfilled past promises let alone the new ones that will be expected

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This is a purely PVE PoV but for anyone still believing that merc heals and commando heals are "not putting up enough numbers as sorcs and operatives" obviously isnt playing their class right. Mercs are perfecty fine right now in terms of healing. Dps, i'm not really sure...cant really comment since i main a commando healer on Republic side :p
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